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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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Yep, they despawn 2-3 minutes after dawn I'd they haven't been engaged. But if you've engaged them, they stay until you or they die and continuously tale damage from the sun.

My friends just been doing other stuff in the game after having found a spawn location, triggering their spawn later into the night so there's a short time before dawn and defeating them and making full use of the sun advantage.

That's really cool. And gives more context into the nights getting longer thing other than DARKNESSSSS. Daemons actually need nights to take over if they're to roam the lands freely.



This is scarily on point. Ni no Kuni represents to me what I want Final Fantasy to be and what that franchise hasn't been since X came out. It was ambitious but not overly so, it had just the right amount of exploration/linearity and the sense of adventure was there in spades. It truly did capture that feeling that FF hasn't had in a long long time.

tru dat

NNK is by far the best jrpg in two generations. My personal favorite anyway since the PS2 days.


I'm not actually sad about that delay, but do feel bad for the team (presumably the localisation team?) who have to work themselves to the bone for another six weeks. There's enough going on in Q1 to be interested in, depending on your tastes, and the delay will serve to make the game even better.
Some of the hyperbole around the battle system is exaggerated nonsense. It's just the weakest part of the overall package. The Pokemon like fighting system had more potential than realised because a lot of the designs of potential allies were awesome.

Games that go the opposite way and have good battle systems but utterly soulless, drab story telling be damned in this genre. Play Star Ocean or some Tales of games if you simply want good gameplay with absolutely shit-tastic story telling and characters.

The JRPG genre can do much better on the story front. I mean you can have both, see Persona, but by large I'd rather have serviceable combat and a good engaging story and characters over the opposite. That is why my expectations of FF15 are incredibly low. Square have totally lost it with story telling and FF, outside of FF14. They keep shitting out characters no one likes and convoluted garbage stories no one can be bothered to follow or care about.

Well Ni No Kuni's story was also shit-tastic. I personally thought it was cringeworthy (put it on mute more than a few times), tedious and a far bigger offender than the gameplay was to the overall experience. I thought the gameplay was okay, it had its flaws but if you were very proactive very few of the problems with it arose. But what Ni No Kuni had going for it was its characters, the world design, the lack of fan service, and the sense of nativity that when all combined was reminiscent of RPG's on the SNES and PS1 which has been sorely missing.
Sorry to break your heart...but it's been delayed to April.

I am sorry to say this but Persona got delayed until April.

Just don't get ready for February release, since it's been already delayed.



I'm not actually sad about that delay, but do feel bad for the team (presumably the localisation team?) who have to work themselves to the bone for another six weeks. There's enough going on in Q1 to be interested in, depending on your tastes, and the delay will serve to make the game even better.

I'd be less disappointed if it was the actual game getting delayed, and not just the localization, you know? Atlus JP should have handled that better. It really took them this long to realize they should put more effort into the localization?

I do feel bad for the localization team as well, but it's not them that I blame for this. They couldn't do anything if Atlus was taking too long to hand over the script.


I'd be less disappointed if it was the actual game getting delayed, and not just the localization, you know? Atlus JP should have handled that better. It really took them this long to realize they should put more effort into the localization?

I do feel bad for the localization team as well, but it's not them that I blame for this. They couldn't do anything if Atlus was taking too long to hand over the script.
That's true. It's not improvements to the game per se, just more time for localisation and adding the Japanese audio as free DLC (I think that's correct?) Definitely poor handling, this stuff should have been considered earlier on.


Everything Ghibli gave to NNK was absolutely fantastic (music, art style, aesthetics and the general atmosphere).

Everything from Level 5 was good at best, pretty bad at worst (writing, general pacing of the game, battle system). It's flawed gem.

//The game is proof that you can put an old-school style world map to a new aaa rpg.
On the topic of story: I'm on chapter 20 of Fire Emblem Conquest.

I think my expectations have hit an all time low for garbage stories and story telling, alongside my tolerance.

I'm hoping that FFXVs story is serviceable at least. Nothing that makes me want to pull my hair out and scream in frustration.

I've never been someone who places a huge emphasis on story. Still aren't. I think a great story can elevate a decent game (Witcher 3) but there's not much a story by itself can do to elevate a poor one.

Most of the games I consider to have great stories also are ones that I think have good to great gameplay (and indeed, I struggle to think of many such titles thag have poor gameplay but greay story that I enjoyed).

Great gameplay with poor story tend to be far more common place and are routinely games I've enjoyed. It's sad that FFXVs seems to have fall into this category, but at a personal level, it's not something I'm too bothered by aside from hopes that FFXVI can deliver a good story on top of compelling gameplay.


