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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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The BR stream reveal card is pretty boring, but it's not terrible.

Flame Juggler: 2 mana 2/3 Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to random enemy.
Picture of card.



Worse Knife Juggler?

Yeah seem like if it is going to do only 1 damage you should be able to direct the damage yourself or it should be an inspire effect and not a battlecry.


Ok looking at Ironforge Rifleman 3 mana, 2/2 stats, Battlecry: deal 1 damage. This is why the effect is random.

I still think it should be inspire though.
Obviously decent against one health creatures and stuff with divine shield like Minibot but the fact that it's random and can also hit face just makes it too unreliable I think.


Better than knife juggler for anti aggro deck.

I hope the text says minions and not characters. Would be pretty good vs hunter / aggro paladin. Good vs stealthed 1 hp minions, good vs wolfrider. I would maybe play this in shamen. They play scientist turn 2, you play this + earthshock.

Its better than King's Blade rofl.


If it says random enemy minion then I love that card. If it is just random enemy then it is still a great arena card but not playable in constructed.
Yeah, seems there's still some confusion as to whether it's "random enemy" or "random enemy minion." I guess we'll find out eventually.

If it's to a minion though I can definitely see it being run in some decks.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Eloise and Reynad together now?

Last female at Reynads place ended up badly...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Worse Knife Juggler?

I actually think it's better than Knife Juggler when played on Turn 2. If you play it against a Worgen Infiltrator, Leper Gnome, or Abusive Sargent that's played on Turn 1 than this card can be really good. It's kind of like a Mad Bomber with less risk versus reward.

I think this is actually a good card. I could see this getting slotted into an anti-aggro deck if the meta becomes super fast. Like remember the meta post Undertaker Nerf where everybody was targeting Face Hunter? That kind of meta. And I wouldn't use the term "good enough for arena" for this card, as this is potentially insane in arena. One of the best neutral 2 drops in arena because 1 drops are getting more popular and this thing answers those in spades.

Like, people have been saying that the cards revealed have been too slow. But this card is faster than Knife Juggler because it's not awkward on curve like Knife Juggler can be. Now, does it replace Knife Juggler? Probably not. Knife Juggler is going to remain king for decks like Midrange Paladin and Zoo because they have other cards that synergize better with Knife Juggler. But as a solid 2 drop that's meant to answer hyper-aggro 1 drops? Absolutely.


Picture of card.

This card is fine IMO. Definitely good in Arena of course (that seems to be the theme of the expansion) and it's usable as a 2 drop if you need it even in Constructed.

I would honestly run it as an anti aggro card. One of the first cards that I have seen that is a solid anti aggro card.
This card is fine IMO. Definitely good in Arena of course (that seems to be the theme of the expansion) and it's usable as a 2 drop if you need it even in Constructed.

I would honestly run it as an anti aggro card. One of the first cards that I have seen that is a solid anti aggro card.

This new card can miss and go face, it's no better (and might be worse) than Mad Bomber as an anti aggro card

Love the new card. Can't wait to pop those Shielded Minibot bubbles in Arena.

Or get pissed when it misses and goes face


Yeah all the anti-aggro comments confuse me, considering it's only one damage, on battlecry and it can possibly go face.

Its at least closer to playable than all the other cards, which is kinda hilarious to say about the rest of the cards. ya its basically mad bomber, just goes to show how fucking bad the other cards are.
At least the twitter thing is at 92%, no matter how real or fake it is. I'll be glad to see two legendary cards tomorrow, hopefully they are good as my excitement for this expansion is waning
At least the twitter thing is at 92%, no matter how real or fake it is. I'll be glad to see two legendary cards tomorrow, hopefully they are good as my excitement for this expansion is waning

At 96% now!

There's still a ton of cards that haven't been revealed. Most of the cards have been underwhelming so far, but the Dr. Balanced/Emperor Thaurrisan of this expansion will soon be revealed. lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yeah all the anti-aggro comments confuse me, considering it's only one damage, on battlecry and it can possibly go face.

It's a 2/3. Even if it misses, that still answers a 2/1 and lives. And if you win the 50/50, than you just had a better answer than Cruel Taskmaster. If the meta goes hyper aggro, than you also have a good chance of getting use to it in the late game, when your opponent has even more targets to hit.

I guess if there's any concern that it won't get played, maybe it's that Unstable Ghoul just might do the job a little better? I guess that might be true.
People probably think this is anti-aggro because knife juggler seems like a better card for aggro. But I wouldn't be surprised even for a second if they used it as well or in exchange for knife juggler.

I personally like the card because it is a 2 drop that is fast acting and thus it's window of being a good minion to play is extended beyond turn 2. I feel like rogue has often lacked a solid 2 drop and maybe this will work a bit better than autobarber due to the hp difference which I think is why autobarber kinda is weak in the decks I have played it in.


Yeah, as is the case with most "fast" cards, the danger is aggro decks may just decide to run it too. Imagine turn 2 Haunted Creeper, turn 3 Coin + Knife Juggler + Flame Juggler + attack with Creeper. That is 5 damage dealt to the opponent's board/face and you summoned 5/5 worth of stats. On turn 3.
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