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EA Sports Engineer: Wii U is crap, < powerful than 360. No $ 3party. [Tweets Deleted]


Has problems recognising girls
Shhh.... they can hear you. You are not allowed to say this in public.

To be truthful, I've never known a fan of Nintendo games to ever own their hardware exclusively. The people who I can safely count as my friends all enjoy Nintendo games, but also own a multitude of hardware to play other software at the same time because a) they aren't stupid, and b) they have more class in game selection than the average GAF forumite.

In fact... is there anyone out there who owns nothing but Nintendo hardware, financial circumstances be damned? I've certainly never run in to anyone of that sort on GAF over the past decade outside of Nintendo joke character 101: Gahiggidy.

I'm getting one by the end of the year. haven't bought any EA game in 25 years so it won't bother me but it's true that nintendo put themselves in deep shit with this machine. They kind of deserve what it happening, I just hope that they will wake up somehow.

Wow at the doom and gloom. has it ever been so powerful?

They certainly dropped the ball regarding a stable release schedule within the first calender year, but I suppose when someone in the position of President of Nintendo of America begins talking about launch windows and they have a past record of being marketers you need to separate yourself from what is being talked about and what will eventually occur.

Everyone knows a launch drought will happen no matter the system you choose. I applaud those who will wait for a Wii U price drop or when games actually start to show up - they are a consumer after all and one needs to be smart about the contents of their wallet to survive in such a dynamic entertainment market as today. Unfortunately I have a dragon breathing down my neck when it concerns anything regarding technology, and I use that term loosely. Until then I've had my fill with Nintendo Land & NSMB and I am satisfied.
This has nothing to do with whether or not the Wii U is less powerful than the 360.

I never argued the power either way. I keep trying to tell you it's irrelevant because of other issues. They blew the opening gambit with rough ports and a lack of their own titles. It doesn't matter at all if the ports weren't Nintendo's or the devs 'fault'. The 'Power' doesn't matter now because of a bad start and the fact that their strategy of having the same games is going to get more and more irrelevant as we move ahead. Soon, they won't be able to have equal quality ports from the next gen and without a ton more consoles sold, you aren't going to have enough devs spending the money on original exclusive games.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Indies arent selling Wii U's.
third parties wont be porting bug AAA hardware movers to the Wii U.
When people see what the PS4/NextBox can do, the Wii U will look like am even worse purchase.
The gamepad hasnt caught on and unless hardware is sold, it wont catch on.
Minecraft moves x360 units. And from Indies will come tomorrow new big studios. Reread my point about AAA games, I'm not disagreeing with you in the middle/long term.

Market is price sensitive, Zelda Wind Waker and HD Nintendo games in 3D colors will look fabulous - but it will mean little if price of entry remains as high as it is now. Wii U needs to be about twice lower than PS4, with the GamePad as an extra incentive.


The doom & gloom surrounding the WU is enormous right now, and it really is entering Dreamcast land. But as far as EA support goes I could not care less. Nintendo can just hope that others won't follow EA's decision.


Nintendo deserves to be pushed down a peg or two. It's the only way to force the corporate leadership to look in the mirror and improve in the areas it needs to. The sad part is that the gamepad is really awesome. I am finding this console 10x better than the Wii which IMO is the worst mainstream console in generations. But there are so many areas in which Nintendo is still a dinosaur and refusing to change that I'm in favor of them failing this gen in order to force big changes in the company.



It's Ubisoft, they are the kings of mass producing titles for new hardware. They made a ton of titles of Wii and Kinect when other devs didn't want to. They try to make sure they have a ton of titles out and they seem to make money doing it.

Ah ok, so it doesn't matter. Got it.


The doom & gloom surrounding the WU is enormous right now, and it really is entering Dreamcast land. But as far as EA support goes I could not care less. Nintendo can just hope that others won't follow EA's decision.

EA's lack of support doesn't bother me in the least. I never bought EA games on Wii, and Wii U won't be any different. I think the only EA games I own are on PS3 and PC.

