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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

I don't think the lich king is really challenging or difficult to figure out. I think it just isn't a fun fight, it's actually kinda boring too. Losses seem to go 3 ways. You get snowballed early game, usually by anti-shell. Or you lose turn 7 if you can't deal with that, which is easy but if you can't you lose. Or after turn 7 you get burned out by inevitability. If you can get past those basic 3 tests, you win. There is nothing interesting about this design with exception to the class by class turn 1 spell lich king plays.

Other fights in PVE have been way more interesting. Like having the vampire hero power, having the double portals in ONIK. The discover heavy boss in LOE. Lich king is boring like some of the fights in naxxramas, it's more or less a straight beatdown. Even his hero power is bland, summon 2/2 then later it just pelts you til you're dead. It's just rather boring.

To pile on top of all that, even his voice lines at this point are just more of the same. The adventure was short and I already grew tired of his fourth wall breaking lines. I get it, he knows it's a card game.


I don't think the lich king is really challenging or difficult to figure out. I think it just isn't a fun fight, it's actually kinda boring too. Losses seem to go 3 ways. You get snowballed early game, usually by anti-shell. Or you lose turn 7 if you can't deal with that, which is easy but if you can't you lose. Or after turn 7 you get burned out by inevitability. If you can get past those basic 3 tests, you win. There is nothing interesting about this design with exception to the class by class turn 1 spell lich king plays.

Other fights in PVE have been way more interesting. Like having the vampire hero power, having the double portals in ONIK. The discover heavy boss in LOE. Lich king is boring like some of the fights in naxxramas, it's more or less a straight beatdown. Even his hero power is bland, summon 2/2 then later it just pelts you til you're dead. It's just rather boring.

To pile on top of all that, even his voice lines at this point are just more of the same. The adventure was short and I already grew tired of his fourth wall breaking lines. I get it, he knows it's a card game.

I agree that Lich King could have had some more interesting mechanics. But at least he is challenging. The rest of the bosses were so easy. I was hoping for something at least as hard as the Heroics of the past. Lich King is the only one like that.

Maybe I should just replay the old Heroics again. Some of them are really fun deck building challenges.


From rank 1 3 stars, to rank 2 1 star

Sigh, it's druid fiesta.

What are you playing scarlet? I bounced from rank 1 to rank 3 several times. Back and forth. I hit rank 3 last night on a downswing, searched my soul, found an aggro druid list that someone just hit legend with that same night and made the push. I absolutely got lucky as hell in some of the games, but don't regret it now.


Got this email about the random 2000 dust. Looks like it was the pack changes not working.


Patch 8.4 for Hearthstone introduced new infrastructure to prepare for the recently announced improvements to card drop rates. As a side effect of this change, a small number of players who opened packs after the patch launched received one fewer Legendary or Epic card than they would have otherwise. We have identified you as one of those players, and we've given you 2000 Arcane Dust to use however you want!

Thank you for your continued support, and we'll see you at the Inn!

Hearthstone Team


Quality DK evolve
Got this email about the random 2000 dust. Looks like it was the pack changes not working.

Yeah, I got mine last night. I imagine they did the people who were obviously affected a while ago and then later scanned to see who was hit but was not obvious.

2k unexpected dust can go pretty far for me right now. I just crafted beardo and 2 bullys and was completely out. I might spend it on deathwing which I've put off for a super long time. I still don't have druid cards but I'll wait on that I think.


What are you playing scarlet? I bounced from rank 1 to rank 3 several times. Back and forth. I hit rank 3 last night on a downswing, searched my soul, found an aggro druid list that someone just hit legend with that same night and made the push. I absolutely got lucky as hell in some of the games, but don't regret it now.

Aggro druid, jade druid, murloc pally.

With aggro druid, I got unlucky a lot when I faced jadez they got plague on curve and I could do nothing.

And when I played jade I faced a lot of warrior, and I'm dead.

What's your aggro druid list?

I'm probably down to rank 3 soon.


What's your aggro druid list?

Aggro druid is super strong, but it requires some luck in mulligan, match-up and draw. This list isn't mine, but I jumped on it because it has 2 DotC and nobody is playing that card right now. There's your edge. I'll be damned if that card didn't give me lethal or create some hilarious moments in a few aggro match-ups. You could almost see the opponent thinking "He plays that card?!?!"

The only other advice I have is keep hitting play. You see most of the streamers do it while they grind. Unless they think they will get counter-queued they literally smash the Play button. As soon as the matches finish, win or lose, hit play hit play hit play.

# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Corsair
# 2x (1) Enchanted Raven
# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 1x (1) Hungry Crab
# 2x (1) Mark of the Lotus
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (2) Druid of the Swarm
# 2x (2) Mark of Y'Shaarj
# 2x (2) Power of the Wild
# 2x (3) Crypt Lord
# 2x (3) Savage Roar
# 2x (3) Vicious Fledgling
# 2x (5) Bittertide Hydra
# 2x (5) Druid of the Claw
# 2x (5) Living Mana
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Man, you guys are so negative.

I've beaten him with Priest and Druid so far and they were both a lot of fun. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I was enjoying it until I played the version where every game you lost on turn 1 because you didn't get Frostbolt in your opening hand.


Arthas portrait unlocked!

Mage was the hardest for me.

Cheesed it with Brann/Majordomo for Paladin and the Public Defender/Kel'thuzad bug with Warrior. Rest of 'em I did it legit--a couple of them I even made my own decks!

I had been looking for an excuse to craft Scaled Nightmare--bugged me from a completionist point of view that there was a dragon I didn't have. Now I have them all. :D
Arthas portrait unlocked!

Mage was the hardest for me.

Cheesed it with Brann/Majordomo for Paladin and the Public Defender/Kel'thuzad bug with Warrior. Rest of 'em I did it legit--a couple of them I even made my own decks!

I had been looking for an excuse to craft Scaled Nightmare--bugged me from a completionist point of view that there was a dragon I didn't have. Now I have them all. :D

you could cheese mage super easy, cabal lackey into counterspell and then just play exodia mage if you don't have the quest you could substitute emperor.


you could cheese mage super easy, cabal lackey into counterspell and then just play exodia mage if you don't have the quest you could substitute emperor.

I got so frustrated rerolling my opening hands that I tried Elemental Mage instead. Beat it on my fourth try (and I didn't even get Mistress in my first few turns). Was very lucky to draw DK Jaina early and to be able to follow it up with a Baron Geddon that stuck for 10 turns. The game went to fatigue (his hero power that does x+1 damage every turn got up to 16) but I finally was able to take him out with a 10/10 pyros.


Arthas portrait unlocked!

Mage was the hardest for me.

Cheesed it with Brann/Majordomo for Paladin and the Public Defender/Kel'thuzad bug with Warrior. Rest of 'em I did it legit--a couple of them I even made my own decks!

I had been looking for an excuse to craft Scaled Nightmare--bugged me from a completionist point of view that there was a dragon I didn't have. Now I have them all. :D
Just out of interest what Mage deck did you use? I'm having a hard time with that class.
I got so frustrated rerolling my opening hands that I tried Elemental Mage instead. Beat it on my fourth try (and I didn't even get Mistress in my first few turns). Was very lucky to draw DK Jaina early and to be able to follow it up with a Baron Geddon that stuck for 10 turns. The game went to fatigue (his hero power that does x+1 damage every turn got up to 16) but I finally was able to take him out with a 10/10 pyros.

got the nuts on my first reroll where I ogt t1 counterspell, had everything in hand on turn 8 or 9 + 2 discounts so I really couldnt mess it up.

Warrior was tough but I eventually got it down with a Patron list. For a lack of grommash DK and Rotface were mvps.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wait, if Ukraine beat Korea does that mean I actually get more than 1 pack?

Or does your team have to win it all?


Just out of interest what Mage deck did you use? I'm having a hard time with that class.


If you can make it past the Lost Souls turn and get your DK developed safely, you've got a really strong chance to win.

Wait, if Ukraine beat Korea does that mean I actually get more than 1 pack?

Or does your team have to win it all?

It's a max of two packs so I am pretty sure the team you picked getting to the finals gets you max value. Don't think they actually have to win.


Got Arthas this morning. Overall the entire experience was pretty painful near the end, and was definitely more fun with some classes than others. The only classes I needed help with deck creation for was mage and hunter and all that really ended up being was an 800 dust penalty for me to craft two cards I never thought I would unpack or craft (molten giants).

I'm proud in the sense that I did it on my own, but a lot of these games are basically an exercise in knowing which cards are busted in which situations (Enhance-O-Mechano in evolution shaman is DIRTY), having a lot of epics and legendaries to game the mechanics, and getting lucky with draws and cards from the Lich King. I can only imagine what it is like as a F2P player, because as an occasionally pay but play a lot player, it left a lot to be desired.
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