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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child story leaks out (Spoilers obviously)

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Just to be clear, it's a stage script. Not an actual book of course.
Even though it's a script Rowling has said it will still works it own a story and one can read it alongside the other 7 books at least.

I do suspect a lot will buy to and be very thrown off by it being a script.


Sounds way too complicated. Too much time travel ruins any narrative. POA had the right amount to be fun and clever. This story dives off the deep end, going off these summaries at least.


upsetting that Delphie is just inherently evil just because her father was Voldemort. I feel like that works against the nurture story for why Tom Riddle grew up to be Voldemort



Will reserve judgment until reading the actual thing. I'm a huge fan, so I'm guessing I'll end up loving it anyway, but this sounds so strange...

Permanently A

Junior Member
upsetting that Delphie is just inherently evil just because her father was Voldemort. I feel like that works against the nurture story for why Tom Riddle grew up to be Voldemort

well she was raised by a death eater family so there's the nurture

I think scorpius in the main timeline vs scorpius in "voldemort won" timeline makes a strong argument for the nurture over nature.


I gotcha.

Harry & Ginny's see their son, Albus, off to Hogwarts. He meets Scorpio, Draco's son, on the Hogwarts Express. Surprise, Scorpius is a'ight. They become best friends. Albus gets into slytherin. Ain't that something.

Year later. Albus has beef with Harry, but it's regular father-son 'living in your shadow' cowboy shenanigans. It's revealed Time-Turners still exist, one has been found. Amos Diggory, the father of Cedric Diggory, says to Harry, now head of Magical Law Enforcement and therefore in possession of the illegal time-turner, 'hey you should fuck around with time to save my son.' Harry says no, Albus overhears this along with Amos Diggory's niece, Delphie Diggory.

Albus steals the time-turner and decides to fuck around with time, citing that a lot of people have died because of Harry. Scorpius, Albus, and Delphie all go to sabotage Cedric during the triwizard cup, because winning the cup ended up killing him. It doesn't go as planned, alternate universe is made where Ron marries Padma, Hermione becomes a teacher, surprise surprise Albus and Harry don't get along still.

The three go back in time again and properly fuck everything up. Only Scorpius manages to go back to the present, because, well, they properly fucked everything up. By sabotaging Cedric and embarrassing him in front of Hogwarts he becomes a death eater and kills Neville and so Harry dies at the battle of Hogwarts. Umbridge is now headmistress of Hogwarts, for Voldemort & For Valor, Scorpius is known as 'The Scorpion King' and apparently there's a thing called a blood ball and I'm just rambling so let's move on.

Ron and Hermione are the world's most wanted criminals, hidden by Snape, still alive, still ballin. Scorpius convinces the three he's from an alternate universe and so all of them go back in time to fix the timeline, in what I'm sure is a shot-for-shot remake of Back To The Future 2. Alternate Ron, Hermione & Snape all die in the process.

The timeline is fixed, and everything's found out by the adult cast who's been tracking them down this entire time and so Albus & Scorpius are, uh, put into detention for the rest of the year. Jesus, when I type that out I realize how inconsequential it all sounds. the boys lie about the time-turner being broken, and decide enough's enough and that they should break it themselves. But before they can do anything, Delphie, summoned by the two boys and properly filled in on what happened in the other universe- disables the two and takes the time-turner.

Plot twist, she's Voldemort's kid. Voldemort and Bellatrix's kid, actually. She goes back in time to sabotage Cedric for a third time- damn, poor guy, taking L's after death- but is stopped by the two boys. They end up in Godric's Hollow, where Delphie is planning to... ugh, it's not worth typing all up, you think it'd just be killing Harry but it's not, so basically just back to fucking up time. They manage to signal the adult cast in the future, who wrangle up another hidden time-turner from Draco and so the entire cast is reunited, Albus & Harry fight Delphie, win, and they all watch Harry's parent's deaths before hopping back to the present. Delphie ends up in Azkaban. Harry & Albus visit Cedric's grave.

Something something friendship? redemption? courage? 'You were named after two great men, who had flaws, but their flaws made them better.'

TL;DR Out of spite, Harry's kid dicks around with time, ends up fighting Voldemort's kid who also wants to dick around with time. Harry watches his parents die.

A fucking
Time Travel
story!? Really, that was the best Rowling could come up with? The rest of the story sounds pretty boring and by the numbers.


Also (No Homo).
Did Harry get off on watching his parents die is the question. He finds it's his new fetish. Which makes up the 9thbook.

