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EA unveils new plan for Origin, includes consoles


Service is great, but customers can't benefit from it as it has dreadful pricing policies. I remember there was a joke how Steam was having Christmas sales and EA offered a discount for last year's Fifa game...

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I wouldn't worry guys, they didn't even finish their last plan for Origin before pretending they had never laid it out for us to see.
Does this mean Battlefield 4 won't require me to log into Origin and the into Battlefield's own Battlelog service before getting into my game? Battlefield 3 is so convoluted forcing that Origin layer.


Sounds like they are turning Origin into Uplay.

My first thought as well. I might be able to live with a linked-login like EA has now but anything more than that--any paywalls or store fronts--riding on top of my next gen game accounts is out of the question.

I imagine they're looking at Titanfall with dollars signs in their eyes.


Service is great, but customers can't benefit from it as it has dreadful pricing policies. I remember there was a joke how Steam was having Christmas sales and EA offered a discount for last year's Fifa game...

Steam never gave out 20 games for free though.


EA seem to be trying really hard to be a more customer-focused organisation. People should give them a chance. Everybody can change.


Allow me to translate:

"It's someone who greets you at the door and ushers you in to where you want to go and points you in the direction of your friends so that you can go and party with them together. That's really how we see it."

"It's someone who greets you at the door, and checks your credentials to make sure you're allowed into the club to begin with. Once it has verified your identity, it makes sure all your friends know all your accomplishments in the club to incentivize them to come join you. That's really how we see it."

This is why Online Passes were shut down. They're going to put an origin gatekeeper on everything now.


Wait, wait, wait? Is he saying that they want to drop Origin client launching requirement for games?
If yes thats the best thing ever and it makes better client that Steam for me by a mile.
You would thought that Valve would be first to drop DRM, but its EA? Thats funny.

I really want to see people hate arguments against Origin if they drop client always on requirement.
EA seem to be trying really hard to be a more customer-focused organisation. People should give them a chance. Everybody can change.

I really don't think EA can change. A recent example: even though they will be releasing a new FIFA engine, even though they operate a PC storefront, they will still use the old engine for the PC version. If I am to believe that they want to change, I need to see some proof first.


Gold Member
That's a pretty long read, but does it basically say that they will sell their games at Steam again, and that previous licenses transfer over there too?


They are right people don't want to have to launch their service to play a game. They are wrong in thinking people want to find others to play from 20 different services in 20 different friends list. If I want to see the latest games from EA I will go to their website. Also steam does joining friends games and community spotlights so much better then Origins I'm not sure there is a person to debate that?


Gold Member
Only way they get a pass for using this on Consoles is by attaching it to your GamerTag/PSN ID...

To think we might not have had this on Xbox1 had the reversal not happened.


It would be pretty great to have different virtual storefronts in consoles.

Of course this is just their new shitty new DRM system.


i don't really see the issue here as i have had no problems with it ( on PC. ).

Yes i can perfectly understand that people only want to bother with one client and steam is number one in that regard .
But if EA wants to compete with steam or Simply wanted there own store then let them.
don't buy from them if you feel that strongly about it .

so in short : would i want EA games to be available on steam ? hell yeah.

Do i feel the need to make a big deal about the fact that there not ? not really .

I can agree that some things need changing . but i don't find it to be the horrible abomination that everyone says it is .


Gold Member
It would be pretty great to have different virtual storefronts in consoles.

Of course this is just their new shitty new DRM system.

It defeats the purpose of a Proprietary console. We have enough fragmentation as it is on the PC side when it comes to this kind of stuff, lets not make it larger.
It seems that EA have finally realised that they can't have a successful and growing online distribution platform if they only offer their own titles.

They're hungry for long tail sales that steam and itunes enjoy from selling content generated by others.

I'm guessing it won't be long until they start offering third party content such as film, audio and software in addition to their own titles.

As steam and itunes have discovered there's better profit margins and far less risk in taking a slice from sales of content that others have produced than producing the content yourself.

This was Microsoft's plan for the xBone and likely still is...


hide your water-based mammals
I'm not liking the sound of this. Origin has done nothing but create a rift for some players that want to buy some EA games but have to put up with an incompetent client. EA thinks they have some pull here when they don't. Do what Ubi does and put your games on Steam and use your base app from there. This kind of stuff makes me not want to buy any more EA games. Especially on PC.


Gold Member
I'm not liking the sound of this. Origin has done nothing but create a rift for some players that want to buy some EA games but have to put up with an incompetent client. EA thinks they have some pull here when they don't. Do what Ubi does and put your games on Steam and use your base app from there. This kind of stuff makes me not want to buy any more EA games. Especially on PC.

I can understand their reasoning. Why put my titles on the competitors Store when I can make my own? Origin originally was really shitty but it has improved somewhat, its not on the level of steam in regards to features and what no.
For the sake of the arguement let's say EA will be impilmenting a used game block on consoles, how will they use Origin to accommodate that goal?
The most obvious choice is the use of an activation key, but doing so flies right in the face of their PR statement when they announced the cancelling of the online pass/Project $10. Are there any other ways they could block secondhand games, or are they forced to create a PR nightmare and make themselves look like a joke in the process?


formerly "chigiri"
EA's vision for Origin is not just a distribution platform/store, its a cross-platform cloud sync/service. Play a game on PC, then on console and your progress can now carry across and vice versa. That sort of thing.


so they're spreading their origin virus to the consoles too. seems like they're actively campaigning to win the vote for worst company in america for a 3rd year straight.


Gamesindustry.biz said:
"I want to re-iterate, it's very important for people to understand that we don't expect that all of a sudden people are going to get up and go 'Oh! Great! We now love Origin!'"

See the rest of the thread for evidence...
I've got no beef with EA personally, so no strong feelings about Origin, but is it not just slightly possible that whatever they do will be a good thing?! The noises coming out of EA since the change in leadership have been fairly positive I think. Obviously the proof is in the pudding but I get the impression EA knows it has work to do on its reputation with gamers, and the above quote underlines that.


Origin is that annoying dude that plays annoying music off his smartphone in the corner expecting the ones around him going "Fuck Yeah man, let's rock"


Gold Member
Origin as a software has worked so much better for me than Steam in any way, it's hard to take the comments in this thread serious.

the only thing that "works" better is the store/community pages, its like outdated html or something. Other than that the library and friends list and all that is way better

To me Steam is like its own console /community

origin is a store


listen to the mad man
See the rest of the thread for evidence...
I've got no beef with EA personally, so no strong feelings about Origin, but is it not just slightly possible that whatever they do will be a good thing?! The noises coming out of EA since the change in leadership have been fairly positive I think. Obviously the proof is in the pudding but I get the impression EA knows it has work to do on its reputation with gamers, and the above quote underlines that.

It is generally difficult to believe that solutions in search of problems are good things, yes. If someone can identify to me the problem that all non-EA games have and EA games do not, I will readily cede that I have been unkind to Origin.


Maybe instead they should think about sorting their security and stop accounts getting hacked all the time. Or even addressing the issue at all.

No one can takeover Your Origin account, because You cant change email address without calling to support.

You are probably talking about FIFA account hacks.


listen to the mad man
Is it still spyware or did all the negative press finally force them to stop rummaging through people's computers?

The purported spyware was mostly people using Process Monitor without knowing how to use it probably and creating the perception of spyware where there was one, as I understand it. Origin isn't evil, it's just useless and pointless and redundant :p
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