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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

Cat Party

I think it's doable, you don't really have anything to play on turn 1 other than cleric which most player use it later for value.

Oh, it is doable. But you have to put some low tempo deathrattles in to fill out the deck. In the version I'm trying to make, you have to cut Lyra and the radiant elemental in order to fit in more deathrattles. But I think I can make the deck work with fewer deathrattles, with the goal to finish the quest with resurrect effects.
Jaina DK is on a power level of jaraxxus tbh.

It doesn't have the 15 health downside (occasional upside) and actually adds 5 armor. It immediately summons a 5-6 mana minion. It also buffs all your elementals with lifesteal, meaning blazecaller battlecry will heal for 5, geddon heals for 2 for each character hit. And the hero power can summon 5-6 mana minions, because the lifesteal on water elemental.
Jaina DK is on a power level of jaraxxus tbh.

It doesn't have the 15 health downside (occasional upside) and actually adds 5 armor. It immediately summons a 5-6 mana minion. It also buffs all your elementals with lifesteal, meaning blazecaller battlecry will heal for 5, geddon heals for 2 for each character hit. And the hero power can summon 5-6 mana minions, because the lifesteal on water elemental.

You mean 3/6 minions.


I feel the biggest issue Jaina has is that Elementals themselves need to be a bit more powerful.

You basically want to be playing Jaina when you have an Elemental or two on the board, but they're not good enough to do that currently.
Jaina DK is on a power level of jaraxxus tbh.

It doesn't have the 15 health downside (occasional upside) and actually adds 5 armor. It immediately summons a 5-6 mana minion. It also buffs all your elementals with lifesteal, meaning blazecaller battlecry will heal for 5, geddon heals for 2 for each character hit. And the hero power can summon 5-6 mana minions, because the lifesteal on water elemental.
AKA a dead card.

In all seriousness, there's just no room in the game for low-pressure value right now. I mean compare these:

Jaina at 9 mana: get a 3/6 lifesteal minion, and get 1 more per turn if you play well.
Anduin at 8 mana: wipe the whole fucking board, and do 8-10 free damage to anything you want per turn.

At least Guldan's battlecry portion of his card makes sense, even if the hero power is ass.

Or maybe I should just say that Anduin is a completely ridiculous and broken card with power levels far above every other DK card in the game when paired with Raza...
AKA a dead card.

In all seriousness, there's just no room in the game for low-pressure value right now. I mean compare these:

Jaina at 9 mana: get a 3/6 lifesteal minion, and get 1 more per turn if you play well.
Anduin at 8 mana: wipe the whole fucking board, and do 8-10 free damage to anything you want per turn.

At least Guldan's battlecry portion of his card makes sense, even if the hero power is ass.

Or maybe I should just say that Anduin is a completely ridiculous and broken card with power levels far above every other DK card in the game when paired with Raza...
where are you finding 3 to 4 cards to play per turn. 4 to 6 is powerful enough already though.
where are you finding 3 to 4 cards to play per turn. 4 to 6 is powerful enough already though.
That's what Priests seem to find against me. :p

Savjz tried to make a Cthun deck work with it. Was a cute idea but his lists didn't seem to win much.
That's too bad. I think the issue is that you need to draw 2 cards to repeat the cycle, so C'Thun only drops every other turn. And it could never be less than that, because C'Thun is 10-mana and you need 2 for Dead Man's Hand.

So the C'Thun dream is probably dead, because a 20/20 C'Thun doesn't mean shit to a Jade Druid dropping 12/12s every turn. Arcane Giants is more flexible since they are 8-mana. I was thinking a combo like:

Arcane Giant, Arcane Giant (0 mana)
Hero Power (2 mana)
Blood Warriors (3 mana)
Dead Man's Hand (2 mana)
Battle Rage (2 mana)

Shuffles 2x Arcane Giant, Blood Warriors, Dead Man's Hand, and Battle Rage into your hand. That's 5 cards, and you drew 3 from Battle Rage. +1 from your next turn almost makes the combo infinite. I'm not sure what could make it every turn...that's already 9 mana, so there isn't much more room for alterations.



