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Forbes Contributor: Reviewers Reporting Frame Rate Problems With 'CoD: Ghosts' On PS4


The ps4 is more than capable from what I understand of running this at 1080p60, so I am going to say it is mostly down to infinity ward being stretched too thin by developing for so many platforms. That and the fact that infinity ward is not really known for their technical achievements (low resolutions and constant framerate fluctuations on ps3 and 360 cod games) makes this news unsurprising. Before people say I am biased towards ps4, I am not getting one and have an xbox one preordered.


Most people here probbaly don't give a fuck about COD in any way. The only purpose the game was serving was some sort of benchmark for console superiority. Unfortunately even as a benchmark, it doesn't do it's job right. Gamers be sad.


Gold Member
You realize you will see every game in 60 Hz as your output right?



Pretty happy that CoD4 burned me out on this series back in 2007. I'd feel pretty silly supporting this broken/gimpy ass game.


Rock solid 60FPS? Call of Duty? Haha.

It was never locked at 60 or rock solid, ever, right?

If killzone and bf out perform it technically and visually, all IW can do is look in the mirror.

There engine is just probably so patched together now, that they don't even now what to expect.
Lol if you believe the ps4 is weaker then bone, the xbone is actually weak. This game was just rushed for next gen and is why it's having problems on both xbone and the other next gen consoles.

I think his point was that people jumped on COD on X1 as indicative of the system being shit primarily, without regard to the now obvious fact that the development effort behind the game is suspect at best.

I don't think anyone other than rabid fanboys would argue that the PS4 is not more powerful at this point.


I gotta say, as person without a dog in this race, i.e. no preorder for either, the twists and turns of resolution-gate, which this is an offshoot of, have been incredibly entertaining.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but framerate has never bothered me- I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to that. I would prefer 1080p, just for its effects on things like aliasing.

I'm the same way, I am not one of those 60 fps or fail type people. I am completely fine with a game maxed out 1080p @30fps, but any lower and I want to kill someone.
Because they're not allowed to talk about the xbox one version yet.
I'm aware. That's fine, I wasn't making a next gen comparison. But some people are now arguing that every version of COD has suffered from frame rate drops and this is normal. If that's the case it seems odd that reviewers only mention the PS4 version. That has to mean thar then that the PS4 version has more than minor frame rate issues, right?
There are no hard numbers. The drop from 60 to 50 is nowhere near as noticeable as 125% more pixels, which is why people say things like "cod is solid 60" when we know it is anything but. We really need to better dimension what we're talking about.

Wait, 60 to 50 is what people are griping over?
X1 - weak console is weak.
PS4 - lazy devs are lazy.

So awesome.
....Took long enough.
Maybe I'm in the minority, but framerate has never bothered me- I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to that. I would prefer 1080p, just for its effects on things like aliasing.
I had no problems with games lower than 30 like FC3 either, but I wouldn't be surprised if my standardschange if I play 60FPS game after 60FPS game.


I'm aware. That's fine, I wasn't making a next gen comparison. But some people are now arguing that every version of COD has suffered from frame rate drops and this is normal. If that's the case it seems odd that reviewers only mention the PS4 version. That has to mean thar then that the PS4 version has more than minor frame rate issues, right?

They were saying that ps3 has similar issues. The 360 version is the most consistent framerate. Not sure about wii u.


It's definitely a crawl for a fast paced game like CoD.

Halo, Gears, Uncharted, and Battlefield are fast-paced games. Yet they all run at 30fps, and play fine.

Although I suppose what you meant by your statement is that COD is synonymous with 60fps fluidity, and a drop to 30fps would be feel like a "crawl" relative to the baseline 60fps. I still disagree. I've played plenty of COD games on the PS3, and I'm sure there were many occasions where the framerate dipped to 30-40fps in those games, particularly in the campaigns. Those drops were noticeable, but never a "crawl."

When someone says "slows down to a crawl," he usually means the game became borderline unplayable.

There are no numbers. That is the whole point of my post.

Totally agree. There's a lot of speculation going on right now, with zero hard numbers. Fanboys on all sides need to wait for actual framerate tests before they react.

