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Final Fantasy XIII Post-Game Impressions


Ok, now that more than a few of us have finished the game, I think it's time to make a thread laying out some final thoughts on the game. For folks that write up some thoughts on it, I'll link to it in the OP.


This thread is for folks that have actually finished the game, so impressions that are some stupid aggregate of what you read or what you've seen on some stream are not welcome.

duckroll - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19072482&postcount=65
Bebpo - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19073416&postcount=78
donkey show - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19075658&postcount=102
BudokaiMR2 - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19078488&postcount=131
PuppetMaster - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19081328&postcount=154


Here’s my take on the game.

To start off, I’m going to divide this up into sections covering all of the usual things folks like to talk about, graphics/sound, gameplay, and story/characters. In each section, I’ll list my personal plus and minuses as well as explain them to make it easier to read. I’ll start with graphics and sound because this is probably the briefest.


+ Graphics are absolutely gorgeous. Animation is top-notch.
- You don’t get to really soak it in as much as you want.

Ah, the graphics. Honestly, this may be my favorite looking game this generation so far. It’s just an absolutely gorgeous game from the backgrounds to the character models. The aesthetics is like the perfect blend of both technical and artistic elements. There are some areas that are just absolutely gorgeous. The character models are absolutely fantastic and they all have personality to them. The animation is top-notch as well. There was a lot of attention paid to how the characters move and it’s really evident if you watch a lot of the mannerisms the characters use.

On the downside though, you don’t get as much time to really take it all in. This is a bit of a gameplay issue as I’ll discuss below but there are a lot of areas where I would’ve just loved to have seen more because of how cool it was. Also, more of a personal problem, but the image is so detailed sometimes, that I had a hard time focusing but that might be more because I was playing the game for long stretches.

+ Music is good, very mood-setting. Voice-acting is not bad.
- Not very typical for FF, sometimes it blends a bit too well. Some cringe-worthy line delivery.

To make a comparison, the OST for this game is like what it would be if you asked the game composers to make a soundtrack for a movie version (not the Spirits Within). A lot of the pieces absolutely works wonders for the scene it’s accompanying and it totally hits the right moods. Beyond that, it’s a little hard to say personally because music is usually the last thing on my mind when it comes to the aesthetics. There are some really fun twos, the two versions of the Chocobo theme are great too.

On the other hand, for some, the music not being so “videogame-like” might be a bad thing. I generally liked it but it did sometimes lack the feel you sometimes get from videogame tunes. It also blends in so well that I sometimes forgot it was even there, though that’s a personal thing.

Voice acting wasn’t too bad, most were pretty good choices. I didn’t really like Yukari Fukui as Vanille and Maaya Sakamoto as Lightning though. There also quite a few times where lines were delivered a in a bit too cringe-worthy of a manner. It’s partially on purpose I think but it doesn’t really excuse it. Anything involving Snow and Feng and their “accents” or lingo was pretty cringe-worthy to me.


+ Excellent combat system.
- Combat system could’ve been fleshed out a bit more.

I think most of had it already but the combat system in FF13 is absolutely fantastic. It’s fast, active, and engaging for the most part. With the way the battle system is structured, you’re worried less about the minute activities like choosing commands than you are about how the overall battle is flowing. By choosing roles for your characters, you change their skills, abilities, and AI focus. This allows you control everyone without having to individually pick commands or work on setup AI commands. The end result is a battle system that’s been sped up significantly and you’re really focusing on the flow of the fights.

The battle system does have downsides though. There’s a lack of variety in skills and roles thus you usually end up spamming the same spell or or attack every turn and gets kind of repetitive if you’re looking to try new things out as you go. More skills to use within the roles or even more roles with new skills would really spice the system up. Otherwise, it feels a bit basic. The system also isn’t as streamlined as I hoped. You either pick the attack button which will randomly pick the skills for you to use, or you have to manually pick attacks every time. This is a little annoying especially when you want to start off with a specific set of attacks because you’re in a certain area. You’ll have to manually select the moves every time or hope the randomizer knows exactly what you’re thinking. The ability to group attack sets would’ve really been a helpful addition. Also, the ability to toggle skills for the AI would’ve been immensely helpful so I could prevent certain skills from being casted when I only wanted a specific type. I think Bebpo has this problem where he only wanted Haste but was always getting Protect and shell first.

+ Challenging and interesting fights at times…
- …because the balancing can be a bit icky. Can also turn into an easy game.

