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DF - Tech Analysis: Titanfall beta on Xbox One and PC

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Ridiculous how "next gen" is full of so many compromises already. And no, it being an early game in the gen doesn't mean there's a ton more power left to extract. These systems, particularly the X1, are already near tapped out. Let's just get these consoles out of the way so developers can target PCs. Otherwise, this generation is going to be underwhelming.


The game is running at 60fps most of the time. The drops to 40-50 during heavy action are disappointing, but also rather short. People confuse the minimum fps with the average fps. The game's performance is above the "console standard".

The main issue is that the game looks like ass.

Game has a "Last Titan Standing" mode, which is 6 vs 6 titans fights, best 4 out of 7 rounds. There is nothing short term there.
Performance wise my biggest problem with the game comes from some strange GPU utilization. At times my FPS goes down with gpu utilization also going down. Meaning... I am somehow getting CPU limited even though I have only 1 570 working (SLI is ocmpletely broken).

A Core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz is limiting a single GTX 570?!

Something is not right there.

Do you remember when people were suggesting MS might pay developers to gimp the PS4 version?


Performance wise my biggest problem with the game comes from some strange GPU utilization. At times my FPS goes down with gpu utilization also going down. Meaning... I am somehow getting CPU limited even though I have only 1 570 working (SLI is ocmpletely broken).

A Core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz is limiting a single GTX 570?!

Something is not right there.

Its coded around the xbone probably.

Maybe with some new drivers from nvidia they will be able to force the game to use more gpu.


Ridiculous how "next gen" is full of so many compromises already. And no, it being an early game in the gen doesn't mean there's a ton more power left to extract. These systems, particularly the X1, are already near tapped out. Let's just get these consoles out of the way so developers can target PCs. Otherwise, this generation is going to be underwhelming.

Western developers are tech pushers. You have no idea how much I'd love for them to migrate back over to PC as the primary target of their development. Consoles can get ports.

Yes, I'm sick of kneecapping my favorite platform.

I also wish eastern developers would nut up and re-embrace the style of gaming that made consoles a viable platform in the first place (NOT ultra expensive tech pushing me-too endeavors).
Of course something isn't right, its a Beta.
I do not expect the best performance out of a beta obviously. But it is 1 month before launch, they have a long hard time ahead of them if this is the state of code 1 month before release.
Even then, I do imagine there are a lot of driver and engine problems currently.
Do you remember when people were suggesting MS might pay developers to gimp the PS4 version?
Ha. We shall see.
Its coded around the xbone probably.

Maybe with some new drivers from nvidia they will be able to force the game to use more gpu.

ONe would imagine that with x86 being at the forefront... on Source engine backbone... this would not be a problem.

It is really nice to see the basics covered in the menu though. FOV, Hardware AA, Vsync options (which are currently horribly broken though).
That is at least commendable given what PC gamers have had shoved down their throats lately.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Game has a "Last Titan Standing" mode, which is 6 vs 6 titans fights, best 4 out of 7 rounds. There is nothing short term there.

It's not like the game immediately drops into the 40ties and sustains that level as soon as you board a Titan. There has to be a lot of stuff going on for the game to drop below 50 for a sustained period of time.

Not saying that this is brilliant, especially since the game doesn't look great to begin with, but it's not horrible compared to what we usually get on consoles.


If beasty PC and X1 are having issues while looking comparatively similar , I don't like to think how the 360 version is going to fare.

Despite its age, the 360 is very good at what it does; the xbox one is somewhat less good at doing what people hoped a new next generation console would do or what a seemingly half decent PC already takes in its stride.

"once again we see £100 GPUs besting the console experience."

Maybe it's not so crazy to hope the 360 could live with the xbox one game? Could be an alternative reason for being 2 weeks behind.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Western developers are tech pushers. You have no idea how much I'd love for them to migrate back over to PC as the primary target of their development. Consoles can get ports.

Yes, I'm sick of kneecapping my favorite platform.

I also wish eastern developers would nut up and re-embrace the style of gaming that made consoles a viable platform in the first place (NOT ultra expensive tech pushing me-too endeavors).
You and I spoke about this subject already but remember Crysis? It blew everything away for a long time. That's because it was made on no compromises PC. I don't mind not targetting PC but I do mind actively gimping their games. What a shame and a tremendous let down. I hope developers come to their senses. Or figure out a way to end this nonsense by porting to consoles.
I can't believe this game runs bad at times. I said it last night. Both versions look similar, but my PC ran smoother than the xbone. I hope they fix the frame rates for the xbone, as that's the platform I plan on purchasing it on.


Gold Member
I thought "framerate is king", surprised to see it goes so low in the Titans, their selling point.

We're one month from launch, just drop it to 720p, 792p is not impressing anyone.


modest Radeon HD 7850 GPU with just 1GB of GDDR5, we manage to max the game out almost entirely while holding 60fps at 2x MSAA.

MM, wonder why they use a 7850 PC GPU to compare.....strange choice


I'm sure the '12GB' file size for the Beta is mostly empty data. There is no way in hell my net downloaded 12GB in 5 minutes. <-- Aussie here.
It takes me 2 hours to download a 10gb file so i agree.

