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EDGE: What Microsoft’s always-on Xbox means for PlayStation 4

I just love how none of these companies take in consideration the crappy bandwidth limits we get here in Canada.

Somebody's going to have to adjust.

What do bandwidth caps have to do with anything? Always-on is simply like Steam - it'll check you're logged into your account, and then there'll be hardly any data moving through.


Microsoft wouldn't be doing this if not for some serious publisher benefits.

If ms does this and sony doesn't, expect lots of timed exclusives for the xbox. Sony fans will have to wait for everything, if they get the game at all.

Don#t be so sure about that. If consumers choose Sony so will the publishers. They have to make meny after all.


Well I sure hope EDGE knows what they are doing. Reading the first article and now this follow up, which is severing more to back up the "confidence" on their source, that if this rumor turns out to be false they are going to lose an awful lot of credibility.

You got that right. They lit this fire, then came back to douse it with gasoline to make sure that it burns even hotter. At any rate, we shall see.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If Microsoft does this (which Developers and Publishers will absolutely love), has anyone stopped to think that this may actually benefit Microsoft in securing exclusives, or timed exclusives.

It absolutely would.
What would be a huge win for Sony is day and date digital releases of all games at a $10.00 discount. I'd rather buy online at $49.99 then buying at Game stop for $59.99 and trading it in later.


EDGE's confidence in the source is astounding. Holy shit MS wtf are you doing. Does Gamestop have any lobby power where it can at least reach out to Sony so they don't get wiped out next gen or become just a small novelty store for older games?

Gamefly will die too.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe its just me.... but I don't think no used games is enough to create a significant install base gap.

You're crazy. I think you vastly underestimate just how many people go back and sell their old games to shops. I don't know how it is in Europe, but in the US and Japan, any system that doesn't allow used games while the competition does is fucked.

Every game shop will warn people that they can't sell back their games if they buy for Xbox (or whichever system ends up doing it). This will make it a complete non-started in Japan. No chance. It will also hurt big-time in the US. Word of mouth will spread fast about the system being the anti-consumer console.


I'll just say one thing about this.

If a developer has the option of releasing games on the Xbox, or PS4 - one which supports them by preventing second hand sales (what they want) and the other allows that option (which they don't want) then you might find Microsoft getting certain titles long before, if not exclusively.

Plenty of good and bad rumours flying around here.

They dont hate second hand sales to the point of leaving free money on the table, people are nuts to think otherwise.


i wonder if Microsoft (and maybe Sony) will get problems here in germany.
not allowing used game sales is against the law here and that's one of the reasons why Steam (Valve) is currently being sued by some germans.

since we get f'd in the a most of the time with censorship or other bullshit it would be a nice surprise if germany would be the only country where used game sales would still be possible (but i highly doubt it - but at least it will be taken to court)


I think you underestimate just how big the second-hand and rental market is. This is easily a deal breaker.

This, I think it will definitely be a deal breaker and MS will not want bad word of mouth.

For those saying it will stop Sony getting 3rd party titles, what if orbis' user base ends up being twice that of Durango's for example. Would third party devs ignore them?

It's definitely risky but interesting


Microsoft wouldn't be doing this if not for some serious publisher benefits.

If ms does this and sony doesn't, expect lots of timed exclusives for the xbox. Sony fans will have to wait for everything, if they get the game at all.

We don't know if this is how it'll pan out. If people just don't buy Xbox in the first place, publishers won't be developing for it.


What would be a huge win for Sony is day and date digital releases of all games at a $10.00 discount. I'd rather buy online at $49.99 then buying at Game stop for $59.99 and trading it in later.
Why would publishers be cool w/ reducing prices? If anything, you'd more likely see than on Xbox's system (I'm predicting we'll see neither)

EDGE's confidence in the source is astounding. Holy shit MS wtf are you doing. Does Gamestop have any lobby power where it can at least reach out to Sony so they don't get wiped out next gen or become just a small novelty store for older games?

Gamefly will die too.