Again, I seriously doubt the PS4 version's framerate was allowed to dip below 30fps on a regular or semi-regular basis. Even the notoriously inferior PS3 versions of COD titles didn't dip down to 30fps (with the rare, scripted, cinematic explosion-fest in the single-player campaign being a possible exception). If there are drops to 30fps, logic and history tells me it would be a brief spurt (or, more appropriately, sputter).
Honestly I forgot about Wii U.
But in hindsight it isn't worth including because some 5000 people played BO2 online on Wii U, and if you don't have a good MP crowd on a platform for a CoD, its not worth mentioning

I was one of the 7 Wii U owners that got the game on the Wii U. You know that opinions and preferences exists right? Well for me gamepad > userbase and it did not disappoint, sure some modes where not playable but I had and I am still having fun.

By the looks of things, CoD Ghosts is looking better as someone already reported 1300 users online on the first day, so things can only get better from here than Black Ops 2. Also the game seems to be running smooth on the Wii U. In the meantime I would place it next to the X360.


I ain't gonna support this game anyway on either platform. The only one I bought was cod4 and black ops 1 and did enjoy them alot. I will change my gaming trend this Gen. I want new Ip like gears of war/ uncharted/ mass effect. I want this coming Gen to have great memories. All kind of genre. Only thing I remember about now Gen is fps. Cod. It's gonna change.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm aware. That's fine, I wasn't making a next gen comparison. But some people are now arguing that every version of COD has suffered from frame rate drops and this is normal. If that's the case it seems odd that reviewers only mention the PS4 version. That has to mean thar then that the PS4 version has more than minor frame rate issues, right?
This is not "some people say". We have hard data on the framerates of these games.


Wait, 60 to 50 is what people are griping over?

Anything that isn't 60 will look like crap when the game mainly runs at 60, it's jarring and obvious. Especially if it's dropping 1 frame every 10-20 frames. That's a tiny loss per second but in terms of movement impact, it's huge.
Hmmm... think I'm going to need to hear Ars and the Sess' thoughts on this before I decide whether this is a big deal or not. Need to know more before I make any decisions.

But whatever happens, thread was worth it to see the end of Phatsaqs*.

*Coming soon to youtube comments near you! :)


Code Red, Code Red! Where's my Mountain Dew Code Red? Get Yosp on the phone, this is an emergency!

Launch titles man, worse yet cross-gen launch titles. This is why I avoid launch date title and systems all together till things blow over. XB1 or PS4, I'll get one or both eventually, but if I judged both systems by the cross platform or early launch titles that dropped last gen... man that'd be a super low bar to start with.
Jeremy Conrad just said 2 minutes ago on twitter that COD Ghosts on Xbox One has worse framerate drops than PS4.

I am on mobile and cant post it, if someone could.....


I'll wait for numbers and XB1 reviews before reading too much into this. If it's more than occasional I'd be surprised they didn't just drop it down to 720p given that's XB1 resolution anyway.

If Rudin is publicly stating they went for 720p on XB1 and 1080p to ensure 60fps I have to wonder would the PS4 version really be full of big drops when a simple resolution drop would likely fix them completely?

Would be funny if both next gen consoles showed drops (obviously MS are keeping XB1 reviews from us for a while) at those resolutions.

TBH the more I see of Ghosts and look at its PC specs it feels like it's not the most optimized CoD to hit the shelves.


People need to realize that dropping the resolution does not guarantee a stable framerate. If the game really is dropping on a tri-sli PC, it likely has nothing to do with GPU performance. Then again, that's probably on a monster CPU as well, so who the hell knows at this point.


Halo, Gears, Uncharted, and Battlefield are fast-paced games. Yet they all run at 30fps, and play fine.

Although I suppose what you meant by your statement is that COD is synonymous with 60fps fluidity, and a drop to 30fps would be feel like a "crawl" relative to the baseline 60fps. I still disagree. I've played plenty of COD games on the PS3, and I'm sure there were many occasions where the framerate dipped to 30-40fps in those games, particularly in the campaigns. Those drops were noticeable, but never a "crawl."

When someone says "slows down to a crawl," he usually means the game became borderline unplayable.

It is true to say that 30 fps isn't a crawl, however going from 60fps has a very jarring effect because the mind is expecting 60fps as the baseline.

You can kind of think of it as a tolerance effect. Say you are in 90 degree water and then the temperature suddenly changes to 80 degrees. 80 degrees is by no means 'cold' but switching that fast from 90 will make it feel a bit chilly.
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