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Dark Souls III: The Ringed City |OT| One Last Journey


Still in one of the first areas, but man is it disappointing how Miyazaki/FROM forgot how to make legitimately challenging games and now just resort to cheap projectile spam and mobs.

I haven't played yet this DLC yet, but things like Capra Demon and the Anor Londo archers are way cheaper than anything in DS3 other than maybe the Irithyll jailers. If anything, FROM's generally improved on making their games legitimately challenging.


Still in one of the first areas, but man is it disappointing how Miyazaki/FROM forgot how to make legitimately challenging games and now just resort to cheap projectile spam and mobs.

I disagree since i believe completly different tactics have to be used for the weakness of these new creatures. It's a puzzle of how to progress and tacking cover. It won't be a mind-blower once you get how they work,but i think patience and carefulness are in order like they have always been with souls.
I can hear the rage of people storming in without a plan and i get to be smug for once since i won with cowardice and being smart. It's such a nice felling. Haven't felt this good since predicting plot-points in Zero escape games before anyone else.


I just got to the second bonfire and explored a bit.

I'm level 100, with 27 vig. I'm pretty fragile and learning the path to this bonfire was hard earned.

I don't mind the mob fights because they are weak to rolling; I'm surviving by the skin of my teeth and it feels so great.

This is really giving me "the fear" in a way Nioh didn't. (Though to be fair, I'm only 7 bosses into Nioh.)

I can see why some folks are gonna react negatively to this DLC but I'm stoked. Going to continue in the morning.

I haven't played yet this DLC yet, but things like Capra Demon and the Anor Londo archers are way cheaper than anything in DS3 other than maybe the Irithyll jailers. If anything, FROM's generally improved on making their games legitimately challenging.

Capra is fake-cheap. You can house him so easily with a variety of strategies including just lobbing fire bombs over the fence until he dies. The dogs won't aggro if you use silence magic, your shield can tank him if you use magic shield, etc.

People do the one popular dodge to the right then go for the stairs path, but there are other ways around it. Capra is one of my favorite bosses in the series, easily.


I too miss the legitimate challenge of Capra Demon and his dogs stunlocking players in an arena the size of a broom closet.

Yeah, I wasn't saying old souls was perfect, but DS2 and 3 seem to really rely on that kind of tactic more to create their challenge.

This stupid game of hide and seek with the heat seeking missile butterflies/angels isn't fun at all. It's not the worst thing ever, but starting the DLC only to be met with that and a bunch of mobs wasn't the greatest first impression.


I haven't played yet this DLC yet, but things like Capra Demon and the Anor Londo archers are way cheaper than anything in DS3 other than maybe the Irithyll jailers. If anything, FROM's generally improved on making their games legitimately challenging.
Irithyll Jailers are hilarious because they're not actually that dangerous once you know what you're doing (protip: jumping attacks with any weapon will knock them to the ground). People just hate seeing that health bar go down.


Between the performance issues and these bullshit angels, I can't say this DLC is starting out all that great. I do like the area design, though.


Holy fuckballs that 1st boss was something else. I haven't felt that intense in a Souls fight since Ornstein and Smough. Like holy shit I am shaking right now. Had to use all of my Estus and even then I barely won.


Yeah, I wasn't saying old souls was perfect, but DS2 and 3 seem to really rely on that kind of tactic more to create their challenge.

This stupid game of hide and seek with the heat seeking missile butterflies/angels isn't fun at all.

They are not heat seeking, hiding behind a corner is the tactic and they can't do much else.
The level and the roots are laid out to always have a corner to progress to and hide from them. Their
aura thing that curses you is a blessing in disguise since they can't shoot at the same time
, so you book it and hide behind a root and maybe discover the host of the one that annoys you and get rid of the problem. Being observant and taking your time helped me just roll through that area. Hidden body didn't help me hide from them but i didn't need it either.
flame mage
there was the one that gave me trouble since i suck at PVP battles.


They are not heat seeking, hiding behind a corner is the tactic and they can't do much else.
The level and the roots are laid out to always have a corner to progress to and hide from them. Their
aura thing that curses you is a blessing in disguise since they can't shoot at the same time
, so you book it and hide behind a root and maybe discover the host of the one that annoys you and get rid of the problem. Being observant and taking your time helped me just roll through that area. Hidden body didn't help me hide from them but i didn't need it either.
flame mage
there was the one that gave me trouble since i suck at PVP battles.

lol, I didn't mean that literally. I also understand the mechanic, I'm just saying I didn't like it.
Watching Oroboro's stream... he ran past the first
enemy controlling the angel
and now he's just running around the poison area like a chicken with his head cut off dying repeatedly. I imagine everyone complaining about the first area did the same. Common sense should tell you that Fromsoft wouldn't put an enemy like that in the game if there weren't a relatively easy way to get rid of it.
I found an hidden area in the game, but I can't proceed because
there's a fog door in the way. It doesn't let me enter, at first I thought it was loading the area but that wasn't it. I already reset the game but it didn't change anything.

Pic of the area in question:


Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do here?

