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Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona

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Pristine_Condition said:
It's not what you THINK. It's what you know.

In Sept 2002, six months before the Iraq invasion, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, of the German justice ministry had called Bush Hitler, and the floodgates of leftists calling Bush Hitler was opened then.

Look it up.

And don't you remember this from Oct 2002, that ran in newspapers all across the country?


There's plenty more, if you are still in denial.

Except the damn comic proves the point that bush was being compared to hitler thanks to warmongering. You can be a warmonger before the war starts. You can criticize a war before it starts, too. Matter of fact, that's usually the best time to criticize such a dumb act. Bush was a doofus to the left and to the world until he started pushing the war on Iraq. Then things escalated.

She referenced Hitler because of his Iraq warmongering, which was in full swing at the time. And that is what the comic is directly referencing.

JayDubya said:
Cheers. Since you've got nothing else to add, kindly take a nice swig off a mug of STFU.

That's one of the most limp-wristed, rubbish comebacks I've ever read on GAF. WTF :lol

Anyway, terrible news. I say this every time America finds itself mired in another episode of mass gun violence, but hopefully this inspires Americans to do away with their archaic gun rights. Constitution? Bah.
CoolTrick said:

LOL what a load of self-rightious bullshit from the left.

The right’s messaging infrastructure, meticulously constructed and refined over decades, promotes an image of liberals as traitors and America-haters, unworthy of their country and bent on destroying it. There is simply no comparable propaganda effort on the left.

Yeah, the left would never portray anyone as a traitor. They'd never buy up a full-age ad in the New York Times to do it either...


It's easy for the left to say there is no equivalence, when obviously, most liberals can't remember anything they do apparently.

:lol :lol :lol


Unconfirmed Member
As I keep watching the news I see for certain that the people who were killed were a mixture of both Republican and Democrat. They were mostly moderate. Gabrielle Giffords herself was a moderate Democrat, who was formerally a Republican. What I've taken from this is that it wasn't Conservatives or Liberials who were shot and killed. These were Americans.


3ur4zn said:
That's one of the most limp-wristed, rubbish comebacks I've ever read on GAF. WTF :lol

Anyway, terrible news. I say this every time America finds itself mired in another episode of mass gun violence, but hopefully this inspires Americans to do away with their archaic gun rights. Constitution? Bah.

It would be hilarious to see the US try to ban guns.
This thread is apparently now about "my party is less extreme than your party!" And the best reply was the previous "my party makes better signs than your party!" with a hilariously skewed comparison that didn't even make any sense.

I mean... people died! It doesn't matter who's party did what. The very argument about who did what is what caused this very thing to happen.

We're slowly sinking into an extremist nation, with mob rule, all in the name of the founders. They're rolling in their graves at just how low America is sinking.

Yoritomo said:
It would be hilarious to see the US try to ban guns.
The media would just spin this event to try and say "had those people had guns, they wouldn't have died!" and we'd get even less regulation...


Zabka said:
Yeah it's almost like it's my opinion on it.

With all the victimhood in here you'd think Conservatives were being beaten in the streets.

Oh spare me. GAF went on a bender for the first 3 or so pages and now getting all indignant about getting called on it. If they were man enough to throw around the accusations and speculation, they should be man enough to deal with it when its shown to be wrong.


Glad to hear the congresswoman is alive!

Honestly though, this is the bed that the right has made an now they must lay in it. You cant rile people up to the extent that they have and then throw your hands up when something comes of it. You would NEVER see ANYTHING like this coming from the left.


balladofwindfishes said:
We're slowly sinking into an extremist nation, with mob rule, all in the name of the founders. They're rolling in their graves at just how low America is sinking.
Lol, no.

I don't even give a flying fuck what the founders think, they didn't even all think most white males should be able to vote let alone non white males or women, so they probably started rolling in their graves pretty fucking soon!

This country is WAY better than when it was founded, and if the founding fathers would disagree, well, fuck them.
Yoritomo said:
It would be hilarious to see the US try to ban guns.