From what people have shared so far, there are both kinds of side quests. The boring, mundane kind and the more interesting, rewarding kind. There are apparently quests that do reward you with nice optional cutscenes and character development that you would have missed otherwise.
Is there a way to know which is which?


Junior Member
Almost done with World of Final Fantasy... gonna be a really painful 5 days, especially since I don't have much money to spare to go out, I'm on break for school, and I'm only working 10 hours this weekend. Plus when I'm on the comp, if I'm not on Neogaf it's some other game-related website or Youtube. Going to be insanely annoying avoiding everything.


On the topic of story: I'm on chapter 20 of Fire Emblem Conquest.

I think my expectations have hit an all time low for garbage stories and story telling, alongside my tolerance.

I'm hoping that FFXVs story is serviceable at least. Nothing that makes me want to pull my hair out and scream in frustration.

I've never been someone who places a huge emphasis on story. Still aren't. I think a great story can elevate a decent game (Witcher 3) but there's not much a story by itself can do to elevate a poor one.

Most of the games I consider to have great stories also are ones that I think have good to great gameplay (and indeed, I struggle to think of many such titles thag have poor gameplay but greay story that I enjoyed).

Great gameplay with poor story tend to be far more common place and are routinely games I've enjoyed. It's sad that FFXVs seems to have fall into this category, but at a personal level, it's not something I'm too bothered by aside from hopes that FFXVI can deliver a good story on top of compelling gameplay.

hey as long as there is focus on the story(even if not great) I will be happy

I just hope it's not another Xenoblade x 2015 situation.

tru dat

NNK is by far the best jrpg in two generations.

Lost Odyssey - Ni No Kuni - Xenoblade Wii 2012

Strong competition between the 3 for me last gen (haven't finished Tales of Vesperia though..)


Junior Member
On the topic of story: I'm on chapter 20 of Fire Emblem Conquest.

I think my expectations have hit an all time low for garbage stories and story telling, alongside my tolerance.

I'm hoping that FFXVs story is serviceable at least. Nothing that makes me want to pull my hair out and scream in frustration.

I've never been someone who places a huge emphasis on story. Still aren't. I think a great story can elevate a decent game (Witcher 3) but there's not much a story by itself can do to elevate a poor one.

Most of the games I consider to have great stories also are ones that I think have good to great gameplay (and indeed, I struggle to think of many such titles thag have poor gameplay but greay story that I enjoyed).

Great gameplay with poor story tend to be far more common place and are routinely games I've enjoyed. It's sad that FFXVs seems to have fall into this category, but at a personal level, it's not something I'm too bothered by aside from hopes that FFXVI can deliver a good story on top of compelling gameplay.

Honestly though from what I've seen, the consensus is:

First half is awkward and poorly-paced, second half is great, ending is amazing.
Very early question. There is a RV at the gas station the boys can rest at. The cutscene that plays lacks the voice acting and subtitles, all that plays is the music. Glitch? I've seen it happen twice now when I happened, I reloaded, and it still happened again.
I am about 8 or 9 hours in and I am halfway through chapter 3.

So far I have been really enjoying the game. It's no surprise to me that many people have said this game gets its bread buttered in dungeons, set pieces, and hunts - they are super well done. The atmosphere and music and feeling you get going through some of these dungeons is just fantastic. It also seems like at the end of each dungeon (at least the two story ones I have done so far) there is another secret door that is currently locked. Not sure if there is a way to open them at this point in the story but the map marker indicates this door is an entrance to another dungeon - take that for what it is. Maybe they are end game related.

I haven't found the story to be too sparse but I can see how people want a little more narrative. The kingsglaive scenes add a nice little bit of flavor and don't feel too "tacked on" despite being added in the patch. They feel like they fit, at least to me. Story is an undertone at this point and not front and center. Seems like they want to get you really immersed in exploring the world.

The most important thing to me is that the game just feels Final Fantasy to me. Like I said I am somewhere beteeen 8-9 hours in and I am not done with chapter 3 yet and I haven't even come close to doing everything in the beginning areas. I did maybe 4-5 hunts, 2-3 side quests, and just some light looking around. I think the guys who beat the game in 25 hours must have really been hauling ass or I am just really slow but I think it's more of the former.

Combat feels fluid and fun - it's very satisfying to execute some of the very cool looking attacks and team link strikes. Music is on point in every area. Everything is just leaving me with a very positive impression and I want to make it clear that it's not the fan boy in me. I am genuinely really enjoying this game right now and every time I turn off the PS4 I can't wait to get back to it.