I'm wondering if it's another bug. When I beat the first boss I couldn't light the bonfire in the area :\
Watching Oroboro's stream... he ran past the first
enemy controlling the angel
and now he's just running around the poison area like a chicken with his head cut off dying repeatedly. I imagine everyone complaining about the first area did the same. Common sense should tell you that Fromsoft wouldn't put an enemy like that in the game if there weren't a relatively easy way to get rid of it.



lol, I didn't mean that literally. I also understand the mechanic, I'm just saying I didn't like it.

But it's easy, it's just people rushing it have doomed themselves to hardship and people giving the game shit for things they couldn't figure out will be nothing new in this series.
Play style determines how much fun and in what way they had fun. Me as a scrublord that plays offline but summons help once bosses happen and can't parry for shit can say that i am not skilled at this game but had little trouble figuring stuff out.
edit: Has Oro banned spoilers from stream? Then he'll just stuggle on terms he's accepted.


So... I guess I wasn't the only one who began shooting that first angel thing with a greatbow, evading its attacks, shooting, evading..., taking something like 5 minutes in the process, finally thinking Ha, gotcha! when it finally fell, only to see it resurrected right after. What a waste.

An enemy in Lords of the Fallen was very similar, although done in a slightly less frustrating manner.
I found an hidden area in the game, but I can't proceed because
there's a fog door in the way. It doesn't let me enter, at first I thought it was loading the area but that wasn't it. I already reset the game but it didn't change anything.

Pic of the area in question:

Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do here?

I'm wondering if it's another bug. When I beat the first boss I couldn't light the bonfire in the area :

You have to
knock Darkeater Midir (the purple dragon) into the chasm. The fog door is his boss arena once you do that.


So... I guess I wasn't the only one who began shooting that first angel thing with a greatbow, evading its attacks, shooting, evading..., taking something like 5 minutes in the process, finally thinking Ha, gotcha! when it finally fell, only to see it resurrected right after. What a waste.

An enemy in Lords of the Fallen was very similar, although done in a slightly less frustrating manner.

It's always funny when a tactic gets completly nullified and you'll have to figure something different out. For once where i do play online, the messages have saved me on one headache in a upcoming area.


Watching Oroboro's stream... he ran past the first
enemy controlling the angel
and now he's just running around the poison area like a chicken with his head cut off dying repeatedly. I imagine everyone complaining about the first area did the same. Common sense should tell you that Fromsoft wouldn't put an enemy like that in the game if there weren't a relatively easy way to get rid of it.

I'm stuck in that area now. Not amused.


Look Dark Souls III is my favorite game this generation, above Bloodborne. It's my favorite From Soft game. It's my favorite Miyazaki game. It's a game I platinumed, played over 500 hours of, and will cherish my whole life.

I'm the minority on this. And I know this. Most hated Souls game, and you can all pretend that the pre-release DSII hate is equal to the DSIII hate right now, but no. Never was, never will be. First reactions in this topic about the DLC is how "underwhelming" it is. That hate will just get worse. And again I'm not saying that the hate isn't justified. I have FUCKED UP TASTES. I truly believe that RE6 is a good game. That the Friday the 13th movies are good. I know when I am wrong about something. I know I am wrong about liking DSIII. But shit I just can't help it.

I'll judge the DLC for myself when I get to it. I'll see you all on the other side of the DLC. When I can properly judge for myself. Shit I might hate it after all. Who knows? So I'm outty. If I hate this, then I'll hate it. If I love it, we'll....I'm used to being alone in liking stuff.

Anyway, y'all take care. Praise the sun. Don't give up skeleton. Tongue but hole. Amen!


I've seen you post a few times in the DS3 DLC topics the last few days and you seem to be the only one there talking down Dark Souls 3, making yourself out to be some martyr for liking one of the best games last year. I'm not sure what your deal is, but I've never seen any of the DS3 hate you describe (and repeat all the time). Eveyone I know IRL loves it, who cares what a few fictional salty forum members think?

On another note, DLC is downloading, can't wait to play after I get home later.


I'm stuck in that area now. Not amused.

So you have overlooked the crucial thing about them or just can't find the hosts of the ones that give you trouble? They have plenty of blind-spots to hide in and it's not that huge of a place. There aren't many obstacles besides them, be on the lookout for roofs you can walk on.
Just took down the first boss on my second try, he wasn't too difficult.

It probably helps alot that I'm using the cancer Exile Greatsword though lol. The rest of that area though, omg. I've never died so much in one level in either this game or Bloodborne.
You have to
knock Darkeater Midir (the purple dragon) into the chasm. The fog door is his boss arena once you do that.


The boss fight is super hard, even if I block I take a ton of damage. Evading is hard since the boss is so big, guess I can't use lock-on here. And I only do 250 damage with a weapon that has near 600 attack power lol

Really not feeling the bosses, the two I've faced are exactly what I don't like in this game :\

I guess a magic build can have a easier time against this kind of foes.


So you have overlooked the crucial thing about them or just can't find the hosts of the ones that give you trouble? They have plenty of blind-spots to hide in and it's not that huge of a place. There aren't many obstacles besides them, be on the lookout for roofs you can walk on.

