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Dying Light IOTI A dead island on the mirror's edge.

So Dead Island was a tainted IP with 4 shit games so they decided to rename Dead Island 3 into this? Is that the gist of it?

Who knows.

From my understanding of it, they felt as though they were doing enough that was different to redefine the IP.

By all accounts, though, this sounds like just a slicker, more polished Dead Island. A sort of "do over" while they pass the old IP off to another dev.

For all of it's faults, though, Dead Island was an ambitious game. It was fun when it worked.


Formerly Gizmowned
So Dead Island was a tainted IP with 4 shit games so they decided to rename Dead Island 3 into this? Is that the gist of it?

Dead Island 2 is coming but from Deep Silver/Yager Development. This is from Warner Bros and the original devs of Dead Island - Techland.
The only good thing about Dead Island was the first act on the beach.

I can see where you're coming from with this statement; that is easily the best part of the game (anything involving the beach/resort areas)...but overall it was a decent game for me.

I'm a sucker for co-op games like this.


I really enjoyed both Dead Island, and Riptide.

For those who've played it, and enjoyed the others, would I enjoy Dying Light?


So what's the performance like on PS4? Trying to decide if I should wait for it to go on sale for PC or just hop on the $20 PS4 train.


Ugly? really.
Hmm. I think it looks pretty good, even over a stream. The player torches are done well. It has day time, dusk, night lighting. moving trees, god rays all that stuff. Co-op looks smooth too. I don't see Metro or BF4 or Far Cry 4 looking better over a stream. Are they all ugly too?



A little confused by the online options. Can anyone just hop into your game at any moment if you make it public like souls games or watchdogs or something? And are oh her players there to help or hurt u? Also...zombie invasion...is that like other players or just an horde like l4d? Haven't started the game so just trying to see what I should set this to.
I really hope you're right because even though I cheated the system, I still payed $20 and would be pissed if the full game was now taken away from me. I've never bought DLC or a season pass in my life. This is actually a great irony that someone mixed up the game with the DLC and now we're all getting the game for cheap as fuck, ha!

You'd get pissed because your scam didnt work?


I've played about an hour or so on PS4. Game performance is great. I haven't noticed tearing and it's really smooth for a 30 FPS title (I have an impression it performs better). Lighting is great, graphics aren't anything special (quite low poly to be honest) but doesn't harm immersion much.

As somebody who doesn't like zombie games in general (Dead Island was incredibly boring for me), this one is very interesting. You feel the danger instead of just mowing through dead bodies. Parkour is satisfactory too, after the initial phase of adjustment. So far it's been linear but I've just reached the point where you can start co-op so I'll play with friends from now on.

All in all, no regrets for buying. If you're afraid about performance issues on PS4, don't be.


I keep hunting for game impressions beyond just performance, but I'm coming up empty handed. Are people enjoying this game or not?

This is bothering me, too.

However, last night I spent a good hour watching various Twitch streams to see if it was worth a buy.

I watched about 10 streams which all featured daytime gameplay and it seemed like a slightly improved version of Dead Island (of no interest to me). There was one nice improvement when a guy was fighting some normal humans, and the combat was like an evolution of Condemned: Criminal Origins. It looked difficult and genuinely good, despite very slightly dodgy AI sometimes.

But the key thing for me was when I FINALLY found some footage of night time.

Night time looks fucking amazing. It was like being chased by police in GTAV. If the police were free-running crack fiends.

The zombies aren't scary visually but are super strong and super agile. They have vision cones on your radar - you can 'sneak' past them and make efforts to stay out of sight. Your radar quickly fills up with hundreds of them. It was a lot like what State of Decay should have been.

If they see you they'll alert all the others with a massive scream, and even on 'Normal' difficulty you will be dead if they catch you. You have to run like shit to escape them and try to get to a safe zone.

This alone convinced me to buy the game. Imma be trying to survive the night ALL THE TIME

The person I watched was having to pull out all the stops with his free-running abilities to stay one corner, one step, one wall ahead of the zombies, who were on his tail the whole way. When he finally got to the UV lights of the safe zone, he spun around and there was a deadly zombie literally three feet behind him. The streamer was screaming in exhilaration


An blind dancing ho
The only good thing about Dead Island was the first act on the beach.

yup, The resort map was pretty good and the only good one in the game. It was really "open" and got many different locations you don't feel repetitive in that map because there is many things to do. then you go to smaller crappy city and the awful liner sewers and the small/one path forest.
But the key thing for me was when I FINALLY found some footage of night time.

Night time looks fucking amazing. It was like being chased by police in GTAV. If the police were free-running crack fiends.

The zombies aren't scary visually but are super strong and super agile. They have vision cones on your radar - you can 'sneak' past them and make efforts to stay out of sight. Your radar quickly fills up with hundreds of them. It was a lot like what State of Decay should have been.

If they see you they'll alert all the others with a massive scream, and even on 'Normal' difficulty you will be dead if they catch you. You have to run like shit to escape them and try to get to a safe zone.

