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Dragon Age II: No overhead view on PC, no toolset, audience is on consoles

That's sad news. I have DA1 on the 360 because I just wasn't playing on my PC really at the time. But after the Steam sale I bought The Witcher and play with the camera up so I was actually planning on picking up DA2 mainly for that camera on the PC.

I'm not going to get all drama-queen about it but it is disappointing ... I'll just pick it up for the 360 I guess.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Draft said:
There's more to the camera angle than engine code. Encounter design is going to start with how the player is viewing and controlling the action. Over the shoulder is fundamentally different from isometric, and really requires a whole different approach in terms of enemy behavior, spell behavior, room design, etc.

Bioware has decided to focus on the console audience because Bioware has that hunger. They've got that 4 million unit hunger, the kind that can only be satisfied by being a super hit on the Xbox. They want DA2 to be an Assassin's Creed 2 level hit. A Gears level hit. Dare I say, a MW2 level hit.

Someone's crunched numbers, and the 1 million guaranteed sales of a PC game built for PC gamers just isn't as enticing as the potential of 5 million sales across Xbox/PS3/PC if they can nail the marketing and timing (and if the game's OK enough to get the requisite 9s from mainstream publications.)
Right, that's it:

Baldur's Gate II is the best RPG ever! Buy it here!
(Today, 11:34 PM)
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Bastard :(

Yes, what you're saying is pretty much correct, but Bioware are still going the wrong way about it. Yes, the console versions are clearly taking priority here but I still don't see why (Unless if it is budget concerns) that the PC version has to be gimped in order to bring it into line with the console version.

flyinpiranha said:
That's sad news. I have DA1 on the 360 because I just wasn't playing on my PC really at the time. But after the Steam sale I bought The Witcher and play with the camera up so I was actually planning on picking up DA2 mainly for that camera on the PC.

I'm not going to get all drama-queen about it but it is disappointing ... I'll just pick it up for the 360 I guess.
No, that's not the correct response at all, you're playing straight into EA's hands, ieee!


bioware forums said:
glenboy24 wrote...

I have not gone through all the posts, as such I'm not up to date on any other viewpoints, however, I will simply say that with all due respect to my PC cousins and the talented Modders out there I, for one, am quite pleased to know that DA2 will not have a Toolset nor the Asometric camera. It seems petulant, and for that I apologize, but, it was never very fair that PC players who could afford the Computer Rigs required to run DAO and the Toolset had, in essence, a "Superior" version of the game with room for modding, while those of us who must depend on Consoles for our Gaming were left in the dust. The simple fact is, consoles comprise the majority of the *primary* gaming Market, with some small exceptions going to PCs for genres like MMOs and RTS titles - i.e. Starcraft II.

holy fuck. What a load of bullshit. Now mods are not fair ? so the people who actually bought a good rig have to suffer now ? why ? WHAT THE FUCK


Stop It said:
Right, that's it:

Baldur's Gate II is the best RPG ever! Buy it here!
(Today, 11:34 PM)
Reply | Quote

Bastard :(

Yes, what you're saying is pretty much correct, but Bioware are still going the wrong way about it. Yes, the console versions are clearly taking priority here but I still don't see why (Unless if it is budget concerns) that the PC version has to be gimped in order to bring it into line with the console version.
DA1 consoles versions were gimped in favor of the PC. Someone's got to get the short end in multiplatform development.


I don't think he actually likes BG2 that much.

Don't ask me why I saved this quote

TemplaerDude: "maybe i just don't like you insulting bg2 then."

Draft: "let me roll a dice to see if I care."


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
To anybody who thinks turning this game into a Mass Effect clone is a good idea, just remember this next time you're pissed that every game you've played felt the same.

There is nothing wrong with having two flavors of game, for fuck's sake. What the hell is so wrong with having a classic-style CRPG game in this day and age? It fucking sold like hotcakes on the PC, so obviously there is a market.

I just don't understand this at all.



Dammit BioWare, why? DA:O was a great game on PC. Being able to switch from the isometric view to the third person view on the fly was awesome. There were so many times in the original when I NEEDED the isometric view. Now it's being removed? Is DA2 going to be an action game now instead of an RPG or what?

I'm not impressed at all by DA2 so far, even before this stuff was announced. My mind may be changed if they manage to blow me away with something, but right now I do not plan on buying it.
I guess that Dragon Age was the last throw of the dice for the large budget "post Fallout" RPG on the PC and we will never see it's like again. Probably no way that they can convince the money men that a game like that will ever sell more than five million or whatever. I'm somewhat surprised that the first person dungeon crawler genre it was supposed to replace is living on with Bethesda.


WanderingWind said:
Yeah, fuck you BioWare.
Came to post this.

