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Fighting Games Weekly | April 21-27 | Easter EG Hunting

Calculus 2 kicks everyone's ass. The only reason I made an A in that class is because I exerted so much effort into studying that I pretty much didn't have a weekend life. Well, having Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry all in the same semester was the worst decision I made thus far.

Just keep at it, don't stress. Just keep the phrase 'At least Calc 3 isn't this bullshit"

personal experience, just do a lot of problems and get the work done. if you need help, go to your prof visiting hours and put in the elbow grease

Cal 2 got in my ass too :( . Basically scheduling helps. So like for X amount of hours you dedicate to studying nothing but Cal 2 stuff for how many days a week you can spare or feel you should dedicate to the subject. Just gotta practice and stick to the schedule. Hit up your professor too during his or her office hours for additional help.

Late on this but thanks, would really like to not have to take Calc 2 a third time >.>

Data structures + a senior level religion class (which, in reality, is my easiest class) + Calc 2 is making me hate this quarter ;_;


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone ever fail a class before?

P sure im about to fail my first one. Figured id be more stressed about it especially since im trying to transfer to uni but nah im chillin.


Slayer of Combofiends
It was Calc 3 that bodied me years ago. Ironically given what I play, it was the 3D stuff that bodied me hard.

Putting himself on blast, I respect that.

I found calc 1-4 pretty easy.. It's the abstract math that kills me (proofs and such). It's like please give me a value I can calculate!

Dude, I had a friend who took Calc 1-3, A's for all of them. Past that he took something called Integrated Math or something random like that and the averages usually were 30's. He got an A- and didn't even know how that happened.


Calc 2 ain't bad if you can grasp the concepts of what you're doing. Doing that can be difficult without a good prof, though.

Azure J

You guys are terrifying me with this Calc discussion. Then again, I could probably do well enough if I could tap into some of my old drive for math again.


I didn't do well in any of my calc classes but I do remember calc 2 being surprisingly difficult and calc 3 surprisingly easy. Calc 3 was like calc 1 with a couple extra twists.
Anyone ever fail a class before?

P sure im about to fail my first one. Figured id be more stressed about it especially since im trying to transfer to uni but nah im chillin.

I've failed a good deal of classes at college, mostly ones related to my major/core classes, sadly enough.

It really bugs me, and it's all a part of my low motivation/work ethic/laziness. Not my proudest aspect by far, but it is what it is, sadly. I've fucked up in the past and need to get good


Late on this but thanks, would really like to not have to take Calc 2 a third time >.>

Data structures + a senior level religion class (which, in reality, is my easiest class) + Calc 2 is making me hate this quarter ;_;
I feel your pain. Felt it rather. Glad I'm done with that.

And I guess I'm not alone in needing religion classes.


Slayer of Combofiends
Anyone ever fail a class before?

P sure im about to fail my first one. Figured id be more stressed about it especially since im trying to transfer to uni but nah im chillin.

I've gotten W's to then B's in classes but never an F. Probably lowest grade I ever got was a C+, ever since then its been a long list of B's, B+'s and a couple of A's.


Unconfirmed Member
I've failed a good deal of classes at college, mostly ones related to my major/core classes, sadly enough.

It really bugs me, and it's all a part of my low motivation/work ethic/laziness. Not my proudest aspect by far, but it is what it is, sadly. I've fucked up in the past and need to get good

How bad did it fuck you up?

I'm about 2 years into my degree and never really struggled so I never really looked into how an F or a D would affect my GPA or chances to transfer.

If you retake it does it replace the old grade, or is the f still reflected in your average?

Class im failing is Chem. My fault for not putting the work into it but also influenced by my schedule changing midsemester.

One test and the final left in the next two weeks, so Im gonna try and salvage it, but im expecting the worst atm and planning from there.
I feel your pain. Felt it rather. Glad I'm done with that.

And I guess I'm not alone in needing religion classes.

My programming fundamentals are a bit average at best, so I feel like I've been thrown for a loop. Gotta stop posting on GAF/playing games and study, but it's so hard to break bad habits and make good ones.

How bad did it fuck you up?

I'm about 2 years into my degree and never really struggled so I never really looked into how an F or a D would affect my GPA or chances to transfer.

If you retake it does it replace the old grade, or is the f still reflected in your average?

Class im failing is Chem. My fault for not putting the work into it but also influenced by my schedule changing midsemester.

I'm about a year behind where I should be because of classes I've failed. And we can only replace 16 units worth of failed classes, and I'm already at that limit, lol.


Never failed a class but i felt like I did numerous times. I barely payed attention in most of my classes. Those math/accounting finals I had no fucking clue. Fuck school. Biggest waste of human time.


Slayer of Combofiends
My programming fundamentals are a bit average at best, so I feel like I've been thrown for a loop. Gotta stop posting on GAF/playing games and study, but it's so hard to break bad habits and make good ones.