Gamestop is losing relevance by day


people keep saying "publishers will absolutely love this" but i'm not so sure...
im gonna guess they will make less money from people refusing to buy their games if they do this


re-post what I said:

I edited it into my previous post. They'll still be selling new games (and probably more now), high margin accessories, and Live cards. Just because consoles have never traditionally sold for much profit, doesn't mean you still throw everything else out. They're not in a position to turn away money.

EDIT: Not saying they won't be pimping PS4, but you still sell these other items because it's better than the alternative of nothing.
I actually don't care what Microsoft's response would be to this. It's smart business if true. I'm more interested in what Gamestop's response to this is.

people keep saying "publishers will absolutely love this" but i'm not so sure...
im gonna guess they will make less money from people refusing to buy their games if they do this

This is a publishers wet dream. They'll love it.


If one of MS or Sony does this and the other one doesn't, I can see third party developers getting quite pissed off at that remaining one...


Still don't think it will matter if the product is marketed right/has the games.

Fair enough, agree to disagree. We still don't know for sure what either of them are doing.

Unless Gamestop has really changed from my time there i'm serious about the DM's coming in and telling their employees to favor one console over the other. Telling parents they will be locked into all their game purchases will be huge. Console market is a much different beast then PC market and people need to start realizing this and stop the comparisons. College students and teens live off being able to trade in their games to recoup money to buy future games, they use gamefly. This is pretty huge and nothing to try and sweep under the rug.


it won't be, it'll be the "no games" console. if you're a sony fan you're going to be hoping that all those no used games patents come to something, or the PS4's future prospects are about on a par with the vita.

at minimum, i think it'll be a non-mandatory feature. leaving japanese publishers to do what they want while all the big western houses lock their shit up tight.

I hardly think this is within the realm of possibility. You are saying they will pit what they think they lose in used games against what they are actually making on PlayStation platforms in the last few years, and decide to toss the latter in favour of the former?

The platform holders call the shots, not the publishers.
with the risisng cost of game dev, why would they ingore half the potental audience by not putting it on ps4.

When every major publisher is backing the xbox with exclusives of some form or another who will buy a ps4?

I think thats the plan if Sony doesn't step up.

I bet we dont hear jack shit about this on the 20th.
Microsoft not coming out and denying this rumor is kinda worrying me. If this were blatantly false, why not come out and say so?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Microsoft seems really quite bent on destroying any goodwill the company ever had. Windows 8 was a disaster, and everything I hear about Durango lately is just the same. Ballmer is taking everything into a fucking locked in death spiral and nobody has the power to stop him or the idiots he's allowed to assume top responsibilities.

Also from the way EDGE is harping on, it sounds like they must know the PS4 isn't following the "no secondhand games" route.


No why would they leave free money on the table, if this article is right then the sony box would be more powerful and offer a better dev enviroment. If this all came true i dont know how ms can come out of this very well.

Logically, there is no way a single manufacturer would force a system like this without ENORMOUS incentive. It would effectively be suicide if both consoles still had third party parity on the level of PS360. Granted gamers are a spineless lot, but they're not going to buy a locked console over an unlocked console when they have the same games. Now if the locked console had secured exclusivity of most or all the major properties, they'd flock to it.


If this is true and Sony actually allows used games (I think the biggest probability is Sony doing exactly the same as MS...whatever that may be) it will be interesting to observe how this will affect publishers and developers relations with both of then.

Publishers and devs will be glad if hardware makers eliminate the used market while they don't take any of the blame right? I wonder if there will be compensations, exclusive deals, etc...

I love how you spent all that money and you're ready to drop it all on a rumor I love this website. :D lol

All those bad MS rumors must be hitting really hard on you going by these past threads...stay strong friend!


Ok im convinced this is a FUD campaign now...

EDGE must be begging to lose their credibility, if that is the case. They posted one article, then came right back to reinforce it with this one. Apparently this is (at least to them) pretty concrete.
I can't see one system doing it and not the other; especially if both want great third party support.

It's either both or none.