Why do you say that?

From an Australian perspective, the Martin Bryant massacre acted as the catalyst for our now (thankfully) draconian gun laws. Sure, there's still gun violence in Australia, but it's on a minuscule scale comparatively.

There's just no justification for American style gun laws. It doesn't matter what the constitution says, there is no need and no sane argument for "self defense" gun ownership.

I'll shutup now.


alternade said:
Glad to hear the congresswoman is alive!

Honestly though, this is the bed that the right has made an now they must lay in it. You cant rile people up to the extent that they have and then throw your hands up when something comes of it. You would NEVER see ANYTHING like this coming from the left.

Democrats are more violent on average.
balladofwindfishes said:
We're slowly sinking into an extremist nation, with mob rule, all in the name of the founders. They're rolling in their graves at just how low America is sinking.
Sounds like borderline religious fervour, to me. Raising historic figures to deity-like status.

We mock "Great Leader" Kim Il Sung, but "The Founding Fathers" are getting up there in the rhetoric.


3ur4zn said:
Why do you say that?

From an Australian perspective, the Martin Bryant massacre acted as the catalyst for our now (thankfully) draconian gun laws. Sure, there's still gun violence in Australia, but it's on a minuscule scale comparatively.

There's just no justification for American style gun laws. It doesn't matter what the constitution says, there is no need and no sane argument for "self defense" gun ownership.

I'll shutup now.

It's impossible from a practical standpoint alone, there's no need to even discuss ideology.
JoeBoy101 said:
Oh spare me. GAF went on a bender for the first 3 or so pages and now getting all indignant about getting called on it. If they were man enough to throw around the accusations and speculation, they should be man enough to deal with it when its shown to be wrong.


Instead, it's now the childhood playground bullshit excuse of "they were mean to me first though!" Funny, I don't think that because you think someone is mean, you are justified in going around drawing baseless accusations of inspiring mass murder with impunity.

I wonder what would happen if a bunch of posters had initially baselessly and reflexively blamed this on a muslim or arab man, or if posters had openly expressed a desire that the perpetrator was an arab or muslim, instead of saying it was someone connected to the eeeeeeviiiiiiil Tea Party. I bet we would have seen wholesale bans.


3ur4zn said:
Why do you say that?

From an Australian perspective, the Martin Bryant massacre acted as the catalyst for our now (thankfully) draconian gun laws. Sure, there's still gun violence in Australia, but it's on a minuscule scale comparatively.

There's just no justification for American style gun laws. It doesn't matter what the constitution says, there is no need and no sane argument for "self defense" gun ownership.

I'll shutup now.

Actually, it does.


Pristine_Condition said:
It's not what you THINK. It's what you know.

In Sept 2002, six months before the Iraq invasion, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, of the German justice ministry had called Bush Hitler, and the floodgates of leftists calling Bush Hitler was opened then.

Look it up.

And don't you remember this from Oct 2002, that ran in newspapers all across the country?


There's plenty more, if you are still in denial.

you're cute


Pristine_Condition said:

Instead, it's now the childhood playground bullshit excuse of "they were mean to me first though!" Funny, I don't think that because you think someone is mean, you are justified in going around drawing baseless accusations of inspiring mass murder with impunity.

I wonder what would happen if a bunch of posters had initially baselessly and reflexively blamed this on a muslim or arab man, or if posters had openly expressed a desire that the perpetrator was an arab or muslim, instead of saying it was someone connected to the eeeeeeviiiiiiil Tea Party. I bet we would have seen wholesale bans.

What you're forgetting is that a lot of liberal/political gaf is no different than who they profess to hate. They treat politics as a team sport and deal in simplistic themes to make themselves feel better and to help them make sense of the world.


Gold Member
oh well, the blessing in this tragedy is that it will most probably mean that Sarah Palin will never have a chance to run USA to the ground, banning stem cell research, shunning climate agreements and opposing gay rights.

