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DMC4 Famitsu scans - I said WOW

You know, I was suppressing my desire for this game since I was probably never going to be able to get a PS3 (or at least not before it saw one BIG price drop), but now that it's coming to the 360? A system that'll probably see a price drop before year's end?



Junpei Heat said:
Nero has something called the "EX Guage" and within the guage there's a "Stock Guage" so does anyone know what it for?

Probably used to "unleash" his demonic hand's powers.


HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!! MOTHER OF ......
*Fanboy mode kick in*

inthezone said:
Not to be a troll or anything but after it went multi Ive lost almost all interest in this. Im sure Im not the only one.

aw that's so sad...such bitter, bitter tears

If it's done well i'll get this one day 1


inthezone said:
Im sure it'll be lots of fun though...

Not to be a troll or anything but after it went multi Ive lost almost all interest in this. Im sure Im not the only one.

So you think it'll be "lots of fun" but you lost interest in it solely because it went multiplatform?

:lol :lol :lol

I think it's absolutely ridiculous how people can lose interest in a game when it goes multiplatform. I mean, if it went multiplatform to the Wii, I can understand the concerns. But the Xbox 360 is as technologically advanced as the PS3. Gears of War, by far, is the best looking game this generation and it looks better than anything else on the PS3. So how the hell is there any justfication for the line of reasoning that the game will be gimped merely because it went multiplatform?

Seriously, it's like all the Sony fanboys turned into retards after Mondayton. I thought only Nintendo fanboys were the goddamn retards but Sony fanboys are just getting even more stupid.


UncleGuito said:
Day one for my 360. Hopefully they don't mess it up like they did the 2nd one.
Tsuyoshi Tanaka left Capcom last year so no worries!!! :D

ElyrionX said:
Seriously, it's like all the Sony fanboys turned into retards after Mondayton. I thought only Nintendo fanboys were the goddamn retards but Sony fanboys are just getting even more stupid.
What makes so sure he is a Sony Fanboy? If this game was a xbox360 exclusive and suddenly went multiplatform,im sure he would be uninterested too...


Defuser said:
What makes so sure he is a Sony Fanboy? If this game was a xbox360 exclusive and suddenly went multiplatform,im sure he would be uninterested too...

For one, he said he thought it'll be "lots of fun" but after it was announced it was multiplatform, he lost interest. Now, why would he lose interest in a game that he thought was going to be fun just because it went multiplatform?

And what makes you so sure that if the game was a 360 exclusive, he would be "uninterested"?
And this is made even more ridiculous by the fact that this is a same day release, which means that development for both versions occured simultaneously. There's no 'gimping' involved here.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
So glad to hear that Shadows return, easilly my most enjoyable enemy to kill in that game. Frosts are a nice surprise as well. What about the electric multiplying enemies from DMC1? Always enjoyed fighting them, as well as the lizard thugs.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I guess I'm just getting bored of the DMC style and setting.because these screens don't interest me at all. I'll probably feel different when I'm actually playing the thing on an HDTV, though.

mr_nothin said:
"Back then they didnt want me, now im on 360 they all on me"
ElyrionX said:
For one, he said he thought it'll be "lots of fun" but after it was announced it was multiplatform, he lost interest. Now, why would he lose interest in a game that he thought was going to be fun just because it went multiplatform?

And what makes you so sure that if the game was a 360 exclusive, he would be "uninterested"?

umm you come across as a fanboy yourself.

Anyway, I think alot of people who had been dissing the game are suddenly praising it which figures.

I though it looked good to begin with and still does. Theres definitely a chance of a purchase



Logan Cano said:
Looks pretty good. Shame it's on 360 now, hope nothing is cut.
:lol It's great it's on 360 now. More people can play it. And why would anything get cut? Oh my it will be so funny when this game come out and yet again it looks sharper and better on the 360. Not saying it will happen. I bet they will look identical but there are some people still living in the dellusional world where the PS3 isgraphicaly superior or where BR really is needed for games.


Oh my god I read this whole thread and my head hurts now!

Remember about 6 months ago Capcom had those slides and info about next gen development. How the first 50 to 60 percent was being done on generic PCs and then tweaked for each system as they were going a more mulitplatform route. Dead Rising 2, Lost Planet 2, I wouldn't be surprised if those were both on PS3 as well. So the pendulum will swing both ways. Look at what Capcom accomplished with Dead Rising and Lost Planet, why worry about graphics?

Anyway, this game looks hot. Hope it is still coming out late 2007.
Away from the PS3/360 talk, I wonder if they've added any physics on the background objects. It was one of things I noticed from vids of the TGS demo was that there would be barrels and stuff lying around but when characters came in contact with them, they would just sit there, solid and unmoving. Also one of the scans shows a scene with loads of enemies, but I wonder if that's just a cutscene or whether that'll be reflected in the game.

I guess I just want to know how specifically the next-gen will affect the way the game plays, 'cause what I've seen of the devil arm doesn't particularly look like something that'd tax the computational capabilities of the 360 or PS3.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I'm not really seeing what's so impressive, aside from the shot with dozens of enemies on the screen.

Imagine that they're Wii shots and Dante is controlled with a waggle wand.


I expect a demo in the Xbox Live Marketplace within the next few months before DMC4 ships just like Dead Rising and Lost Planet!

Day 1 Xbox 360 version purchase for me :D


Die Squirrel Die said:
I guess I just want to know how specifically the next-gen will affect the way the game plays, 'cause what I've seen of the devil arm doesn't particularly look like something that'd tax the computational capabilities of the 360 or PS3.
Real Time Style Switching. The DMC team wanted real time style switching in DMC3 but unable due to hardware limitation on the PS2 which explains why they have 6 styles but you have to choose one instead.
Lefty42o said:
360 rumble ftw
Bullshit,you be so desperate to survived from being whacked by enemies that you don't even noticed the rumble at all.


The physical form of blasphemy
**** yea! The detail on Dante and Nero is really damned good, and the shot with those two facing off is WTF awesome. I hope this doesn't turn out to be DMC2 again.

As an avid fan, I wanted three things to happen with this:

-More enemies on the screen
-Frosts, Shadows, and blades to come back
-and much better AI

Two out of the three down!
fernoca said:
If you look closely, you'll notice that the game looks less detailed and more blocky, now that it's on the Xbox 360. :D
I wonder if they'll make a demo now the game is coming to 360. A lot of devs don't bother with putting stuff on the Playstation Store. I hope we see one in the next few months.


Dave1988 said:
Sex has nothing on these scans.

now I'm happy that more people will be able to experience the awesmness that is DMC4.

However if DMC4 suffers from the simultanius development for the PS3 & Xbox360 than I'll be very PISSED.

Did you not see the PC demonstration or something?


ElectricBlue187 said:
Rumble & Achievements vs. Sixaxis & HDMI


by the time the ps3 version hits, i'm sure it'll have "rumble" and it's own brand of achievements (trophies).
*Dead Rising number of enemies at 60 frames per second? I said wow*

*Blades are back from DMC1, booo -- I hated those ****ers, except they had the most kickass intro cutscene ever*

*Graphics blow LP and DP the **** away, but thats probably because the team is more talented, and the engine is more updated. Plus, DMC's art design seems to be a lot better than LP's snowy and industrial locales, DMC4's just seems more organic.

*That castle in the background makes Castlevania'a castle it's bitch.*
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