Weird thing about the 7gb patch that is currently available - the kingsglaive scenes have been added for me like I mentioned but I don't have access to the monster whistle or the ability to play music from the car in the field and on foot. I am guessing the 7gb patch isn't the entire day 1 patch? What have others experienced with this?


Very early question. There is a RV at the gas station the boys can rest at. The cutscene that plays lacks the voice acting and subtitles, all that plays is the music. Glitch? I've seen it happen twice now when I happened, I reloaded, and it still happened again.

Nope, these silent cutscenes are just an annoying part of the game.


Very early question. There is a RV at the gas station the boys can rest at. The cutscene that plays lacks the voice acting and subtitles, all that plays is the music. Glitch? I've seen it happen twice now when I happened, I reloaded, and it still happened again.

Pretty sure it's normal. It's just to have something happening even though there isn't any particular event available at the moment.


Are cutscenes poorly directed and "PSP-like" even in the second, more story focused part?

From what i understand the story it's not bad by itself, just badly executed, but i don't understand if this is a problem of just the open world section or even later.


I think someone else already said it earlier, but I'm going to feel satisfied if the game ends up being a good journey. To me that's more than just the plot: it's about characters, escalation, and emotional impact. I also agree with those who are saying they'll overall rate the experience highly if it ends well.

Everyone's different, but I have a pretty high tolerance for weak plots and can forgive it if there's enough going on elsewhere to keep me immersed. There are so many elements to games that can click (or not) with the player.
I am about 8 or 9 hours in and I am halfway through chapter 3.

So far I have been really enjoying the game. It's no surprise to me that many people have said this game gets its bread buttered in dungeons, set pieces, and hunts - they are super well done. The atmosphere and music and feeling you get going through some of these dungeons is just fantastic. It also seems like at the end of each dungeon (at least the two story ones I have done so far) there is another secret door that is currently locked. Not sure if there is a way to open them at this point in the story but the map marker indicates this door is an entrance to another dungeon - take that for what it is. Maybe they are end game related.

I haven't found the story to be too sparse but I can see how people want a little more narrative. The kingsglaive scenes add a nice little bit of flavor and don't feel too "tacked on" despite being added in the patch. They feel like they fit, at least to me. Story is an undertone at this point and not front and center. Seems like they want to get you really immersed in exploring the world.

The most important thing to me is that the game just feels Final Fantasy to me. Like I said I am somewhere beteeen 8-9 hours in and I am not done with chapter 3 yet and I haven't even come close to doing everything in the beginning areas. I did maybe 4-5 hunts, 2-3 side quests, and just some light looking around. I think the guys who beat the game in 25 hours must have really been hauling ass or I am just really slow but I think it's more of the former.

Combat feels fluid and fun - it's very satisfying to execute some of the very cool looking attacks and team link strikes. Music is on point in every area. Everything is just leaving me with a very positive impression and I want to make it clear that it's not the fan boy in me. I am genuinely really enjoying this game right now and every time I turn off the PS4 I can't wait to get back to it.

Weird thing about the 7gb patch that is currently available - the kingsglaive scenes have been added for me like I mentioned but I don't have access to the monster whistle or the ability to play music from the car in the field and on foot. I am guessing the 7gb patch isn't the entire day 1 patch? What have others experienced with this?

Thanks for sharing. This is great to hear. I'm waiting for Amazon to ship my deluxe PS4 and collectors guide (I went a bit overboard and this thread was initially making me feel like I had made a bad decision). Hearing your impressions aligns to about what I've been hoping for. I've been following the game closely and am very realistic about it having flaws, but more than anything, I've just wanted it to feel like FF. And it sounds like t does.


Are cutscenes poorly directed and "PSP-like" even in the second, more story focused part?

From what i understand the story it's not bad by itself, just badly executed, but i don't understand if this is a problem of just the open world section or even later.

I'm halfway through the linear part and the game feels like it had a budget increase halfway through development, it's much better.
Nope, these silent cutscenes are just an annoying part of the game.

The RV scenes like the camp ones when you rest?

I thought that was a good design choice. It's a very relaxed atmosphere where you just watch the characters unwind.

I think having it be voiced would actually ruin them.


I'm halfway through the linear part and the game feels like it had a budget increase halfway through development, it's much better.

This i'm totally on board, and raises my spirit.
As long as the open world part is fun and immersive, i can live with little story, and as long as the linear part is high quality storytelling, i can live with little exploration.


The RV scenes like the camp ones when you rest?

I thought that was a good design choice. It's a very relaxed atmosphere where you just watch the characters unwind.

I think having it be voiced would actually ruin them.

