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Gran Turismo Sport demo coming Oct. 9

I was able to do 10 laps on the hard easily in that race, Softs were going off after 5 laps.

It was the net time though. I could put in 5-6 on softs, 6-7 on mediums and 7-8 on hards but it all evened out in the end. It could just be their wear compression scale needs adjusting but there was no reason to go long on hard or short on soft. It yielded the same results. They all start to go off with the tire icons only showing like 5-10% wear. A one stopper on hards should be doable in a 30 lap race. Maybe it was just that event, but the tire wear to fuel ratio was off even with mapping changes.

You can change the fuel map using the dpad. You could do 10-11 laps stints and the soft tires start to suck during the sixth.
Yes I saw this last night, really fun to play with. Just doesn't match up with tire management imo.

Edit: Really easy strategy for the endurance race. Medium tires, 6 laps every stint. Just be sure to over fuel to like ~6.5 laps to be safe. Nothing is worse than running out of fuel with a lap left. Take it from me.

Edit2: There could have also been some really shitty rubber band stuff going on in that mission that made the tire strategy feel moot. We will need to see how it pans out with real drivers. I still don't get the wear graphics in lower left though. The tires are shit with barely any wear.
Because new generation hardware can bring about new refinements that improve on the previous installments. Especially in the area of physics and wheel feedback.

I guess, but isn't that a bit boring at a certain level? I played 1-4 religiously (never got a PS3/360, so no 5 and 6), and at a certain level it was the same thing with some additional bells and a new coat of paint.

So for me personally, this is a breath of fresh air.


I guess, but isn't that a bit boring at a certain level? I played 1-4 religiously (never got a PS3/360, so no 5 and 6), and at a certain level it was the same thing with some additional bells and a new coat of paint.

So for me personally, this is a breath of fresh air.

Not boring in the least especially since new cars are made every year at all levels. Sure the campaign formula would remain similar but how you got to the end and what you used could be different. Not to mention the advancements is the simulation side, or track recreation, games between gens would feel different and fresh.
Not boring in the least especially since new cars are made every year at all levels. Sure the campaign formula would remain similar but how you got to the end and what you used could be different. Not to mention the advancements is the simulation side, or track recreation, games between gens would feel different and fresh.

But don't you have a lot of those advancements here, in GTS?
Other note from playing, I learned this in the beta as well. The time penalty system is worthless if the penalty happens anywhere but the last few corners of the race. It is so easy to shave down your penalty corner to corner with losing virtually no advantage. GTS seems to think that being off throttle and brakes is an absurd concept unless you are trying to server a penalty. Just roll off throttle in low speed corners, lose no time, and watch that penalty evaporate. It is so easy to beat the penalty system. Never try to negate your penalty in a high speed section. Save it for the slowest corners or corners leading on to the shortest straights. If you are able to stay close and draft while doing this, the penalty is even more unsubstantial.
This game reminds me a lot of Street Fighter 5 in terms of the core game being incredibly fun to play, but in an overall package that's way too light on content.
At this point, if GTS continues to develop into a proper iRacing Lite on consoles, I think PD/Sony should split off a second GT game like Forza did with Horizons. I don't want GT horizons, but I would like to see a GT game that is all about the love of cars and driving experiences and ownership. All cars wear and tear, buying stuff is a big deal, and lots of gran touring style events or track days where it is more about taking your car on a journey to a track then just pure racing. You trash your car, you need to pay serious cash to get it back. Even better, cars in massive crashes should be written off for good. Have full walk through garages where you can show off your prized vehicles. Almost an GT MMO in a way. Then just keep GTS going for the pure racing and competitive aspect.

Good idea, something like Gran Turismo World or Gran Turismo Drive along side Gran Turismo Sport.
At this point, if GTS continues to develop into a proper iRacing Lite on consoles, I think PD/Sony should split off a second GT game like Forza did with Horizons. I don't want GT horizons, but I would like to see a GT game that is all about the love of cars and driving experiences and ownership. All cars wear and tear, buying stuff is a big deal, and lots of gran touring style events or track days where it is more about taking your car on a journey to a track then just pure racing. You trash your car, you need to pay serious cash to get it back. Even better, cars in massive crashes should be written off for good. Have full walk through garages where you can show off your prized vehicles. Almost an GT MMO in a way. Then just keep GTS going for the pure racing and competitive aspect.

I'd like to see that. I have little interest in cars but a big race fan. I often feel the whole big manufacturer / car porn side of these games hold the racing aspect back, especially as the majority of companies that make racing cars aren't featured in them and end up with a bunch of cars that feel as far removed from racing as you can get. This demo period has been great for me due to the lack of campaign stuff that has nothing to do with racing and it doesn't force me to engage with an arbitrary fictional tour modes, though I just wished they doubled down on the sport aspect by having more sport racing besides the Gr1 style prototypes.

I know a lot of people love the car aspect and collecting is a big thing for them, as is the more game like aspects especially with GT as it pretty much invented a lot of it. I can see why a lot of people are a bit upset about not having this. At first I was a bit apprehensive about it but for my tastes it is the better option.

Two franchises would make quite a lot of sense and development could help each other to bring out releases without such a large gap.

Cake Boss

Holy shit I fucking love and hate this game.

I never realised how much I missed Gran Turismo, the elevator piano music, the menus, the car porn presentations, the graphics and the amazing lighting. What pisses me off the most is how much this game is a missed opportunity, they nailed the gameplay and the graphics and if only they included a fully pledged GT4 like campaign this would be the racing game of the generation. It's too bad because I love the challenges and the driving test trials, and they nailed the online, first and only racing game I have seen do. But what I miss the most is buying a base Lancer, tuning that shit out until I finally upgrade into another class. I also miss the Pokemon car like collection to build.

