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Far Cry 5 keyart revealed


I know it's not necessarily an indication for such a thing, but I hope the similarities with FC3 and FC4 ends at the cover. Please, refresh the gameplay formula! Please!!


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I predict this is going to go hard on the religious nut job angle, who are a soft target, rather than the racist angle. I'd love to be surprised though.
I'm not disputing the unique nature of the idea, I'm just stating that I'm not interested. For me, Far Cry is all about that exotic tourism. That's why I got into the series. This seems like a wholesale turn away from that.

Well, like I said above, these games are open-world tourism for me. Blood Dragon didn't deliver on that, therefore it's no wonder I didn't like it.
I think you might be underestimating the kind of landscapes they could do




No bald cap? Lies!
I particularly hope they have some elements of those "Freedom" towns that were a big thing a few years ago that the likes of Glenn Beck and others were trying to get built. If I'm not mistaken something actually similar was happening in Montana a year or two ago with some Far Right people buying up all the properties in remote towns and squeezing out what few residents remained.




We've never gotten a game that has both done this setting/genre (at least well) or tried to do this kind of antagonist beyond the over-the-top Outlast/etc. cultists

What else in gaming has tried to do those? Those are areas usually reserved for film, TV, and books
That's the exciting part. This tackling of a cult. It seems to be aiming for modern day villian an like white supremacists or religious cults that aren't too over the top.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
What the fuck does "Far Cry" even mean anymore? The series has been all over the place at this point.

it's always the same with Ubisoft, first they throw stuff at a wall and hope it sticks, if it does they will just use the same pattern over and over again until it falls off.

Example: Far Cry 3 was a huge success so they decided to just make Far Cry 4 and Primal the same shit.

They will only change things up if people stop buying their games. Same with AssCreed, they milked the heck outta the series with the same games over and over again until people got sick of it, now they took a longer break and hopefully they spiced things up with the new game.

Same will happen with FC, as long as people buy those games they won't stop milking it. I will give this franchise 1 or 2 more games until they take a longer break from Far Cry as well.


This speaks to me. Get ready to see Conservative Snowflakes get hardcore triggered about this.

Looks like the Reddit rumor was on point so far


Why is everyone so convinced this game is controversial?

Fatih in Ubi's ability to empathetically convey a red state's ideological views? Ubisoft will no doubt write an insultingly reductive argument for the cultists' "backwoods" ways.

As long as I get to craft a larger arrow pouch out of salmon or bald eagles or something I really don't care.


No other flag flies above the U.S. flag in the United States. Ubisoft WILL be changing this.

Doubt it, if this story is going where I think it's going, the flag flying above the U.S. flag is an intentional design decision signalling their status as "sovereign citizens". Besides the idea that religious/ideological ideas come before the U.S. itself is typical in right-wing American political thought, a la Mike Pence's "Christian, Conservative, Republican in that order"


White people are extremely fragile and they don't like being reminded that racism is alive and well

source: am white

So it's controversial for this game to portray that racism is bad? Doesn't quite a bit of media do that these days. (TV, Movies, etc.)

There is literally a church on the cover, no way this doesn't ruffle some feathers. I'm actually excited about this, fuck hardcore American Evangelical Christianity frankly

Looks to me like it's more about this fictional (apparent) cult than it is about christianity.

Fatih in Ubi's ability to empathetically convey a red state's ideological views? Ubisoft will no doubt write an insultingly reductive argument for the cultists' "backwoods" ways.

As long as I get to craft a larger arrow pouch out of salmon or bald eagles or something I really don't care.

I don't think it's about the views of whatever state this takes place in as much as it is the group seated at the Last Supper homage there.

Churches, 'murica, guns, and a lot of these presumed villains look like alt-righters. This is clearly a jab at the American right wing.

Racists and white supremacists being depicted as bad people is controversial? That sounds like a fairly objective statement.


Churches, 'murica, guns, and a lot of these presumed villains look like alt-righters. This is clearly a jab at the American right wing.

I think they could go further with it if that's their angle tbh

From the trailers it's entirely possible for the alt-right to other themselves from the villains and just say they're classic hillbilly Waco types
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