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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


Four Liquid Flame later, still no Mom Bomb drop.

How annoying. Really don't want to resort to one of those packet inspecting tools for this but I may have to.

Since time is a valuable commodity, I was on board for one of them, but when I tried a month ago, I couldn't get anything setup right I guess. Seemed like it would be easy too since I have a phone with a ton of apps. (iphone)

Edit: My status:

Bismarck and Sealion are farmable.
Soooooooo close on Flame and Fenrir.
Not even close on Golem, have not tried Hydra.

I think I need to quit wasting time on Flame and Fenrir attempts and just go ahead and kill Bismarck and Sealion some more.


Surprised how easy Golem was for me just using Ninja abilities and Radiant Shield, no DPS SB's necessary. 54 seconds using Fujin and Shadow, no dives, with R3 Raging Storm and R4 Gust. Extra damage from Alipinaud casting Meltdown and Tiamat, Papalymo as second healer with Ley Lines and Y'shtola of course. Mastered it, too. Would have been faster if Fujin didn't die near the end but I'm just happy I beat it, with no S/L's too!

All I have left is Hydra, with 0 earth SB's except I guess Bartz OSB, but that didn't stop me on Golem and Fenrir so I'm not too worried.


I mean really it boils down to "does this character have an OSB and an element attach"

if yes, S tier

if only OSB, A tier

if only BSB with a good secondary effect, B tier

Almost everything else depends on what kind of party setup you're stacking - chains, imperils, multiple layers of offensive boost, etc

Actually, from the gamefaqs dps list, the S tier are mostly those with USBs with some kind of chase or quickcast effect. There are a few exceptions, like Master Monk who can wreck face with just his LM1+LM2 and spamming Meteor Crush and Lifebane.

Here's the gfaqs topic.

Looks like another big factor is having a dualcast LM.


Actually, from the gamefaqs dps list, the S tier are mostly those with USBs with some kind of chase or quickcast effect. There are a few exceptions, like Master Monk who can wreck face with just his LM1+LM2 and spamming Meteor Crush and Lifebane.

Here's the gfaqs topic.

Looks like another big factor is having a dualcast LM.

If that's the same one that was linked to here about 2-3 months ago.

It seemed really off, not that I have a better one, but it just seemed very incomplete and thus inconclusive.


I have Cloud USB with his OSB and the ability to make a R2 (Need 2 more Dark Crystal for R3) Omega Drive and nothing else for him.

Is it still worth full diving him and getting R3 Omega Drive? Apparently R3 OD and Cloud USB can DSP all the magicite in under 30 seconds.


I have Cloud USB with his OSB and the ability to make a R2 (Need 2 more Dark Crystal for R3) Omega Drive and nothing else for him.

Is it still worth full diving him and getting R3 Omega Drive? Apparently R3 OD and Cloud USB can DSP all the magicite in under 30 seconds.

Sometimes who to break can really be debatable.

But it really seems you'd be silly not to break him. That or you're saying you have 5 other characters (or healer and 4 others) who have better gear, stats, skills, than what Cloud would have.


Ugh how annoying. Best I can do without some form of non charge



Sometimes who to break can really be debatable.

But it really seems you'd be silly not to break him. That or you're saying you have 5 other characters (or healer and 4 others) who have better gear, stats, skills, than what Cloud would have.

Legend Driving isn't even what concerns me the most. Omega Drive to R3 does and if I don't hone Omega Drive to R3, is it worth using Cloud at all without his BSB2.

Omega Drive uses Dark Crystals which you need for Afflication Break and Fire Cystals which you need for Meltdown. (Probable the 2 most useful 6* skills)

Right now Cloud isn't even on my main team.

I mainly run Holy

Agrias (All SBs)
Ramza (Shout, Chant)
Ysho (BSB)
Tyro (SG)

My other A team is Lightning base but can switch to a much weaker Non-Elem.

Problem with my those are that they suck versus most magicite battles and thats the end game content.


I have Cloud USB with his OSB and the ability to make a R2 (Need 2 more Dark Crystal for R3) Omega Drive and nothing else for him.

Is it still worth full diving him and getting R3 Omega Drive? Apparently R3 OD and Cloud USB can DSP all the magicite in under 30 seconds.
Cloud is on a tier of his own. Break him and dump all the resources you have on him.


Legend Driving isn't even what concerns me the most. Omega Drive to R3 does and if I don't hone Omega Drive to R3, is it worth using Cloud at all without his BSB2.

