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Hillary Clinton fights a cough on stage for nearly 4 minutes

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Just like how people made John McCain's supposedly imminent death an issue in the 2000 primary and 2008 general (and look, he's still alive and fitfully serving in congress), let's just stop with all of this. If we made the perception of personal health a public issue, we'd have to disqualify Abraham Lincoln (likely suffered from an endocrine or autoimmune deficiency, perhaps Marfan syndrome), Franklin Roosevelt (Polio), John Kennedy (Addison's Disease), and 2nd term Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer's disease). If you land anywhere on the political spectrum, then I'd imagine that at least one of those president's appeals to you and you wouldn't want them disqualified from being president.

Again, I think the main catalyst for that was his selection of Sarah Palin for VP and her complete unpreparedness to assume the duties of the presidency.

Once she started giving national interviews in 2008, she would have been cause for alarm for even the youngest and fittest of presidential candidates.


Except they aren't. Seriously cut this shit out. That's like saying that a turd and a twix candy bar are the same thing because they're both brown.

We're not talking about turds or twixes, these are two all-around vile individuals, each with a lifetime of documented indiscretions.

There's a reason why enthusiasm for the presidential election is demonstrably at the lowest it's ever been.


Yes that's it.

It can't be ironic shitposting.

Memes are the trojan horse used by the alt-right to sow the racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic seeds in America.

The white utopia that claims every part of the serious alt-right hacker group 4chan is in very danger.

In an essence, 4chan is the modern day Illuminati of the alt-right.

Together through innocuous means must the alt-right hackers wave their flags in unity, printed on them the bold, white impact font formatted words:"Dyin' Hillary". Others contain memes of Trump seemingly want to have sex with his daughter, all as an attempt to help win the ever present incest supporters of the internet.

Or, there could be an easier explanation.

I mean, do you think the racist/antisemitic/misogynistic subreddits are filled with people who are gathering together due to their common hobby of "ironic memes?"

At what point can we call them shitheads gathering to shit out of their mouths in a safe space rather than a sub-community of hipster artists?

No conspiracy needed.

I know one person who loved to link stuff from those subreddits, and he also loves to say "ironically" racist things to be edgy. But how long does someone have to repeat those things before it stops becoming ironic and starts becoming who you are and what you believe?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
How anyone can say one is just as bad as the other is beyond me and makes me feel sad for those people.


Pretty much. I'm just going to close my eyes and point at the ballot on election days and wherever it lands that's who gets my vote.

Why even vote then? You're clearly not informed, don't care enough to try to be, and don't give a shit about how one candidate may affect millions of other people who aren't you (since the final choice doesn't seem to have any bearing on your life anyway). So why waste your time?

How anyone can say one is just as bad as the other is beyond me and makes me feel sad for those people.

This and the "both parties the same" mantra is what people tell themselves to rationalize their own lack of political engagement. You don't have to do any work in researching candidates or policies if you've already pre-determined that it's all bad and doesn't really matter anyway.


I think how she coughed up the huge phlegm ball into the water and then drank the water is pretty gross. It's like the Ted Cruz bugger thing.


But if she had no other way to dispose of the flegm the. It was a pretty clever way to hide it instead of spitting it on the floor.

Yikes! Missed that bit of it

She has been having these coughing fits periodically since at least late last year. With the recurrence of it and how hard of a time she has recovering from it, I don't think she is dying or is close to death or anything like that,. I do think there might be more to this than just speaking too much and people should be at least somewhat concerned about it.

I had chronic cough when I was a teenager, and though it did pass after about a month, it was horrible. I do hope that she does recover.


I think how she coughed up the huge phlegm ball into the water and then drank the water is pretty gross. It's like the Ted Cruz bugger thing.


But if she had no other way to dispose of the flegm the. It was a pretty clever way to hide it instead of spitting it on the floor.

OH MY GOD. Jesus, get a napkin. Carry a handkerchief!