This game is rather interesting to me because it provides very little middle ground in difficulty. It either is really challenging and difficult or it’s too easy. I found most of the game to be fairly challenging, almost a bit too difficult in fact. However, others have found that the game was extremely easy for most of it. There are very few people that seem to find it just right.

It seems that the way the game’s monsters were designed, you only can blow through them or get blown away by them. I don’t think I ever really encounter an enemy that was just a moderate challenge in the game. I think it’s a combination of the progression system and how stats were designed for the enemies. It’s a little frustrating because I typically don’t grind (purposefully or otherwise) when I play so I got to a point where the enemies in the game were just so strong that I couldn’t take them out without really digging down to beat them. There were parts in the later parts of the game where I’d get pounded into the ground by regular enemies and had to restart a bunch of times until I got the enemy attack pattern downs. There were a few folks that found the game easy for quite a bit of it so I’m not quite sure what the difference is between players.

+ Crystarium is a good progress system
- It’s a terrible customization system.

As my point says, I think the Crystarium is a pretty good progression system. It does away with the standard progression of XP into levels and opts to allow you to upgrade as you go and not wait for an XP meter to fill up. This is a rather nice feature because it allows players to strength themselves before fights or bosses or whenever you like. It also allows you, to an extent, to bypass some upgrades to focus on a specific stat if you want though there’s no reason to since there’s only 3 stats in the game. Can also choose to strength roles that you use the most often rather than gaining points in areas you don’t use.

Though it has pluses, the Crystarium is actually a pretty poor customization option. There’s only 6 roles and the paths along in those roles are largely straight with a few branching points for extra skills or stat bonuses. There’s no real customization in those roles because of that. Granted, all the characters have different abilities in the end but it would’ve been nice to see each of the roles expanded and allow you to specialize in certain aspects of a role. There’s not enough skills either within the roles, it’s a very basic layout of the standard final fantasy skills with a bit of FFXI/FFXII debuffing thrown in.

I should emphasize that the Crystarium works fine as it is but it honestly feels a bit repetitive by the end using such limited skills in such a great battle system. Definitely feel like the game could really open up bigger possibilities if it really improved this system.


Now to the juicy part. There are mild spoilers. It’s nothing specific, more general things.

+ Good concept for storyline
- Structure of the plot is a total mess.

As far as RPG stories goes, I think FF13’s is actually a pretty good one. It’s a very intense ride for the entire game going from one really packed sequence to another. There really isn’t any filler to the plot (though that depends a little on perspective). The very concept of the storyline is pretty good too and you get to play a role that you don’t often see in RPGs with set storylines. I’m not going to spoil it here though, as this is meant for everyone to read. I will say that the details of the plot are pretty interesting and unique when you think about it.

The problem with the story though is that the structure is pretty bad. I think they clumped a lot of the storyline elements in the wrong places and did the sequence of events wrong.

In particular, the first half of the game is very character heavy. However, we’re thrust into it without a proper setup and idea of what their goal is or what they’re up to. It means we’re seeing a lot of development for characters we were just introduced to. By doing it so early into the game, I think the impact of the events and revelations are lessened.

There’s also a pretty significant divide in the game between character-focused section and the main plot that’s easily identifiable. I think this structure works against the game very much so because it creates a very rushed pace for the second half while making the first half feel a bit sluggish. It creates a bit of a FF6, World of Balance and World of Ruin problem. There’ are really talkative and personal characters in the first half but thanks to it being segmented, the characters almost feel a little interchangeable in the second half.

+ Likable cast, Good development for most of them
- Needed more background or setup (big complaint), too many motivational speeches, Poorly developed supporting cast and villains, Feng is absolutely dreadful.

I think this might be a point of contention with a few folks but I generally think the heroes in this game are pretty good. They fairly developed personalities (for the most part) and likable all around. Most of the development they have is pretty good too. The way they fit together works really well too (since it’s a bit archetype based) making for some decent interaction from time to time. Design-wise, they’re also really nice.

Although I do like the cast, I do have a pretty solid list of complaints in this area.

First off, there really needed to be more background on the characters beyond the flashbacks to the series of events that happen prior to the game. A lot of the character development we see within the game feels a bit off because we have no basis to use to view the growth. I mean we can infer that the characters are like this and maybe get a feeling of it in what was presented but there really should’ve been more effort into providing the players with the necessary information. Again, I can get into specifics but I won’t for the sake of people who haven’t played the game yet.

