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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]


Holy shit the rumors are saying you can only play as a dude? My wife would be so disappointed.

Whoa what? They can't be that dumb, can they? One of the biggest selling points of Fallout 3, NV, Oblivion, and Skyrim is that it's your own personal story that you write as you progress.


For you.
This looks fucking awesome. People complaining about graphics because it's not full of bs effects like muh chromatic abuhrration should seriously look at fucking skyrim and see how this looks like almost 2 generations better.

The crossgen rumour was ridiculous and total bullocks btw, I can't believe anyone fell for it.

This game is completely and utterly a cross-gen title. They might have cancelled those versions along the way( or shelving them for later release) but its pretty fucking obvious that this was originally a old gen title as well for a lot of time into development, and so the game will suffer a lot because of that. Everyone celebrating " no cross-gen woo woo" should stop now.


"that dog looks fucking terrible"

basic non-hairworks wolves in witcher 3 look way, way better than that dog. hell, they look better than any character model in the trailer. dunno how anyone can defend that


Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah so that trailer was kinda disappointing, but on the plus side it will probably run well at max settings on most PCs. I'm also not too worried about the graphics because if Skyrim is anything to go by, modders will swoop to the rescue and will make the PC version gorgeous.

In my mind, buying a Bethesda game is not so much an investment in Bethesda's game as it is an investment in the modding community.


"that dog looks fucking terrible"

basic non-hairworks wolves in witcher 3 look way, way better than that dog. hell, they look better than any character model in the trailer. dunno how anyone can defend that

for real

like i'd argue that i've been playing the witcher 3 too much but im not even compared this to it

either gamebyro hit a wall or there was an old-gen version


They/Them A-10 Warthog

saturday morning superman fallout

also im bettin they canceled a previous-gen version and this is super early or something

that dog looks fucking terrible

The dogs model and animations look pretty good. The textures are god awful though. My best guess is that dog texture is like 1k and the dog's entire uv map is crammed into that space. Had they gone with like a 2 - 4k texture on the dog (or just split the uvs into multiple 1k textures) it would look better. Maybe their engine can't handle 2k+ textures?

Or maybe they have shit texture artists. Animals and humans have always had bad texture art in Beth games.


Only problem with that shot is the blue skies. Actually, like I said before, that is my only complaint with the game so far is the color palette. Much to vibrant for me. Why is that sky so blue after nuclear war?

Well, generally the same reason skies are blue after you fire off nukes in real life or giant volcanoes erupt.
I won't mind the graphics if they can keep a stable framerate at 1080p. I never played Fallout for the graphics~

I'm hype though. Wonder if you'll be able to 'live' through the pre-bomb scenes.


"that dog looks fucking terrible"

basic non-hairworks wolves in witcher 3 look way, way better than that dog. hell, they look better than any character model in the trailer. dunno how anyone can defend that

Fallout will probably have physics for a lot of the objects in the world, unlike the glued on decorations from Witcher.


Oh wow, there's an interesting line in the sale email I just got from GMG:

Yes, the waiting and the wondering is finally over, the hype is real – Fallout 4 is coming and you can pre-purchase right now over on the GMG store! This year we'll be grabbing whatever rusty rifles we can find and heading back to post-nuclear America once more for some morally dubious decision-making and showdowns with Super Mutants, ghouls, and other remnants of humanity. Don't even think of missing out secure your copy of Fallout 4 now!

I mean I dunno if GMG would actually know anything but that heavily implies a 2015 release. Might be looking too far into it though.
"that dog looks fucking terrible"

basic non-hairworks wolves in witcher 3 look way, way better than that dog. hell, they look better than any character model in the trailer. dunno how anyone can defend that

To be fair Bethesda is some small noname studio compared to CDprojeckt who had 15 million to design an engine and to create a game based off it in 3 years after the massive multiblockbuster hits of Witcher 1 and Witcher 2.
Can't believe they are doing another vault dweller.... I just really hope obsidian gets a crack at this series again.

Oh I completely forgot about that. Yeah I hated Fallout 3 but loved New Vegas. If this is by the same team that did 3 and not NV it probably won't be good.


This is the worst thing really. Fallout is a RPG, I'm roll playing as a character that I want to be, so forcing sex/race onto a character is going to greatly diminish that experience for anyone who isn't a white male.

