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Dragon's Dogma Online 1st Trailer


Hopefully night is still night and dark is still dark and as dangerous as before. That was one of the things I always liked about the original games.


Hopefully night is still night and dark is still dark and as dangerous as before. That was one of the things I always liked about the original games.

"The night is dark and full of microtransactions."

Game of Thrones reference

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Ok CapCom.. you fucking got me. Gameplay looks to have carried across to the next gen..

bring this fucking stateside so i can give you my godamned money.

Dr Dogg

That sure looks like Dragon's Dogma alright. The wait for concrete details is going to be excruciating.

Oh and Ferrystones are definitely going to be a MT.

It'll come to the west stateside, but only on PS3 so we can enjoy 25 fps goodness.

With cinematic letterboxing to boot :(
OMGGGGGGGG! Game of the forever potential! I wouldn't care if it had Dreamcast graphics, just give me more of that GOD TIER combat!

I'm seriously hyped for this. Just the thought of playing with other people online is......AHHHHHHHHHHH JUST TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY!


I really hope they don't lay the MMO aspect of it too thick. I really hope the game still has very strong quests and a good sense of discovery. What really sold me on the game when I was playing it was on the extra details. The fact that monsters got stronger the further you got from a road, the intertwining stories across sidequests, the limited (or, in the vanilla game, non-existent until very late) fast-travel methods, etc. I hope they keep that attention to detail, because I could easily see all of this attention to detail instead going for endless skinner boxes to get people to spend more money...

this is my exact fear and hope too.

DD felt like you were actually going on a real adventure with risk and reward for managing your time and not getting caught in the middle of nowhere when night falls. And I enjoyed how it all tied into actual exploration and discovery.

Even if the game plays the same as DD, I can see the addition of playin with friends sort of ruining a lot of this atmosphere and dynamic.

If its like DD, then I feel I will want to play it mostly solo, especially story stuff or with just 1 friend. And then do big quests and monsters and raids with a group of friends.


Looks fantastic.

If they birng us to West and we are able to play solo with pawns, in totally in.
Seems like I could be playing this game for months


Now all Capcom has to do is come up with a reasonable monetization structure that won't gouge its customers while simultaneously making a respectable profit for the game.

Easy right????



Damnit, now I'm into free to play for this game. Dragon's Dogma already had the trinity system (Tank, Healer, DPS) along with grapple and launch mechanics. This game, if done right could be so awesome.

I love you Capcom, don't break my heart.
Man, they got me. They fucking got me. Trailer looks incredible.

Please, Capcom. Please don't fill this to the gills with micro transactions. I don't want to have to spend real money buying lantern fuel or buying pawns or classes or powers or weapons.

Subscription based would be perfect. Capcom pls.
Is it safe to get hyped for this? I mean, it looks great, I'm just concerned Capcom will find a way to monumentally fuck it up.

Looks like a last gen game.

It is a last gen game. No doubt put together as cheaply as possible without much by way of graphical upgrade, and ported to PC and PS4.

Wasn't following the other thread too closely, but it looks great to me! Has any bad information about this game come out yet?

MMO-lite (four player parties)
Asia only so far (although the trademark has been registered in Europe too)

Some of those scenes look like places from the original game.

I thought so too, but on re-watching I think it's just because the design of the areas looks generally similar.
It does. Seriously I was expecting higher graphical fidelity than this.

Being cross gen is probably why. :(

I think they just don't want to spend a lot on it because the original Dragon's Dogma was quite expensive for them and didn't come close to meeting its sales goal.


I think they just don't want to spend a lot on it because the original Dragon's Dogma was quite expensive for them and didn't come close to meeting its sales goal.

You're probably right.

But then why make a PS3 port then? Doesn't it cost money to make a port too? 0_0


Play Dragons Dogma with slowdowns everywhere... then you will know why FPS matters in a game like this.

Yeah I'm probably one of the last people to complain about FPS in most games but DD DEFINITELY needed a fix in that department. It really hurt the game when it would often times go below 25 FPS or what not.

I would be more than comfortable with a real locked 30 FPS but if they could somehow make it to 60, that would completely transform the game to another level.

PS3 has a much install base in Japan than the PS4 or PC.

Yeah but thats the same way with the U.S. I mean you just gotta pull the plug sometimes right?

Than again I remember seeing FIFA 2013 or 2014 for PS2 so what do I know? XD
You're probably right.

But then why make a PS3 port then? Doesn't it cost money to make a port too? 0_0

Don't forget that Japan/Asia is the primary market for this, where the PS4 doesn't have nearly the steam it does herein the West, and the PS3 is still far more popular. So it's almost certainly being developed for PS3 spec first and then being up-ported to the PC and PS4 with a minor graphical upgrade.


That's what I thought about OG DD, right up until I played it.
After I've played it I thought even less of it. It had potential, but it was too much of a 'rough' gem to be all that enjoyable to me. It needed more time and more substance. Hope they will fix that.
MMO-lite (four player parties)

Honestly, after playing games like PSO2 and Vindictus, f2p games where they create instances for 4 player parties aren't bad at all. There are some occasions in this game where you can gather more people for Emergency quests for PSO2 or raids for Vindictus but overall in an action oriented game smaller parties work fine, since there is less of a "zerg" mentality and it's easier to see what you and the enemy are doing, which is important since you can basically avoid every attack if you are aware. There are pretty awesome boss fights in these games and the fact that they haven't hit consoles (or the west in PSO2's case) is a shame because I think it can really take off. Dragon's Dogma could do very well with this type of gameplay and model. If cash items are only tied to cosmetics or convenience, then I think it's fine with me. As long as all playable content is available to the player I think the f2p model deserves a fair shot because a player will only be losing out on something rather superficial. I hope that if DDO doesn't make it to the west, it isn't as much of a pain to play as PSO2 with the IP shenanigans, but crossing fingers they eventually announce something for the west.
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