Can't find the host. I'll try the roofs


alright, what's the trick to these
Have to find their body on the ground. Move between cover. When you're behind cover in the swamp area and it can't shoot lasers at you, it'll do an AoE curse build up move above you and it's safe to move to the next cover then.
I thought I would hate
the Demon Prince
since it starts off as a gank, but it's actually how I feel Friede should've been handled. Also, is
the Prince
resistant to blessed weapons, or does he just have high resistances, because I'm only doing 83 dmg with a +10 blessed broadsword.


So I'm loading up DS3 and the file I have for doing the DLCs in NG hasn't killed Lothric or the Soul of Cinder.

Should I go through with those for story reasons or just do the DLC? Not sure how compartmentalized the DLC is in regards to those events.


Have to find their body on the ground. Move between cover. When you're behind cover in the swamp area and it can't shoot lasers at you, it'll do an AoE curse build up move above you and it's safe to move to the next cover then.
This is the perfect advice for the
. Quote this whenever someone asks about them.
So I'm loading up DS3 and the file I have for doing the DLCs in NG hasn't killed Lothric or the Soul of Cinder.

Should I go through with those for story reasons or just do the DLC? Not sure how compartmentalized the DLC is in regards to those events.

You need to get to Soul of Cinder to enter the DLC if you haven't bought/beaten Ashes of Ariandel. You don't need to beat him, but that area is the only other entrance to the Ringed City.


This is really awful. I'm just forced to run past everything because of infinitely respawning enemies. I have to hunt and find these weird
gatling angel
enemies and kill off the thing that summons them because if you kill the
enemy with ranged attacks they just instantly summon another one. I tried to use the sneaking magic to get by but they instantly detect you anyway and start raining down death.

It's really not fun to deal with. Even when I try to run by while he's targeting other enemies in the area as soon as I'm out in the open he's raining down bullshit on me. Plus they have that thing that goes through walls that curses you so you can't stay behind cover for long.

I'm not underleveled or anything is there some mechanic I'm not understanding or an item I'm missing?
Just beat the first boss and... by God that was tough. I wish I could say that I didn't have to use a summon, but
Slave Knight Gael was just sitting there, tempting me!
Gotta be in the top 10 of my favorite Soulsborne bosses.

I get what people are saying about the
, as someone who likes thorough exploration I was a little irked to be dealing with them so often. Still, I don't think they ruin the DLC by any stretch of the imagination, especially considering that you can
permanently kill them.


You need to get to Soul of Cinder to enter the DLC if you haven't bought/beaten Ashes of Ariandel. You don't need to beat him, but that area is the only other entrance to the Ringed City.

I've done Ashes of Ariandel already so I'm just wondering if there are weird story tie in bits that can show up (if people have found any).


This is really awful. I'm just forced to run past everything because of infinitely respawning enemies. I have to hunt and find these weird
gatling angel
enemies and kill off the thing that summons them because if you kill the
enemy with ranged attacks they just instantly summon another one. I tried to use the sneaking magic to get by but they instantly detect you anyway and start raining down death.

It's really not fun to deal with. Even when I try to run by while he's targeting other enemies in the area as soon as I'm out in the open he's raining down bullshit on me. Plus they have that thing that goes through walls that curses you so you can't stay behind cover for long.

I'm not underleveled or anything is there some mechanic I'm not understanding or an item I'm missing?
Take Hikami's advice above and also I used the lothric Greatshield which blocked a barrage of those shots. I can't test more since i killed them all but try that and see how that goes.


Can somebody test out if the Lothric Knight Greatshield has unusually high defence against those
attacks? I don't know if it's because i am SL200 but they couldn't do much damage to me behind that shield, so that made progressing easier. I have no one left to test it on unless they make a return in the latter areas.
I've done Ashes of Ariandel already so I'm just wondering if there are weird story tie in bits that can show up (if people have found any).

when i found the first bonfire i was like WAT

its really cool. right now i am basically traversing a sideways castle


Second boss was a huge disappointment for me. I get what they were going for, but I feel like this was a waste of one of the bosses. Third area looks cool, but I need to get to sleep as I have work in the morning.


Can somebody test out if the Lothric Knight Greatshield has unusually high defence against those
attacks? I don't know if it's because i am SL200 but they couldn't do much damage to me behind that shield, so that made progressing easier. I have no one left to test it on unless they make a return in the latter areas.

I have a crystal LKGS +10 and it's really cutting the damage a lot but you have to lock on for it to be useful because if you're just sprinting by with your shield up you won't guard hardly any of their shots.


I have a crystal LKGS +10 and it's really cutting the damage a lot but you have to lock on for it to be useful because if you're just sprinting by with your shield up you won't guard hardly any of their shots.

One shouldn't need to sprint a lot to get somewhere safe.The roots are placed just right so that there is always a place to hide behind. With my first enounters with them i thought it was unusual how little a full frontal attack took of me with my shield up so i used it instead of my other shields.
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