Yeah, this deck is fun


Okay now comes the part where I need to watch streams. I don't know how to play the raza priest good enough and my opponents are exploiting that.

And I also think my list isn't good enough. (I don't think not having elise is hurting enough to lose this much)

Also, do any of you have problems playing DK anduin? I have found myself several times in turns 12+ where I just let anduin sit in my hand, having trouble knowing when to play it.


I beat this hunter with jade druid. He curved out really well too, call on curve, n'zoth on curve.


Bowman as expected summoned a 1/1 btw. It summoned a 3/2 when it came back from N'Zoth.

It wasn't an easy game but I don't think druid has any business winning a game like that.

When he reached 10 mana, I had 4 cards left in deck.

plague stalls so well that sometimes doesn't matter what they have on board, you just go face with your 8/8 behind them.


Okay now comes the part where I need to watch streams. I don't know how to play the raza priest good enough and my opponents are exploiting that.

And I also think my list isn't good enough. (I don't think not having elise is hurting enough to lose this much)

Also, do any of you have problems playing DK anduin? I have found myself several times in turns 12+ where I just let anduin sit in my hand, having trouble knowing when to play it.

Keep Raza in mulligan.

I usually play it when I have my combo pieces, or a lot of big minions you can't kill with AoE or death, or when I don't need healing anymore and start taking control.
If you are going for Nzoth Hunter, I think you only play a few good deathrattles and tutor for them. The rest of your deck just keeps you alive so you can play your double Nzoth and win.

Okay now comes the part where I need to watch streams. I don't know how to play the raza priest good enough and my opponents are exploiting that.

And I also think my list isn't good enough. (I don't think not having elise is hurting enough to lose this much)

Also, do any of you have problems playing DK anduin? I have found myself several times in turns 12+ where I just let anduin sit in my hand, having trouble knowing when to play it.
You play DK Anduin when it gives you a fresh or advantageous board and Raza has been played. You probably always want to hard mulligan for Raza.

I mean 5 or 6 cost minions if they were actual cards. Water ele is a 4 mana card, lifesteal is at least worth some mana, probably 1 or even 1.5 scaling with attack power.
A point and a half seems reasonable given Bloodworm.

But 9 mana is still way overcosted.
Anyone else tried Quest/DK/Raza Priest, aka, the greediest deck imaginable? I'm sure I'll end up abandoning the Quest aspect and switch to a more conventional DK Raza Priest, but the wins are so satisfying as long as you don't mind 30 minute games, lol.

This is what I've been playing. 10-0 so far, but my games are like +15 minutes. lol


There are so many games where I don't get both Shadowreaper and Raza out before I'm overrun. It isn't an auto win deck like Jade Druid seems to be.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Random thought I know...

I wish this game had more music. What's there is solid especially the OG tracks, but I just wish there was way more. Like I'd love to have three times as many music tracks as currently in the game. So music wouldn't become so stale due to over exposure.


### Elemage
# Class: Mage
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 2x (2) Flame Geyser
# 2x (2) Frostbolt
# 2x (3) Arcane Intellect
# 2x (3) Frost Nova
# 1x (3) Ice Block
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (3) Volcanic Potion
# 2x (4) Fireball
# 2x (4) Steam Surger
# 2x (4) Water Elemental
# 2x (5) Servant of Kalimos
# 1x (6) Blizzard
# 1x (7) Baron Geddon
# 2x (7) Blazecaller
# 1x (9) Frost Lich Jaina
# 1x (10) Pyroblast
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Still working on it, but this is what I've been playing around with for the past few days. Undecided if I should craft Pyros for this or not.

Advice/feedback appreciated!


Keep Raza in mulligan.

I usually play it when I have my combo pieces, or a lot of big minions you can't kill with AoE or death, or when I don't need healing anymore and start taking control.

You play DK Anduin when it gives you a fresh or advantageous board and Raza has been played. You probably always want to hard mulligan for Raza.