I agree with this. They wouldn't have a lot of variety for voicing every time you camp. It'll be a lot of repetition.
Nope, these silent cutscenes are just an annoying part of the game.

Pretty sure it's normal. It's just to have something happening even though there isn't any particular event available at the moment.

OK long as I'm not going crazy lol.

Also maybes it's coming off of XIII but I'm enjoying the more relaxed pace the start of the game is taking. I'm sure it will rub people the wrong way but I dig it and knowing things just get crazier and crazier is like icing on the cake.

Ran rp

I am about 8 or 9 hours in and I am halfway through chapter 3.

So far I have been really enjoying the game. It's no surprise to me that many people have said this game gets its bread buttered in dungeons, set pieces, and hunts - they are super well done. The atmosphere and music and feeling you get going through some of these dungeons is just fantastic. It also seems like at the end of each dungeon (at least the two story ones I have done so far) there is another secret door that is currently locked. Not sure if there is a way to open them at this point in the story but the map marker indicates this door is an entrance to another dungeon - take that for what it is. Maybe they are end game related.

I haven't found the story to be too sparse but I can see how people want a little more narrative. The kingsglaive scenes add a nice little bit of flavor and don't feel too "tacked on" despite being added in the patch. They feel like they fit, at least to me. Story is an undertone at this point and not front and center. Seems like they want to get you really immersed in exploring the world.

The most important thing to me is that the game just feels Final Fantasy to me. Like I said I am somewhere beteeen 8-9 hours in and I am not done with chapter 3 yet and I haven't even come close to doing everything in the beginning areas. I did maybe 4-5 hunts, 2-3 side quests, and just some light looking around. I think the guys who beat the game in 25 hours must have really been hauling ass or I am just really slow but I think it's more of the former.

Combat feels fluid and fun - it's very satisfying to execute some of the very cool looking attacks and team link strikes. Music is on point in every area. Everything is just leaving me with a very positive impression and I want to make it clear that it's not the fan boy in me. I am genuinely really enjoying this game right now and every time I turn off the PS4 I can't wait to get back to it.

Weird thing about the 7gb patch that is currently available - the kingsglaive scenes have been added for me like I mentioned but I don't have access to the monster whistle or the ability to play music from the car in the field and on foot. I am guessing the 7gb patch isn't the entire day 1 patch? What have others experienced with this?

At this point I'm willing to play the game as a personal journey through a beautiful fantasy world, removing myself from the overarching storyline when possible.

I'm excited again tbh.
PSY・S;225382890 said:
At this point I'm willing to play the game as a personal journey through a beautiful fantasy world, removing myself from the overarching storyline when possible.

I'm excited again tbh.

My hype levels when I enter this thread.


I'm trying to keep it on damnit!
*vomits @ ni no kuni being compared to Final Fantasy* Are you sure you didn't confuse Xenoblade for this? :p

Never have I been so bored with a games story, characters and battle system.

I loved the setting and music and the heart/environment magic gameplay but I couldn't play past like 7-8 hours. None of the characters were interesting, the plot was boring as porridge and the battle system was insufferable. Give me 100 FFXIII's over this game plz.

Lost Oddessey...now yes that is worthy of the FF name. Fabulous game. Sublime.


Feeling more optimistic after hearing the story picks up and gives one of the best endings ever.

TBH ultimately I would prefer the latter part of a story to be better than the beginning bit. As most FF's for me fall apart towards the end...so if this is the other way round I am happy in that regard.


Unconfirmed Member
sooo the reversible cover does not have the blue ps4 bar on top? just read something about that..anyone got a picture?

edit: no need to answer, found it in the thread :D


I thought the updates are rolled into the base digital game on xbox one and there is no way to tell.

Interesting, looks like we'll have to wait and see. Although I downloaded mine before the patch announcement was made so not sure. I'm tempted to delete and re-download to see if the size increases...


Regarding towns,
why are people saying there are 'only two towns'? These outposts in Chapter One alone are bigger than most RPG 'villages'
So far I'm enjoying it a lot. What I like the most is that feeling of comradery between your party. The road trip motive feels at every step of the game.

For example, the games is clear to say that Noctis likes fishing, there is a part where you
receive a new hook, inmediatly your partners tells Noctis that he should be happy, to which Noctis replies he is and he want to try it out. I never fish in games, I find it boring and I find it boring in this game too but that small exchange of words made me want to fish
, I caught a couple of fishes and moved on. (those aren't actual spoilers but whatever).

Structurally, the world is like your tipical open world, with monotone MMO like sidequest but the seeting is so refreshing.

Can you only take one hunt at a time?
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