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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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SAO looks like it's going..places. I should watch this show soon. Anyways, moving on.

Hyouka 6
If AnimeGAF said this was the worst episode of the series then it must be pretty good, because it wasn't that bad. A little boring, but not banging my head off the desk boredom I was expecting from what you guys were saying.

Ah yes, it wouldn't be an Anime without the inevitble hotspings or beach episode.

They're really gonna run this movie thing out into a multi episode arc when someone could just visit whatsherface and ask her who the culprit was? Or was she in like a coma or something? I might have missed that. Actually, you know what, this is fine, watching everyones theories then Oreki shit all over them is great.

But on a high note: It's like a kalideoscope!....*BANG*


Define "amazing". Amazing in the sense that it's actually good or amazing in the typical E7AO sense of "amazing anyone would think that was a good idea"?
It amazes me.
a·mazed, a·maz·ing, noun
verb (used with object)

1. To overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder; astonish greatly.
2. To bewilder; perplex.


For those who don't watch the show. This is what the great battle animations looked like in SAO 14


Spent the whole budget on a CGI skeleton thing.

if SAO at least had some good battles it was a reason to watch, and there was potential to have those, but it doesn't have anything remotely good, the animation is really cheap and lazy. Now I'm looking back at these 14 episodes, seriously this series had nothing worthwhile; game mechanics were cool but it didn't go anywhere really. What's next isn't looking appealing to me at all, so I just exit here, good luck to the rest :p


Now that I have a bit of free time, brief reviews of this season's EP1's:
Chuunibyou: Loved it. Was expecting people to like this show and for me to hate it, but it appears to have turned out the opposite? At least seemingly so. Love the lampooning of melodramatic anime tropes.
K: I don't think this is as bad as people have been saying, but... yeah it's pretty bad. Especially in retrospect. I sort of dig some of the animation and character art and the ugly filters don't bother me as much as most people, so i'll stick with it a bit more. Not expecting much, though.
Shin Sekai Yori: I'm on basically the same page as most people here with this one. I hope it doesn't begin to drag though. I could see it not going anywhere.
Zetsuen no Tempest: The pacing of this episode was a bit shoddy, but I think it was made up for with some solid direction. Especially in the visuals. That fight scene felt so nice. What some people have said about the source material worries me, but I have high hopes anyway.
BTOOOM!: You know, aside from the MC taking a whole ten minutes to figure out that
the timer on the bomb shows when it will explode,
this wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting (and hoping). Though there's still plenty of time for it to get worse. And I will be there when it does.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: This was my first exposure to anything JoJo. And it was good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Damn, Kirito was 14 when he started playing this game.



To give a clearer picture of what I mean, Ao as a TV series is basically an unsalvageable wreck. It's not what anyone wanted from a work bearing the Eureka Seven title - and this is coming from someone who doesn't consider the original series to be that great. I don't know what BONES were trying to do with with but I do know that they managed to make something that angers nearly everyone.

This OVA does not answer the concerns of people looking for a worthy work in the Eureka Seven vein, and how could it, being part of the TV continuity. It simply aims to be silly, entertaining nonsense of the highest calibre. There's lots of really amazing and cartoony facial animation, silly Noah stuff and great direction. It looks better than many of the episodes in the TV series. I can't imagine it being something that is everyone's cup of tea though, because it's so silly. More endless trolling.


SAO: 14

Well, that's not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Honestly, I've seen much worse. It's amazing how this show can go so long without advancing the main plot until it suddenly feels the need to jump forward.

Yes, this show is dumb. I've accepted that and no longer care. The fights are still occasionally fun, and it's enjoyable to get caught up in some bad melodrama on occasion. Is it a good show? No, but I like it none the less.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
SAO 14:
Awful does not even begin to describe this finale.

Yet it was still better than Angel Beats.

My interpretation: Kawahara got bored of writing SAO and realized, in a moment of existential crisis, that it wasn't even fun anymore. Akihiko's final conversation with Kirito and Asuna reflects that, and like how Akihiko ultimately abandoned his world to look for another, so did Kawahara abandon SAO for greener pastures. This mirrors the MMO cycle, where players eventually realize that they're only playing out of some social obligation to their guild, and not because they're enjoying the game, eventually canceling their subscription and looking for a new MMO for a fresh start.


As someone who's hated the past like 5 episodes of SAO, it's stunning to me that I can not hate this one. I think I've finally accepted the show for what it is instead of what I wanted it to be.


if SAO at least had some good battles it was a reason to watch, and there was potential to have those, but it doesn't have anything remotely good, the animation is really cheap and lazy. Now I'm looking back at these 14 episodes, seriously this series had nothing worthwhile; game mechanics were cool but it didn't go anywhere really. What's next isn't looking appealing to me at all, so I just exit here, good luck to the rest :p

I don't think the main draw is supposed to be the action or the game itself. Otherwise, it'd have ended like the guy has envisioned it would (and be super cheesy as a result).

