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Destiny: Only one area per planet


All this talk is almost making me want to cancel and just wait it out......see how the GAF responds after the first week. I have a feeling this is going to be a game that doesn't feel complete without DLC.


Yeah I'm aware of all this and we're on the same page when it comes to the techincal reasons. I just wish it was possible to load another fireteam's world in the background somehow. Maybe the game could temporarily block you from entering the corridors that serve as transitions between "lobby" areas and the parts that are different for Story mode? I dunno.

Yeah the mechanic they've decided to use in this game is certainly interesting in how it functions. I do fear though that the limitations will make the game feel more repetitive. As in, every mission will involve going through a portion of an interior tunnel until you reach the "no respawn zone" interior which is your instanced mission portion, possibly adding some outdoor areas as well but still culminating in a tunnel or room.


Neo Member
After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

Karl Hawk

After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for but it didn't. I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

It would be better if you don't generalize people who like the game into a hivemind. It makes you look like a fool.

And your post's title isn't helping either. It just sounds you have a grudge against people who like the game.
I dont understand this at all, usually NeoGAF isnt IGN comparable to me but thats whats going on now. It seems like up until the open beta where they let everybody in, this game was contender for GOTY , one of the best games ever, amazing graphics, addictive MP, cool story, awesome sound effects...now you are all canceling your preorder? lol. I dont see it happening. Too many people are going to buy this game and you will want to play with your friends. Its amazing graphics borderlands with a halo MP thats even better than the MP's from those games. This game is awesome and I almost personally garuntee that at least 75% of the people on here saying they are canceling will end up buying the game. Its a great game, it was never meant to be this huge open world game I dont know where you guys got that from. Ive been saying since the day they first talked about the game, its halo + borderlands mixed together and thats literally exactly what it is. How can you not like either halo or borderlands? Let alone both of them combined lol. Great game, will end up getting a great review score at release, maybe even a 10/10 for the amount of polish on that game.

Do you honestly believe that? Like are you saying that with a straight face? Have you ever played Halo? This game is the antithesis of Halo.


And this is why I don't intend to buy Destiny. I don't want to support developers and publishers that go about their business like this.

So you would rather Bungie say nothing? Either they come out and say what's coming with the collectors editions or they say nothing.

The beta has plenty of content to show you where the game is headed. Play it and decide for yourself.
As it stands right now this marketing material right now is being viewed by potential customers.

Do you hold the position that this is actually playable space?

The E3 presentation from the year it was announced is not what I would consider their current marketing material. A fan would have to skip over the multitude of more current information to even find that if they weren't looking for it specifically.

I don't think it's too much to ask for potential customers to consider how much time has passed since certain features were announced when forming their expectations. What I feel the normal response should be from a potential customer is, "In X trailer/promotional/presentation the Dev said Y feature would be in the game. Is this still true or has it changed?" And upon hearing that it's changed some variant of, "Damn that sucks. That was my favorite feature. I may reconsider picking this one up." That is a evenly measured approach and reaction.

If they failed to reach their goals, publicly state it's no longer a part of the game. I am not going to give them the benefit of the doubt if they can't be bothered to retract a removed part of the game in a statement.

So they have to admit to change in scope otherwise you immediately shift to the stance that it was an intentional lie? And you don't see that as an extreme stance to take?


Yeah the mechanic they've decided to use in this game is certainly interesting in how it functions. I do fear though that the limitations will make the game feel more repetitive. As in, every mission will involve going through a portion of an interior tunnel until you reach the "no respawn zone" interior which is your instanced mission portion, possibly adding some outdoor areas as well but still culminating in a tunnel or room.

It might be that way for story, but they definitely seem to have a bit more freedom with Strikes. The Devil's Lair instances basically all of The Rocket Yards, so maybe they can do the same thing in Story mode without it needing to be a darkness zone.

I'm guessing Raids will be a mix of repurposed lobby areas and special interiors similar to Strikes, expect with multiple large section that each have their own bosses, kind of like the dungeon wings in WoW.


I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

I would be surprised if the metacritic rating of this game wasn't in the 90s. Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean it's not one of the best FPS ever made.


