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Dragon Age II: No overhead view on PC, no toolset, audience is on consoles


I'm kind of surprised at all the "lol, guess I'll just get Witcher 2" talk in here. I thought they were making the Witcher 2 much more console friendly this time around? I know it's no longer "coming soon to PCs and consoles," but I was still under the impression they had hopes of aiming it towards consoles eventually. Weren't they even demoing it with a gamepad?
Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.
Hey look a troll who didn't play the first game.

This is bad news indeed, but it's not like the first game was a shining beacon in the medium. No buy, no loss.


never left the stone age
In the future:
Bioware said:
Due to the low sales of Dragon Age 2 on the PC platform we have decided that Mass Effect 3 will be an Xbox 360 exclusive title. There is clearly no PC market to speak of and we are quite certain that with complete focus on console developing we will be able to GET MORE MONIEZ


Basileus777 said:
This screams of a rushed lower-budget sequel.....

What a fucking mess.
Exactly what it is. Nowhere near the same time given to the sequel as the first game, and they are significantly scaling back on the scope and features to make sure the game they deliver meets a base quality point.

I have no doubt the game will be good, but the first game set the standard for the series and they are probably not going to live up to it.


coopolon said:
I'm kind of surprised at all the "lol, guess I'll just get Witcher 2" talk in here. I thought they were making the Witcher 2 much more console friendly this time around? I know it's no longer "coming soon to PCs and consoles," but I was still under the impression they had hopes of aiming it towards consoles eventually. Weren't they even demoing it with a gamepad?

From a control standpoint there's no reason that The Witcher, and I assume its sequel, can't be played with a gamepad (not to mention it's just easier to present it that way). But the combat isn't what made it a good RPG in the eyes of PC gamers - it was mainly the time-delayed choice & consequence system and lack of binary hero/villain options.
Now I have a bad feeling about Mass Effect 3. They might take out the PC interface and replace it with the 360 wheel where you can't move teammates. Or something shitty.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Sucks, I feel bad for PC gamers not being able to get their nude mods and shit like that. :(


Post Count: 9999
Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.

It's not just a goddamn camera-angle. The gameplay is different, as is the entire AI engine.

brain_stew said:
Then slap a big warning on the isometric view setting saying that the visuals aren't optimised for this mode or something. I doubt anyone one will care that their fugly game looks a little uglier than before when it actually plays much better. No one is going to play DA2 for the visuals.

See the above. Development would still be impacted unfortunately.


EA seem to be floundering imo... lots of their 'coming soon' games seem rather... tripey.

I only played with the camera angle so yea...


Zeliard said:
From a control standpoint there's no reason that The Witcher, and I assume its sequel, can't be played with a gamepad (not to mention it's just easier to present it that way). But the combat isn't what made it a good RPG in the eyes of PC gamers - it was mainly the time-delayed choice & consequence system and lack of binary hero/villain options.

Right. I guess I'm just confused why people are holding it up as a shining piece of PC gaming goodness, when everything about it is just as console-ized as DA2 seems to be. Don't get me wrong, the morality system (which isn't a good name for it at all) is way better then Dragon Age, but nothing about it screams PC to me. And I played almost the entire first game over the shoulder (the Witcher).


Basileus777 said:
Eh, what? Capcom makes nice late ports of their games to the PC, but they certainly don't design these games around what the PC platform can offer. They don't do anything that EA isn't still doing.
120fps/hz all games
turbo mode DMC4
billion monster bonanza DMC4
3D RE5

They are doing really nice extras beyond what is possible on consoles.


Easy_D said:
In the future:

Dude, dont even make jokes about this. If they keep this up, ill be scared as shit.

I formatted my PC twice and always kept those Sheppard saves in a pendrive as one of my loved belongings.


coopolon said:
Right. I guess I'm just confused why people are holding it up as a shining piece of PC gaming goodness, when everything about it is just as console-ized as DA2 seems to be. Don't get me wrong, the morality system (which isn't a good name for it at all) is way better then Dragon Age, but nothing about it screams PC to me. And I played almost the entire first game over the shoulder (the Witcher).
The graphics and art style look half decent for one thing >.> something DA2 seems to have decided to vomit all over.

I havent seen much gameplay for it though >.<


I'm not exaggerating when I say that the isometric battles are at least 50% of what made DA worth playing for me. Take that away and I'm not sure I'm interested in the sequel. I certainly won't buy it first day.
People who say "it's just a camera angle" clearly haven't thought the implications through.