Omega Drive uses Dark Crystals which you need for Afflication Break and Fire Cystals which you need for Meltdown. (Probable the 2 most useful 6* skills)

Right now Cloud isn't even on my main team.

I mainly run Holy

Agrias (All SBs)
Ramza (Shout, Chant)
Ysho (BSB)
Tyro (SG)

My other A team is Lightning base but can switch to a much weaker Non-Elem.

Problem with my those are that they suck versus most magicite battles and thats the end game content.

I only skimmed your initial post, and although I do that all the time, apparently this time I had zero comprehension.

I was thinking you said you had his BSB2.

I still you should though. Although Cloud USB is best as RW, if I had it, I would figure out the best possible way to pile on his DPS with his dmg cap break USB.

I mean, obviously you're trying to do that with OD3 but seems like a no-brainer from the outside. You also somewhat get a leg up since we can't use RW in Magicite.


Read a post on Reddit for those without enough Ice SBs to take down Fenrir. This is my slightly adapted set up as I don't have Y'Sholta. Major props to u/SoliRex.

This was my set up.

Aerith - Curada R3 / Protectga R3 / Thunder God RM / Hidden BLoom
Edward - Affliction Break R2 / Wrath R5 / Dr Mog's Teachings / Song of Swiftness
Alphinaud - Haste R5 / Curaja R5 / Mako Might / Deployment Tactics
Raines - Chain Blizz R3 / Wrath R5 / Sorceress' Vow / Metamorphasis
Serah - Sudden Freeze R4 / Blizzaja R3 / Scholar's Boon / Moonfrost Arrows

I'd tried turtling before as I mentioned, but didn't have enough DPS to carry - this set up solves that.

You get a triple MAG buff via Edward, Alphinaud and Raines (via BSB) which will cap Raines' casting of Chain Blizz, and put Serah at about 6.3k per BSB CMD1. Aerith healed and cast protectga as Fenrir uses mostly PHYS attacks and his only MAG attack ignores RES anyways...so gear for DEF not RES.

Radiant shield fills in the damage gap quite nicely, while Alphinaud is on heal duty or hastes anyone who is slowed. Ice Magicite is also a bacon saver. Total fight took 57.35 with mastery. Did on the first try with this set up with no S/L after bashing my head against this one for days.


Read a post on Reddit for those without enough Ice SBs to take down Fenrir. This is my slightly adapted set up as I don't have Y'Sholta. Major props to u/SoliRex.

This was my set up.

Aerith - Curada R3 / Protectga R3 / Thunder God RM / Hidden BLoom
Edward - Affliction Break R2 / Wrath R5 / Dr Mog's Teachings / Song of Swiftness
Alphinaud - Haste R5 / Curaja R5 / Mako Might / Deployment Tactics
Raines - Chain Blizz R3 / Wrath R5 / Sorceress' Vow / Metamorphasis
Serah - Sudden Freeze R4 / Blizzaja R3 / Scholar's Boon / Moonfrost Arrows

I'd tried turtling before as I mentioned, but didn't have enough DPS to carry - this set up solves that.

You get a triple MAG buff via Edward, Alphinaud and Raines (via BSB) which will cap Raines' casting of Chain Blizz, and put Serah at about 6.3k per BSB CMD1. Aerith healed and cast protectga as Fenrir uses mostly PHYS attacks and his only MAG attack ignores RES anyways...so gear for DEF not RES.

Radiant shield fills in the damage gap quite nicely, while Alphinaud is on heal duty or hastes anyone who is slowed. Ice Magicite is also a bacon saver. Total fight took 57.35 with mastery. Did on the first try with this set up with no S/L after bashing my head against this one for days.

I have all that, maybe I will try again, and bring Haste this time, been just relying on Ultra Cure (when I have time to target a slow)

I don't bring affliction break but perhaps I should...


I have all that, maybe I will try again, and bring Haste this time, been just relying on Ultra Cure (when I have time to target a slow)

I don't bring affliction break but perhaps I should...

I think I got slowed a total of 2 times throughout the fight. But RNG gonna RNG.


Ya, but being frustrated, when I see Fenrir do triple savage winds on turbo, I have to assume it's because I didnt get a dispel immediately on top of the fact that like 2 of my main people for healing are slowed (seems like always)

Going to try a setup like this:

Relm - Last Stand BSB - Heals/Arise
Aerith - USB for Shellga - Heals
Alphinaud - Deploytactics, back up heals.
Tyro - Keepers tome, or if needed Wall after 1'05-1'10. Also has Phantasm for some solid 6-7k dps.