The problem I see with this game is it's designed to be grinded with friends and that's something I don't have time for. Then Destiny 2 will come out, and while some stuff might transfer mostly everything else will go to naught. Games like Diablo have a very long shelf-life so it's ok to invest a lot of time into, but Destiny will be getting a sequel within 2 years.

I want to love this game, but it's just seems like everything is designed for co-op. Bungie said single player would be important, but I felt like it's just there to appease lone wolves such as myself.

I'm going to need a source on your claim that there will be a Destiny 2 in two years. If the dlc sells destiny may not get a sequel for 5-8years. All they would do is patch the game for higher levels to go with the dlc.


I would be surprised if the metacritic rating of this game wasn't in the 90s. Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean it's not one of the best FPS ever made.

That's a lofty accolade. Do we know enough to anoint it with "one of the best ever"?
After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.
What a badass I'd follow you to hell and back I would. Many of us hyped for it realize there are many flaws but that the pros outweigh the cons. If proper criticism is brought into consideration it will be discussed. But whenever somebody posted "this game isn't halo so anybody looking for that don't play it" you bet jurassic we'll call the bullshit drive by criticism out.
Yeah, tons of "lies" in that video if you watch it carefully.
But sales numbers are nothing and are not a measure of quality.
Of course it's gonna sell millions, it's an activision-fueled title.

Agree TOTALLY. I don't have any doubts this will be a quality title.

Who cares if people preorder or cancel preorders?

Nobody! That's the point!

Preorders are a stupid thing to begin with for a product that has zero shortages of supply. But preorder cancellation shaming? I don't get it.

You should get it because, "Who cares if people preorder or cancel preorders?"

By the way, being serious, did you just make "preorder cancellation shaming" up? That's fucking hilarious, whether you did or not, you made my day! Funny shit. Thanks.
At its core, Destiny is a first-person shooter, but its MMO structure promises to deliver so much more. Imagine Borderlands-style co-op and loot on the most epic scale imaginable, and you're almost there.

The next big thing in the gaming industry is without question the merging of two of the most popular genres of games, shooters and MMOs. While we’ve already seen games like Defiance attempt the idea, nobody has perfected it yet… However, if any development studio is going to finally make an amazing open-world MMOFPS on consoles, what better studio than Bungie, the same studio behind the creation of Halo?

For those unfamiliar with the concept, Destiny will basically be the love child of Halo and popular open world massive multiplayer games like World of Warcraft.

Haunting the galaxy alongside many unknown enemies will be a group of aliens known as the Cabal, consisting of “War Rhinos,” which look like intelligent rhinos armed and wearing armor. Spider pirates will also populate the solar system along with space zombies, and – interestingly – time travelling robots.

The game spans the length of the solar system. From ruins on Mars to the swamps of Old Chicago on Earth to alien controlled outposts on Venus, exploration and variety play a huge part of Destiny. Bungie is even using real information to help design the planets – to a degree, at least. Mixed in with real geography and characteristics interpreted through the prism of Destiny’s sci-fi setting will also be several alien locations, as well as some surreal places born of pure imagination that will pop up now and then. Your journeys will also take you to the alien controlled Hellmouth on the broken remains of our moon, the uncharted “reef” in space, a derelict fleet in orbit around Saturn, the mysterious obsidian pyramid ships that Bungie isn’t talking about yet, and many other locales.

Just a few blips from sites during the initial reveals of Destiny. Direct information from Bungie.


Neo Member
It would be better if you don't generalize people who like the game into a hivemind. It makes you look like a fool.

And your post's title isn't helping either. It just sounds you have a grudge against people who like the game.

So far there are over 3500 replies to the OT. More that 60% of em are saying that they're cancelling pre-orders. I fail to see where I generalized with percentages like that....I wanted this game to be great. I love coop's more than anyone. Can't help that I was disappointed. You're obviously biased towards the game in that fact that you had to defend it with your "big gun" and resort to making it personal. How much is Activision paying you to troll the people who don't like the game?


