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Greenawalt: "Disappointed in myself" from fan reaction; want to win fans back [Forza]


All they need to do is make it so it doesn't take hundreds of hours to own 100% of everything.
Very, very few people are ever able to own everything in these games, even before FM5. There is no expectation for people to own everything. The main point of having so many cars is variety.

If you're a completionist that needs every single car in this type of game, you should have been complaining a long time ago, cuz they really aren't built for that kind of thing. Not Forza, not Gran Turismo. I don't think people quite appreciate the amount of content these games offer compared to your normal racing game.




"Community, community, blahh blah, listening, blah blah, community"


Would FIFA be a better game if you had to grind to unlock teams?
Great idea, but you need to go deeper. If you unlock the teams, then you need to buy DLC for the star players on the team and then grind for them with in game money or microtransaction it. Otherwise, you will be saddled with benchwarmers on the team and you are effectively only buying the jersey for said team.


So basically they made this game for a small group of people who want to waste more money so they can feel more special about make believe cars. What a great design priority.


With Forza 4 we had car tokens that range from one dollar to three dollars - the most expensive car was ten million credits in game, and it only cost three car tokens which would have been three dollars. That felt like it was not making the car exclusive enough for those who are willing to pay.

Yeah, the concept of prestige pricing really applies to virtual car sales. Thank God they finally stopped implying that Forza players were filthy poors by pricing the cars so low.


I'm honestly a bit more appalled by your comments than Dan's.

Me too, but that goes for a bunch of people in this thread. The amount of venom, vitriol, and hysteria over this stuff has gotten really out of hand. We've got multiple people calling another human being scum, motherfucker, asshole, shithead, etc. because of a video game.

It's ridiculous, embarrassing, and one of the reasons that video game players have such a bad reputation. And it's not the CoD guys doing it to us, it's us doing it to us.


not sure about the complaints...
I'm already almost level 20 after only plying through 3 or 4 of the leagues
the only thing that sucks is I don't get cars for winning leagues anymore.

This really is the only real problem for me. Forza 4 had the tokens but also gave you enough cars as prizes that you generally had a wide variety of options as to which leagues you could tackle at any given time. It let you save your earned credits for upgrading your owned cars or purchasing specific non-prize cars you really wanted to use.

Forza 5 is all about the credits and tokens, and you never have that excitement of wondering which car you'll win next and taking it out for a test drive after you win it. I think the change makes the game feel more "businesslike," whereas the previous games felt much more like a celebration of cars themselves. I don't mind that they adjusted the token costs of things, but removing cars as prizes, as well as (to a lesser extent) altering the affinity feature the way they did, feels like a punishing change rather than an improvement to me.
could someone please hand Dan the hard DATA (he's good at understanding data, I think, maybe he'll get, that we're not as dumb as he thinks we are) ...the data about how freaking more grindy forza 5 is compared to forza 4, horizon and 3?! The data about how many hours the average player has to race to get the 25 most wanted(by fans, so including the somewhat cheap Lancer and so on, but also including Lamborghini Aventador and Pagani Zonda Cinque) ?!

I don't have that data, but my feeling tells me it's at least 3x times as long, if you don't consider the forza-rewards-"cheat"(I mean, THOSE credits definitely don't feel "earned").


Permanent Junior Member
If you're a completionist that needs every single car in this type of game, you should have been complaining a long time ago, cuz they really aren't built for that kind of thing. Not Forza, not Gran Turismo. I don't think people quite appreciate the amount of content these games offer compared to your normal racing game.
As someone who had all the top cars in GT4, you're wrong. The beauty with that game is that you were actually rewarded these awesome cars by winning. You're constantly calling out people, stating they're clueless about the economy of F5, but ignore posts like my previous one that explains it to you clearly.


No, it isn't "fine". First off, this isn't a F2P game, it a full priced, AAA game. Also, it shouldn't matter what any consumers financial status is, or how much disposable income they may or may not have, everyone should get the same experience for their 60 bucks.

IF the game were F2P, it's understandable, you get basic game for free, pay to upgrade. THIS is NOT THAT. MS is doing their best to turn people away from their gaming business, and hurting the industry overall with this greed.

It doesn't have to be F2P to have microtransactions. Some of the biggest MMOs do this even though they continue to charge a subscription fee.