Edea - Ice Queen BSB with Chain Blizz

Edit: uuugggghhhh at '23 secs in, he cast Savage Moon and I'm like "oh Jesus, of COURSE I forget dispell".


Edit2: I usually ignore Slow in like every fight in the game, I guess Ultra Cure or Esuna don't fix, Haste only.

Edit3: lol at 1:15 he did 4 Savage winds in a row. Now time to try again, but bring dispell this time.


Well, Hydra was cake. Bartz's OSB gets no respect, man. My only Earth SB, accompanied by Vaan, Ramza and Deployment Tactics. I've cleared every Magicite dungeon now, 3 of them mostly with just abilities and Radiant Shield lol. Need to redo Liquid Flame for mastery now I think, but even with all my water gear, that boss is still the most annoying by far. I hope Holy and Dark come soon, that's basically where all my relics are unintentionally.


I have somewhat of a plan for Golem

(Note: can't remember some of the names)

Fujin | Gust R5 / Wrath R5 | Wind DMG+ RM | En-Wind SB
Yuffie | Gust R5 / 5* Wind Ninja R2 | Ninja Double Tap RM | Clear Tranquil
Curilla | Curaja R5 / ??? | DMT | USB / SSB
Onion Knight | Meltdown R2 / Tiamat R3 | MM | BSB
Rosa | Wrath R4 x2 | Ace Striker | USB

I picked Yuffie over Shadow as her SB would probably be more useful than his. Also everyone except Rosa and OK will be Level 80.

I would have honed 5* wind a bit more but I'm a bit short on dark orbs

Edit: Ok so turns out Onion Knight can't summon. Replacing Tiamat with Phantasm
Mastered Fenrir in 1:18:xx

Laguna Imperil
Edea BSB
Snow BSB
Rosa SSB blink.

Have a lot of high hone Ice magicite.

Got an Enkidu drop! Will hopefully cap Snow tonight and try for under a minute tomorrow.


Mastered Fenrir in 1:18:xx

Laguna Imperil
Edea BSB
Snow BSB
Rosa SSB blink.

Have a lot of high hone Ice magicite.

Got an Enkidu drop! Will hopefully cap Snow tonight and try for under a minute tomorrow.

man, I was one cmd1 edea 30k dmg cast away.

I have Laguna, but he's 80 and I just tested him for the first time, and when I saw Fenrir cast blink and suck up all of Laguna's SB to include the imperil, I said forget it, I'm timing alot of other recasts right now, don't want to worry about landing a physical hit.

I don't have Snow BSB.

Why Rosa SSB? No better medicas or better mblinks?
Tried a ninja build against Golem and ran out of hones with about 50% of his health left. I thought Fujin's BSB would do more damage but it was only doing about 12000 per command 1. I could probably beat him with that team but I would have to invest in a lot more ninja magic. I decided to pull out my physical team as I have so many good physical wind relics.

Zidane Lifesiphon/Thief's Revenge BSB2
Zack Lifesiphon/Leaping Rush BSB
Ramza Wrath/Banishing Strike Shout/USB
Yuna Curaja/Shellga USB
Eiko Ultra Cure/ Protectga BSB

I decided to finally LD Zidane which I had been debating for awhile. With his BSB2 his commands become instant cast in Trance mode and were doing 9999 x 2. Zidane easily did 80% of the damage himself. I read how hard it was to take him down with a physical team but with the right set up, it was actually pretty easy. It finished him off in 50s.

All I have left to do is Fenrir and then to decide what to start farming.
Since breaks are meaningless buff yourself. Had Garnet back up healing with RES buff for Sea Lion. You should have at least 1 or 2 buffers on your team.

This is impossible for me. Sealion does too much damage, period. And I don't do nearly enough.

I tried with Refia, Locke, Ramza, and 2 healers.

Then again with Refia, Steiner, Sarah, Relm, and Ramza.

There's no way my healing can keep up, even with Wall, Proshellga, elemental resist gear, and 2 healers with Medica BSBs. I guess I need RES +% stuff.

Seriously, I'm capable of clearing any other content this game throws at me, but this is madness-inducing.


This is impossible for me. Sealion does too much damage, period. And I don't do nearly enough.

I tried with Refia, Locke, Ramza, and 2 healers.