Personally, I found the game mechanics to be boring at the very start. Everyone is a swordsman, fascinating. In my view, it's more of a character analysis of how individuals deal with grief, guilt, regret etc., which it has done with varying levels of success. It's not amazingly written, but the majority of the critique seems overblown, especially when people went in without high expectations beyond trashy drama.

The reactions sort of remind me of Ano Hana.


Sword Art Online - 14


I... I don't even know where to begin.

Do I mention that Heathcliff, just said fuck it for the last 25 floors?
Do I mention how Asuna died by breaking the game code?
Or that Kirito killed Heathcliff despite already being dead?
Or how Heathcliff/Game maker guy's justification for creating the SAO world and killing 4000 people, was because of a castle in the sky? And Kirito and Asuna don't make a bigger deal out of that

The relationship between Kirito and Asuna was already vommit inducing as it is, I said wow.



Sometimes images that move speak louder than words:


Best use of Switzerland in a Eureka Seven work.


Personally, I found the game mechanics to be boring at the very start. Everyone is a swordsman, fascinating. In my view, it's more of a character analysis of how individuals deal with grief, guilt, regret etc., which it has done with varying levels of success. It's not amazingly written, but the majority of the critique seems overblown, especially when people went in without high expectations beyond trashy drama.

right, I mentioned that in the OT last week that the focus is human interaction in the game world not action, but the writing is so terrible I can't possibly take any of these seriously, it's just laughable to me. if there were some good battles, as a gamer, I'd watch it because that's interesting to me to see the game mechanics in action and game stories are terrible anyway :p , but it didn't deliver any of that.

The 'drama' is really bad, I can't see anyone seriously following into that, not just writing, the execution of it is very comical too.

and what character analysis when the leads are such flawless, over powered characters and can react to every situation perfectly ? there is no analysis to be had here. Maybe for other characters? All they do is just asking the leads for help and praising them...


right, I mentioned that in the OT last week that the focus is human interaction in the game world not action, but the writing is so terrible I can't possibly take any of these seriously, it's just laughable to me. if there were some good battles, as a gamer, I'd watch it because that's interesting to me to see the game mechanics in action, but it didn't deliver any of that.

The 'drama' is really bad, I can't see anyone seriously following into that, not just writing, the execution of it is very comical too.

I like bad melodrama on occasion. Sometimes its just fun to turn off your brain and just let yourself get sucked in. I believed a lot of the drama because I just didn't think about it.


Jojo 1

Wow. WOW. Far better than I expected it to be. Really liked how the differences between Jonathan Joestar & Dio's upbringing were highlighted in the opening credits too. Seemed like something more befitting of a movie rather than setup for a tv episode but damn if didn't set the basis for their characters in the first four minutes. Also dat ED. <3 that song.

Yeah. Jojo is awesome. Definitely gonna keep up with it.

This show has so much gif material!

Lots of shows lately do. I look forward to them.

JoJo 1-
What an asshole. I mean that's literally the trope of kicking the dog. I mean it's so forced in regards to making me hate Dio that I was laughing.

Dio is a shitty shithead. That just put him hilariously over the top as a character we are supposed to hate entirely.

And here's the trailer. Looks good!

OH man. So totally watching this.

DMC is just the right show to watch after NHK wich made me depressed lol.

The whiplash might be too much, or it may be exactly what you need.

Sword Art Online 15-25 Art

Spoilers. Seriously. I warned you.


I see more Cute. Although I left this show after episode 11.

As Long As There Is Love, It Doesn't Matter If Your My Brother - 01

Who needs impressions with a title that's something like that!

Although I've realised while watching this, that it would be awesome if there was a show where the main guy was trying to get a girlfriend, but the sister with a brother complex went all Yandere on their ass.

Sadly this show is missing the yandere to create the dream.

How many of these kinds of shows are there? I blame Oreimo for starting this recent trend. I bought Oreimo, so its partly my fault :(

chuunibyou 1

Show is






Team teacher.

Why infuriating? Also the teacher is amazing.

To love ru Darkness 1

This should probably just be an OVA.

I like the OP. Kind of drives the point home that Lala and Haruna don't matter anymore.

Disappointing. It should have been an uncensored OVA for sure. Otherwise, whats the point?

What duty?

YOu are the SAO ambassador and must not only endure it, but like it.

SAO 14:
Awful does not even begin to describe this finale.

Yet it was still better than Angel Beats.

