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Ever feel like Marvel could genderswap some roles in their filmverse?

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So, there I am, watching Captain America, and shortly after the movie, I was like "hey, that was awesome! They actually had several solid female roles in the movie!" I started following that thought, wondering why I was so surprised by this. Marvel's always had pretty solid female characters.

Then it hit me. Marvel doesn't exactly have many women who have much power in their movies.

The Avengers, for instance, have a SUPERHUMAN SOLDIER, DUDE IN ROBOT ARMOR, A GOD, THE STRONGEST THERE IS, Hawkeye for men. The only woman is a baseline human. Hawkeye, at least, never misses. What has Black Widow got? Nothing Hawkeye doesn't.


It got me thinking about what women to pick from. Marvel's most capable female characters, I think, are largely X-Men, which, for licensing reasons, are stuck over at Fox. Beyond that, we've got female counterparts to male characters, like She-Hulk. And don't get me wrong: I'd actually love a She-Hulk movie, assuming we could get an actress with strong comedic chops in the role, as well as a director who can pull off superheroics and humor (which is surprisingly hard!) and actually do a hulk character that doesn't just look stupid on film.

The next most obvious choice is Captain/Ms. Marvel, but in the grand scheme of things, she's not exactly that capable, and her personality in comics is kinda bland--and I say this as someone who really enjoyed Brian Reed's run. What little I've seen of Kelly Sue Deconnick's work has been pretty good, though.

And... that's about it. Oh, sure, I mean, we can go dig up people like Tigra (cat powers), Photon (light shows), whatever, if we really want to... but...


If Marvel can turn a character who, for about fifty years, has been a white dude, into a black dude, then surely a gender swap isn't that big a deal, right?

Marvel's got plenty of characters who aren't established enough to change
For instance, I'd never think of making Ben Grimm a woman, because he's the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing, and that's just all he's ever going to be

Take Captain Marvel, for instance
yeah, yeah, I know, Captain Marvel is Ms. Marvel's new name
. In those old comics, you had Rick Jones switching places with Mar-Vell. Imagine a situation where, say, you've got a girl who switches places with an alien superheroine. Maybe, if you want to actually have some fun with the concept, go with some sort of Birdy the Mighty take on it. For even more fun, make 'em switch bodies, so the girl's in the superheroine's body, and the superheroine's in the girl's body.

Sentry might be a neat take too, and I don't mean the modern "I'm a psychotic drug-using monster" version, but the original concept: a hero from the past that everyone's forgotten, dealing with a superpowered dark version of themselves. To avoid being too grimdark, borrow some inspiration from the Justice Buddies version of Mary Marvel, with this sweet, adorable, occasionally naive powerhouse. Spend half the movie dealing with her beginnings as a superhero, and the other half dealing with her resurfacing in the future, trying to convince people who don't remember her of their past, regaining her power, dealing with The Void, stuff like that.

There's plenty of other possible characters. Hyperion, Captain Universe, Gladiator, and Quasar, for instance. Some of these characters actually have female versions (like Phyla-Vell or Xenith), so it's not that big of a stretch to just use them as the main character.



Am I crazy for thinking Marvel could do better than their current 5 guys to 1 girl ratio going on in Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy? Is it weird to want some female powerhouses/reimaginings of boring-but-capable male characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Has my boredom gone too far?


Basically, I'd like to see a character who:

1) Can take on Thor, Iron Man, or Hulk. Someone who can keep up with the big boys. Seriously, go look at Marvel's "most powerful" lists. Not many women on the charts. Dozens of men.
2) Can be used by Marvel (so no mutants, possibly not the spider-women)
3) Isn't just a female version of a male character already in the movies


I support.

The problem is .... who ?
Pretty much every big one is already there =/

My vote would be Dr Stange ... but aparently he was already named in some marvel movie
I support.

The problem is .... who ?
Pretty much every big one is already there =/

My vote would be Dr Stange ... but aparently he was already named in some marvel movie

Stephen Strange was named, doesn't mean that Dr Strange can't be his wife or sister :p

Susan Strange, Sorceress extraordinaire.
Marvel should make alt versions of the characters they have licensed out.
Rename them, give them the same powers and give them similiar looking costumes.


I support.

The problem is .... who ?
Pretty much every big one is already there =/

My vote would be Dr Stange ... but aparently he was already named in some marvel movie

Doctor Strange is literally the only character--the ONLY character--I wouldn't want changed, but that's because, in my head, he's being played by James Franco, which is awesome. I don't think I'd want anyone to replace him, though I doubt Marvel's going to make that casting choice.

She-Hulk, I'd be there day one.

In my perfect world, Rian Johnson directs Rachel Weisz as She-Hulk, because The Brothers Bloom was fantastic. Also Mark Ruffalo was in it, so he and Rachel Weisz work well on screen together.

Black Panther could be an interesting choice.

Black Panther is a terrible character that shouldn't exist, and his sister is even worse (yes, he has a sister; he gave up being king to go be king of a graveyard)


Aren't there already a bunch of competent female Avengers, though? Ms. Marvel, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, Whatever Mrs. Pym's name is this week and Firestar, for instance?


Aren't there already a bunch of competent female Avengers, though? Ms. Marvel, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, Whatever Mrs. Pym's name is this week and Firestar, for instance?

Yes they are, but it seams people want to see their favorite heroes as an opposite gender which they can get from fanart.


Wouldn't there be a risk that it then falls into the "men with boobs" trope? Would be better to come up with some new heroes. The female captain America would always stand in the shadow of the male one


Aren't there already a bunch of competent female Avengers, though? Ms. Marvel, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, Whatever Mrs. Pym's name is this week and Firestar, for instance?

1. Yes, she's now Captain Marvel.
2. I think both Spider-Women are stuck with Sony.
3. Um...
post-credits scene in Captain America
and coming to Age of Ultron, played by one of the Olsens iirc. Also a completely insane person. Apparently Marvel did some legal mumbo jumbo to get the rights to use her.
4. She has the powers of being tiny, and also large. Also, her showing up would be tied to Hank, and Marvel seems to want to avoid Hank.
5. Firestar is a Mutant. Stuck with Fox.

All the best female heroes are Mutants and FOX and Brian S. are busy fucking them up.

Basically. I think Singer's sexuality comes into play in his movies. He wants hot dudes and kickass old men in tight leather. Could be wrong, that's just the impression I get. Kinda like how Jim Cameron reaaaally likes him some strong women (Vasquez/Connor workout sequences, hi).

Or maybe he's just bad with women. Some directors are. I don't ever think I've seen a movie where I've thought "yes, that is a great female character."
You could make a team out of the possibilities without making the male characters female or inventing new ones:

Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
She Hulk
Agent 13
Captain Marvel
Kate Bishop
Spider Woman?

Some of them are already the female equivalent of the male character and exist already.

You can also take a number of unpopular female characters and make them popular.

Also, add some female villains, like Madame Masque, Enchantress, or Morgan le Fay.
Oooh, they could combine the Panther with Ourolo (sp), and turn her into an african queen of Wakanda.
Good way of bypassing the mutant restriction.
The obvious choice is the correct one. Katee Sackhoff as Captain Marvel needs to be underway yesterday.

Treat it just as seriously as Thor, Cap or Iron Man in terms of budget and marketing, and make her an Avenger, obviously. Do it, Marvel!


Bold One

The obvious choice is the correct one. Katee Sackhoff as Captain Marvel needs to be underway yesterday.

Treat it just as seriously as Thor, Cap or Iron Man in terms of budget and marketing, and make her an Avenger, obviously. Do it, Marvel!



Emily Blunt was made for the role
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