I understand you don't like the business model because the implied cost is expensive. Does the game put up barriers that makes it impossible to get all the content through skill? Then the game is a ripoff for you. Even if you can get everything, does the game put in a grind that makes the game more like work than an actual game? Then that game has poor value for you. That doesn't mean it doesn't have value for high income earners with more money than time.

That's just the nature of having a business model that ended up catering their financial budget more than you or I.

Since Greenwall's stance is to make a game that is actually fun while offering rich people a means to bypass the time investment he should reevaluate how they tuned the game if he wants to make people happier with the system.

Since Forza isn't a franchise I play I try to imagine how a classic like Broodwar would've been perceived if an HD release was made with everything the same but players had the option to pay money to skip levels or to get access to the cheat codes to help them beat those missions. It would make the game look suspect but the core game would still be as fun as it originally was.

I can't believe people get this bent out of shape over a fake car. It's absurd. So what if I have the same car. If you can finish ahead of me, isn't that what matters? What if 2 million people grind to get your car, then what? You're in the same position. I seriously doubt that you'd feel better if you knew people earned that car, you simply want to feel special.

But that is the point of many luxury products. Their success hinges a lot on how they make people feel. Now I wish I had bookmarked a youtube vid I saw that fully illustrated the importance of selling a product that caters to your customers sensibilities and how much of a risk it is to offend them with actual real world examples..
Greenawalt may be disappointed that he wasn't able to pull the wool over our eyes, but I'm disappointed with much more.

I'm disappointed that the gaming industry continues to insult our intelligence with this kind of condescending PR.

I'm disappointed that we've let slimy DLC and F2P bullshit infect our games.

I'm disappointed that game publishers are no longer interested in providing an honest and complete product for $60.

I'm disappointed in the "game journalists" who didn't mention any of this in their reviews.

Most of all, I'm deeply disappointed in the apologists who encourage this type of abusive behavior.

Everyone who has touched this product - from Turn 10 to Microsoft to the consumer - should be deeply ashamed.

I feel pretty much the same way here.

No, let's NOT lock it. The reason this thread exists and a majority of the "increases" in credits is because people are seeing how shitty of a practice this is becoming and will become, T10 is reacting. In F4, with car rewards and 100% affinity netted you parts, AWESOME! I have a great sandbox to play with while still earning cars. Now car rewards are removed and I can't comment on affinity since I haven't played it, but I think that has been removed or is only a discount now. Basically, instead of letting me choose my cars, let me win my cars, they are creating this PR message of "learn to love the few cars you have" ... then why include hundreds?! Don't fleece me with this "we thought it was better for the player" bullshit when you just want to withhold shit for money.

This is stupid. We laughed at Horse Armor and now we are basically paying for "cheat codes". I don't mind the grind in Forza, I DO mind that they've taken free drive out or that I can't drive any car I want in Arcade. This is all bullshit money grabs.

Just because you think "everything is fine" doesn't mean the rest of us do. It's obvious where they are headed. Pretty soon games will just be $60 passes to access online stores and they'll cover it with "Now you get to CHOOSE what type of game you want to play!"
Allowing people to pay for cars with cash damages the progression too, does it not?

What is the difference between letting me pay you to unlock the cars, and using a cheat code to do it, besides money?

Yes it does but the cash is a deterrent so "EVERYONE" doesn't input a code to get a car. If the temptation was only a code away, how many people would actually try to win a race they have difficulty with instead of just purchasing another car to do so?

Either way, it really doesn't matter, if you view this as a cheat or MT, the point is that both break the progression of the game and both are optional and never required or demanded of a user. So getting upset over how a dev chose to provide this totally optional thing should never be the focus of the talks here. The existence of MT and shortcuts don't harm anything. They have been in many games for years now. "How" they are implemented and "if" it effects other parts of the game to push you twoards viewing the MT's as a valid option, then I would consider that harmful. Other than that, it just seems like people are raging against something that many have already pointed out isn't required to purchase to enjoy the game.


I gotta say while I was pretty suspicious of his reasoning to begin with, this is where he went off a cliff for me:

it's not about making more money, it was actually about saving people's time when doing the grind. I can totally see how people are perceiving it, but that wasn't our thought process - we designed the tokens last, which isn't how you'd do it if you were making a free-to-play game - you would design that economy and the token economy first, because that's how you make your revenue.