Next is well, something Zefah and Budokai would understand, too many goddamn motivational speeches. This goes back to my point above about the WoB/WoR problem. This stuff happens so much in the second half of the game, the characters kind of start to blend. We lose a bit of the uniqueness in the story for them and all the “We can do it! Blah blah” actually starts to get a bit annoying (and I usually filter it out mentally!)

A good cast needs good supporting characters and good villains but sadly, that’s lacking in this IMO. Outside of the primary cast, there’s no development for the support characters in the game. Not many if any scenes for them, no development, and no impact. They feel like set pieces more often than not and it reduces much of the impact that some of the scenes we have in the game are supposed to have. The same goes for the villains. There’s a lack of a menace in the game and the menace that is there comes off as a bit more silly than threatening because of how little time the main story gets. You don’t necessarily need to build a villain that everyone can understand or that you can quantify (FFX does this very well for example) but 13 really fails in that area.

Feng is the worst character in the game to me. She gets absolutely no development and by and large all of the scenes involving her are absolutely awful. I’m not really sure what they were thinking with this character but they really should’ve put a lot more work into her because she definitely is the worst one. What IS in the story isn't too bad but it definitely lacks the background and story that is needed to give it the proper meaning and impact. This could probably be fixed a bit more with my next section.

+ Fantastic presentation of storyline, story and game design reflect each other very well.
- Underdeveloped elements (world, story, content), overreliance on Auto-Clip (encyclopedia), incredibly linear.

I think folks have already said this, in terms of presentation, this FF game is hands down the best. The sequences are put together amazing well. Everything from the body movement of the characters to the usage of the camera and music is just fantastic. I don’t think I’ve played a game that has come close to this level of presentation on the whole (Uncharted 2 is the only one I think would be close but I haven’t played it yet) The aesthetics are absolutely top-notch and the world is very interesting. Design choices that reflect the story into the game are great as well.

Now for the bad part.

There’s a lot of this that’s far too underdeveloped, from the story to the characters, to the world. Too many pieces of the puzzle are missing, this is particularly true in the ending where there’s some stuff and you’re not quite sure why or what the hell happened. There’s not enough explanation of the world and there’s particular things that are pretty important to the plot that are barely touched on. They really rely on the Auto-Clip to fill in the gaps that they don’t do. That breaks a pretty big rule for me. If you’re going to do a story, present everything the player needs within the story itself and not as supplemental material. In particular, there’s something that should’ve been touched upon in the story to make the ending make more sense.

This leads to a content problem, there’s very little outside of the main storyline and monster hunting. Previous FF games (excluding FF12) all have extra content for the player to do and at the same time it builds the worlds. The world is so interesting and pretty in FF13 and you want to see more of it but you simply can’t. There aren’t any towns to at least gawk at (even if they serve no function), no twisty little corners to check for things, no interesting residents to get tangled up with and the like. There aren’t even mini-games to dawdle your time with.

Lastly, linear gets a new definition in this game. While I understand why it was a design choice it doesn’t really excuse it especially with how the end product turned out story-wise. I mean freaking hell, give me some towns along the linear path or something, some houses to enter, some buildings to explore. Maybe toss a monster bounty up or something? BLARGH!

Ok, I’ve typed way too much and it’s starting to ooze out of my ears and become incoherent bottomline:

Play Final Fantasy XIII for yourself and come to your own conclusion! Personally, I think it's a fun game but flawed like most other games. More than anything, what annoys me most is the lost potential in the game.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Shouta said:
Previous FF games (excluding FF12) all have extra content for the player to do and at the same time it builds the worlds.
FFXII had marks and some optional missions.
FFXIII uses the same combat mechanics as FFXII?
Im not an RPG player but FFXII was great.


Has problems recognising girls
Nice write-up. I've been avoiding most of the media about FFXIII so I have absolutely no idea about anything.. that said it sounds a lot more promising than what I was expecting.


Does the actual gameplay ever change? or is it pretty much nothing but monster hallways?

I mean, no towns, no mini-games, no side-quests? WTF were they thinking? If you look at the "most popular" games in the series...6 and 7, they were mostly popular and replayable due to the sheer amount of gameplay content and side stories. I mean where is the "opera house" type stuff...or the jet bike stuff?