Zeliard said:
I don't get their "hot textures" reasoning. With third-person vs isometric, you have to take into account level design, sure, but why would texture quality be relevant to this on the PC? That's what graphics settings are for.
It does not make any sense at all. Because it's a fucking stupid excuse and nothing else. They shouldn't even be allowed to use the words "texture quality" after the 32x32 pixel ground textures in the screenshots.

markot said:
The graphics and art style look half decent for one thing >.> something DA2 seems to have decided to vomit all over.
Vomit is more aesthetically appealing than any Dragon Age 2 screenshots I have seen.


coopolon said:
Right. I guess I'm just confused why people are holding it up as a shining piece of PC gaming goodness, when everything about it is just as console-ized as DA2 seems to be. Don't get me wrong, the morality system (which isn't a good name for it at all) is way better then Dragon Age, but nothing about it screams PC to me. And I played almost the entire first game over the shoulder (the Witcher).
Well, i'd imagine if the first screens of DA 2 looked as amazing as the Witcher 2 does then there wouldnt be quite as much bitching. And the CD Projekt guys are known well enough now that they value the pc crowd with all the free updates they gave for the first game. Bioware is not valuing the PC crowd.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Everything I see and read about this game just baffles me and kills my interest. First game was hardly a masterpiece, but I did enjoy (parts of) it. Enjoyed it enough to finish it at least, which is a lot for me these days.

I just don't care about this anymore. Bring on The Witcher 2.


Water is not wet!
The thing i want to know.. and this is what i brought up in the last thread.. is when did DA2 development start? When did these decisions to dumb down go into play? Afaik the changes that have been made had to have been done early in development. So did Bioware ME2 the sequel to Dragon Age before the first game even came out because they felt that there would be no audience for DA? We know that DA1 is their best selling title to date so why change things so radically to be in line with a title that didnt sell as well?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Easy_D said:
In the future:

In the nearer future:
BioWare said:
Let it never be said that we don't listen to our fans! Though Dragon Age 2 (tm) has exceeding expectations on the X-Box 360 (tm) and the PLAYSTATION 3 (tm) we have listened to our PC-gamer fanbase that has helped make BioWare (tm) a household name! We're happy to announce the release of the newest piece of DLC, exclusive to the PC version of Dragon Age 2 (tm)!

The Classic Game Tweaks Pack (tm) will feature the following, all for the low price of 1200 BioWare Points: Isometric Camera View - now you can relive the glory days of Baldur's Gate 2 with this quaint camera angle! The Merchant's Shoppe - now PC gamers can sell their merchandise back for more gold to spend in-game! Zalkia - this mystic warrior from the marshlands of Old Fereldean adds a 4th person to your party! Now you can swap out characters (Camp Mod must be purchased for this feature to activate) Also, 3 new hats and a sword!

Coming this fall!
Durante said:
I'm not exaggerating when I say that the isometric battles are at least 50% of what made DA worth playing for me. Take that away and I'm not sure I'm interested in the sequel. I certainly won't buy it first day.
People who say "it's just a camera angle" clearly haven't thought the implications through.

It does not make any sense at all. Because it's a fucking stupid excuse and nothing else. They shouldn't even be allowed to use the words "texture quality" after the 32x32 pixel ground textures in the screenshots.

I tried playing a few of the battles without the isometric POV and it felt completely off pausing, issuing commands and changing characters.


never left the stone age
SalsaShark said:
Dude, dont even make jokes about this. If they keep this up, ill be scared as shit.

I formatted my PC twice and always kept those Sheppard saves in a pendrive as one of my loved belongings.
I'm scared too, I love the Mass Effect series and I would be devastated if anything bad happened with the PC version of ME3


I must do better.
On the bright side at least they come out early and said how much they are fucking it up instead of continuing the bullshit "we're keeping the pc versions combat the same" line so now I don't have to pay any more attention to the game.


Water is not wet!
Saige said:
On the bright side at least they come out early and said how much they are fucking it up instead of continuing the bullshit "we're keeping the pc versions combat the same" line so now I don't have to pay any more attention to the game.
The game is like 7 months away from release.
Grayman said:
120fps/hz all games
turbo mode DMC4
billion monster bonanza DMC4
3D RE5

They are doing really nice extras beyond what is possible on consoles.

Those are neat extras that I certainly appreciate, but making console exclusive games and then releasing good ports of them months later isn't exactly what the critics are demanding. All of Capcom's games are developed and designed with consoles in mind, which is what PC gamers don't want from franchises like Battlefield and Dragon Age.


None of this is gonna matter by the time the game comes out, and almost everybody in here bitching buys the game anyways. That's the real reason they don't care, it's gonna sell either way.
TheSeks said:

Sucks, I feel bad for PC gamers not being able to get their nude mods and shit like that. :(

The guy who posted this thread made an entire fucking campaign for the first game which Bioware basically ripped off for one of their DLC campaigns. I wonder where they'll get their ideas from now?

Okay, now I'm really out. This thread is just going to be page after page of console gamers trolling PC gamers.
It warms my heart that Bioware has become PC gaming's biggest trolls. Well at least ya'll have your eastern bloc fetish simulations and Activision's attempts to turn life into a korean mmo to enjoy.

Still, I wonder if this was a smart move by Bioware. Was anyone a fan of the game on the consoles not going to buy it? I can't imagine a game like this having a huge audience it didn't reach with the original, regardless of what some idiot reviewers thought of the combat.


