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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


I cannot for the life of me get past rank 6 with evolve shaman. I'm running the jade package so maybe that's the problem. But saronite chain gang just doesn't seem that good.

Edit: kept the same deck and went on a three game streak to hit rank 5. Basically drove frost lich from 15-10, evolve shaman from 10-5. Shaman is the standard one with deathseer


Super Sleuth
In standard .25%

That dog fatigue warrior deck looks complicated as fuck. Such a grind of a deck with a million decisions a turn.

And then there's Jade druid.


Unconfirmed Member
At some point there's going to be a Mill Warrior vs Mill Warrior, where both players have nothing but 2 dead man hands left, for a tie that will go on forever until one gets bored enough to leave.

It honestly might become relatively common if Mill Warrior is actually top tier meta.


Super Sleuth
At some point there's going to be a Mill Warrior vs Mill Warrior, where both players have nothing but 2 dead man hands left, for a tie that will go on forever until one gets bored enough to leave.

Seems like eventually one would mill one of the other's dead man hand.


At some point there's going to be a Mill Warrior vs Mill Warrior, where both players have nothing but 2 dead man hands left, for a tie that will go on forever until one gets bored enough to leave.

It honestly might become relatively common if Mill Warrior is actually top tier meta.

I wonder after 50 turns (the limit), is it gonna be a draw?


Super Sleuth
Maybe, but seeing as that's your lose condition, people would at least be trying to play arround that.

That's impossible though. You're either shuffling a dead man's hand with every dead man's hand or you're not and you aren't going infinite. These warriors will almost always have a dead man's hand to draw if there are trying to go infinite. So there's no real way to avoid it that I can see. It's all luck.
The demographics are showing the vast majority as white, forgive me if I'm ignorant on this.

Much different than a country like the US that is quickly headed towards a White plurality and has had racial acceptance issues essentially since day one.

I wasn't specific enough, it really comes down to where Thijs specifically lives. The north/east is much more white dominated than the west(specifically Noord/Zuid Holland), so I can see him growing up in a place where he would be less aware. But in this day and age, where you live isn't an excuse for ignorance anymore when information is literally at your fingertips.


Match-ups from Rank 5 to 2.

55% Druid and Priest. Literally only one match with Mage.



Man, I really want to play with DK Jaina. She looks like such a fun card. Shame I never pulled Pyros last set.

Did a 50 pull and got DK Uther, Gul'dan, and Bolvar. The Paladin gods have spoken, but I still don't have Tarim or Bristle-whatever-his-name-is. My adventure legendary was DK Rexxar...kek.

I think Jaina and Valeera look like the most fun. I really want to make a Freeze Mage or Freeze Shaman deck, but I know they're gonna be bad.

Not feeling my old buddy Anduin as much these days. I don't like his DK, though I know it's strong. Demon Control Warlock has been fun and fairly strong. Lawd save us if Mill Warrior becomes a thing...


Unconfirmed Member
That's impossible though. You're either shuffling a dead man's hand with every dead man's hand or you're not and you aren't going infinite. These warriors will almost always have a dead man's hand to draw if there are trying to go infinite. So there's no real way to avoid it that I can see. It's all luck.

By not having more than 10 cards in your hand + deck, you can never burn your dead mans hand.

Always shuffling Coldlights should bring a chance of fatigue or burning cards, but games play out differently. Like what if the Coldlights are what get burned? Also, just simple bad play would be enough. Maybe top 500 legend will never run into that problem, but rank 15 certainly will.


By not having more than 10 cards in your hand + deck, you can never burn your dead mans hand.

Always shuffling Coldlights should bring a chance of fatigue or burning cards, but games play out differently. Like what if the Coldlights are what get burned?

My opponent didn't even have coldlight, just removal and letting me die slowly.
Man, I really want to play with DK Jaina. She looks like such a fun card. Shame I never pulled Pyros last set.

Did a 50 pull and got DK Uther, Gul'dan, and Bolvar. The Paladin gods have spoken, but I still don't have Tarim or Bristle-whatever-his-name-is. My adventure legendary was DK Rexxar...kek.

I think Jaina and Valeera look like the most fun. I really want to make a Freeze Mage or Freeze Shaman deck, but I know they're gonna be bad.

Not feeling my old buddy Anduin as much these days. I don't like his DK, though I know it's strong. Demon Control Warlock has been fun and fairly strong. Lawd save us if Mill Warrior becomes a thing...
Rexxar is a ton of fun. Easily the most fun I've been having since the expansion dropped. The ridiculous shit you can come up with is great.


Man, I really want to play with DK Jaina. She looks like such a fun card. Shame I never pulled Pyros last set.

Did a 50 pull and got DK Uther, Gul'dan, and Bolvar. The Paladin gods have spoken, but I still don't have Tarim or Bristle-whatever-his-name-is. My adventure legendary was DK Rexxar...kek.

I think Jaina and Valeera look like the most fun. I really want to make a Freeze Mage or Freeze Shaman deck, but I know they're gonna be bad.

Not feeling my old buddy Anduin as much these days. I don't like his DK, though I know it's strong. Demon Control Warlock has been fun and fairly strong. Lawd save us if Mill Warrior becomes a thing...

Frost Lich Jaina is probably one of the weaker DK's right now as has been discussed as recently as the last few pages. The deck simply can't win right now against control matchups or Jade unless you tech it to have burst, but then if you do that, you might as well just go full burst mode. That being said, my DK deck rakes aggro and midrangey decks over the coals. It feels really good when you just start turning out guys every turn, inevitably making the opponent feel helpless. The synergy with sindragosa is also really cool, but once again, if you're able to ping the minions, you're probably already winning.