Good tips, thank you, which lists are you using?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So now that we've got 3 types of wisps and new 1-attack cheap taunts with big ole' butts, has anybody made a crazy hobgoblin aggro druid in wild yet?
Good tips, thank you, which lists are you using?
I don't play Priest. :p

Yup those are the famea ytou just win on the spot.
It was a close one! Low on draw because I had to Auctioneer to save my butt and used both Nourishes for ramp.

So now that we've got 3 types of wisps and new 1-attack cheap taunts with big ole' butts, has anybody made a crazy hobgoblin aggro druid in wild yet?
I've tried Hobgoblin, and it's kind of underwhelming because you need to play him first. Unless you get the optimal Innervate combo with him, it's better to just run Fledgling for those turn 1 wins.


I opened 50 packs and got 2 legendarys and opened another 20 and got no legendarys.
If I spend 50$ I feel like I should able to make a couple of decent decks.
Especially when the last two expansions have been focused on legendary quests/heroes mechanic.
Sometimes I just feel like quitting hearthstone, the legendary drop rate is frustrating.
I just can't keep up with 3 expansions a year.


I opened 50 packs and got 2 legendarys and opened another 20 and got no legendarys.
If I spend 50$ I feel like I should able to make a couple of decent decks.
Especially when the last two expansions have been focused on legendary quests/heroes mechanic.
Sometimes I just feel like quitting hearthstone, the legendary drop rate is frustrating.
I just can't keep up with 3 expansions a year.

It happens sometimes the pity timer is 40 packs, that hasn't changed, neither the drop rates (some argue that they are better), remember this is a F2P game and you don't have a way to make sure you get legendaries unless you craft them.

Legendaries are nice and all, but even without those you could make a couple of nice decks, even craft one or two with the remaining dust you get from your packs. Not gerting 4-5 legendaries doesn't mean you don't have anything to do.

Also, remember to do the prologue to get one death knight, that helps a lot.


Good tips, thank you, which lists are you using?

### DK Velen
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (0) Silence
# 1x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 1x (1) Potion of Madness
# 1x (1) Power Word: Shield
# 1x (2) Mind Blast
# 1x (2) Radiant Elemental
# 1x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 1x (3) Curious Glimmerroot
# 1x (3) Shadow Word: Death
# 1x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Eternal Servitude
# 1x (4) Greater Healing Potion
# 1x (4) Kazakus
# 1x (4) Priest of the Feast
# 1x (4) Shifting Shade
# 1x (5) Elise the Trailblazer
# 1x (5) Harrison Jones
# 1x (5) Holy Nova
# 1x (5) Kabal Songstealer
# 1x (5) Lyra the Sunshard
# 1x (5) Raza the Chained
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 1x (7) Prophet Velen
# 1x (8) Free From Amber
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (9) Obsidian Statue
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I use my own.

I play the combo version. I had to cut holy smite, cuz I'm using geist.

But I think N'zoth version is more consistent.



This jade druid was capable of going to the 7th jade, giver himself 35 of armor, play ultimate infestation, and froustmorne'd me 2 big taunts, and still lost

Felt super great, even though I only won because I top decked devolve. Still, I BM'd for all the bullshit that he was capable of pulling out


Thijs stream can be hard to watch if his message reading bot reads the racist messages.

I think still having those at this point is in pretty bad taste. We know what the Twitch HS community is like and know their history with message reading bots. It drives donations though, I'm sure.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Thijs lives in a racially homogeneous country and may also not fully understand what's going on.

I'm not trying to argue that he should keep the racist message spam, he should cease immediately, but my guess is he's not even fully aware of the situation.
Why are you still playing Auctioneer?

In Wild against greedy decks you need the Auctioneer + Fandral + Innervate + Jade Idol combo. Priests run Lightbomb, Shadow Visions to get more Lightbombs, and Anduin DK, so they wipe your board over and over. Of course, if they run Geist you lose no matter what, lol. I actually just lost to a Control Warrior as I did this combo, but I got him down to 1 health. :(

It also guarantees you the win in the mirror match if your opponent isn't running the combo. I run 2x Nourish, 2x Ultimate Infestation, and 1x Auctioneer. And sometimes I still wish I had more draw. :(

I can't think of anything else I would want in my deck...I could run Yogg, but I played him 3 times and he didn't do anything remarkable.