Too bad it had to cost an innocent 9 year old girl's life.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Im surprised that the media has ran with the tea party stuff because the connection isnt there right now. Maybe al the firebreathers will tone down their shit anyway just to stay clear from blame in the future. Theres a reason no one is blaming Orrin Hatch lol


JoeBoy101 said:
Oh spare me. GAF went on a bender for the first 3 or so pages and now getting all indignant about getting called on it. If they were man enough to throw around the accusations and speculation, they should be man enough to deal with it when its shown to be wrong.
When a Democrat who has received death threats from right-wing extremists is murdered, then it's not a leap in logic to assume that a right-wing extremist is responsible. If someone shot John Boehner people would immediately assume it was a left-wing extremist.

No need to go around acting like you're the one who's been shot. Get some perspective.


3ur4zn said:
Why do you say that?

From an Australian perspective, the Martin Bryant massacre acted as the catalyst for our now (thankfully) draconian gun laws. Sure, there's still gun violence in Australia, but it's on a minuscule scale comparatively.

There's just no justification for American style gun laws. It doesn't matter what the constitution says, there is no need and no sane argument for "self defense" gun ownership.

I'll shutup now.

There are 9 guns for every 10 citizens. 270+ million guns are in the US.


Chittagong said:
oh well, the blessing in this tragedy is that it will most probably mean that Sarah Palin will never have a chance to run USA to the ground, banning stem cell research, shunning climate agreements and opposing gay rights.

Too bad it had to cost an innocent 9 year old girl's life.

You're a fucking idiot.

Posts like yours remind me why I should never read a poli-gaf thread. The rampant stupidity is dumbfounding.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Ulairi said:
Actually, it does.
It does, but is there any good logic behind that? Just because its in the constitution, it doesn't mean its good for the country. Hence amendments and whatnot. Laws that obviously don't have precedence in the constitution. etc.

I also don't see how calling Bush Hitler is in any way a parallel to what the right wing has been pulling with deliberate use of war/violent metaphors and incredibly heated rhetoric. Its absolutely irresponsible, and indefensible.
KHarvey16 said:
It's impossible from a practical standpoint alone, there's no need to even discuss ideology.

Yeah I see where you're coming from, but surely you cannot accept the impracticality of such a change and be done with it?

Actually, it does.

In the context of today's world, no it doesn't. It's horrifically outdated.


Kills Photobucket
Going to be a press conference in about 10 minutes (12 EST) about the condition of the shooting victims if anyone still gives a shit about the shooting in this thread.
Zabka said:
When a Democrat who has received death threats from right-wing extremists is murdered, then it's not a leap in logic to assume that a right-wing extremist is responsible. If someone shot John Boehner people would immediately assume it was a left-wing extremist.

No need to go around acting like you're the one who's been shot. Get some perspective.

What you assume, even if it seems to make sense, doesn't compel you to get on a message board and point fingers. Nor does it justify it.


Pristine_Condition said:
What you assume, even if it seems to make sense, doesn't compel you to get on a message board and point fingers. Nor does it justify it.

Message boards: serious business.


3ur4zn said:
Yeah I see where you're coming from, but surely you cannot accept the impracticality of such a change and be done with it?

Be done with the idea of an out and out ban? Yeah, sure. It simply can't happen. What can happen is the institution of reasonable, effective gun control measures that preserve the right as outlined in the constitution.


Gold Member
Ulairi said:
You're a fucking idiot.

Posts like yours remind me why I should never read a poli-gaf thread. The rampant stupidity is dumbfounding.

Don't want to derail this too much, but I'm a bit puzzled which part of my post is the idiotic one.

- Don't you think this will affect negatively on Sarah Palin's chances for president?
- Don't you think Sarah Palin is against gay rights, says climate change is a hoax, opposes stem cell research?
- Or maybe you don't agree that those things would contribute in running US to the ground?

That said, she is but a side story in this tragedy where the real victims are innocent politicians, judges, children and others - and their families.

BTW I'm not suggesting Palin is in any way responsible for what happened, disturbed people will always find their agendas where ever they can. Just pointing out that she got in the middle of this.