So where are the Bioware apologists now?

No isometric is a fucking deal-breaker. What the fuck Bioware?
There is one thing I really don´t get.

You have a game, Dragon Age 1, that is the companies biggest success ever (their own words). It was PC focused, and it supposedly yet sold more on consoles. Why don´t they then try to add to the sales to the PC version instead of pissing over the PC fans? Are they so sure that they can gain that much sales on the consoles that the losses on PC don´t matter that much?

Cause I´m pretty sure that the PC version sales of DA2 is going to suffer because of this. This discussion about the compromises will be in all previews, all reviews and all community discussions. Anyone who tries get any piece of information about the game before purchase will notice this negativity surrounding the title.


coopolon said:
Right. I guess I'm just confused why people are holding it up as a shining piece of PC gaming goodness, when everything about it is just as console-ized as DA2 seems to be. Don't get me wrong, the morality system (which isn't a good name for it at all) is way better then Dragon Age, but nothing about it screams PC to me. And I played almost the entire first game over the shoulder (the Witcher).

The reason you don't usually see games like The Witcher on consoles isn't because they can't be done there, it's because the console market doesn't particularly ask for them. You do see WRPGs on consoles, particularly this gen, but very rarely are they focused on some of the deeper elements of the genre.

Fallout needed to become a shooter with less depth to sell. I didn't hate Bioshock but it was a mere shadow of System Shock 2, the latter of which you could perfectly-well describe simply as an RPG, with no "FPS" preceding it.

The truth of the matter is that devs feel the need to simplify their games in order to appeal to the wide console market. We've seen it a number of times, and it always results in something inferior.


I dont think people mind the 'half assed' ports from console traditional games. A game like DMC will never be a million seller on PC.

Its more when the games that kind of define PC gaming get slaughtered for consoles.

Youd think a million or so sold on PC would be enough for them to put some more effort in.

Blizz doesnt have some magic formula that is a secret to everybody, they cater to the platform and the platform rewards them.

Valve went multi platform because well, an fps goes to consoles so easily, but they... cater to the crowd on the pc market, giving them the tool, the options, the stuff that they have always had. (Then adding more with amazing support post launch)


Didn't Bioware partially justify their streamlining of ME2 by saying that they always intended it to be the more action-y IP, while Dragon Age was designed for their hardcore RPG fans?

Clearly there's been a shift at Bioware, and they'd now really like to be a company that makes action games instead of RPGs.


CecilRousso said:
There is one thing I really don´t get.

You have a game, Dragon Age 1, that is the companies biggest success ever (their own words). It was PC focused, and it supposedly yet sold more on consoles. Why don´t they then try to add to the sales to the PC version instead of pissing over the PC fans? Are they so sure that they can gain that much sales on the consoles that the losses on PC don´t matter that much?

Cause I´m pretty sure that the PC version sales of DA2 is going to suffer because of this. This discussion about the compromises will be in all previews, all reviews and all community discussions. Anyone who tries get any piece of information about the game before purchase will notice this negativity surrounding the title.

Maybe they feel there's more chances of growing (sales wise) on the console side.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Think I used the over head view 1 time when I played it on the pc. Honestly I liked the control of the game pad better. I was always clicking past shit and running behind them instead of attacking.

Never really got into the mods stuff. Most of the were sex related, or graphic/weapon/armor mods. Felt like cheating. Not a huge pc gamer so it won't bug me. Still I feel for you pc guys. I'm getting it on the xbox anyways.


~Kinggi~ said:
god damn you people already forgetting about Blizzard or what?
Valve is defining PC gaming, not only through their videogames, but through Steam.

Really now, is someone going to argue that Steam HASN'T defined PC gaming until now?
jim-jam bongs said:
The guy who posted this thread made an entire fucking campaign for the first game which Bioware basically ripped off for one of their DLC campaigns. I wonder where they'll get their ideas from now?
Do we have a thread on this? I didn't play the mod nor the expansion, but that sounds interesting.


Phloxy said:
None of this is gonna matter by the time the game comes out, and almost everybody in here bitching buys the game anyways. That's the real reason they don't care, it's gonna sell either way.

Correct! Except, EVERYBODY in this thread is going to buy it. The self righteous bitching will go away, come release day.


Maffis said:
Jesus Christ. This raging from pc-gamers is incredibly stupid. It's just a goddamn camera-angle. They're doing it to save time. Don't think you deserve everything on a damn gold platter because you are "pc-gamers".

Immature kids.


~Kinggi~ said:
god damn you people already forgetting about Blizzard or what?
Valve, Blizzard, Firaxis, 1C, Stardock, CD Projekt, and somewhat Relic.

I'm satisfied, fuck Bioware.


Zeliard said:
The reason you don't usually see games like The Witcher on consoles isn't because they can't be done there, it's because the console market doesn't particularly ask for them.

Sure...only the Witcher was being ported to consoles before CD Projekt got into serious financial trouble and was forced to cancel the port along with another project I can't recall offhand.
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