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Hatred - Reveal & Gameplay Trailer

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Not even the Ruinous Powers would allow me to buy this game and play it at my house. My wife would berate me for supporting something like this. Hell, it made weary just watching the trailer...

This is going to light up the Media Waves once it is released, dear lord...

Oh, the industry is going to have a rough one with this game.

It's going to be interesting.


Excellent point. I agree, but personally, if I knew the money from the game was fuelling that kind of agenda, I couldn't enjoy it any more than I could a Chik Fil A sandwich.

Sure, I wouldn't eat there. I don't buy beer from Polish brewery run by an anti-gay activist. This doesn't affect the taste of the beer - I'd still describe it as at least decent and a very good alternative to the mass-produced ones you can get in every store. I just vote against his agenda with my wallet. I don't think I have any other right to influence his ability to brew. Having any other ability would likely lead to abuse and that's a double-edged sword I'm not willing to fall on.
Master level trolling, Bloodrage.
Really hope this isn't PC only. Trying to get my nephews to stop playing things Mario and Kirby. This is way better.

You're all for violence and yet this was unnecessary? Why? No one feels shitty when they're killing innocent zombie civilians. They don't know what they're doing since they're brain dead but we massacre them in hordes and say fuck yeah when we see their blood. In comparison, we have regular stupid civilians in this game polluting the world, making it black and white. If anything, everyone should feel worse killing zombies. This guy is bringing peace to the world again by cleansing it of evil.

Oh really? And how do you know they're innocent? Have you met these people? If you've ever murdered someone in a game and you didn't know if they were guilty for sure or just following orders, you're murdering innocent people too.

He thinks they're guilty, who are you to disagree?

And the protagonist looks like a light skin black guy with dreads. Your point?

Wallpaper proves otherwise. I'm sure they'll upgrade the shitty in-game hair tech to dreads by release. You don't know that he's not a light skinned black guy since they haven't shown his face up close. All signs, which are dreads and voice, point to black though. He even sounds like Kratos.


Yeah but when 7/10 victims in the trailer aren't white, it's kind of a concern if one of the creators is a racist fascist.

This segment is all that needs to be referenced regarding that observation:

"... First guy looks asian, is a cop. Second guy is a black cop. 3rd guy looks black. Afterwards, three women (one asian and one black). Then, black guy. Male (white?) cop. Female cop. Last person seems like a minority. 3/10 are white, by my guess. "

There's enough to hate about the game without needing to paint it as racist or sexist with so little information about it.
It's okay to be a mass murderer if you're a good guy only.

Yes. Uncharted reference.

But thats mass murdering other mass murderers! Plus you have to admit the Hero in that is witty when he kills!

This just seems like a brooding man who never grew up.


But thats mass murdering other mass murderers! Plus you have to admit the Hero in that is witty when he kills!

This just seems like a brooding man who never grew up.

Well this is some fucked up shit. You got that right. It moves to the impersonal like a psychopath. The focus seems to be that you get off on killing.

A guy coming from stressful day at work, looking for some kind of relief.
Yeah but when 7/10 victims in the trailer aren't white, it's kind of a concern if one of the creators is a racist fascist.

The protagonists motivation dosn't seem political based or racial, "I just fucking hate this world". Then he kills a lot of people in that trailer, in which he kills a few in closeups and those are the ones people using to count it...

Talk about rushed judgement. One thing is people reacting to the violence, in which I can understand. Starting to look for some racist/facist ulterior motif in the game seems oportunists to say at least in this moment.
Well this is some fucked up shit. You got that right. It moves to the impersonal like a psychopath. The focus seems to be that you get off on killing.

Dude, its Drake there is only one time I remember in all three games where someone calls him out for mowing down everyone in his path. I am not sure how NG could have made the game without some shooting elements. Maybe UC4 can have more platform and puzzles less staying inside a burning building as crazy people try to kill you.


I think it's an interesting discussion to go into; when do games go over the line?

When I play games, I often override - if not always - my own morals and ethics (the one I live by in real life), and shoot everything that moves, and I'm having a great time with it - for me it's nothing more than pixels that bleeds red pixels. We have all tried to go crazy on civilians in games like GTA, Carmageddon, etc. The difference though, is that none of those games actually encourages us to go crazy on the civilians, but we (and the developers) all know that it's something we do. "Hatred", by contrast, is completely open about its intentions, and suddenly we get offended. We are killing innocent all the time in games, but we obviously don't like to admit it or what? Is it really taboo?