I'm going to need a source on your claim that there will be a Destiny 2 in two years. If the dlc sells destiny may not get a sequel for 5-8years. All they would do is patch the game for higher levels to go with the dlc.

That would be a mistake. 2 years from now PS4/XBO games are going to look ridiculously good and will have game mechanics too heavy for last gen. Don't want to see this franchise chugging along with hamstrung mechanics due to PS360 support for another several years.

There WILL be sequels, otherwise the mechanics can never grow due to last gen tech.

E92 M3

I'm going to need a source on your claim that there will be a Destiny 2 in two years. If the dlc sells destiny may not get a sequel for 5-8years. All they would do is patch the game for higher levels to go with the dlc.

Well based on their contract, they expect 3 games with DLC and expansions. So it might be 2-3 years before the next one.
The E3 presentation from the year it was announced is not what I would consider their current marketing material. A fan would have to skip over the multitude of more current information to even find that if they weren't looking for it specifically.

I don't think it's too much to ask for potential customers to consider how much time has passed since certain features were announced when forming their expectations. What I feel the normal response should be from a potential customer is, "In X trailer/promotional/presentation the Dev said Y feature would be in the game. Is this still true or has it changed?" And upon hearing that it's changed some variant of, "Damn that sucks. That was my favorite feature. I may reconsider picking this one up." That is a evenly measured approach and reaction.

So they have to admit to change in scope otherwise you immediately shift to the stance that it was an intentional lie? And you don't see that as an extreme stance to take?

So if a company makes a statement, and time passes and their scope change but they do not correct their earlier statement a consumer is suppose to know that earlier statements are now false?

So Tesla can have a 3 year long marketing campaign, saying their next Tesla car will be able to have seat warmers and go 400 miles in one charge. They continue their marketing campaign and months before the release it is slipped that they will not have seat warmers and can only go 200 miles in one charge. In this scenario you would argue that the consumer should have lowered their expectation and assumed that their earlier statements were false?


extra source of jiggaflops
The E3 presentation from the year it was announced is not what I would consider their current marketing material. A fan would have to skip over the multitude of more current information to even find that if they weren't looking for it specifically.

I don't think it's too much to ask for potential customers to consider how much time has passed since certain features were announced when forming their expectations. What I feel the normal response should be from a potential customer is, "In X trailer/promotional/presentation the Dev said Y feature would be in the game. Is this still true or has it changed?" And upon hearing that it's changed some variant of, "Damn that sucks. That was my favorite feature. I may reconsider picking this one up." That is a evenly measured approach and reaction.
Where do you as a casual observer learn that this was changed?

We know from psychology that the first impressions shape subsequent impressions.

I don't see any effort by Bungie to clear up that the game is not in fact vast and open.
After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

It's cool to feel a certain way about it, but to give a game a rating out of 100 when you've played 3 hours of a BETA(!) is pretty dumb, man.

You might as well have just posted "I told you so" lol.


That would be a mistake. 2 years from now PS4/XBO games are going to look ridiculously good and will have game mechanics too heavy for last gen. Don't want to see this franchise chugging along with hamstrung mechanics due to PS360 support for another several years.

There WILL be sequels, otherwise the mechanics can never grow due to last gen tech.
I think you are in for disappointment in the next two years.

However expansions could be ps4/x1 only. Sky is the limit for this kind of structured game as far as adding content.


So far there are over 3500 replies to the OT. More that 60% of em are saying that they're cancelling pre-orders. I fail to see where I generalized with percentages like that....I wanted this game to be great. I love coop's more than anyone. Can't help that I was disappointed. You're obviously biased towards the game in that fact that you had to defend it with your "big gun" and resort to making it personal. How much is Activision paying you to troll the people who don't like the game?

Please don't take this thread down the rabbit hole of calling people shills. It never ends well.

Two Words

The E3 presentation from the year it was announced is not what I would consider their current marketing material. A fan would have to skip over the multitude of more current information to even find that if they weren't looking for it specifically.