The last thing I wanted the FF series to become was a dungeon crawler..and based on your impressions that's exactly what it is.
Thanks for the detailed writeup and for keeping it spoiler free. In some ways it's nice having to wait for a couple more months while other people play the game. Getting a realistic appraisal of the full game lets me get my expectations in check, so once I do play it I'll probably be able to appreciate more what it does rather than lamenting what it doesn't.

I look forward to other people adding their impressions.
Thank you, this was enlightening. You basically re-hyped me for the US release after getting so confused and disappointed from watching streams. I need to stop doing that.


im replaying FFX as we speak, and its as linear as it comes until you get the Airship before the final bosses where there are hidden summons, dark summons, monster catching, chocobo races, ultimate weapons, hidden bosses and all kinds of other uber-completion quests.. is it like this in 13, or just a straight forward beginning to end linearity?


Fersis said:
FFXII had marks and some optional missions.
FFXIII uses the same combat mechanics as FFXII?
Im not an RPG player but FFXII was great.

But most of FFXII's content is monster hunts and that doesn't really world build to me. FFXIII's combat mechanics are totally different.

rhino4evr said:
Does the actual gameplay ever change? or is it pretty much nothing but monster hallways?

I mean, no towns, no mini-games, no side-quests? WTF were they thinking? If you look at the "most popular" games in the series...6 and 7, they were mostly popular and replayable due to the sheer amount of gameplay content and side stories. I mean where is the "opera house" type stuff...or the jet bike stuff?

The last thing I wanted the FF series to become was a dungeon crawler..and based on your impressions that's exactly what it is.

The core combat mechanics change because enemies will become more difficult and you'll gain more skills as you go. Does the overall gameplay, as in mini-games, sidequests, etc change? No.

At a point in the game a place opens up that allows you to freely take on missions to hunt monsters but ultimately it's the same as before you got there. The gameplay is tightly woven into combat. If you consider gameplay to be also the variety of things you do outside combat as well, then you probably won't like it.

Mind you, I think FFXIII does combat incredibly well, it's a helluva a lot of fun and this game is definitely the most challenging FF game IMO (and a lot more challenging than a lot of other RPGs). If you really enjoy combat than this game has it in spades.

PSGames said:
How long did it take you to beat?

About 40 hours to finish the game. It'll vary depending on how much time you spend in a certain section of the game doing stuff though.

painey said:
im replaying FFX as we speak, and its as linear as it comes until you get the Airship before the final bosses where there are hidden summons, dark summons, monster catching, chocobo races, ultimate weapons, hidden bosses and all kinds of other uber-completion quests.. is it like this in 13, or just a straight forward beginning to end linearity?

The endgame content amounts to missions with lots of battling and weapon collecting/creation (which is a bit tedious honestly). So yeah, it's pretty combat focused. There aren't any mini-games or things like that.


Thanks for the impressions. The news about the lack of towns, side-quests and the overall linearity of the game really bums me out.


Shouta said:
This leads to a content problem, there’s very little outside of the main storyline and monster hunting. Previous FF games (excluding FF12) all have extra content for the player to do and at the same time it builds the worlds. The world is so interesting and pretty in FF13 and you want to see more of it but you simply can’t. There aren’t any towns to at least gawk at (even if they serve no function), no twisty little corners to check for things, no interesting residents to get tangled up with and the like. There aren’t even mini-games to dawdle your time with.

Wow. :(

No side quests or mini-games in a FF game is a huge downer.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Since you guys finished, would you recommend it to a RPG noob (Me) ?


Thanks for the impressions. I'm really looking forward to this game. Fantastic presentation and not so good story makes it sound like the Avatar of video games :lol
Cool write-up, I just wanted to touch on one thing:

Shouta said:
Also, more of a personal problem, but the image is so detailed sometimes, that I had a hard time focusing but that might be more because I was playing the game for long stretches.

I have this same problem too, and it's with a lot of Japanese stuff. I'm wondering if anybody else has this issue. I noticed it a lot with the trailers and streams for FF13 though, and though I wasn't planning on playing it it was definitely something that jumped out at me...

My feeling is that the art direction isn't focused and honestly my eyes don't know where to look. I understand the desire to make everything pretty and so forth but looking at a lot of FF13 my eyes just sort of glaze over because I can't seem to find a good focus point. Everything wants to jump out and say "hey, look at me!"