This is the most ridiculous nonsense ever. If you want a car to be genuinely exclusive you simply make it more difficult to achieve in the game, make it a challenge, force people to apply their skill. If people are too lazy to do that they don't deserve to earn the car. THAT is what makes a car exclusive.

Trying to pretend it's not a business decision to charge more for an item that was cheap before so you can try to manufacture a feeling of 'exclusivity' is so inherently absurd on the surface that it basically IS insulting to ones intelligence. These guys saw a way to milk those saps with 'lots of disposable income' - they even admit they saw a window there - and no actual skill or patience to achieve these items, and they went for the gold. It's not complicated.

This whole thing would be a lot less offensive if they stopped saying such bullshit.

Much have been said by dedicated Forza fans how they changed the economy at first too to make things less easy to achieve regularly than before, from the ways cars unlocked to the the money you earn, so everything was working in harmony to funnel more folks into using their disposable income. Don't insult me by pretending it wasn't coordinated.


The only difference between forza 5 and a f2p game is the 60$ upfront charge. They can go fuck off and cry in a corner you did it to yourselves.
The only difference between forza 5 and a f2p game is the 60$ upfront charge. They can go fuck off and cry in a corner you did it to yourselves.

Nah man, nothing has changed.

Reward cars? Well ... we took those out, you should 'love' the cars you own more. It's all about the love of cars.
100% Affinity free upgrade? Well, we removed that, too many people were upgrading their cars and having fun, they should really 'love' their car parts, it's all about the love of car parts.
The Ring? Well ... we took that out, it's all about the love of racing, and we feel that you should love the lesser known courses also.
All cars available for a test drive? Too much love, had to cut back on the love.

It's all about love. All about love. It's why ONLY AFTER BACKLASH they increased credit rewards and lucky us, they put the DLC on sale!
Reward cars? Well ... we took those out, you should 'love' the cars you own more. It's all about the love of cars.
100% Affinity free upgrade? Well, we removed that, too many people were upgrading their cars and having fun, they should really 'love' their car parts, it's all about the love of car parts.
The Ring? Well ... we took that out, it's all about the love of racing, and we feel that you should love the lesser known courses also.
All cars available for a test drive? Too much love, had to cut back on the love.

oh man, I'm dying over here :)


I gotta say while I was pretty suspicious of his reasoning to begin with, this is where he went off a cliff for me:

This is the most ridiculous nonsense ever. If you want a car to be genuinely exclusive you simply make it more difficult to achieve in the game, make it a challenge, force people to apply their skill. If people are too lazy to do that they don't deserve to earn the car. THAT is what makes a car exclusive.

Trying to pretend it's not a business decision to charge more for an item that was cheap before so you can try to manufacture a feeling of 'exclusivity' is so inherently absurd on the surface that it basically IS insulting to ones intelligence. These guys saw a way to milk those saps with 'lots of disposable income' - they even admit they saw a window there - and no actual skill or patience to achieve these items, and they went for the gold. It's not complicated.

This whole thing would be a lot less offensive if they stopped saying such bullshit.

Much have been said by dedicated Forza fans how they changed the economy at first too to make things less easy to achieve regularly than before, from the ways cars unlocked to the the money you earn, so everything was working in harmony to funnel more folks into using their disposable income. Don't insult me by pretending it wasn't coordinated.

You know how you make a car exclusive? Make it a prize car for a tough license test or really hard race.

But noooo we removed all prize cars. The only challenge is a huge ass time sink now.
Could someone helpfully summarize this Forza issue for me? Admittedly, I have not played a Forza game in quite awhile but I gather they've moved to sort of a Candy Crush type model, nickel and diming you in order for you to progress? Do I have that right?


I gotta say while I was pretty suspicious of his reasoning to begin with, this is where he went off a cliff for me:

This is the most ridiculous nonsense ever. If you want a car to be genuinely exclusive you simply make it more difficult to achieve in the game, make it a challenge, force people to apply their skill. If people are too lazy to do that they don't deserve to earn the car. THAT is what makes a car exclusive.

Trying to pretend it's not a business decision to charge more for an item that was cheap before so you can try to manufacture a feeling of 'exclusivity' is so inherently absurd on the surface that it basically IS insulting to ones intelligence. These guys saw a way to milk those saps with 'lots of disposable income' - they even admit they saw a window there - and no actual skill or patience to achieve these items, and they went for the gold. It's not complicated.