I don't think it's too much to ask for potential customers to consider how much time has passed since certain features were announced when forming their expectations. What I feel the normal response should be from a potential customer is, "In X trailer/promotional/presentation the Dev said Y feature would be in the game. Is this still true or has it changed?" And upon hearing that it's changed some variant of, "Damn that sucks. That was my favorite feature. I may reconsider picking this one up." That is a evenly measured approach and reaction.

So they have to admit to change in scope otherwise you immediately shift to the stance that it was an intentional lie? And you don't see that as an extreme stance to take?

No. If you're going to shout to the world what your game has and not have the courtesy to correct any previous statements with revisions, why should I give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't mean to mislead? Why is it my responsibility to give the benefit of the doubt if they are unwilling to give me reason to give them the benefit of the doubt? Regardless of the friendly demeanor their employees outwardly show at press events, I don't think Bungie is made up entirely of jolly fellows who just love to play video games and have a good time with their chummy fans. I understand they are a business and want to make money. I understand that they recognize building early hype is an effective method of making money. If they want to be fair, they will be fair. If they aren't being fair in their messaging, then it isn't my responsibility to infer that they wanted to actually be fair but for some reason they were just shackled into not being fair in their messaging.


Just a few blips from sites during the initial reveals of Destiny. Direct information from Bungie.

So we saw Hellmouth in the beta, we can't verify the geography of neither Venus nor Mars, we know for a fact a "Reef" is indeed in the game and what we're wondering if Old Chicago is actually in.
I'm going to need a source on your claim that there will be a Destiny 2 in two years. If the dlc sells destiny may not get a sequel for 5-8years. All they would do is patch the game for higher levels to go with the dlc.
5 to 8 years? LOL! The previous console generation lasted about 8 years, we're getting at least 3 destiny games by then. Maybe more.


Despite all that has been said here, I truly believe they have a solid franchise on their hands and a solid foundation from a gameplay standpoint to truly make something special.

I honestly don't believe they will get there until the sequel when they can unshackle themselves from PS360 tech and can truly pull off some impressive gameplay.

I believe in the franchise but think this first game won't be amazing. Good polished game, but not amazing.

Destiny 2 or 3 though? Definitely possible.


Where do you as a casual observer learn that this was changed?

We know from psychology that the first impressions shape subsequent impressions.

I don't see any effort by Bungie to clear up that the game is not in fact vast and open.
Well your first clue would be the alpha and then the beta. After that you could read gaf or any forum really.

5 to 8 years? LOL! The previous console generation lasted about 8 years, we're getting at least 3 destiny games by then. Maybe more.

Not necessarily. This game is structured to allow sequels or DLC or expansions. You could be right or dead wrong. It's up to bungie as to what they do. I'll be shocked if we get 3 destiny stand alone releases in the next 8 years. Why design a game like Destiny and then treat it like other self contained games.


I think you are in for disappointment in the next two years.

However expansions could be ps4/x1 only. Sky is the limit for this kind of structured game as far as adding content.

Didn't they already say it's going to be multiple games? DLC simply does not sell as well as a full retail sequel. They like money. This game franchise will be iterated.


Neo Member
It's cool to feel a certain way about it, but to give a game a rating out of 100 when you've played 3 hours of a BETA(!) is pretty dumb, man.

You might as well have just posted "I told you so" lol.

I wrote my review with a little over three hours in and I wasn't happy. That was when the Beta came out on the PS4. I also have a One and have put about 10+ hours. My ratings are as of 10:22 July 28. The beta has since closed. Perhaps I should have stated that..perhaps people would be able to read the time and date that I wrote those numbers...the world is full of peculiars...
So you would rather Bungie say nothing? Either they come out and say what's coming with the collectors editions or they say nothing.

Sort of what gets me, too. It's kind of a big deal to let everyone know that you're supporting the game with content packs.

"They won't even tell us what the expansions have!" is directly at odds with "If they know what they're adding in advance, why not just add it to the base game? They're just holding content back from us so they can put a price tag on it!"

I wish Urk or someone else from Bungie could come in and give a rough timeframe of when they think the expansions will hit so that people can quit with the "no content! bungie is gouging us for a complete game!" deal.


So you would rather Bungie say nothing? Either they come out and say what's coming with the collectors editions or they say nothing.