If you feel like you are failing and lack motivation, you need to find the said source for this loss of motivation. A good vacation usually fixes it or a hiatus on games/GAF might do the trick. Do you have any idea as to why your doing this in the first place? That's usually the issue with students, they go into studying for a major with no real idea as to what there goal is, not saying that that is your case but it usually happens.



If you feel like you are failing and lack motivation, you need to find the said source for this loss of motivation. A good vacation usually fixes it or a hiatus on games/GAF might do the trick. Do you have any idea as to why your doing this in the first place? That's usually the issue with students, they go into studying for a major with no real idea as to what there goal is, not saying that that is your case but it usually happens.

Most people are pressured into college without knowing what they want to do. I have two fucking degrees in stuff I no longer have interest in and I still don't know what I want to do. Being jobless and in debt is the american dream though.


Slayer of Combofiends
Most people are pressured into college without knowing what they want to do. I have two fucking degrees in stuff I no longer have interest in and I still don't know what I want to do. Being jobless and in debt is the american dream though.

To some degree I agree. Students are forced to follow a certain agenda when in high school and apply for college. Not everyone goes through that same path, but those that do sometimes end up confused and challenged if they don't have something motivating them to push forward in this harsh environment. Its all mental at the end of the day, if you believe you hate something, you'll end up hating it. If you believe you love it, you'll end up loving it. It depends whether you want to do it or not.

If everything is boring, I'd suggest seeing a psychiatrist, there are some detrimental conditions in which they affect your everyday life, an example is dopamine (reason why being rewarded feels so good) receptors that are not as sensitive compared to other people's receptors when being rewarded and everything becomes a struggle to do since its "boring".

To atomic moth, its that same paper that gives you credibility to employers so they don't hire someone random or have to waste time testing whether you know the material or not. Some degrees are BS (like acting since you need to get out there to get somewhere aka be in a lot of media) but others are essential when applying for jobs. You wouldn't want a lawyer or a doctor who doesn't have a degree since you have no idea where they learned everything from. The Greeks did it in the past to pass on their teachings in philosophy and has proven very effective in terms of learning and credibility. If it ain't broke, why fix it? It could certainly use some improvement but its fine as it is now until another and more manageable way of approaching education arises.

Also taking a break might be the smartest idea if you are feeling a lack of motivation, just make sure you have somewhere to live during that time haha
Yeah school is a scam for the most part. I have a piece of paper that got me a job, but I could have just read books to get the same education.

Encouraging underprepared people to go to college is one of the biggest problems in the US now. There's nothing wrong with going to trade school or taking a break and living life.


*googles "calculus 2"*
Ah, doesn't seem that bad, back when I was still a student (#feelingold) I got beat up hard when I discovered analysis. Before that I used to love mathematics, and after discovering what I thought was maths was only simply algebra it kinda changed my whole view on it.
Analysis is like some cheap SNK boss...


Most people are pressured into college without knowing what they want to do. I have two fucking degrees in stuff I no longer have interest in and I still don't know what I want to do. Being jobless and in debt is the american dream though.

Three here... *sighs* At least I got my BSCS, I guess.


Yeah, this is what we need. FG enthusiasts downplaying the value of education.

Vocab, real talk: are you okay? If you need to air some shit out please do so, I genuinely care. What's happening in your life that's instigated this stream of negativity that permeates every other post of yours in this thread?


It's not what about what you want to do... it's about what you have to do.

All I want to do all day is play some games (been playing D3 lately but it's all I have time for, don't even play Hearthstone anymore), theory craft on the Internet and watch some movies but I can't do that all the time. Gotta study for exams, gotta be at my job and gotta pay the bills. It's not fun but you gotta do it.


I also regret going to school, should have just worked and traveled until I was in my 30's and then go when I had some semblance of an idea as to what I wanted to do.


My programming fundamentals are a bit average at best, so I feel like I've been thrown for a loop. Gotta stop posting on GAF/playing games and study, but it's so hard to break bad habits and make good ones.

As for the Calc stuff, my university numbered everything weirdly so I never know what the normal name for the classes I've taken, but in terms of Calc, I think the main things to do are to get a handle on setting up your equations and picking convenient limits of integration. Most of the heavy lifting was in figuring out how to go from word problem into the initial equation, during surface of revolution problems. The converging series stuff might take some getting used to and if you need a tutor to help internalize it, I'd go that route.

Also, I'd agree with your assessment above. I have never played so few games as those years in college and didn't drink either because studying was the day job. It was also easier with much less game discussion on the internet and the arcade being separate from "home" gave me an easy way to leave gaming behind for days at a time.

You're a programmer like I am. You're going to get a job after graduation and be paid pretty well as long as you get out of there with a degree. Only your first job is gonna ask about your GPA and from then on its about how well you improve or keep up on your own. Make that priority one and you can spend your spare time chasing Evo points once you're employed, worst case...
It's not what about what you want to do... it's about what you have to do.