Maybe this has been covered (im only just now jumping into this thread), but exactly how great have Nintendo platforms been for most EA games in the past?

I know I don't represent the entirety of the Nintendo home console userbase, but I buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games and the random worthwhile 3rd party exclusive that hits, not the multi-platform games churned out like clockwork. Plenty of those games are good, but if I get them, I get them wherever they look best.
I'd like to think his weaker than 360 comment confirms 160 shaders, and it might, but it could always get back to the crap CPU for any such a thumbnail approximation.
I'm still skeptical that it could be that low. With the CPU and the large pool of RAM really low bandwidth I can't see how it could run these things at anything approaching parity if that was the case.
Even if it had 160 shaders, could he know that? Would something like that be in the documentation?

Yes, just surrounded by NDA's.
Why are some of the most consistently rude people on Neogaf now the arbiters of proper manners?

I am not an arbiter of anything. Wishing that people lose their job and getting demoted is totally different than posting and arguing on a forum. But of course someone insulted your favorite company, they should be fired just because they don´t think the way you do. I never once wished someone to be fired, so go take your shitty comparison to someone who does. You and everyone who think the same are a joke.


I guess not having EA games on the Wii U will hurt the appeal of buying the console to some, but for me it's primarily a Nintendo machine. I don't see the lack of a lot of third party support hurting that aspect.
Do you feel those games showcase the full power of the PlayStation 3?

You got a pretty good sense of what to expect for at least the next year with a game like Formula One, (which still has some of the best rain Ive ever seen in a racer) and a demo like R&C Future:ToD.

Are you suggesting that Wii U owners are going to have to wait a number of YEARS to figure out if the system is more capable than the seven year-old PS360? If so, you're point by then will be meaningless, as the two current-gen systems (Nextbox and PS4) will already be blowing whatever the Wii U has a chance of producing out of the water with their familiar x86 architectures and gobs more power and RAM.

Imagine if you do find out that the Wii U is say 50% more powerful than the 360, but it takes you two more years to do it. You will be taking the most pathetic victory lab in history, because by that time, no one will be trackside to care.


The doom & gloom surrounding the WU is enormous right now, and it really is entering Dreamcast land. But as far as EA support goes I could not care less. Nintendo can just hope that others won't follow EA's decision.

It will never go as far as Dreamcast-land, come on, sure there's some negativity right now but the console is no Dreamcast.

However, it could be the lowest-selling Nintendo home console ever, if they don't turn this around quickly.
EA's lack of support doesn't bother me in the least. I never bought EA games on Wii, and Wii U won't be any different. I think the only EA games I own are on PS3 and PC.

Maybe this has been covered (im only just now jumping into this thread), but exactly how great have Nintendo platforms been for most EA games in the past?

I know I don't represent the entirety of the Nintendo home console userbase, but I buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games and the random worthwhile 3rd party exclusive that hits, not the multi-platform games churned out like clockwork. Plenty of those games are good, but if I get them, I get them wherever they look best.
I agree, on a personal level. To me EA's lack of support doesn't matter. I can't remember the last EA game I was interested in, Mirror's Edge probably, and EA doesn't appear to want to make those kind of games anymore.


People do buy EA games, at least that's what the NPD numbers tell me, which means apparently Nintendo done fucked up. No Madden? How does something like that happen? If EA can't spare the cash to create some ports, how could smaller publishers? Nintendo should count their lucky power stars for Ubisoft.
You got a pretty good sense of what to expect for at least the next year with a game like Formula One, (which still has some of the best rain Ive ever seen in a racer) and a demo like R&C Future:ToD.

Are you suggesting that Wii U owners are going to have to wait a number of YEARS to figure out if the system is more capable than the seven year-old PS360? If so, you're point by then will be meaningless, as the two current-gen systems will already be blowing whatever the Wii U has a chance of producing out of the water with their familiar x86 architectures and gobs more power and RAM.