I spent 2 hours late last night in the "Photo Mode" trying to get the best shot. The game is just pure car pornography.

I don't have PS+ but when I pick this game up (once it's on sale) I'll get that shit just to play this game online, it's that good and addictive. They need to do something about the assholes tboning you tho.

Kaz announce a campaign mode mang. :(


I still don't get the wear graphics in lower left though. The tires are shit with barely any wear.

They're not rubbish they're just passed their best. My experience was as follows:

Out lap tyres feel better than worn ones of the same compound but not as grippy as warm ones.

After more than half a lap, depending on the distance, the tyres are at their prime and I'm busting in fastest sectors and laps and, especially, am able to break late and get on the power early.

After about 3 or 4 laps (hard compound) the grip begins to fade significantly from their prime condition however they reach a point where wear is gradual again so you can run with them to 10+ laps if you've got a good rythm.

When the graphic is > 80% worn things become really slippery. And you have to switch.

In 6-8 I switched tyres every time simply because it made little difference as the race is rubber banded and you'll end up racing the M6 after the last stop no matter how good your race pace


My final stats.

28 gold medals
600,000 credits
7 cars
level 14

See you all next week.

They're not rubbish they're just passed their best. My experience was as follows:

Out lap tyres feel better than worn ones of the same compound but not as grippy as warm ones.

After more than half a lap, depending on the distance, the tyres are at their prime and I'm busting in fastest sectors and laps and, especially, am able to break late and get on the power early.

After about 3 or 4 laps (hard compound) the grip begins to fade significantly from their prime condition however they reach a point where wear is gradual again so you can run with them to 10+ laps if you've got a good rythm.

When the graphic is > 80% worn things become really slippery. And you have to switch.

In 6-8 I switched tyres every time simply because it made little difference as the race is rubber banded and you'll end up racing the M6 after the last stop no matter how good your race pace

It is such a poor representation of wear though. If the tires are in their shit worthless stage of wear, than that bar should be down to at least 50% or lower. My current theory is the wear gauge is not scaling with the tire/fuel scaling. I bet if tire wear was at 1x, that gauge would match up properly. That mission race was probably 6x scale but I don't think the wear indicator scaled with it. It is an arbitrary representation of the tires remaining grip, not the literal rubber left on the tread. If the tires have no grip, the indicator should show it as so. It is very difficult to tell the difference between a bar 80% full and 82% full, but there is a major drop off in tire performance in there.


y'all should be ashamed
Good idea, something like Gran Turismo World or Gran Turismo Drive along side Gran Turismo Sport.
Fun fact: early in development of Driveclub Evolution wanted it to be a Gran Turismo spin-off in name (basically the same game as it is today) Polyphony declined.

I have no idea where I heard that but it always makes me wonder. Probably the right decision.
Got demoted to C in a single race despite getting constant blue Bs throughout since beta started. I don't even know how this stuff works anymore.
I wish I could just buy a PSN digital version with Amazon Prime. Love the discount there, but for this kind of game swapping the discs out every time I want a quick race is a pain.


A bit late but only just noticed I'm on prioritise frame rate but it won't let me change. The option is greyed out. Any help?


Man, the online is a mixed bag in the demo. On one hand it's insanely addicting on the other if people aren't playing
, the game kicks in "ghost mode" for cars at sometimes random situations. I'm not saying things like someone went off track and he's trying to get back on it, that's logical. I'm saying I see 2 cars side by side full speed in front of me and they start clipping through each other for no reason. Cars went through me when they shouldn't because nothing abnormal wasn't happening and I clipped through them too.

I don't know if the appliance of brake at high speed is enough for cars behind to go into "ghost mode"( it happens with or without breaking though) or people having such bad connections the game can't interpret what the hell is going on and just flips the "ghost" switch, but it's really distracting, because looking through mirror you can never tell if someone will bump into you or go right through.


Will I have to re-download the full game once it releases or will this install do?

i'm asking the same thing, i think we need to wait and see, cuz im not downloading the game again so probably im goona get it physical in a couple of weeks T_T
Ghosting does not seem to happen often in SR B, it's for the lower tiers I guess to prevent an even bigger shitshow. :p
This is a free trial after all, people buying the game will probably behave better and also get more feeling, as it's not that weird to miss your braking points on these tracks.
SR rating is more important than winning races. When the real game comes out, I'm going to only play the easier events to build up SR to A/S before actually trying to compete because trying to compete at the lower ratings often results in you losing SR or getting knocked off and finishing even lower.

I'm very thankful for ghosting in the C lobbies. The amount of times someone goes of the track and just skids back on in front of everyone is just sad.
Enjoyed the short time I had with the beta. Scapes are fun to play around. I think I spent more time taking photos than actually driving lol.

Same here, GT Sports will be my Pokemon Snap.

I actually downloaded some replays just so I can take pictures. Already posted most of my good ones in the screenshot thread :D
SR rating is more important than winning races. When the real game comes out, I'm going to only play the easier events to build up SR to A/S before actually trying to compete because trying to compete at the lower ratings often results in you losing SR or getting knocked off and finishing even lower.

I'm very thankful for ghosting in the C lobbies. The amount of times someone goes of the track and just skids back on in front of everyone is just sad.

C isn't terrible in my opinion (sometimes B and C are mixed too) but yeah, don't start battles to gain a place and finish p11 instead of p12. I feel like it will be pretty hard to climb from D or E indeed.


A bit late but only just noticed I'm on prioritise frame rate but it won't let me change. The option is greyed out. Any help?

It only works if you're on a Pro and you have the output set to 1080p.

The only real effect is it makes the replays 60fps/1080p instead of 30fps with a higher resolution.
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