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//: Global Starcraft II League 2012 - GSL Season 3 Finals Thread - Lasers Woo Hoo!

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
  • 19:10 KST
  • 12:10 CEST
  • 06:10 EDT
  • 03:10 PDT
*6 hours from post.


GSL Code S Finals
GomTV Stream*
TL Live Report Thread
Regular Season GAF GSL Thread
GSTL GAF Thread (Finals Tomorrow!)
Liquidpedia Link

GAF IRC: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=#StarCraft2-GAF

*Gom Player Required. SQ Stream Free, HQ Stream requires pass
GSL HQ Pass Store



TeamLiquid Writeup: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=356023

– The best Protoss player in the world.
– Unsurpassed experience in front of huge, live audiences.
– Completely fearless and unpredictable in multi-game series.
– Excellent small scale battle micro, especially force-fields.

– Very inconsistent against other top level Protoss players.
– Possibly overconfident, though he could just be playing mind games.
– SK Gaming may sabotage him to keep his contract affordable.

Ideal winning scenario: Proves that PvP can be epic and entertaining, regardless of the final score.

Craziest winning scenario: Literally flips a coin inside the booth before each game, proceeds to win.

– Showed a total lack of fear in his second GSL run ever.
– Huge heart, coming back from serious deficits against more highly rated opponents.
– Has the full support of LG-IM as the team seeks to complete a T-Z-P GSL grand slam.

– Has only played in front of a GSL studio crowd, not thousands at a live final.
– PvP has been largely untested in the GSL.
– Never played a highly competitive best of seven.

Ideal winning scenario: Proves that PvP can be epic and entertaining, regardless of the final score.

Craziest winning scenario: Goes down 0 - 3, comes back with a reverse-sweep to solidify his position as the gutsiest player ever.

Map Playlist
  • Set 1 - Metropolis
  • Set 2 - Daybreak
  • Set 3 - Whirlwind
  • Set 4 - Entombed Valley
  • Set 5 - Cloud Kingdom
  • Set 6 - Antiga Shipyard
  • Set 7 - Atlantis Spaceship


To all the protoss haters...


When did the metagame shift to the point Protoss became OP? Are toss players finally learning how to chrono boost?


Fuck me, a PvP.

Expecting and hoping for an MC victory, but damn, PvP is always my second most hated Matchup, just behind ZvZ. Hard to get too hype or excited, but I'll be watching all the same, just like I always do.


Pretty excited for this, hopefully we'll get to see some cool new PvP builds, although I definitely expect MC to win.

Edit: Also, I'm loving the thread title, awesome thread as always corran.


IM SEED! Und das is' unser Gebiet,
singender Caballero auf´m bombigen Beat.
IM SEED - boooom! Wenn sich der Nebel verzieht,
dann hörst du irgendwie von irgendwo so heiße Musik...

IM SEED! Und das is' unser Gebiet,
singender Caballero auf´m bombigen Beat.
IM SEED - boooom! Wenn sich der Nebel verzieht,
dann hörst du irgendwie von irgendwo so heiße Musik...
IM SEED - und das is' unser Gebiet,
singende Caballeros auf´m bombigen Beat.
IM SEED - boooom! Wenn sich der Nebel verzieht,
dann nenn es so oder so, es bleibt dieselbe Musik...

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Haven't bothered watching the whole season. Looks like the game is still good times for Protoss huh.

Eh Final 4 were 2 protoss, 1 terran and 1 zerg.
Season started with 10 protoss, 13 terran and 9 zerg.

Its as balance as you can get without counting metagame shifts from time to time.


Eh, ofcourse I'll watch it. Just wished it wasn't a PvP, the second worst matchup from a viewing standpoint.


*6 hours from post.
Great opening post, this little data is like the best way to tell time. I almost forgot about the date and then I saw this thread, yay! Hype! Go MC! MC is such a cool fella! Good luck to Seed. But still, MC, yeeeaaaah!


relies on auto-aim
Fucking shitty ass 3g wifi at 1.5 star hotels.
Might be able to catch an hour before I go to work, should be a good ballsy series.

Check the TL article that has the 'PvP Viewers' guide to help make it much more interesting to watch.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I wanted to see this :(

Should I watch this at work?


relies on auto-aim
HQ no go :(
SQ please hold up on this shitty internet

Agh, not even 450kbps is slow enough. Free SD please not for GSL Finals :(


tasteless is seriously annoying to listen to when you're cranky from little sleep. no wonder why everybody that stays up for GSL complains about him xp
Depressing amount of seats left open. Maybe I should start paying more attention to Dota 2. :(

Dota 2 is way more fun to play at least.

SC2 is not really catching up in Korea, OGN has the LoL backup plan (which is probably the main plan looking at the numbers), but GOM and Blizzard ? yeah, good luck.
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