Imagine if you do find out that the Wii U is say 50% more powerful than the 360, but it takes you two more years to do it, you will be taking the most pathetic victory lab in history, because by that time, no one will be trackside to care.

The problem is there aren't any games to really be able to make the argument.
That's why I said I'm looking forward to Retro and Platinum Games' showing at E3.


No offense but who cares about the opinion of an EA Sports engineer?

Looking at this thread a lot of people.

He just put into words what developenent community had on their mind about Wii U.

Same thing happened with ps3 after PS4 meeting even Sony devs said it was shitty designed console.
You got a pretty good sense of what to expect for at least the next year with a game like Formula One, (which still has some of the best rain Ive ever seen in a racer) and a demo like R&C Future:ToD.

Are you suggesting that Wii U owners are going to have to wait a number of YEARS to figure out if the system is more capable than the seven year-old PS360? If so, you're point by then will be meaningless, as the two current-gen systems (Nextbox and PS4) will already be blowing whatever the Wii U has a chance of producing out of the water with their familiar x86 architectures and gobs more power and RAM.

Imagine if you do find out that the Wii U is say 50% more powerful than the 360, but it takes you two more years to do it. You will be taking the most pathetic victory lab in history, because by that time, no one will be trackside to care.

This is some ice cold truth right here.
No offense but who cares about the opinion of an EA Sports engineer?
I don't implicitly care, but diverse opinions are always fun to argue with.

Like I said it's just too bad the guy can't really say much more than hyperbole and oversimplifications.

I mean we've seen at least one PS3/360 game on WiiU that looked noticeably better. By another EA dev. But both are designed under vastly different constraints, with entirely different physics models, AI, and Collision Detection. Generally things that are CPU bound. NFSMW is very simple in comparison. Fifa is not. Dozens of skinned, IK animated models, with complex (highly in comparison) collision models, AI subroutines etc. Apparently WiiU's Espresso don't do that so good.

We've heard from dozens of developers. This guy would have overseen the move to this new physic engine powering EA titles currently. WiiU would be weak in his eyes if he can't replicate the same content using it.
Take the PS3, six months into it's release, in 2007. That was supposedly the hardest system to develop on that developers had ever seen up to that point. Still, you had some good looking games already out, from first and third-parties. Games like Fight Night Rd 3, Motorstorm, Formula one Championship, Oblivion, and MLB The Show. Plus you had seen playable demos of the next-wave games like Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, a game that would debut in the fall of that year, and frankly still looks impressive today.

And that was for the PS3, which was supposed to be more difficult than the Wii U for developers. So I'd figure all things being the same, and with the Wii U not neatly as inscrutable as the PS3's cell to deal with, in the same amount of time, you should have a decent idea by now of what's in store.
The PS3 was coming off the wildly successful PS2 with a lot of hype. Hardware numbers aside, the PS2-PS3 transition is very different from that of the Wii-Wii U. The latter never had great third party success (for various reasons) and the preceding console was left to rot before the successor arrived. So it's not inconceivable that pre-launch, publishers threw more resources behind the PS3 compared to the Wii U. Obviously, such investment would lend itself to better products, all else being equal.
This is some ice cold truth right here.

The thing is, even if we take the Wii U to be less powerful than the PS3/360, does it really matter to Nintendo fans?
Will they care that it is technically inferior to those machines when playing the next 3D Mario, Zelda, Smash, Metroid, etc. in HD for the first time?
My guess is, probably not. And my guess is, that games from Retro Studios and Platinum will prove the Wii U is at least on par with those systems anyway.

The thing is, Nintendo fans care more about fun in games than graphics.
Wii and DS proved that already. Even the N64 sort of proved that, since it didn't have FMVs.
While most companies, including EA, bank on new tech to help sell the latest round of sports titles, Nintendo doesn't need the latest graphics to sell their games.
It's no surprise that 3rd party support has dried up, but they survived in the past without it, and even if the Wii U was a PS4-level machine I doubt the 3rd parties would suddenly jump on board with any gusto.
This is some ice cold truth right here.
Little too prickly for my taste.