The beta has plenty of content to show you where the game is headed. Play it and decide for yourself.

I would rather Bungie don't prioritise nickel and dime business models over delivering a complete game that offers a full experience and of itself. The fact that this game has mislead so many people in regards to its size is telling. What is even more telling is the DLC they've already planned. I mean, come on, $30? That ain't right.

Bungie probably didn't want to risk burning millions of players so they came clean now, 40 days to launch, rather than at or after launch. At least now they can damage control, try to control coverage. It's likely that in a few weeks most will have forgotten about this and still buy the game anyway. Bad word of mouth could have killed this IP mighty quick if it launched and people then found out they got screwed as that would be fresh on everyone's minds.


I still don't get it.

They can't be lying like that.
Is possible that because of restrictions like cross-gen, time and budget they had to change goals during development.
That doesn't make it less disappointing though, assuming the game ends up being a bare bones Halo-Diablo hybrid.
Also one of those DLC have to contain Chicago or the utopia looking place. That would be the only reason why Bungie would not at least mention location and plot for them. They knew consumers would realize that those areas were now being marketed as DLC.

I have no problem supporting Bungie through DLC. I just expect a level of transparency.
I would rather Bungie don't prioritise nickel and dime business models over delivering a complete game that offers a full experience and of itself. The fact that this game has mislead so many people in regards to its size is telling. What is even more telling is the DLC they've already planned. I mean, come on, $30? That ain't right.
And you know they're doing this from playing Old Russia in Beta, and a number of zones? Okay.
Just a few blips from sites during the initial reveals of Destiny. Direct information from Bungie.

Well Old Chicago,Saturn, and the Pyramids are the only areas not confirmed from that, and Saturn is in the beta Database. Maybe there is still some hope left, but I doubt Chicago is in due to it not having PVP maps in the beta code. The 'many other' locales seems wrong though as Mars is the only other thing not listed in that.

ITT: Destiny continues to be confusing 1 month from release.


So far there are over 3500 replies to the OT. More that 60% of em are saying that they're cancelling pre-orders. I fail to see where I generalized with percentages like that....I wanted this game to be great. I love coop's more than anyone. Can't help that I was disappointed. You're obviously biased towards the game in that fact that you had to defend it with your "big gun" and resort to making it personal. How much is Activision paying you to troll the people who don't like the game?

I'm getting paid a hefty sum. It's pretty nice.


After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

Dang. Thank god you're here.


After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

I think your victory lap here is unwarranted unless your chief complaint really was that the final game would lack in content (given that we all just found out there will be one zone per planet, I doubt you knew anything we didn't). If your main issue was gameplay, most people seem to like the gameplay.


Also one of those DLC have to contain Chicago or the utopia looking place. That would be the only reason why Bungie would not at least mention location and plot for them. They knew consumers would realize that those areas were now being marketed as DLC.

I have no problem supporting Bungie through DLC. I just expect a level of transparency.



Didn't they already say it's going to be multiple games? DLC simply does not sell as well as a full retail sequel. They like money. This game franchise will be iterated.

If that's true then why is guild wars 1 and 2 so heavily expanded and not just several seperate releases? What about wow? Why not have wow 1/2/3/4? Destiny isn't halo. You could have boxed expansions that still tie up with base destiny or war chests that catch people up and include the whole thing.

This is just my opinion but if I had to guess Destiny won't see numbered sequels that abandon original Destiny content. It will.get tied in on the map that we have now.
After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.
I wrote my review with a little over three hours in and I wasn't happy. That was when the Beta came out on the PS4. I also have a One and have put about 10+ hours. My ratings are as of 10:22 July 28. The beta has since closed. Perhaps I should have stated that..perhaps people would be able to read the time and date that I wrote those numbers...the world is full of peculiars...

Really not sure what you're getting at, but whether it be 3 hours or 24, you still played a beta. Which is an unfinished version of the game. I'm guessing it's pointless trying to get you to realize that.

Try to not be unreasonable lol.