Harry Potter and the Oh God What's Wrong WIth Me

written by JK the book was only a prank bro Rowling


I keep comparing it to The Force Awakens' style of "next generation sequel". I think my biggest problem with this is that rather than doing what Star Wars did and using the old elements as a launchpad to something bigger, this is retreads older elements to no ultimate effect.

This is exactly how I feel too. I was really hoping whatever came next for the HP universe taking place after Deathly Hallows was more like Force Awakens than how this turned out.


Even Kingdom Hearts isn't this batshit. At least Kingdom Hearts was consistently bonkers.

That's true actually. Like, Kingdom Hearts went mad after the first one but Harry Potter, on the whole, is fairly consistent and easy to follow and understand. Even when KH introduced time travel fuckery along with certain characters being everyone and characters recruiting past and future versions of themselves for an army it was already convoluted and crazy so it was just adding more crazy insanity on top of crazy insanity. This is like, what if we just shoved some prime Nomura into Harry Potter because a series with magic and noseless evil snake men makes too much sense.
As others have said, I've read far better and more original HP fanfics.

The fuck are you talking about? She stuck the landing better than pretty much any other pop-culture phenomenon with the possible exception of Breaking Bad.

Agree to Disagree. I personally found Deathly Hallows to be the 2nd weakest book in the series (after Chamber of Secrets).


Fucking trash. JKR continues to ruin the wonderful world built in the 1st 4 books

The fuck are you talking about? She stuck the landing better than pretty much any other pop-culture phenomenon with the possible exception of Breaking Bad.

Astral Dog


what the hell so Voldemort and Bella are a thing? Thats unexpected, very, very weird considering how he acted around her and the whole point of their relationship, even if wanted an heir,Voldemort seemed to value his own inmortality over anything else.
I read the Daily Beast summary a second time and liked it a bit better. It's still batshit insane, don't get me wrong, but ultimately, it's a harmless, self-contained story that's likely fun to watch on stage.

I wouldn't compare it to The Phantom Menace, it's more like the direct-to-DVD sequel to The Lion King


I just imagined old man Voldemort
fucking Bellatrix

I hate Rowling SO MUCH right now...
To be fair,
I don't think it's that strange given their characters. Remember that sex doesn't mean an equal and loving relationship.

But that mental image will still be burned into our brains forever.
on stage they can have the spectacle of the visuals and the acting, on paper, which is how more people will experience it, it might be a shit story which everything above points to it.

So maybe it's an entertaining play with a dumb unnecessary plot but lots of flair so it ends up being entertaining.


I just imagined old man Voldemort
fucking Bellatrix

I hate Rowling SO MUCH right now...

Yeah, BvS and X-Men apocalypse also got good early buzz

Guess it is a good thing you are giving the play a fair shake. I would hate to think you made up your mind before you saw it.


Kills Photobucket
I still plan (and want) to see this if given an opportunity.

It sounds like the most hilariously bad fanfiction rolled into one, and I kind of admire Rowling for just going full fanfiction.


Yeah, I can't really be okay with this.
I find it really awful that she felt the need to use time travel again not only as a plot device, but as THE plot device. I thought the destruction of the time-turners in book 5 was her way of saying "okay, this will never be a problem again, please stop talking about it," but no, she goes and creates a story revolving around them. I can handle a lot of things probably better than most fans--Bellatrix and Voldemort having a kid is actually kinda interesting to me, especially since she was batshit crazy--but using time travel as the crux of your story is really dumb.

I would have been really happy with a detailing of Albus and Scorpius's friendship with just about any other conflict. You don't have to have the embodiment of evil to have conflict. I mean, you created a world with tons of crazy magic, a giant fucking magical and possibly sentient castle, a Ministry that's prone to fuck up as much as it gets right, and a cast of characters many people love. You don't have to make it another good vs. evil story, and you certainly don't have to do time travel to make the plot interesting. You already have the attention of millions of fans, so use it to explore something unusual.

I was a massive fan of the books up until the epilogue, but this is something I can't really take seriously. Luckily for me, there's a bunch of pretty good writers out there still writing fanfiction.

Astral Dog

To be fair,
I don't think it's that strange given their characters. Remember that sex doesn't mean an equal and loving relationship.

But that mental image will still be burned into our brains forever.
I thought
Voldemort would be infertile after all those horcruxes and he would not care about having a child at all, if that was the intention.
Very weird.
if the play comes to my town with all of the bells and whistles, fuck it I'll watch it.

If it doesn't and all I have is the book, I'd rather not read it thanks to this.


They probably would make a video recording of this, something I rather see that than reading the script itself at this point honestly.
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