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Dragon Quest X still coming to Wii, announcement by year's end says Horii

I hope the comment about "year's end" is just giving themselves a generous buffer zone in case of any mishaps. I was hoping to see something in the relatively near future.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
AceBandage said:
Uh no.
Level 5 will never have the exclusive info on anything that isn't directly from Level 5 itself.
From The Dust said:
never going to happen (I see this a lot for some reason. people seems to forget Squeenix holds DQ. not L5 :p )

Just playing with people's feelings.

I'm very aware that DQ is Enix's. :p
Rush2thestart said:

well yeah, but I meant specifically. Like events or something.

I think we'll see them hold a special event for it, like they did with IX a couple years back (where they also unveiled X as being a Wii game).


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Do you guys think they'll make a big deal that it's 10, a nice and round number? Or letter, lol. Or is that just a Western thing? Did they do anything special event wise for FFX?


There will be an event before anything else happens, including presence at a trade show or coverage in a magazine. And I personally expect it sooner than the end of the year.
Alextended said:
Do you guys think they'll make a big deal that it's 10, a nice and round number? Or letter, lol. Or is that just a Western thing? Did they do anything special event wise for FFX?

Well, X is considered Bad Luck in Japan... so I doubt it.


If it shows up by December, then Wii will have a sales revival. Dragon Quest X in Japan and Skyward Sword for the West. It will be nice for Nintendo to have a bit of momentum going into Wii 2.


apana said:
If it shows up by December, then Wii will have a sales revival. Dragon Quest X in Japan and Skyward Sword for the West. It will be nice for Nintendo to have a bit of momentum going into Wii 2.

Yes, precisely.
Scuttlebutt is that they were set to reveal it at the end of 2010, but decided against it (maybe deciding to hold off until they can post a really positive financial year?) for whatever reason.

So it should be in a showable state, at least. They're probably holding back for strategic reasons; although maybe it is to avoid an issue like they had with DQIX where they had to change the entire gameplay structure to accommodate fan complaints.


paid requisite penance
apana said:
If it shows up by December, then Wii will have a sales revival. Dragon Quest X in Japan and Skyward Sword for the West. It will be nice for Nintendo to have a bit of momentum going into Wii 2.

I strongly doubt either will have an impact beyond — let's be generous — the three months following their respective releases. Zelda is hardly a system seller any more, and DQ is bought en masse by people who already own the system, which is why it always comes out on the system that has sold the most. Although of the two I'd argue DQX will do more for the system in Japan than Zelda will for any market.
Amir0x said:
Everybody is a selfish gamer but they won't admit it as readily.
Not me.

I don't care about Dragon Quest I'm just in here to send positive vibes to its fans.

The only reason I'm in here is to wish it's a great game that you all will love.

So there.


Thunder Monkey said:
Not me.

I don't care about Dragon Quest I'm just in here to send positive vibes to its fans.

The only reason I'm in here is to wish it's a great game that you all will love.

So there.

if dq does good it makes video game sales healthier thus more games are made on your systems of choice

so selfish
Gravijah said:
if dq does good it makes video game sales healthier thus more games are made on your systems of choice

so selfish
I burnt my Wii in a fire because Metroid Prime Corruption made me mad.

Now I'm sad because the memories hurt. :(


I'm not selfish, just impatient.

I've played four mainline DQ games on the DS in the last three years and I'm still 'Dragon Quest X!? What's taking them so long!?'
Dedication Through Light said:
Didnt a few years Nintendo held their own press or media showing in Japan regardless of a tie to any event. Surely they could do that again?
They still hold fall conferences around TGS
I prefer DQIX to DQVIII.

Job Systems are better than no Job Systems! Also in terms of content DQIX has lots more stuff than DQVIII.
Pureauthor said:
I prefer DQIX to DQVIII.

Job Systems are better than no Job Systems! Also in terms of content DQIX has lots more stuff than DQVIII.
Is it more varied than 8? Also is it a grind fest? I skipped 9 mainly due to how I felt about 8


They better take the best things from IX and VIII to create the best Dragon Quest ever.
Wich in turn would be the best game ever.


Wii II is being passed round? That's great news, if they are going to take another year they might as well release it there. The good thing you can take away from this long dev cycle is the game is probably huge, like VIII, I just hope it's less grindy, that's the reason I couldn't stick to finishing it and avoided IX.
DQIX was my first (and so far only) Dragon Quest game, but it got me interested enough in the series to be excited about this. Too bad we won't be getting it in English this year.


Clott said:
Wii II is being passed round? That's great news, if they are going to take another year they might as well release it there. The good thing you can take away from this long dev cycle is the game is probably huge, like VIII, I just hope it's less grindy, that's the reason I couldn't stick to finishing it and avoided IX.
It'll certainly hit on Wii they've confirmed this over and over again. As for Wii2, I'm not sure if Nintendo wants to spread their development resources that thin but we could actually see it within 12 months. And I'm pretty certain that Hideki Konno won't be leading the charge this time though... All he did was take the Wii/DS successes(Mii's, pedometer, Nintendogs etc.) and repackage them in 3D. I strongly believe that apart from the price is the reason why the 3DS isn't sold out yet.
Electivirus said:
DQIX was my first (and so far only) Dragon Quest game, but it got me interested enough in the series to be excited about this. Too bad we won't be getting it in English this year.
Best get IV, V, VI DS and VIII then :)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm really curious as to what they will port to Wii as a teaser game.

DQ VII is next in line and needs one, but they might go all lazy and just do DQ 1-VI on the VC.
duckroll said:
Please don't make me have to ban another person in this thread.

Please do.

I know you mods love these Wii exclusive topics.
They're like free trips to the shooting gallery.
Man God said:
I'm really curious as to what they will port to Wii as a teaser game.

DQ VII is next in line and needs one, but they might go all lazy and just do DQ 1-VI on the VC.

well there was DQS which sold well and that card game (but those are too far back to be considered teaser games)

speaking of DQS, I'm surprised they didn't do a follow-up. a free-roaming, first person DQ game would be awesome
Magicpaint said:
Best get IV, V, VI DS and VIII then :)

Trust me, if I had the cash, I'd get all four. VIII, especially. I've been hankering for another good console RPG for a few months now, and I've heard some pretty great things about VIII in particular.
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