If just one does it, then people won't get that system. Pretty sure MS/Sony is smart enough to see that. Who knows though...
Maybe it comes down to what's the bigger slice of pie:

People that trade in games vs people that will buy the system where they can play games like GTA and Call of Duty first (or only) on.

Looking at how PC sales have taken off with things like Steam, Blizzard, Minecraft and other top sellers that have no used sales due to DRM... I think MS might win this one.


Slightly off topic, but this is the inevitable outcome of the "one console future".

Not one console, but a standardization - sure. Steambox and Android OS (for handhelds) have the potential to lead the way into the open 'format' of videogames where companies just produce hardware which will enable a standardized OS/Games which can be played on it, like home video.
If there is still multiplatform parity between Sony and Microsoft then I am definitely going with Playstation next gen. Unless Microsoft secure some stellar exclusives that is.

According to rumours multiplatforms will look better (or at least play at few fps more) on Orbis.


Will be onboard for PS4 over Xbox if this is true. Really don't want to deal with a always on system and no second hand games.

Xbox would thus turn into a buy when it's dirt cheap on sale.


When every major publisher is backing the xbox who will buy a ps4?

I think thats the plan if Sony doesnt step up.



thanks for the laugh
Don#t be so sure about that. If consumers choose Sony so will the publishers. They have to make meny after all.

sony: you can resell all your games on our console!

customer: what games? where's CoD, where's GTA, where's battlefield?

sony: riiiiiiiiiiiiidge racer!

I hardly think this is within the realm of possibility. You are saying they will pit what they think they lose in used games against what they are actually making on PlayStation platforms in the last few years, and decide to toss the latter in favour of the former?

The platform holders call the shots, not the publishers.

you are talking like these are two established consoles with large bases. with so little else to distinguish them, publisher support will make or break sony; who have so far have been breaking their backs to ensure that they are making a console that third parties want to work with.

the risk of not factoring in some no used games solution is catastrophic, the undesirable no games GAF box which dreamcasts within 6 months. the risk of factoring it in is losing a little good will while achieving parity with your competitor.


I thought that a strong majority of multiplatform sales go to Xbox.

Not a majority no, a larger percent maybe worldwide but it isnt anywhere near a majority. And this would be a brand new slate clean, whos to say where things would go if all this turned out to be true.
Why would publishers be cool w/ reducing prices? If anything, you'd more likely see than on Xbox's system (I'm predicting we'll see neither)

Gamestop is losing relevance by day

Two reasons,

1. You discourage used game sales.
2. Publisher would sale their games without the game stop mark-ups.


This is what I said earlier that no one has commented on. This is a hugeeeee deal. What stops Gamestop from pushing the PS4 to consumers over the xbox if this happens?

You buy the Xbox 720 at Asda/Walmart/Best Buy/John Lewis/etc. In the end if this is true they could put machines in Gamestops/Game where you take your memory stick type in your activation code for game and downloads an unlock for you in the store...

But the fact usually in the past Edge has mentioned a "Developer source" or a "publisher source", these stories have just had a source which is as vague as you can get ...


I honestly couldn't care less about having to be always online (if implemented similarly to Steam) or the whole no used games thing. That said, I still foresee myself skipping Microsoft's console offerings next time around. Their pay to play online ecosystem doesn't not gel with me at all and their first and second party exclusives more often than do not fit my interests. The main use for my 360 has been playing superior ports of third party single player games. During the next generation I suspect the Microsoft console will lose that advantage on third party titles given the of the shelf hardware used by both manufacturers, which should make difficulty of development on par for both systems. Hence I'll probably be more than fine with a PC + PS4 and Wii U combo.


The reason steam works is because of their sales. MS/Sony do sales but they are extremely rare compared to Steam's and they aren't anywhere near as big. If this 'can't play used games' becomes a thing for MS/Sony then I will probably just switch over to the Wii U.

You're going to have only Nintendo games to play though...


I think MS jumped the gun by a few years, but retail for games/digital products is dying. People are way more comfortable buying content through their boxes.
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