Two Words

You know, I actually wouldn't mind if there is only one explorable area per planet on one condition. There needs to be lots of strikes at multiple locations around the planets, especially Earth. Strike missions seem small enough to not require a ton of resources, but gives you a lot of different locations to see.

Karl Hawk

So far there are over 3500 replies to the OT. More that 60% of em are saying that they're cancelling pre-orders. I fail to see where I generalized with percentages like that....I wanted this game to be great. I love coop's more than anyone. Can't help that I was disappointed. You're obviously biased towards the game in that fact that you had to defend it with your "big gun" and resort to making it personal. How much is Activision paying you to troll the people who don't like the game?

And now you're being unreasonable. Admiral Woofington already told you this: Plenty of us thought there were flaws in the game, but the pros outweighed the cons. Proper criticism is welcome. Calling people shills or whatever for liking Destiny is not welcome.


After playing the Beta for 3 hours and beating pretty much all the Earth standard missions I took the net to give my thoughts and impressions. I was ridiculed by my peers for my review and now it seems that everyone is finally catching up on what the final product will be. I stated that the game is beautiful and there isn't much in the way stopping the rest of the game looking good, but I also gave my opinion on how I thought the game was really lacking. It wasn't hard to figure out that the beta would be a lot of the game we'd get launch day. Further "rumors" seem to be verifying my thoughts. It's a decent game...76 out of 100 for me. PvP could have saved the game for me but it truthfully was just plain bad and I honestly don't see it being a competitive game. MP gets a 62/100 from me(that's being nice about it). I guess I just find it comical that everyone was defending this game with their biggest guns and now they're all realizing what I saw.

Wow, they really can't trick you can they?
Really not sure what you're getting at, but whether it be 3 hours or 24, you still played a beta. Which is an unfinished version of the game. I'm guessing it's pointless trying to get you to realize that.

Try to not be unreasonable lol.

Especially when considering that games of this nature aren't typically homogenous in their structure.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Am I the only one who finds it pretty hilarious that there is so much uproar about the game length and scope of the game, yet it has not even been released yet? What if the other worlds are 5 times the size of earth?


If that's true then why is guild wars 1 and 2 so heavily expanded and not just several seperate releases? What about wow? Why not have wow 1/2/3/4? Destiny isn't halo. You could have boxed expansions that still tie up with base destiny or war chests that catch people up and include the whole thing.

This is just my opinion but if I had to guess Destiny won't see numbered sequels that abandon original Destiny content. It will.get tied in on the map that we have now.

Because PC games are infinitely scalable as hardware slowly improves while console games are not?

Why would we need to see Russia again on a sequel? We've already accomplished the missions by then. Yeah you'll be able to take your character from one game to the next most likely, but console retail releases are where devs get the most money as getting gamers to buy DLC is just a percentage of buyers. Why would they limit their revenue?

PC gaming has always been different. But also PC gaming releases those expansions as physical retail discs. Every WoW expansion was basically a retail game, just a retail game that required the original game in order to install it. Just because there aren't any PC games in your local store doesn't mean they don't exist. Console games don't really get "retail sold" expansions (until it's bundled with the game as a GoTY edition) and that limits the potential audience and potential revenue for the publisher/developer.

Just because it makes sense from a gameplay perspective doesn't mean it makes sense from a money perspective.


Neo Member
I think your victory lap here is unwarranted unless your chief complaint really was that the final game would lack in content. If your main issue was gameplay, most people seem to like the gameplay.

It's not so much that I'm gloating...It's more along the lines of ton of people on the GAF get butt-hurt(for the lack of a better term) for someones opinion and truthfully we're all entitled to our own. If someone were to write a well thought review of it being a good game then I would read and try to identify with the points I thought were good. I wouldn't take up arms and start calling people pieces of shit or fools for any reason. The gameplay and physics are undeniably good. The world is undeniably beautiful. But take those two things away and you're left with another Sci-Fi shooter that doesn't do too much to break new ground within the FPS genre. It would be a lie to call it a MMORPG. Proof of that is all over these forums. Im just saying that I find it comical that there are people calling each other out and bashing over an opinion on a game. It's just not necessary.
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