My interpretation: Kawahara got bored of writing SAO and realized, in a moment of existential crisis, that it wasn't even fun anymore. Akihiko's final conversation with Kirito and Asuna reflects that, and like how Akihiko ultimately abandoned his world to look for another, so did Kawahara abandon SAO for greener pastures. This mirrors the MMO cycle, where players eventually realize that they're only playing out of some social obligation to their guild, and not because they're enjoying the game, eventually canceling their subscription and looking for a new MMO for a fresh start.

This sounds like such a troll ending that I may have to watch this episode just to see how much it come off the rails. It also sounds like events in this episode nullify a lot of what happened before in a way, making it all meaningless.


Sometimes images that move speak louder than words:


Best use of Switzerland in a [B]Eureka Seven[/B] work.[/QUOTE]


[quote="sleepykyo, post: 42926176"]I don't understand wtf is going on.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure the people making the show understand wtf is going on either.
Sword Art Online 14

Decent. Most applaud worthy thing in the episode
Asuna finally rose above worthless deadweight status and did something memorable, even if it didnt matter in the end. I was almost on the verge of applauding when she rose up and took the blow for Kirito. Good move

Probably the second best action scene in the series and Kirito was really good.
I liked his special move there remaining someone visible to deal that final blow. Akihiko definitely needed or needs more screentime, his real form, as he looked really nice. I did get into the emotions a bit when Kirito was crying, his voice then :(


You know, despite all the bullshit in SAO, I actually might have been able to take it if the fight sequences were actually interesting to watch.

There has been maybe two or three decent fight sequences throughout the entire 14 episodes.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Sometimes images that move speak louder than words:


Best use of Switzerland in a Eureka Seven work.

I see roses!

getting in touch with
inner yuri. Respect!

SAO - 14

I haven't laughed this hard at an ending for quite some time. So, congrats on that I guess?

The lack of fucks given killed me. XD


right, I mentioned that in the OT last week that the focus is human interaction in the game world not action, but the writing is so terrible I can't possibly take any of these seriously, it's just laughable to me. if there were some good battles, as a gamer, I'd watch it because that's interesting to me to see the game mechanics in action and game stories are terrible anyway :p , but it didn't deliver any of that.

The 'drama' is really bad, I can't see anyone seriously following into that, not just writing, the execution of it is very comical too.

and what character analysis when the leads are such flawless, over powered characters and can react to every situation perfectly ? there is no analysis to be had here. Maybe for other characters? All they do is just asking the leads for help and praising them...

I like some shows in this vein, like Raganarok the animation because that show also had characters in an MMO world but they were nowhere near as stupid as the ones in this show.
I can enjoy a show of this genre but it has to make a lot more sense, or just leave out logic holes like the nervgear thing entirely and just focus on the in-game world completely.


I like bad melodrama on occasion. Sometimes its just fun to turn off your brain and just let yourself get sucked in. I believed a lot of the drama because I just didn't think about it.

I grew up with Asian dramas, so the writing doesn't really faze me. In fact, it's what sells the show. Just look at every dramatic plot device in every sitcom in existence.


Man, it's amazing how my opinion on E7AO and SAO switched places with one episode from each. I went from indifferent enjoyment of E7AO and hatred of SAO to reluctant enjoyment of SAO and hating of E7AO.


How many of these kinds of shows are there? I blame Oreimo for starting this recent trend. I bought Oreimo, so its partly my fault :(

There have been shows that plays the incest card pre-dating Oreimo, but I think Oreimo was the first show to have the world sister in the title (non-hentai at least), because I think ever since, the titling of some shows have been more bolder than they used to. Like "Hey Girls, I'm Your Papa" "I Don't Like My Big Brother At All" as examples.


Well, it looks like I have 3 episodes of SAO to catch up on.

Just skip ahead to episode 14. You wont miss anything.

There have been shows that plays the incest card pre-dating Oreimo, but I think Oreimo was the first show to have the world sister in the title (non-hentai at least), because I think ever since, the titling of some shows have been more bolder than they used to. Like "Hey Girls, I'm Your Papa" "I Don't Like My Big Brother At All" as examples.

Thats what I meant pretty much. Its in the title now. Before it wasnt quite so obvious.


Tuesday. We have no idea if anything will actually change though.

The AT-X airing of MTLR was mostly uncensored, but even then there were still a few things that were saved for the BDs. So say there was a scene where Haruna's breasts would be covered by steam, they would consequently remove most of the steam, but still leave a modicum of it there as to entice you to buy the BDs to get the clearest image.


Little Busters 1


What's Aizen doing in this show? Also all I could think about during the first few minutes of the episode was this.

Anyway, I don't really get the need for a dullard main character when they have a suitable male lead in the Kyousuke dude, who seems to be some sort of male Haruhi. I suppose there's a need for a self insert beta in this kind of show, I bet he gets all the girls somehow. Most of the other characters probably die or something anyway. It kind of reminds me of Angel Beats, except not ugly, where the group's antics are at best mildly amusing rather than actually being funny.
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