Valeera so far has been hard to make work, but having an iceblock at your beck and call is pretty fun.


Unconfirmed Member
Living roots is literally your only wild card.

Druid is so gross right now.

Oh Raven idol too. Still.

Huh, guess so.

It started out with more wild cards, but I guess they kept going away one by one because they feel too slow. Like sludge belcher feels like the slowest card in the world now, paying two extra mana over Tar Creaper for a measly 1/2 taunt deathrattle. Creeper, Shredder, and Boom maybe should be stuffed in there somewhere, but there's only so many minion slots.

I don't know if I'd want to play token druid without Living Roots though. Even if i did, I feel committed to trying to get rank 5 wild instead of standard at this point.


Was Uther DK the most overhyped card of the set?

(pulled him from an arena pack :b)
A lot of cheap taunts, everyone running weapon removal and he overlap with tirion if u want to play him on curve.
Yet to play him though, buffaddin is the most fun i had with palladin and he doesn't fit in it.


Druid will always be popular and strong if they can just survive mid game. Ramp is such a "fun" and strong mechanic, sometimes you just draw all the ramp into late game shit and the opponent cannot do anything.


I'd say UI isn't an issue by itself, they keep giving druid ridiculous health gain every set, they're so hard to kill now. That's the main issue, they don't go down to aggro easily any more. Plague is just dumb, I think the card was intended for some cool new buff token deck as a recovery mechanic and they didn't think that you could just play this in any druid to stall against your worst match ups. Druid has so much armor too, like every card gives armor now, warrior doesn't have this much armor.

Take away jade blossom, mire keeper and these recovery tools and then a 10 mana spell won't look as good it does now. I think after rotation UI will be fine when druid loses all of their ramp cards but that's a long time from now.
Anyone else tried Quest/DK/Raza Priest, aka, the greediest deck imaginable? I'm sure I'll end up abandoning the Quest aspect and switch to a more conventional DK Raza Priest, but the wins are so satisfying as long as you don't mind 30 minute games, lol.

I play with a deck like that yeah, do you have a decklist? I love priest with raza/dk.. currently not using quest tho


I'd say UI isn't an issue by itself, they keep giving druid ridiculous health gain every set, they're so hard to kill now. That's the main issue, they don't go down to aggro easily any more. Plague is just dumb, I think the card was intended for some cool new buff token deck as a recovery mechanic and they didn't think that you could just play this in any druid to stall against your worst match ups. Druid has so much armor too, like every card gives armor now, warrior doesn't have this much armor.

Take away jade blossom, mire keeper and these recovery tools and then a 10 mana spell won't look as good it does now. I think after rotation UI will be fine when druid loses all of their ramp cards but that's a long time from now.
Next rotation we aren't going to have any Jades anyway!


I haven't seen many Jades anyways. Good old wild growth/innervate/nourish is enough ramp. Those cards define the Druid class.


Meanwhile in the alternate reality of rank 15 Jade Druid means autowin for me but then I get wrecked by the return of Zoolock and infinite removal warlock. :(


I can't help thinking that ultimate infestation should be...

Deal 5 damage, gain 5 armor and either:
- summon a 5/5 minion.
- gain 5 cards.

It would be a nerf to the first copy of the card, and often a buff to the second.


There are a lots of games were jade druid wins without playing UI.Mind you, if you manage to get a little upper hand against them, they still have that card as an insurance.

Honestly, I'm not excited with the game right now, is boring to always face against druid and priest. People were making snarky comments when I said that it was terrible to see aggro decks being shut down. Now thanks to that we have longer games, which are the favorite kind of matches for jade druid and raza priest which can outvalue you most of the time. I love to play control decks but now I can't do that very well because those 2 decks can completely shut me down unless I draw perfectly

At this point I even forgot that mage, rogue and hunter are a thing


Crafted Valeera the Hollow despite knowing the card considered to be mediocre right now. I figured the card looks like a lot of fun with the jade / arcane shenanigans you can pull off. Also figured with the way Donais talked about the card, even if it's not that great right now, it'll likely get more next patch if it's being underplayed. If they're going to create a new archetype for rogue surely it'll be born from Valeera the Hollow.


Serious question, how the fuck can I beat quest mage as druid?
I had lethal and he fucking froze everything, and I had no spells, and then he fucking top deck toni

I wish, but I really don't like playing as druid. It's insane how many deck variations we have for him.

Aggro Druid, Big Druid, Taunt Druid, Jade Druid... OH MY GOD

Same it's my least fave class, but I got malfurion from pack, so I give it a try
Serious question, how the fuck can I beat quest mage as druid?
I had lethal and he fucking froze everything, and I had no spells, and then he fucking top deck toni

Same it's my least fave class, but I got malfurion from pack, so I give it a try

You can just get unlucky with how quick they finish the quest and draw the combo and in those cases there's not much you can do.

I put in an eater of secrets which helped me beat a few quest mages but that card is mostly (maybe the occasional secret hunter/paladin secret) useless outside of mage matchups. Could also put a tech dirty rat in, they dont run many monsters and if you pull an apprentice or antonidas they are in trouble.


I wish, but I really don't like playing as druid. It's insane how many deck variations we have for him.

Aggro Druid, Big Druid, Taunt Druid, Jade Druid... OH MY GOD

I'd say the HS team captured the feel of WoW Druid pretty well then, with a bunch of different playstyles. They also captured Rogue pretty well with one viable spec that gets nerfed every so often.
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