Then again with Refia, Steiner, Sarah, Relm, and Ramza.

There's no way my healing can keep up, even with Wall, Proshellga, elemental resist gear, and 2 healers with Medica BSBs. I guess I need RES +% stuff.

Seriously, I'm capable of clearing any other content this game throws at me, but this is madness-inducing.

Sounds like you have all the tools.

I've cleared 2, and come one RNG from winning two others.

I don't always bring protectga, but I try to always have Shellga. I have 1 Major and several moderate element resist for all elements.

I use the wall that comes with it, and experimented with bringing Tyro for a third wall cast after a minute.

Resist gear doesn't seem to help much. I have a 30res ring I tried one time, didn't do crap for me.

What does help me stay alive is mBlink soul breaks like Firion and Tyro BSB's (and several medica SSBs) and then BSBs that have a heal attached, Rapha BSB Cmd 1, Ashe BSB Cmd 1. I also have Reks, and Pecil, and I think another, but haven't found use for them yet.

I really think you have right tools. Although it depends on the element really. It seems like Bismarck and Sealion are the easiest with Golem possibly being the hardest. Fenrir makes you want to throw your phone, and Hydra I have not even tried so no clue.

Edit: And all it takes is defeating one, and from there the door opens to the others since this is setup MegaMan style.
Got Sealion down to around 50% and thought I had a good rhythm there. I think that Refia Mage!OK, Relm (BSB/USB), Sarah (MBlink BSB), and Ramza (Shout) can do it -- although Ramza was kinda dead weight.

Gonna try again after egging Sarah from 80 to 99 and subbing Minfilia (Shout+Last Stand) in for Ramza.

Edit: Got him down to ONE PERCENT remaining. One more Refia attack and he would've been down. SOON.


Got Sealion down to around 50% and thought I had a good rhythm there. I think that Refia Mage!OK, Relm (BSB/USB), Sarah (MBlink BSB), and Ramza (Shout) can do it -- although Ramza was kinda dead weight.

Gonna try again after egging Sarah from 80 to 99 and subbing Minfilia (Shout+Last Stand) in for Ramza.

Edit: Got him down to ONE PERCENT remaining. One more Refia attack and he would've been down. SOON.

Good Stuff


Since time is a valuable commodity, I was on board for one of them, but when I tried a month ago, I couldn't get anything setup right I guess. Seemed like it would be easy too since I have a phone with a ton of apps. (iphone)

Setting it up seems simple, I just didn't think it was worth using what is essentially an exploit just to make orb farming slightly more efficient.

The opportunity costs involved in the magicite drops, however, are huge. Consequently, these sorts of drop detection tools are much more advantageous. It kinda sucks, honestly.
200 CM down

Selph at 80 with no SB

Pretty easy. Trash is a joke. Selphie on Atk heal(Iris?) RM was doing just fine.


200CM done! This was easy. Went in without a wall because I don't have a boostga/hastega for FFVIII.

LD Squall with BSB2
Fujin with her BSB (great for the trash and for the extra debuff, damage was terrible against the dragon)
Laguna Imperil Ice SSB
Irvine with FB/MB and his DEF/RES breakdown SB lol
and Selphie with Dreamstage and USB

RW was Rikku's USB

250 and 300 should be even easier. Just have to hope that Squall does enough damage with 3xBSB entries and Cloud's USB.


Completed the VIII Torment 200 CM, but since I'm used to doing magicites, I didn't bring any breaks and got an "expert".

200 CM. Squall died early on like the level 80 chump he is. Wish I had his BSB2, but Rinoa had to provide almost all of the damage here with her BSB1. I forgot to bring dispel (whoops) so Quistis couldn't use any ice spells and had to stick with her poison BSB.



Torments were pretty easy, but I'm used to magicite and have Edea's BSB, so I suppose that isn't surprising.

Time to figure out a drop tracking tool to get that Mom Bomb I guess.


iOS or android, if iOS let me know which please kind sir

I'm on iOS, but it looks like the last iOS update switched up the encryption protocol and made interdicting the data sent to the client to fetch the required information far more complicated.

I'm just going to go ahead and say it's not worth the effort.


So I made a few discoveries since the last post.

First, Onion Knight can't summon. I've been so used to him being able to do what I needed him to do that I didn't even notice

Second, apparently there is no dualcast ninja RM. With all the other dualcast stuff, I kind of figured it would be a thing.

