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Gran Turismo 5 Review Thread


Surprised by the IGN review. I'd have expected them to give it a 9.5 / 10. (considering they OVERRATE every high profile game release). Heck they say in the review that the gameplay is 10/10 but interface issues hold it back?


Confirmed Asshole
Dreams-Visions said:
eeeeeeh I dunno about that.

I don't think there were 14 million hardcore GT3 players out there. I think GT has a lot of casual appeal. It's just that it's more than deep enough for the dedicated to really enjoy.
What I'm saying is that they've always built a game with general appeal mostly through graphical fidelity (and a lot of PR backing, don't forget) around a dedicated sim core. That is their legacy, that is their trademark. And they're sticking to it, so that's what one should expect.
Gen X said:
I'm really disappointed to hear about the multiplayer side of things (No car classes online, lack of time trial leaderboards) but I just know that this game will handle like a dream with the G27.
They have to fix the car class thing. As I understand it, anyone can bring any car?

They've gotta patch that within 2 weeks...


The Hug Dog said:
Just fully read through Eurogamers review. Fantastic, absolutely sums up how I feel about the game. The closing paragraph is great.

The intro is better. If you're even remotely interested in racing games, I find it impossible to not feel the rush to buy the game just to feel what Oli was describing.

I liked the review because he didn't shy away from the obvious flaws of the game but unlike others he seems to know what really matters about a racing game...which is the racing...

mr stroke said:
not at all

as I said in my post, I am a CAUSAL racing fan. As someone that only has time for one racer this holiday it will be the better game. Yes NFS and GT are different animals but Ill take what ever is better. So far the low scores and bad online impressions are a turn off. I guess its my fault for expecting the second coming of Christ with this game

Then why would want GT5 in the first place even if it got 101 in metacritic? Just get the game that suits your racing need, which is clearly NFS: Hot Pursuit.


Confirmed Asshole
mr stroke said:
as I said in my post, I am a CAUSAL racing fan. As someone that only has time for one racer this holiday it will be the better game. Yes NFS and GT are different animals but Ill take what ever is better. So far the low scores and bad online impressions are a turn off. I guess its my fault for expecting the second coming of Christ with this game
Maybe try it out for yourself in a shop and see how you like it. Usually works for me!


wmat said:
Haha you bet your ass. And not without reason, they really hit the spot when FM3 came out. No question about it.

Seems like GT5 is having a harder time landing overall, but for the hardcore simmers, which essentially are the people PD are talking to, this game should be heaven.

You gotta imagine that this is the very definition of stealing someone's thunder. I'd imagine these scores would be telling a different story in a world where FM3 didn't come out. GT5 I believe is a victim of it's own hype. Trying to ride hype is like surfing a tsunami; you'll pay if you fuck it up.


Lafiel said:
Surprised by the IGN review. I'd have expected them to give it a 9.5 / 10. (considering they OVERRATE every high profile game release). Heck they say in the review that the gameplay is 10/10 but interface issues hold it back?
They say it's a 10/10 car simulator, but only a 5/10 game. So 8.5 seems even generous.


TruePrime said:
Why because some people think there game is better then GT5?

We didn't need reviewes to come out to tell us some would prefer Forza to GT5, same goes in reverse.

If you mean Metacritic or Gamerankings then eh really they come across more douchy if they try to use that shit so I don't really care.

I think its more of the fact when they started, the Sim racing genre was Gran Turismo. Not only have they become economically successful, they have made several improvements to the genre. To the point where reviewers talk about it...


This was a Day 1 purchase for me, but I think I might rent it first to see how much grinding I have to do. I want to be able to pop in the disk, buy my first car, and then after pimping the rims and upgrading my brake package, check out my clever AI opponents through the glorious in-dash view as I see what kind of damage I can do to the other cars...

Seriously though, I'm coming to the conclusion that this game probably isn't for me. Will still check out the game though.


Gamereactor review really goes in on it.

When Gran Turismo 5 is good, it's fantastic. It shines like a carefully polished diamond with fantastic graphics and balanced car physics. When Gran Turismo 5 is bad, it's really bad. Sloppy graphics, stuttering frame rate, hopelessly repetitive and a weak presentation. It doesn't take long before it becomes obvious that the development of Polyphony's fifth game in the series hasn't only been expensive, it's also been problematic. The game feels inconsistent, and the general experience fragmented - either way, it's high quality racing as long as you stay away from the worst pitfalls.
Gran Turismo 5's presentation is more or less worthless. Several different graphical styles are mixed into a huge mess of bad typography and badly designed menus. You have to jump around through the menu system like a madman during the career mode and everything is covered in bad elevator jazz. The menus are meant to mimic some form of exclusive computer program, but it only manages to annoy. Example: the fact that you have to click nine times to pick out and test-drive the cars you win in the game's various races is one of the oddest design choices this year.
The graphical quality in general suffers from a severe case of multiple personality disorder. The real-time rendered reruns are incredibly well made, while some textures looks like something from the PlayStation 2 era. The weather effects never look very realistic, and often make the game stutter. The Premium cars are incredibly well modeled, covered in incredibly high resolution textures and lit with beautiful real-time light. The Standard-selection looks terribly low budget in comparison.
I don't believe the weather effects comment, we've seen amazing videos of that.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
wmat said:
for the hardcore simmers, which essentially are the people PD are talking to, this game should be heaven.
I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore simmer, I like arcade racers. But playing GT5 with a wheel is an outstanding experience, close to handling perfection. It blurs the line between sim and arcade.

NHale said:
I liked the review because he didn't shy away from the obvious flaws of the game but unlike others he seems to know what really matters about a racing game...which is the racing...