I have the same problem with Japanese stores and such. Bright colors everywhere, and not enough use of negative or blank space. With everything jumping out at me, it's like my eyes get tired and my brain just stops trying to process the image. It's like somehow the whole is less than the sum of its parts.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject for now.
Shouta said:
I didn’t really like Yukari Fukui as Vanille and Maaya Sakamoto as Lightning though.
I guess it won't bother me because I won't get to hear JP VA but after being used to hear Maaya as Ryougai Shiki in Kara no Kyoukai, I just can't fathom a non uber-sexy voice for any of her characters. Or maybe I'm alone loving that one :p

Lord Phol

Great idea for a thread, makes for a safe way to get some insight into the game without having everything spoiled.
I'm a bit sadened to hear it's linear and mainly combat focused. Seems like a bigger departure from the FF-formula than FF12, I had hoped a bit that they would go back to the roots with this game. Kind of like a new FFX.

Will probably be getting this anyways to see how I like it, it's final fantasy after all.


Fersis said:
Since you guys finished, would you recommend it to a RPG noob (Me) ?

Yes and no.

Yes, in that it's pure combat and story and there isn't a lot of tidbits of management there. There also isn't a lot of endgame stuff to get overwhelmed with.

On the other hand, no because the game can be difficult if you don't know how to abuse it a bit, grind to get the necessary levels, and you'll be missing out on all the wonderful content that most games have when you do get used to everything.

Though, it'd be best to get the opinion from other folks who have finished. I'd recommend something else for a starter RPG though.

timetokill said:
Cool write-up, I just wanted to touch on one thing:

I have this same problem too, and it's with a lot of Japanese stuff. I'm wondering if anybody else has this issue. I noticed it a lot with the trailers and streams for FF13 though, and though I wasn't planning on playing it it was definitely something that jumped out at me...

My feeling is that the art direction isn't focused and honestly my eyes don't know where to look. I understand the desire to make everything pretty and so forth but looking at a lot of FF13 my eyes just sort of glaze over because I can't seem to find a good focus point. Everything wants to jump out and say "hey, look at me!"

I have the same problem with Japanese stores and such. Bright colors everywhere, and not enough use of negative or blank space. With everything jumping out at me, it's like my eyes get tired and my brain just stops trying to process the image. It's like somehow the whole is less than the sum of its parts.

Anyway, just my thoughts on the subject for now.

Yeah, I have this problem sometimes as well. Too much visual input makes it hard to discern the proper focus and concentrate on what's important in the scene. Quite a few S-E things over the years have been pretty bad about this.

Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I guess it won't bother me because I won't get to hear JP VA but after being used to hear Maaya as Ryougai Shiki in Kara no Kyoukai, I just can't fathom a non uber-sexy voice for any of her characters. Or maybe I'm alone loving that one :p

She's typically a pretty good VA but there's just something not particular good about her in this role.

Visualante said:
I see. I think it's going to wait until I'm out of a job game given your comments on difficulty.

It's not as difficult if you like to grind a bit or not. I had a hard time for awhile in the game though because I didn't grind so it was challenge at times. For some other folks, they seemed to totally breeze through it. It's an interesting game in that regard.


Thanks for posting this thread - from what I'm reading about the battle system, it looks like I may end up getting this game after all. I hated FFXII but I may yet give XIII a shot.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I spent something like 109 hours on Final Fantasy XII.
The only RPG that 'clicked' on me. I spent most of the time doing 'marks'

Thats why asked if the gameplay is similar to FFXII.


Fersis said:
I spent something like 109 hours on Final Fantasy XII.
The only RPG that 'clicked' on me. I spent most of the time doing 'marks'

Thats why asked if the gameplay is similar to FFXII.

I think you'll like the Missions in this then. Some of them bosses in the higher ranks, jeez.


You're so traditional when it comes to Fang, Shouta. I wasn't expecting such a mentality from GAF of all places. :(


Fersis said:
I spent something like 109 hours on Final Fantasy XII.
The only RPG that 'clicked' on me. I spent most of the time doing 'marks'

Thats why asked if the gameplay is similar to FFXII.

The gameplay is nothing like FFXIII. Combat is fast paced turn/menu based, no world map of towns to explore.


7Th said:
You're so traditional when it comes to Fang, Shouta. I wasn't expecting such a mentality from GAF of all places. :(

You're just creepy!

Besides, doesn't excuse that she's a terrible character. Maybe if they actually wrote her well, she might be likable!


Shouta said:
You're just creepy!

Besides, doesn't excuse that she's a terrible character. Maybe if they actually wrote her well, she might be likable!

Read the light novel, man!

I like her, even without the extra light novel stuff.