When I saw the trailer for "Hatred", I was also incredibly offended. It's actually not the shooting of civilians that I'm offended by - it's the game's serious tone about the whole thing. It almost feels like that the developers actually takes this stuff seriously - like they really mean it. It's gallows humor with a little too much edge for my taste. The Postal games had kinda the same premise, but worked precisely because the humor was more emphasized, which made those games seem lighter.

It will be interesting to see how "Hatred" comes along. I do hope somewhere that there is a deeper meaning to the game, or that it actually has a message to convey. Anyways, crazy game.


Dude, its Drake there is only one time I remember in all three games where someone calls him out for mowing down everyone in his path. I am not sure how NG could have made the game without some shooting elements. Maybe UC4 can have more platform and puzzles less staying inside a burning building as crazy people try to kill you.

Ha ha. Sorry. Should had been clearer, but I moved on to talking about this game.
Ha ha. Sorry. Should had been clearer, but I moved on to talking about this game.

Snap! My bad, yeah this game seems to point out the villain (who is the player) is a psychopath.

God save us when it gets released.
Other than Australia and Germany, it will be banned there I bet.
Wrong. Read pages 12 and 13 for some enlightenment.

I guess the people that haven't read through the thread and had kneejerk reactions should also eat crow.


The whole Neo-Nazi thing was debunked earlier in this thread.

It was never "debunked"! Some guy made a post in this thread that basically read like: "I read about it on Wikipedia..." and you guys were so quick to take it as fact. There were other posts in this thread that expressed their concerns about it but everyone who tries to defend this game linked to this one post. "I have no idea about the issue but some guy posted that he read about it on Wikipedia!"

Now for some enlightenment:

I'm Polish and I have a pretty good understanding of local politics, so just to clarify the neo nazi angle.

Yes, dude probably hates a lot of minorities (that's tl;dr; for you). Żołnierze Wyklęci were anti-communist underground paramilitary group and their symbolism was adopted by Polish far-right groups some time ago (so don't take on the face value what's on his t-shirt - there's a context behind it that Wikipedia won't give you). This t-shirt can be e.g. bought on "Red is bad" page which (no surprise here) is anti-communism e-store. CEO's FB page and his t-shirt clearly pigeonhole him as a radical right wing. There is a high probability that he doesn't like with a different mindset to his own (they are commies, obviously), minorities (be it ethnic or religious), is afraid of Muslims taking over Europe, Jews taking over the world, blacks having rights, gays making his kids gay, and so on. Or he may be less looney tunes than that - I don't know him, so I can only guess.


This is like No Russian on steroids.
It's pretty much 1:1 the same premise of the Postal franchise, just without the humor.
EDIT: Damn, 32 pages for this game?
EDIT2: Aaand apparently after reading few more pages I was beaten dozens of times already.

I'm Polish and I have a pretty good understanding of local politics, so just to clarify the neo nazi angle.

Yes, dude probably hates a lot of minorities (that's tl;dr; for you). Żołnierze Wyklęci were anti-communist underground paramilitary group and their symbolism was adopted by Polish far-right groups some time ago (so don't take on the face value what's on his t-shirt - there's a context behind it that Wikipedia won't give you). This t-shirt can be e.g. bought on "Red is bad" page which (no surprise here) is anti-communism e-store. CEO's FB page and his t-shirt clearly pigeonhole him as a radical right wing. There is a high probability that he doesn't like with a different mindset to his own (they are commies, obviously), minorities (be it ethnic or religious), is afraid of Muslims taking over Europe, Jews taking over the world, blacks having rights, gays making his kids gay, and so on.
So essentially the kind of person I dislike the most.


The original Postal from 1997, developed for PC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwxoNEVdUEc&feature=player_detailpage#t=45

The game was a straight up isometric murder simulator staring a disgruntled US postal worker named "Postal Dude". The game had no real plot and the goal was to "go postal" and just kill everyone that got into your sights. The sequel Postal 2 is generally a much better known game though. Hatred looks like a complete tribute to this game. Even the main character looks kind of similar, minus the Postal facade and red hair.