This alone convinced me to buy the game. Imma be trying to survive the night ALL THE TIME

The person I watched was having to pull out all the stops with his free-running abilities to stay one corner, one step, one wall ahead of the zombies, who were on his tail the whole way. When he finally got to the UV lights of the safe zone, he spun around and there was a deadly zombie literally three feet behind him. The streamer was screaming in exhilaration

Urge to get home and play...rising.
I'm part of the 20 buck GS glitch crew and will be joining in on the discussion once the DL finishes. Was only mildly interested in this game, but for 20 bucks, I couldn't pass this up.


Giantbombs quick look has me pumped for this, looked a lot of fun and I can see myself hunting for pick ups across the map.


This thread makes it seem like the people that like it are doing so just cause they bought a new game and the others are already realising it's not all that great... Avoiding it.


Dead Island/Techland would would normally be a wait and see, but for $20 I jumped in. So far my impressions are pretty good. The graphics are nice, the framerate is surprisingly smooth (PS4) and overall the parkor and movement are done well enough.

Mini rant:
I do have one huge issue and that's the jump button being assigned to R1 button...absolutely awful. You can reassign it to R2 but that's even worse because then your attack is R1. It's one of the few things about consoles I really can't stand, the lack of configurable controls. They completely waste the face buttons in this game on things like "look behind" and "survivor mode" when those could easily be R1 and let X be jump, which makes much more sense really.
...rant over.

Anyway, I'm tired and will play more tomorrow, but so far it's worth the $20, we'll see if it holds up or would be worth the retail price.


This thread makes it seem like the people that like it are doing so just cause they bought a new game and the others are already realising it's not all that great... Avoiding it.

I'm worried about this too and I really need someone with a highly critical eye to provide detailed thoughts. Edit: I don't think I've seen anyone realise it's 'not that great', but I've heard nobody be really, really super excited about it.

Mini rant:
I do have one huge issue and that's the jump button being assigned to R1 button...absolutely awful. You can reassign it to R2 but that's even worse because then your attack is R1. It's one of the few things about consoles I really can't stand, the lack of configurable controls. They completely waste the face buttons in this game on things like "look behind" and "survivor mode" when those could easily be R1 and let X be jump, which makes much more sense really.
...rant over.

This doesn't make sense because, from watching streams, it's clear that you need to point your camera at where you wish to climb. Eg if you're sprinting away from zombz and need to quickly scale a wall, you need to aim at the top of the wall.

If Jump was mapped to X, you would have to remove your thumb from the face buttons, move the joystick, return your thumb to the face buttons, and press X again. Then you'd lose control of where you need to look if you needed to jump off elsewhere.

TL;DR you need your thumb to be looking whilst you jump. X for jump would break it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Just a heads up, if anyone cares, I'm working hard to have a performance analysis on the console version of the game ready for tomorrow.


Mini rant:
I do have one huge issue and that's the jump button being assigned to R1 button...absolutely awful. You can reassign it to R2 but that's even worse because then your attack is R1. It's one of the few things about consoles I really can't stand, the lack of configurable controls. They completely waste the face buttons in this game on things like "look behind" and "survivor mode" when those could easily be R1 and let X be jump, which makes much more sense really.
...rant over.

That'd be awful for a game that prioritizes movement this much. If Mirror's Edge used face buttons for jumping, people would burn the game into the ground.


This thread makes it seem like the people that like it are doing so just cause they bought a new game and the others are already realising it's not all that great... Avoiding it.

This post makes it seem like you are avoiding it no matter what the people who bought it are saying.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Any chance you go ahead and say whether or not it looks like it's a locked 30?
As in rock solid? Not far enough to judge yet. We'll see. It seems solid early on but I'm not in the open world yet. That'll be the real test.
The person I watched was having to pull out all the stops with his free-running abilities to stay one corner, one step, one wall ahead of the zombies, who were on his tail the whole way. When he finally got to the UV lights of the safe zone, he spun around and there was a deadly zombie literally three feet behind him. The streamer was screaming in exhilaration

This sounds fucking awesome. I just hope the performance is pretty solid on PS4.

Any impressions from PS4 players?

Just a heads up, if anyone cares, I'm working hard to have a performance analysis on the console version of the game ready for tomorrow.

Awesome. Will wait for this to help decide whether or not to buy it. Thanks.


This sounds fucking awesome. I just hope the performance is pretty solid on PS4.

Any impressions from PS4 players?

It looked bloody amazing. I planned to buy it at lunch today (two hours time) and download it remotely to PS4 after I watched that footage.

But... The longer I leave it the more I'm worried about how worthwhile it will be. What if it lapses into Dead Island mediocrity? Especially if I can't trade it in - Destiny was probably the worst purchase I've made in my life.

I'd really like PS4 players impressions, too. That's what I'll be getting it on.


so I got giving 12 dockets, should I redeem them all now, or do you get better things the later you are into the game?


Thus far my only recommendation is that people don't start coop until about 5 hours into the game.

My friend and I started coop as soon as we could, and ended up kinda running around like chickens with our head cut off, both trying to learn all the mechanics and loot and level and sidequest and collectathon and and and


Spend some time getting familiar with the mechanics in this one before jumping into coop, because the parkour stuff mixed with the vertical level design makes for a rough quick turn around into fast coop funstuffs.
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