So yeah, my Golem plan just took a knife to the gut


So I made a few discoveries since the last post.

First, Onion Knight can't summon. I've been so used to him being able to do what I needed him to do that I didn't even notice

Second, apparently there is no dualcast ninja RM. With all the other dualcast stuff, I kind of figured it would be a thing.

So yeah, my Golem plan just took a knife to the gut

Shadow's LM2 is 35% dualcast ninja. He doesn't have access to his Legend Sphere yet, but i think he gets it in the upcoming VI event that features his USB.
Absolutely destroyed the Jump Start. Finally got all 3 CM rewards. This will be fun to farm. Laguna and Edea just wreck. 9999 x whatever. With Ice Magicite and synergy getting the full 6 hits with Edea. 7 I think on Burst entry. Laguna with Punishment. Irvine with an 8 Vega. Unbelievable.

Cast MM on Edea turn 1. Finished the 45 clock at 8.

Power and Ice are 2 big needs. Just made 6 use Icicle Shot.

Now have a dived Snow. Fenrir will pay!!!!!


Finally killed Golem


Fujin | Gust R5 / Wrath R5 | Zan | Battleforged | Wind DMG+ Armor
Yuffie | Raging Storm R2 / Gust R5 | Clear Tranquil | World Traveler | Wind DMG+ Armor
Curilla | Lifesiphon R5 / Curaja R5 | Holy Circle | Mako Might | LMR
Onion Knight | Meltdown R2 / Phantasm R5 | VoF | DMT | Wind DMG+ Armor
Rosa | Wrath R4 x2 | Benediction | Ace Striker

1st Turn: Fujin wrathed, Yuffie used the RW, Curilla and OK used their SBs and Rosa also wrathed.

After that Fujin wrathed up to the first Zan, following up with gusts until the next Zan is available, switching to wrath when gust is empty.

Yuffie just used her abilities, using her SB when needed, however she got taken out about 3/4ths-ish through by a rock throw triple-tap.

Curilla Cured or LS'd when needed, refreshing the buff every 20-25 seconds

Onion Knight burned through Meltdown quickly then moved onto Phantasm, refreshing the burst when it ran out.

Rosa wrathed and healed when needed, that's why she's there

Final thoughts: It would be a lot easier if I had Fujin or Alph's bursts, though I'll be able to get a little more damage output from Onion Knight now that Meltdown is R3. Also, Radiant Shield is your best friend.

Now to worry about the new Torment (The only VIII Ice I have is Squalls En-Ice SB and Edea's Super)


I'm on iOS, but it looks like the last iOS update switched up the encryption protocol and made interdicting the data sent to the client to fetch the required information far more complicated.

I'm just going to go ahead and say it's not worth the effort.

See!?!?!? lol That's what I was referring to, my degree is in IT, and I'm sure it's not that difficult, but I remember looking at it and being like, ok this isn't worth it.

From what I recall, something did NOT change with the Android version so FFRKeeperr in particular, or another just as popular still worked on it, but not iOS.

The whole "see!" thing aside, I was hoping I overlooked something or you found a different program, and I was going to bandwagon your lead.

Darn it!


Absolutely destroyed the Jump Start. Finally got all 3 CM rewards. This will be fun to farm. Laguna and Edea just wreck. 9999 x whatever. With Ice Magicite and synergy getting the full 6 hits with Edea. 7 I think on Burst entry. Laguna with Punishment. Irvine with an 8 Vega. Unbelievable.

Cast MM on Edea turn 1. Finished the 45 clock at 8.

Power and Ice are 2 big needs. Just made 6 use Icicle Shot.

Now have a dived Snow. Fenrir will pay!!!!!

Your post last night before I went to bed inspired me to try d200 CM again, but it just wasn't happening for me. Those CM's are usually about like 2 out of 3 I can do. I guess it just really depends on the realm (of course). But having Edea and Laguna, I figured I could do it, but I don't really have anybody else of any value in the realm. So it was pretty much a 1-woman show with Edea.

Xeth, if you read this, comprehensive lists like a tier list take a lot of time to create and I'm not sure I'll find the time (can post here all day from a phone, but creating an excel page takes time at the computer), but while you're correct, this is or can be, a P2Win game, but other than cpp who seems to be done or on break, and MCA who scaled back a bit last I heard, and I think maybe 1 or 2 others, we don't really have a bunch of whales.