Pristine_Condition said:
What you assume, even if it seems to make sense, doesn't compel you to get on a message board and point fingers. Nor does it justify it.

Why do you care so much if people do? It's a message board.

Who gives a shit if they want to point fingers. You're making this your holy mission to make everyone see that they're wrong and you're right. Who cares. This whole thread has derailed into a stupid political argument because you guys can't let something go.

Applies to everyone arguing btw.


DrForester said:
Going to be a press conference in about 10 minutes (12 EST) about the condition of the shooting victims if anyone still gives a shit about the shooting in this thread.

No. The most important thing to do is to tangentially vilify people and try and score political points.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

- Rahm Emanuel

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Ulairi said:
You're a fucking idiot.

Posts like yours remind me why I should never read a poli-gaf thread. The rampant stupidity is dumbfounding.

Not that i agree with him, but you know this will be used in future campaings. I mean john kerry was turned into an American hating hippie and Look what was done to Mccain in 2000. It will be easy to make this into a huge campaign issue rightfully or not.
lunarworks said:
Sounds like borderline religious fervour, to me. Raising historic figures to deity-like status.

We mock "Great Leader" Kim Il Sung, but "The Founding Fathers" are getting up there in the rhetoric.
As a non-american living in the US, I have to agree that politically, this is probably the most alien thing I have encountered here.


Unconfirmed Member
BobsRevenge said:
I also don't see how calling Bush Hitler is in any way a parallel to what the right wing has been pulling with deliberate use of war/violent metaphors and incredibly heated rhetoric. Its absolutely irresponsible, and indefensible.

Really? You can't see how one is just as bad as the other. So, I guess one side was just calling Bush "Hilter Lite" then? Seriously, it all bullshit, no matter the degree.


3ur4zn said:
Yeah I see where you're coming from, but surely you cannot accept the impracticality of such a change and be done with it?
I honestly don't think it matters, else we'll just have lots of stabbings like Japan. How many politicians in Japan have been killed by a knife? Japan just had a big mass stabbing last month were like 13 people got stabbed, although I think they all lived.

Frankly, we're just too violent, the gun is just a tool, we can take away the tool but I don't see that accomplishing much, what we really need to have is this debate over rhetoric in the country, along with mental illness along with some tweaks to gun laws as I don't think they should be as lax as they are along with better social safety nets.


Kills Photobucket
Chittagong said:
Don't want to derail this too much

This thread has long since been derailed.

Chittagong said:
That said, she is but a side story in this tragedy where the real victims are innocent politicians, judges, children and others - and their families.

Palin is only a side story because of some hoping to link her with the shooter and assign blame. Factually, she has nothing to do with this story.


harriet the spy said:
As a non-american living in the US, I have to agree that politically, this is probably the most alien thing I have encountered here.

Didn't you hear? Jesus inspired the constitution.
Pristine_Condition said:
I wonder what would happen if a bunch of posters had initially baselessly and reflexively blamed this on a muslim or arab man, or if posters had openly expressed a desire that the perpetrator was an arab or muslim, instead of saying it was someone connected to the eeeeeeviiiiiiil Tea Party. I bet we would have seen wholesale bans.

There is no equivalence between political ideology and race, and it is very weird that you would see some analogy there. Politics is an act of voluntary alignment based on consciously held, mutual political goals. There must be ideological and attitudinal similarities between Tea Party member A and Tea Party member B because that is exactly the basis on which they are part of the same political movement at a specific time in history. Being Arab A and Arab B does not require any ideological similarities and while Muslim A and Muslim B will share at least some core religious beliefs, the range of ideological beliefs and attitudes that any given religion houses are so wide as to make it incomparable to a discrete political movement.

There is nothing wrong with piling heaps and heaps of scorn on tea party members. Prejudice against tea party members ought to be encouraged. Politics is not a protected class like race or ethnicity, nor should it be. The supposition that it should strikes me as completely absurd.
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