I'm not really shocked that this game exists, or that somebody would make it, it's the video game equivalent of a snuff film and something that other developers have done before. But personally, I don't think I can support this one. Especially not from a developer that is part of a hate group.
"videogame equivalent of a snuff"? I know most "snuff" movies are fakes, but still, i wouldn't compare this to them, especially if you're referring to the real thing, where real people get hurt/killed.

As trash as this game seems to be.


Finally a game that shows video games like GTA and other games alike really are underneath of it all. Good for them not going PC friendly world either.


Yeah but when 7/10 victims in the trailer aren't white, it's kind of a concern if one of the creators is a racist fascist.

that sucks, I'm all for eradicating humanity in the name of satan or whatever, but if the victims are mostly black, gay, muslims or another minority, I sure as hell won't play it.






Would you mind explain what you mean by that? Just curious how you made the connection between sexy witch and murder propaganda tool.

I think both show how immature the games industry can be, and how much it is about catering to a certain crowd.
Excuse me if this has been posted already:


Badass Digest is an important film site, if nobody knows. They write for an elevated audience. For some reason gamers don't often overlap with movie-lovers even though there is a huge overlap of movie-lovers who are also into games. Somewhat paradoxical.

Anyway, while their website has covered games before and does so somewhat regularly, this is a departure from their normal content.

Badass Digest also has one of the most involved and successful comment sections of any fan site, so there should be some interesting conversations down there as well.

(EDIT: It's worth noting however that I personally don't read any of their game stuff. Or only on rare occasions when important things are being discussed site-wide. But Andrew Todd doesn't think The Last of Us is anything special so you can let that form your mental picture of his game criticism. That said though, I don't disagree with this article.)
especially if you're referring to the real thing, where real people get hurt/killed.

No.... I was referring to the exploitation films of the grind house/ low budget variety.. not actual real footage of people getting maimed and killed. We both clearly have a different definition of what a Snuff film is here.

The youtube trailer nearly has 350,000 views in under two days. This is the type of exposure that indie developers dream of.

Handy Fake

Actually, those are some solid points.

I was totally expecting you to launch into some Anti-Muslim tirade lol


Not at all, I'm a Leftie. I just tend to err on the side of caution and use the term "ignorant" instead of "racist". It's a term that does no side any favours.

I admit to going off on that rant just because by being careful what I was typing it was making me come across as sympathetic to Right-wing views. I am not. ;)
So... is hatred any worse than going on a killing spree or rampage in gta? I

Forbes calls it a mass murder SIMULATOR

Destructoid calls it a LITERAL murder SIMULATOR

I think we're going to see lots of hyperbole about this game.

People defend violence in video games all the time. So I wonder how some of those people will act in the face of a game that does it a little different. From what I can tell, it doesn't even do it THAT much different.


Fuck me, what? I don't have sound at the minute but I doubt any audio would make that game justifiable. Is there an actual underlying theme or interesting story that gives this some sort of context outside of "Herp derp, wouldn't it be cool to kill innocent people endlessly bros"?

I'm sure it'll get a lot of attention from the controversy I guess. I really don't understand the posts desperately wanting to play it though.. like.. really?
Fuck me, what? I don't have sound at the minute but I doubt any audio would make that game justifiable. Is there an actual underlying theme or interesting story that gives this some sort of context outside of "Herp derp, wouldn't it be cool to kill innocent people endlessly bros"?

I'm sure it'll get a lot of attention from the controversy I guess. I really don't understand the posts desperately wanting to play it though.. like.. really?

Seems like that about sums it up...

The question you may ask is: why do they do this? These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment – we wanted to create something against trends. Something different, something that could give the player a pure, gaming pleasure. Herecomes our game, which takes no prisoners and makes no excuses. We say ‘yes, it is a game about killing people’ and the only reason of the antagonist doing that sick stuff is his deep-rooted hatred.

We're pointing out that Hatred is a game for mature audience and not for the faint-hearted. A guy coming from stressful day at work, looking for some kind of relief, or a type that just likes that genre and mayhem style action - he is our target.
I love the art direction of this game and the graphics...

The rest I'll pass on this. I understand collateral damage on gta etc but this seems over the line, I understand it's just a game but the premise is very poor taste
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