I think PD really needs to hire a GAME designer with a lot of room to work for GT6

The company is obviously just too focused on getting the core stuff right that they forget the rest

Beth Cyra

Rainier said:
This was a Day 1 purchase for me, but I think I might rent it first to see how much grinding I have to do. I want to be able to pop in the disk, buy my first car, and then after pimping the rims and upgrading my brake package, check out my clever AI opponents through the glorious in-dash view as I see what kind of damage I can do to the other cars...

Seriously though, I'm coming to the conclusion that this game probably isn't for me. Will still check out the game though.

NO GT has ever been like this, I don't see why anyone would even begin to think that GT5 would be different in that regard.
Dreams-Visions said:
well...it's the only measuring stick used to determine what games may be better than others. and it's kinda more than a handful. Almost all of the biggies have spoken.

Good scores are good to have but don't mean anything if your game don't sell good.
Still want do some people think that all of sudden GT won't be GT and they going to change how the game is .
okenny said:
You gotta imagine that this is the very definition of stealing someone's thunder. I'd imagine these scores would be telling a different story in a world where FM3 didn't come out. GT5 I believe is a victim of it's own hype. Trying to ride hype is like surfing a tsunami; you'll pay if you fuck it up.
Not really. Maybe on GAF and other communities we'll discuss this. But GT5 has been on the news,tv, radio all this week. It's a much bigger IP and as we can see, generates much more talk than any other racer/sim.


TheOddOne said:
Gamereactor review really goes in on it.
I don't believe the weather effects comment, we've seen amazing videos of that.
I agree somewhat with the menu UI design since I'm a graphic design/illustration nut myself but that comment about the weather effects sounds batshit insane. =/


Confirmed Asshole
Gran Turismo 5's presentation is more or less worthless. Several different graphical styles are mixed into a huge mess of bad typography and badly designed menus. You have to jump around through the menu system like a madman during the career mode and everything is covered in bad elevator jazz. The menus are meant to mimic some form of exclusive computer program, but it only manages to annoy. Example: the fact that you have to click nine times to pick out and test-drive the cars you win in the game's various races is one of the oddest design choices this year.
Alright, that's the shit I was talking about. HOW CAN YOU FUCK THAT UP! Goddammit.

I mean, how can you NOT learn from GT4? Seriously!


Wait, Jeff Gordon is in the game?

What's the point of getting the Nascar license when you get Jeff Gordon and basically alienate 70% of the people who care about Nascar in the first place.

I mean, geeze, people at races cheer when he crashes. And boo when he wins.

No wonder the reviews in Europe are higher...they don't know who he is.


Don't know if it was because of the "last minute reviews", but for a game with so many options and things to do, most of the reviews are either too general, too broad or too short.

Don't know, maybe I was silly for expecting dedicated impresssions for kart racing, customizing tracks, or in the online aspects, separate mention for the community aspects and the video-uploading features. Maybe was something like "well, we've been talking about this for months, so we won't mention it on the review".

At least something good/detailed to read, while waiting a few hours. Great game is great, so no problems with "those really low scores in the 8s".
DiscoJer said:
Wait, Jeff Gordon is in the game?

What's the point of getting the Nascar license when you get Jeff Gordon and basically alienate 70% of the people who care about Nascar in the first place.

I mean, geeze, people at races cheer when he crashes. And boo when he wins.

No wonder the reviews in Europe are higher...they don't know who he is.

Who are they supposed to get? Dale Jr? :p They have him in one of the promo videos for it. But the dude can't win shit, so he shouldn't be giving you instructions on how to become a better driver.


vanty said:
They say it's a 10/10 car simulator, but only a 5/10 game. So 8.5 seems even generous.

I agree. Since it's a cooking simulator it should have been lower, who cares this game is a 10/10 as a car simulator. Oh wait...

fernoca said:
Don't know if it was because of the "last minute reviews", but for a game with so many options and things to do, most of the reviews are either too general, too broad or too short.

Reviewers only got the review codes this weekend.
TheOddOne said:
Really? Thats suprising because I thought it looked rock solid.
yea, I've seen some comments. but you know how it goes...people don't always like to talk about the flaws they see right after they dropped $60-$130 AND after waiting 6 years for this day. but a few people have made mention of some weather-related issues.


The Praiseworthy said:
I'm very very shocked to see GT5 getting 8s... but whatever, it's still going to be an amazing ride for many in the upcoming years ;)
Waiting for a review that will go lower :p




SolidSnakex said:
Who are they supposed to get? Dale Jr? :p They have him in one of the promo videos for it. But the dude can't win shit, so he shouldn't be giving you instructions on how to become a better driver.
Have we seen Jimmy Johnson yet? (I mean decked out in his alpinestars suit, helmet, etc)
Dreams-Visions said:
sure. but what game are you alluding to that didn't sell well?

It was a replay to the Turn 10 must be feeling smug right now .
Even if your game gets better reviews if it don't translate to sales it don't mean much .
Then again no other car game gets nearly the sales a GT game does no matter what type it is .


Eurogamer's review is strange. He seems to spend two pages pointing out the glaring problems, but then ends up giving it a nine. It reads like a six.
"for the hardcore simmers, which essentially are the people PD are talking to, this game should be heaven."

The hardcore simmers will be playing iRacing or participating in rFactor/netKar/Nascar2003, etc. etc. mod leagues. For the bumper car pokemon fans, which are the people PD are actually talking to, this game should be heaven.


offshore said:
Eurogamer's review is strange. He seems to spend two pages pointing out the glaring problems, but then ends up giving it a nine. It reads like a six.


Teknopathetic said:
"for the hardcore simmers, which essentially are the people PD are talking to, this game should be heaven."

The hardcore simmers will be playing iRacing or participating in rFactor/netKar/Nascar2003, etc. etc. mod leagues. For the bumper car pokemon fans, which are the people PD are actually talking to, this game should be heaven.
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