This whole thing would be a lot less offensive if they stopped saying such bullshit.

Much have been said by dedicated Forza fans how they changed the economy at first too to make things less easy to achieve regularly than before, from the ways cars unlocked to the the money you earn, so everything was working in harmony to funnel more folks into using their disposable income. Don't insult me by pretending it wasn't coordinated.

Yep, this pretty much sums it up. And it's not like it was just 'Forza. This was an planned move across all Xbox One first party software.

People have been talking about "games as a service" in boardrooms for a long, long time. They're not mentioning it to their shareholders because they're all excited about saving people time. They're mentioning it because this is how they intend to fleece people for money.

No one should let their guard down for a second, and no one should forgive. The only thing that is fixing this now is our outrage, and our ability to publicize it.


I'm tired of being treated like i'm stupid by these people. Its so insulting to be part of the hobby when no one is on the side of consumers. I don't blame people for continuing to support developers/publishers with the HOPE that shit will change or get better. Its our hobby, we all enjoy it, and we wouldn't be here if we didn't. I cant blame anyone for buying products for their entertainment.


Worse yet these guys were on board with original xbone 'vision' on top of f2p.

Sounds like greed didn't pay off.


Why can't they just put in an Arcade Mode like the old GT games did with all the cars unlocked already? You can still have your fun in career and make progress, or hop into Arcade Mode and race with whatever.

And nobody gets ripped off.


Drunky McMurder
Why can't they just put in an Arcade Mode like the old GT games did with all the cars unlocked already? You can still have your fun in career and make progress, or hop into Arcade Mode and race with whatever.

And nobody gets ripped off.

Forza had that. They decided for Forza 5 that all cars should not be available for Free Mode. To...um...make you feel good about the cars you unlocked. Or something.

For blind fucking greed, of course.
Could someone helpfully summarize this Forza issue for me? Admittedly, I have not played a Forza game in quite awhile but I gather they've moved to sort of a Candy Crush type model, nickel and diming you in order for you to progress? Do I have that right?

Two camps:

Those that believe the model hasn't changed and that MT won't affect anything.

Those that believe they removed functionality in order to upsell MT that are in place.

I'm of the second camp. They have removed functionality and are trying to "fix" it as the fans are now noticing.

The hardest part about this, is that Journalists (lulz) and Reviewers (double lulz) aren't telling consumers about this. It's AFTER they have most likely purchased the game.

Even with F5, (from what I've read, I'm not supporting this type of action) the game is still playable, but things like reward cars, manufacturer affinity, free drive, and I believe gifting of cars, and some more are gone. Including the marketplace ... Why? Was it that people hated getting a free car after leveling up? Did they hate upgrading their car for free? Were they so angry at the fact they could test drive any car or use them in Arcade?

Fuck this type of action. I don't care what they sell in addition to the full game, but sell the fucking full game first. Don't strip features and then say "love of cars" 100 times thinking that will fix it. I have played/bought every Forza since 2. CE's of them at times including a Season Pass. But this is just bullshit.


Forza had that. They decided for Forza 5 that all cars should not be available for Free Mode. To...um...make you feel good about the cars you unlocked. Or something.

For blind fucking greed, of course.

some cars are avail for free mode though right?


Why can't they just put in an Arcade Mode like the old GT games did with all the cars unlocked already? You can still have your fun in career and make progress, or hop into Arcade Mode and race with whatever.

And nobody gets ripped off.

You answered your own question - their intent was to rip people off. If they had the arcade mode in, they'd sell fewer cars, so they took it out. Then they lied and said it was because they wanted you to feel more connected to your car.


What puts me off buying Xbone and F5 are those ridiculous patches. 6GB?! Come on.

Damn. That is atrocious. As if the HDD wasn't dead on arrival already ...

People are going to be full by E3 at this rate. They are probably going to put out 1 TB bundles pretty soon.


Previous games let you use any car in the game during a Free Play race without needing to unlock in career first.

Yes, and the worst thing is, now you cant go any play online right away because only 25 cars are available. You have to buy them in career to race online.... This means if you just want to play Multiplayer you cant. In F4 you had all cars available in free play and online so you could have lots of fun without grinding through career in stock cars.
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