I have no doubt WiiU titles will look more than terrific. But that's a subjective opinion. Dithered all to hell and I can still look at Wii titles and say "That's beautiful."

New tech is always a blessing, but good art design can make an 80 polygon tree look terrifying.


Using specific games to 'prove' which console is more powerful is pretty stupid. Was the 360 more powerful than the PS3 when Gears came out? Was the PS3 more powerful than the 360 when Uncharted came out?

What a developer can get out of a system is dependent on way too many factors for a single game to be used as proof of anything. Nothing on Wii U looks as good as Halo 4, certainly not close to GoW:A, that doesn't mean it's not the best of the three.


Has problems recognising girls
They made Fifa 13. Maybe he has experience from that.

Then judging by his comments he should be lauding the PC and pushing for an experience to be shared upon a supreme platform where only the imagination is capable of surpassing the trapping of one's development capabilities. It seems such a shame that something so miniscule in appearance as Football Manager does happens to shit all over anything that ever came from the house of EA's boys club in FIFA development.
The PS3 was coming off the wildly successful PS2 with a lot of hype. Hardware numbers aside, the PS2-PS3 transition is very different from that of the Wii-Wii U. The latter never had great third party success (for various reasons) and the preceding console was left to rot before the successor arrived. So it's not inconceivable that pre-launch, publishers threw more resources behind the PS3 compared to the Wii U. Obviously, such investment would lend itself to better products, all else being equal.

Uh huh. But these developers were also developing for a radically-different system than ever before. With a heterogenious multiprocessor like the Cell, they were working with a fundamentally new architecture. For engine developers, there was actually significant computer science taking place just trying to wrap their heads around working with the Cell in 2006-2007. The Wii-U, even with it's second screen and any wrinkles in the GPU, is based on core technologies that developers are very familiar with at this point.

And while you can make the "they tried harder" argument with third-parties, that always sounds like "lazy devs" whining in the end.
NFS Most Wanted already disproved any theories that Wiiu is weaker then PS360.

It's not just that. Even without mulling over its precise nature, the fact that stuff like ACIII runs at near parity on what is really very different architecture at launch despite not being anything like the lead format should be enough.

Okay, one might argue that it's simply not an abysmal design ala PS3, but there's still the inconvenient truth of these being late gen games that are doing a great deal more than 2006 fare; if Wii U sported essentially identical guts, the argument against it would be far more convincing on paper.
Nothing on Wii U looks as good as Halo 4, certainly not close to GoW:A, that doesn't mean it's not the best of the three.

Which is pathetic on Nintendo's part. They should, by now, have something to show that is better than 8 year old hardware, even with all the optimisation PS360 engineers have got out of that time period.

MY WiiU hasn't been switched on this year. There's nothing I want to play.

I've logged more hours on Simpsons tapped out then on ZombiU, NintendoLand, and NSMBU combined...


Did it? It came out months later so time for optimisation. And it lost 1/4 of the racers online...for nicer roads?

They started on the port much later so yes it did. They had less time porting this then they did making the original versions.


^ EA engineer sounds pretty important to me when judging system capability. Have you lot seen the Fifa games recently? It's basically life like.

It's not just that. Even without mulling over its precise nature, the fact that stuff like ACIII runs at near parity on what is really very different architecture at launch despite not being anything like the lead format should be enough.

Okay, one might argue that it's simply not an abysmal design ala PS3, but there's still the inconvenient truth of these being late gen games that are doing a great deal more than 2006 fare; if Wii U sported essentially identical guts, the argument against it would be far more convincing on paper.

But will developers even be trying to push the Wii U to the limits like they did with ps360? If they don't practice, I don't see why things would vastly improve. Are they waiting on Nintendo to figure it out after Mario 3D?
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