DA was really good on PC, mostly due to the top down view and the tool set. Why the fuck would they take them out?
Fuck BioWare. I was actually looking forward to DA2 when we knew nothing about it, now with each new bit of info they makes me want it less and less.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Draft said:
DA1 consoles versions were gimped in favor of the PC. Someone's got to get the short end in multiplatform development.
Well, in an ideal world both versions of multiplat games would have the the development process tailored to their strengths and weaknesses, rather than trying to match/trade off against each other. Sadly (And while in the case of Dragon Age 2, this is under the stewardship of the "new" EA they haven't got an infinite pot of gold) that rarely happens.

Still, it's sad to see another prominent PC developer being forced into this. Maybe one day publishers will find the PC market valuable again but until they stop treating us like fools, that wont happen any time soon.

zoku88 said:
I don't think he actually likes BG2 that much.

Don't ask me why I saved this quote
Edit: That's why he got that tag.


At least now the only "dumbing down" my version of the game will receive is the visuals and performance which I can happily live with :D

Come join the future master race, there's still time :lol
MrHicks said:
valve isn't really a PC dev anymore
everything they make is available 360

they are multiplat at this point

You've really been trying hard to troll the pc lately huh?

This is disappointing to say the least. :/


Draft said:
DA1 consoles versions were gimped in favor of the PC. Someone's got to get the short end in multiplatform development.

The console versions' third-person combat was basically lambasted. If Bioware fucks that up again, they'll have no superior PC version to point at. It would be a mess on all three fronts.
Ouch, Bioware. I have no problems with compromises for fitting the game to all platforms, since the Mass Effect games are so enjoyable on PC, and I never cared for the Baldurs Gate games anyway. But don´t use the "the sales are on consoles" argument in public. The community is going to use it against you every opportunity they get. :lol


The first one was so generic that I was leaning toward not buying this one anyway. To be honest I dont give a shit about the toolset, but overhead view is essential and without it there went any remote chance of me buying it.
Can't wait until we start seeing resolution capped at 720p or lower on PC so consoles don't get the inferior version...I mean Bioware already does it for CG cutscenes...
Sullen said:
The first one was so generic that I was leaning toward not buying this one anyway. To be honest I dont give a shit about the toolset, but overhead view is essential and without it there went any remote chance of me buying it.

Yep. The combat was what made a mostly generic but occasionally intriguing fantasy world and story and turned it into one of the best games of the last 5 years.


Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Well they made a second announcement also....
Shh, don't dash his dreams entirely, that would be soul crushing.

Seriously though, i wish this was just Bioware "putting it out there" to see if they would get away with it, check if there is a backlash and if/when there is, go back to their EA paymasters saying "See, we told you the PC community would hate this, now gives us more time/money".

Alas, I know that is a fantasy and that this will not happen, instead I have one less game to be enthusiastic about this year.

CecilRousso said:
Ouch, Bioware. I have no problems with compromises for fitting the game to all platforms, since the Mass Effect games are so enjoyable on PC, and I never cared for the Baldurs Gate games anyway. But don´t use the "the sales are on consoles" argument in public. The community is going to use it against you every opportunity they get. :lol
Indeed, telling a rather.. enthusiastic PC fanbase (And Bioware's fanbase is, frankly) "bububub we need to focus on the console audience" is a bit akin to waving the rag in front of the bull.

Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.


Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.

It's not just a rant. The game is barely playable using the over-the-should camera.


Ventrue said:
It's because the textures are too good.
That makes no sense whatsoever. The game is 3D...they don't create textures based on the camera angle. If anything, an isometric view requires less detailed textures, but whatever the case, they don't need to create textures specifically for an isometric viewpoint. :/
You know you're living in Bizarro world when Capcom are treating the PC rather well compared to many mainstream western developers.

Fucking Capcom!


if you can still zoom out a bit it would be fine. i never used isometric, only to place aoe spells properly when they wouldn't sit right from the normal view
Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.

Well, it's a good thing we have rage-free posters like you!


Draft said:

Boy, a lot of the DA2 defense squad looks pretty silly right now! Bububu, people said the same things before DA1 came out!

Maybe the French mag got it wrong, or it's a mistranslation. Probably not, though.

Dragon Age :lol :lol

Well you know, given the fact that the last wave of negative "information" about DA2 turned out to be wrong and the fact that this is translated from a foreign-language mag, I'm going to wait until we get a confirmation before giving in to despair.


Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.
just a camera angle! :lol


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.

For one, you clearly don't understand the meaning of the phrase "on a [silver] platter" because you used it wrong.

Two, it's a toolset and a camera angle and choice of characters and race and conversation wheel and etc, etc. This is not the first thing they've removed "to save time." Which is a complete bullshit reply to anything. You can remove anything and blame it on time constraints. It doesn't mean the end product will be worth a shit.

Lastly, "immature kids?" Get the fuck out of here with that noise. Go talk politics, or world news or some other such matters that speak to an obviously superior mature person such as yourself.
MrPing1000 said:
You know you're living in Bizarro world when Capcom are treating the PC rather well compared to many mainstream western developers.

Fucking Capcom!

Eh, what? Capcom makes nice late ports of their games to the PC, but they certainly don't design these games around what the PC platform can offer. They don't do anything that EA isn't still doing.
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