5 minutes on my shitty comcast connection? No.
Do people think theyll hit their hoped 900p 60fps target? Is that with beta graphics or better?

I think people are far too optimistic. This is really only Beta in the sense it's a demo of the game to stress test the servers. Unless this beta was built two months ago, there aren't going to be any huge optimisations found now - if there are, Respawn wouldn't be foolish enough to implement them, as changing one bit of code can cause all kinds of issues elsewhere. At this stage they're bug fixing.

Once that's done, they'll turn off debug code (which may not even be on in the Beta anyway) and get a tiny bump from that.

It's currently rendering 1,115,136 pixels. Going to 900p, you're rendering 1,440,000. It's not a huge jump, but seriously, who finds 30% more performance this late into development?


if the xbox version is using insane textures why does the pc version require 3GB+ cards for the option? xbox has 4GB of ddr3 available. my pc has 8GB ddr3+2GB GDDR5

If PC and xbone using the same textures then why the xbone version is ~5GB and PC version is 12GB? What would create all this 7GB difference?

its the audio. origin spends a few minutes uncompressing it late into the download.


How many people are there at Respawn anyway?

They started out what? three years ago without an engine. They couldn't use the COD engine, so they had find another one.
Then they found Source (which has a common origin with the one used in COD) and reworked it until it could do what they wanted it to. (60fps, parkour mechs/infantry-combat).

I don't think Respawn had the time nor the manpower to make a prettier game. The TF Engine does only what it absolutely needs to in order to create the game they wanted to make.
I think we can expect a large upgrade in graphics in TF2. Because the current iteration is incredibly simple graphically.

(I'll reserve judgement whether this makes it worth the asking price to the gaming population at large, but I have ordered my copy.)


Pushing for extra resolution at this point (as Respawn mentioned they 'might' try for), seems like the worst possible idea. Quite a disappointing analysis really. Seems like PC got the Tier 2 port.


I'my playing on X1 and the framerate drops are disappointing...

Sure there's a lot going on but the game is not exactly pretty. I would expect the game to be rock solid 60fps at all times based on the underwhelming visuals.

Game is lotta fun though!
I have just one question: how can you call it a beta when the release date is less than a month away? It's just a big public demo.....


I think people are far too optimistic. This is really only Beta in the sense it's a demo of the game to stress test the servers. Unless this beta was built two months ago, there aren't going to be any huge optimisations found now - if there are, Respawn wouldn't be foolish enough to implement them, as changing one bit of code can cause all kinds of issues elsewhere. At this stage they're bug fixing.

Once that's done, they'll turn off debug code (which may not even be on in the Beta anyway) and get a tiny bump from that.

It's currently rendering 1,115,136 pixels. Going to 900p, you're rendering 1,440,000. It's not a huge jump, but seriously, who finds 30% more performance this late into development?
I would have assumed the beta code is after the alpha they had mid-Jan so at most its about a month old if that. Im confused why the beta needs to stree test Azure?

Doesnt seem enough time to make significant improvements but then you wouldnt expect it to perform as badly so somethings up and then youve got the Bluepoint port being delayed by what seems too short a time to make a real difference...

TFs launch is gonna be a talking point :)

ps3ud0 8)
Honestly I expect the 360 version to perform and look almost as good as the Xbox One version, which barely looks any better than CoD4. I'm actually very concerned with what I've seen of the XB1 so far. Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall don't look or perform any better than games on 8 year old 360 tech. Ryse looks good but I feel like that's as good as things are going to get.


Securing Titanfall's exclusivity was/is the best idea Microsoft had in a last few years. If this game was released on PS4 at the same time and considering limping hardware performance from XboxOne it would have been the death of it (XboxOne). This way it buys them some time and gives Microsoft a (slim) fighting chance against Sony.


Well expected... the console didn't have the power to handle this kind of MP at high quality settings.

A shame the are no using high assets in PC.

It is a beta yet... so thy had one month to change this bad impression.
I won't be overly surprised fit he PC version gets the same post launch patches which the PS4 has received when launching games alongside the X1. Regardless of intention, it does look like publishers don't want to upset too many apple carts by launching one comparatively stronger product than the other. It usually starts with "games looks the same on both platforms" -> "slightly better optimisation on one format" -> Launch -> patch -> one format is now 1080p with further AA or some such graphical optimisation.


Unsubstantiated conspiracy time!

Reminds me of E3 when I was reading similar nonsense of MS only allowing 3rd parties to demo games on the XO, and the moneyhat to ensure 3rd party developers restricted the performance of their games on the PS4 for platform parity.

That was a conspiracy? I thought it was confirmed. I mean, a number of games literally released at 720p and then patched in 1080p less than a week later. That's double the pixels, and such a huge difference that they couldn't have worked to get the best out of individual kits.


Hrm, 35-40 FPS segments in a game that prioritizes framerate over graphical prowess by design. I hope they can bite the bullet and go down to 720p and hopefully use the freed resources to lock the frame rate to a rock-solid 60. Otherwise, what's the point of all the work (and posturing) before.

What a shame. Oh well, at least some people are enjoying the beta. Fun comes first, I guess.
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