If the protagonist talks and they use a fucking Mass Effect scroll wheel there will be riots.

no its not. an rpg like the witcher is great because of the story it tells and its characters. if you made the witcher with a customizable lead the game wouldnt even be as close to good as it is now. but its the problem bethesda rpgs have are cool to run around in but that gets boring fast and when you dont have any good memorable characters or leads it makes it even worse.
? Infamous: SS is one of the best looking games this gen and has insane draw distance to boot

Even as an open world game, Infamous Second Son can't be compared to all types of open world games that clearly have more going on inside their respective worlds than Infamous does. It's literally the only PS4 game I've beaten beginning to end, so I have a pretty good idea of the type of openworld game that it is.


For you.
I don't get all the graphics complaints. But idk I play games, not graphics.
Bethesda games ? Like, at launch? No you don't.

Also you're forgetting that its not only shitty graphics. Those shitty graphics are coming from a fucking terrible engine and that will affect gameplay a lot and limit the game in a shitload of ways.
Wait... there might only be a male protagonist? Wow that be some shit, I'd skip the game if that was the case.

1. Why would you skip the game if you could only play as a male? The story may call for it.

2. Lets just wait to see what happens at E3 before we all go crazy.

I am honestly underwhelmed with the graphics shown but I am willing to play the wait and see game in hopes that this was just a really really old build of the game...


I do wish they keep their focus on emergent narrative, like previous. Not so sure if I like the idea of a more traditional narrative (linear, player character voice, etc..)


I don't get all the graphics complaints. But idk I play games, not graphics.

good lord this grinds my gears

"let's not move anything forward ever"

there's no excuse for this looking like it does

on the plus side I very much doubt it won't get a lot better near release
I would assume, if they have AO (also if exclusive to PC) in the game they would've shown it in the trailer.

Some wild theories:
1. Game is running at 60 FPS on all platforms locked (like TNO and RAGE)
2. They reduced the visually fidelity in the trailer to show off the console versions
--> exclusive marketing deal with either Sony or MS and showing the resp. version here.
To extend and go even wilder:
MS made a big deal with Bethesda to have Fallout 4 releasing during E3 for Xbox One (and maybe Windows 10?) only. (PS4 version follows a month later or so) Microsoft wanting to get back the good will of gamers by only showing how the game really looks on their platform and the deal dictates to show Xbox One footage.

Other than that, I don't think the game looks bad - it's just that it's missing graphical features we got used to.

lol this backfired horribly then


They/Them A-10 Warthog
"that dog looks fucking terrible"

basic non-hairworks wolves in witcher 3 look way, way better than that dog. hell, they look better than any character model in the trailer. dunno how anyone can defend that

That wolf has at least 2k textures.

Anyone know what resolution the highest texture setting in Witcher 3 is?


Gold Member
Whoa what? They can't be that dumb, can they? One of the biggest selling points of Fallout 3, NV, Oblivion, and Skyrim is that it's your own personal story that you write as you progress.

I highly doubt that. That's gotta be someone trying to stir the rumor mill and keep controversy afloat.

We live in the day and age where people can and will do that.

All we got was a trailer and there's already a handful of issues. How stupid is that?

They show one teaser trailer and they have a press conference and E3 in a little over a week.

I seriously doubt the credibility of any person making claims before then. This is the only thing they've released next to pre-orders on various websites and the like. Rumors are a toxic lie that the plagues people who want information.


Look at the difference a little bit of clear sky makes to the atmosphere compared to Fallout 3.

You can't tell me you don't want to explore this game.



I don't ever complain about graphics but I got to say the dog does look pretty bad, although everything else seems fine to me.


if you think something like The Witcher 3 looking like it does doesnt add to the atmosphere / feel of the whole game thus affecting it directly then you're nuts
good lord this grinds my gears

"let's not move anything forward ever"

there's no excuse for this looking like it does

on the plus side I very much doubt it won't get a lot better near release

I never said not to move anything forward. I just don't think the world is going to stop spinning because Fallout 4 looks ugly. I can play an ugly game. I could even play Super Mario 64 if I really really felt like it. Or even a 3DS game!!!
Look, I'm just as much of a tessellation loving, poly-counting, pixel licking whore as the rest of you. More than most.

But if you're coming to Bethesda for a cutting-edge graphical experience then just keep on walking and leave the fun for the rest of us. Assassins creed is that way, bro.
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