Seeing mountainfire armor played in most warriors that are not aggro makes me happy,
I knew the card was good, hits too hard to ignore it and killing it only makes the control matchup much better to control for the warrior.

Such a little annoying minion.

### DK Velen
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 1x (0) Silence
# 1x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 1x (1) Potion of Madness
# 1x (1) Power Word: Shield
# 1x (2) Mind Blast
# 1x (2) Radiant Elemental
# 1x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 1x (3) Curious Glimmerroot
# 1x (3) Shadow Word: Death
# 1x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Eternal Servitude
# 1x (4) Greater Healing Potion
# 1x (4) Kazakus
# 1x (4) Priest of the Feast
# 1x (4) Shifting Shade
# 1x (5) Elise the Trailblazer
# 1x (5) Harrison Jones
# 1x (5) Holy Nova
# 1x (5) Kabal Songstealer
# 1x (5) Lyra the Sunshard
# 1x (5) Raza the Chained
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 1x (7) Prophet Velen
# 1x (8) Free From Amber
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (9) Obsidian Statue
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I use my own.

I play the combo version. I had to cut holy smite, cuz I'm using geist.

But I think N'zoth version is more consistent.

Really interesting list. Seems a little more aggro oriented, or a least enough to tryband kill the opponent in a few turns after DK anduin.

I'm running the N'zoth priest without elise and cairne, it is a lot slower than this, but may be enough to kill the other greedier decks.
Arena is free wins right now, I'm now 9-1 with a Druid deck that has no early game, mostly because apparently everyone is allergic to tempo. Also, Gurubashi > Bonemare is such a disgusting combo.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Thijs lives in a racially homogeneous country and may also not fully understand what's going on.

The Netherlands is incredibly multicultural, we even have a Dutch Trump in Wilders, Thijs should know better if he's not aware.


Super Sleuth
Wow the game dog just played. what the hell.

Fatigued a priest who copied his deck with the legendary.

Does he play geist in that deck?

Edit: He does.

That deck looks frustrating as hell to play against when you're a slow deck.

He's playing a fatigue warrior with dead man's hand, arcane giants, blood warrior etc.

He just keeps copying full hands of removal and a dead man's hand with coldlight oracles.


That Warrior deck is obviously favored against Priest. There's nothing greedier than double Dead Man's Hand in the game.

I think Priest only wins it if they also manage to copy Dead Man's Hand and Arcane Giants.


thijs has internet access.

That is true.

I've been following far right media for years, so I'm well aware of this side of politics that has been brewing. Anecdotal, but many of the people I talk to aren't aware of the situation or aware of how widespread the issue is in the US. I get the impression that this hasn't penetrated the mainstream zeitgeist in any meaningful way, hopefully that changes going forward.

The Netherlands is incredibly multicultural, we even have a Dutch Trump in Wilders, Thijs should know better if he's not aware.

The demographics are showing the vast majority as white, forgive me if I'm ignorant on this.

Much different than a country like the US that is quickly headed towards a White plurality and has had racial acceptance issues essentially since day one.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
That Warrior deck is obviously favored against Priest. There's nothing greedier than double Dead Man's Hand in the game.

I think Priest only wins it if they also manage to copy Dead Man's Hand and Arcane Giants.

He copied the dead man's hand but dog was able to burn it.


Unconfirmed Member

Had a lot of fun playing Patron warrior in wild, but Warlocks kept ruining my day with their infinite AoE.

Swapped to Token Druid, which has the some of the same issues, but you can play Skelemancer in it, which fixes some of those AoE problems. And that deck is no less fun to play. Probably currently my favorite deck.

Maybe Jade is better, but in my low rank experience so far, it beats Jade head to head.
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