7Th said:
Read the light novel, man!

I like her, even without the extra light novel stuff.

Not in the game means it doesn't count! Seriously, they should've had that shit in the game for her, no excuse to except to force us to run through another long area. >=|

Anyway, I'm off to bed. PLAY NICE PEOPLE
Shouta said:
Not in the game means it doesn't count! Seriously, they should've had that shit in the game for her, no excuse to except to force us to run through another long area. >=|

Anyway, I'm off to bed. PLAY NICE PEOPLE
Which makes me wonder how they're going to handle the online novels in the US, myself. I doubt they're going to take the same attitude as Japan and just say, "Go to the official website and read all these web novels if you actually want to understand the game."
hamchan said:
Thanks for the impressions. I'm really looking forward to this game. Fantastic presentation and not so good story makes it sound like the Avatar of video games :lol
Well, when you watch Avatar in Japan, they do have a 3D FFXIII trailer. :lol
To me, the world in FFXIII feels very alive - but we're not given much of an insight into it due to the linearity
It's definitely a confused design
Thanks for the impressions. Ive wanted to ask for impressions like this but the import thread is full of "unintentional" spoilers :lol


I'll post my post-game impressions in a bit. I just played a few hours of God of War, and now I need to do cool off from all the RAGE and BRUTALITY first. :lol


Shouta said:
You're just creepy!

Besides, doesn't excuse that she's a terrible character. Maybe if they actually wrote her well, she might be likable!
Wasn't Fang supposed to be a man but they changed their minds?

Shouta said:
This leads to a content problem, there’s very little outside of the main storyline and monster hunting. Previous FF games (excluding FF12) all have extra content for the player to do and at the same time it builds the worlds. The world is so interesting and pretty in FF13 and you want to see more of it but you simply can’t. There aren’t any towns to at least gawk at (even if they serve no function), no twisty little corners to check for things, no interesting residents to get tangled up with and the like. There aren’t even mini-games to dawdle your time with.

I dont know why but I feel like that should bother me more. It doesnt as much because I know I will love the hunts and grinding. But it makes me feel like the re playability of the game is going to suffer because of this. Outside of redoing the story or going through particular hunts again, when are you going to be picking up the game? Right before FFXV is released? You will need something to go back to
gamergirly said:

I dont know why but I feel like that should bother me more. It doesnt as much because I know I will love the hunts and grinding. But it makes me feel like the re playability of the game is going to suffer because of this. Outside of redoing the story or going through particular hunts again, when are you going to be picking up the game? Right before FFXV is released? You will need something to go back to
Maybe they're hoping people will be done with FFXIII and jump on the VersusXIII hype wagon in the new year


BlazingDarkness said:
To me, the world in FFXIII feels very alive - but we're not given much of an insight into it due to the linearity
It's definitely a confused design

This has to be the one thing that is putting me off the game. The combat doesn't interest me, never has in any FF tbh, but the lore, world, music, visuals etc are the reason I would pick this up, but if there's nothing to do in it then... hmm. I suppose I'll wait for more reviews :(


BlazingDarkness said:
To me, the world in FFXIII feels very alive - but we're not given much of an insight into it due to the linearity
It's definitely a confused design
Maybe their intent is to flesh out the world with Versus and Agito


Gold Member
These impressions have made me a lot less hyped about the game. No overworld to explore? No mini-games or sidequests? What a shame. Sure, I love the GoW and Uncharted games, and they are completely linear action games, but that's just not what I think an FF game (or any RPG, really) should be.


Realy good writeup... cannot wait to put this game in my EU PS3.. But it realy disappoints me that there are no sidequests, min games etc.. I loved searching for ultimate weapons and the likes in the previous games.. are you 100% sure that there isn´t a lot more hidden in thsi game..? has it realy been streamlined for this generation..? if so, then this game will not last me very long.. And I have used way over 100 hours in all FF games since FFVII...


I was firmly in the "love" camp when it comes to FFXII and I couldn't see why people would hate the game. It looks like I'm gonna be firmly in the "hate" camp come FFXIII. I've come to accept that FF isn't gonna be like it used to be and I just moved on. I will, of course, still play FFXIII before really judging it, but it's not looking good so far (in fact the moment it was anounced I didn't like the look of the game). Same with the Zelda games. They just don't make 'em like they used to and I've moved on to different games to get the experience I'm looking for. They might surprise us all with Zelda Wii, but I'm very cautioiusly optimistic.
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