I think it'd be kinda cool to see everybody's progress. Not so much a competition, but just adding to the community, and if a list was made, perhaps we could all come to some kind of consensus on what content is hardest etc. That lets a new person, or an up-and-comer see where they stand with the mega ffrk-aholics.

I single you out, because only you and another took time to share thoughts on it.

Quistis PBD, Curaga Mighty Scorpion Haste-Shell SSB

Laguna Life Siphon, Boost, Imperil Ice
Hadnt made Icicle Shot x6 yet

Edea Mem Mori, Ruinga x10 BSB

Irvine FB, MBD, Hyper Sniper

80 Selphie Protect, Ultra Cure with Atk equals heal a party member RM. Was doing about 1,000.

If you have a haste, Quis or Raijin ypu stand a good chance at the 200 CM.


Speaking of Icicle Shot, where is the 4star version? Such as Hydroburst, and Flame Burst? Did I miss something? Or was it in some event we skipped?

Edit: Well finished out the new Torment this morning. I would try more at the d200 CM but I'm more focused (and having more fun) with the Magicite. I did the Jumpstart with 1 FF8 char, Edea of course.

Nice to get some Spirit Motes though!
250. That's Celes and Snow in first and second position hiding behind all the patented Final Fantasy flashy special effects. :)

300 full CM. Onion Knight BSB is the gift that keeps on giving. With Devotion RM, he was hitting for about as much damage as Rinoa was hitting weakness. Healing strategy was to use Selphie's instant Last Stand USB, let him kill us, and then just reapply the USB.



CM Jumpstart done. It got hairy for a while there, he kept countering every move I made with that tornado attack. Wouldn't have been been too much of a problem if I had a BSB heal, but... that wasn't the case. Still! Success in the end! And I gotta say, those elemental magicites are awesome to use for fights like these.


250. That's Celes and Snow in first and second position hiding behind all the patented Final Fantasy flashy special effects. :)

Does Celes' Runic work on reflected spells, or do you constantly have to remove Ruby Dragon's reflect?

Also @friz, do whatever you want with your time man. If you want to know my progress, i can complete all content except for CM's in realms where my RS sucks, like X. I have completed some X CM's, but i always skip ones that involve Sanctuary Keeper. Also have only done the X Torment JS with 1 X character.

I would say Magicites are the hardest content so far, though I never bothered with Nemesis Apex because i don't care about gil or bragging rights.


Does Celes' Runic work on reflected spells, or do you constantly have to remove Ruby Dragon's reflect?

Also @friz, do whatever you want with your time man. If you want to know my progress, i can complete all content except for CM's in realms where my RS sucks, like X. I have completed some X CM's, but i always skip ones that involve Sanctuary Keeper. Also have only done the X Torment JS with 1 X character.

I would say Magicites are the hardest content so far, though I never bothered with Nemesis Apex because i don't care about gil or bragging rights.

Oh for sure, lords know if I have enough time. Just curious your thoughts. We have a real strong core of veteran FFRK'ers here.

I'd probably sort it out like

"All Mote dungeons complete"
"All Nightmare Complete"
"All Tier 1 Magicite Complete"
"All Torment Complete"

It would take probably way too much time to add every single fight, like for example, every single Nightmare fight. But I guess I could if I got into it. Then have to figure out where d200 CM fits in, Master vs. Expert finishes... That kind of thing. I have no idea why I like making lists.


Quick question on magicite, do you have to use the esper in order to get the defensive benefits from the sub magicites? Such as Dampen Blizzard won't be active until you use your magicite etc?


It does work on the reflected single-target spells. :) He does most of his damage with AOE spells though. I had Celes there because she's my best physical ice character, the Runic was just a small bonus.

Yeah, after posting that I realized Celes is my best physical ice character too. Mastered the 300 CM with:

Relm: usb, protectga, curaja, auto-haste rm
Celes: bsb1, bsb2, shellga, snowspell strike, +dmg rm
Laguna: boostga ssb, magic break, icicle shot, auto-haste rm
Raijin: bsb, gathering storm rm
Irvine: wall-break sb, full break, armor breakdown

RW: Cloud

Took several tries because Ruby Dragon kept spamming Counter Twister once he got low and Raijin was taking too long to build up because i had a +dmg rm on him at first. Eventually switched his rm to gathering storm so he could build up quicker. Even without +40% dmg rm and his damage being NE because the boss has 80% Lightning resist (so no enLightning bonus damage either) he still did 16k x10.
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