All I want to do all day is play some games (been playing D3 lately but it's all I have time for, don't even play Hearthstone anymore), theory craft on the Internet and watch some movies but I can't do that all the time. Gotta study for exams, gotta be at my job and gotta pay the bills. It's not fun but you gotta do it.
Basically but it helps to find something either you are good at or interested in enough that you won't bang your head on the desk 24/7.

My programming fundamentals are a bit average at best, so I feel like I've been thrown for a loop. Gotta stop posting on GAF/playing games and study, but it's so hard to break bad habits and make good ones.
If programming doesn't come natural to you probably need to get that experience in. I'm not very good at it either but I do well in my classes because I studied how to solve problems..


Yeah, certifications are ultimately arbitrary from a critical perspective: but to live that analysis will lead to depression and paralysis if you're not an active agent of change (as evidenced by vocab). Things aren't going to change over night while you wallow in self pity. Being productive in terms of what you believe goes a long way in alleviating some of the psychological stress that comes with being anti-establishment.

Intelligent people know the world's current priorities are totally fucked: but smarter people employ rational choice theory in the face of our blemished zeitgeist to lead meaningful lives. You may realize the credit/monetary system and its implications are nonsensical but you pay your debts, regardless. You recognize the broken US healthcare system, but health insurance is valuable, so you get healthcare (I admittedly screwed myself here). You may realize the flaws of our education system: but you get an education, because our job market places a premium value on certified education.

Yeah, the types of education being valued, currently, are shrinking, but that's larger problem in-and-of-itself.

If you feel like you are failing and lack motivation, you need to find the said source for this loss of motivation. A good vacation usually fixes it or a hiatus on games/GAF might do the trick. Do you have any idea as to why your doing this in the first place? That's usually the issue with students, they go into studying for a major with no real idea as to what there goal is, not saying that that is your case but it usually happens.

Oh, I know why I'm pursuing Computer Science, I've known why ever since I was a kid. The path has changed a bit over time, but I still know why I'm doing this. I mostly feel like I"m in over my head and not capable of being able to do it though.

As for the Calc stuff, my university numbered everything weirdly so I never know what the normal name for the classes I've taken, but in terms of Calc, I think the main things to do are to get a handle on setting up your equations and picking convenient limits of integration. Most of the heavy lifting was in figuring out how to go from word problem into the initial equation, during surface of revolution problems. The converging series stuff might take some getting used to and if you need a tutor to help internalize it, I'd go that route.

Also, I'd agree with your assessment above. I have never played so few games as those years in college and didn't drink either because studying was the day job. It was also easier with much less game discussion on the internet and the arcade being separate from "home" gave me an easy way to leave gaming behind for days at a time.

You're a programmer like I am. You're going to get a job after graduation and be paid pretty well as long as you get out of there with a degree. Only your first job is gonna ask about your GPA and from then on its about how well you improve or keep up on your own. Make that priority one and you can spend your spare time chasing Evo points once you're employed, worst case...

Yeah, I know I need to focus on my education first and foremost. I know I'll be doing indie game dev stuff, but it's really just a matter of learning, which seems to be the trouble right now.
Yeah school is a scam for the most part. I have a piece of paper that got me a job, but I could have just read books to get the same education.

Encouraging underprepared people to go to college is one of the biggest problems in the US now. There's nothing wrong with going to trade school or taking a break and living life.

There is no way I could have gotten an equivalent education just by reading books instead of going to class. I could see myself self-studying through the basic shit, but not the harder stuff I did senior year and for my Masters.

also Calc III is bullshit for a programmer and I think schools should replace that with something programmers are actually going to use, like Linear Algebra (which is woefully undertaught nowadays anyways)


Slayer of Combofiends
Oh, I know why I'm pursuing Computer Science, I've known why ever since I was a kid. The path has changed a bit over time, but I still know why I'm doing this. I mostly feel like I"m in over my head and not capable of being able to do it though.

Yeah, I know I need to focus on my education first and foremost. I know I'll be doing indie game dev stuff, but it's really just a matter of learning, which seems to be the trouble right now.

Get that mentality out of your head. You play fighting games, you need a winning attitude to be good at something. That's what fighting games taught me and the only reason I was able to make it past college. Believe in yourself smeddy, I know Captain America would BibleThump.
Eagerly awaiting the dahbomb breakdown of the champ vs yipes set

Also, inb4 champ sandbagging and beats nemo by a ton

Also, inb4 nemo beats the dogshit outta champ
Oh, I know why I'm pursuing Computer Science, I've known why ever since I was a kid. The path has changed a bit over time, but I still know why I'm doing this. I mostly feel like I"m in over my head and not capable of being able to do it though.

Yeah, I know I need to focus on my education first and foremost. I know I'll be doing indie game dev stuff, but it's really just a matter of learning, which seems to be the trouble right now.


just watch gurren lagann before any test and you'll be the best!
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