Coughing up shit from the Upside Down, and then drinking it. Nasty.


I think how she coughed up the huge phlegm ball into the water and then drank the water is pretty gross. It's like the Ted Cruz bugger thing.


But if she had no other way to dispose of the flegm the. It was a pretty clever way to hide it instead of spitting it on the floor.

Fucking hell! Did this really happen?! That's disgusting... I kinda feel like puking now.


Yikes, that sure wasn't pretty to watch.

Not sure if posted yet, but she had another fit on the plane after this one!


Sorry, I'm on mobile. Allergies don't cause two coughing fits in one day.

Heads up: World Net Daily is a longtime rightwing crackpot site with a poor reputation even as far as rightwing crackpot sites go. For example, they went hard on the Obama birther thing for years, even after Donald Trump gave it up, to the point of making it the sole focus of their "coverage" for awhile.
Heads up: World Net Daily is a longtime rightwing crackpot site with a poor reputation even as far as rightwing crackpot sites go. For example, they went hard on the Obama birther thing for years, even after Donald Trump gave it up, to the point of making it the sole focus of their "coverage" for awhile.

I doubt that person will learn or care. These so called hardcore liberals have been giving right wing sites lots of traffic in the last year.


Pretty clearly allergies.

She even says so herself.

Shitty timing though. Would be stupid for people to hold on to this.


We're not talking about turds or twixes, these are two all-around vile individuals, each with a lifetime of documented indiscretions.

There's a reason why enthusiasm for the presidential election is demonstrably at the lowest it's ever been.
If I was shaking my head as hard as I should at these kind of posts, I probably would snap my own neck.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some people in this country?

On one hand, you have a woman with a lifetime of public service which has the following negatives:
- Allegations surrounding the Whitewater scandal, which were never substantiated and were involving Bill Clinton (she was named as a witness)
- Allegations of bullying (by her) surrounding the Lewinsky scandal where she actually was the -victim- of extra marital affair(s) from her husband
- Allegations of incompetence and cover up surrounding the Benghazi attack, which $9m or so and several committees later resulted in no wrongdoing done whatsoever. If anything it was revealed during it that Republicans blocked funds to increase security in ambassies around the globe.
- Allegations of criminal activity surrounding the posession of a private email server and the handling of Secret and Top Secret materials. After a lenghty review by both the State Department and the FBI, no criminal intent was found, although Hillary Clinton did apologize for missuing the technology and said she regretted it.
- Allegations of being on the payroll of big business due to her highly paid gigs. Like every celebrity speaker out there really...
- Allegations of having rigged the primary vs Bernie Sanders (email leak did prove that a friend of the Clintons, then head of the Dems Debbie Wassman Schultz, did show undue favoritism)
- Allegations of corruption through the Clinton Foundation and leaked emails. So far, nothing has been proven and there is not even a smoking gun, but it is ongoing.

The biggest point being: 25 years of being a Clinton, and a woman on top of that, with a big Target on her back for all conservatives.

Now let's look at Trump shall we?

- Proof that the man is a racist biggot. We have tons, from judge Curiel to "my black guy"
- Proof that he has broken the law on immigration and has multiple accounts of Fraud investigations, from the Polish workers to Russian top models, to Trump U and failed casinos/ real estate
- Proof that he has ties to Russian financial interests, from his declarations about Putin to letting our allies down in Eastern Europe to his own son
- Proof that he does not have the temperment or knowledge or even basic curiosity to be President, from attacking a Gold Star family to McCain not being a hero, making fun of a native american journalist and a disabled one, saying that Russia is "not going into Ukraine", joking about having Russian hackers into our system to get emails...etc.
- Refuses to release his taxes with bogus excuses, with what we know hinting that he is both much less rich than he says (pathological liar) and likely using loopholes to pay no taxes
- Allegations of Mysogyny and even 3 counts of Rape...

I mean, I'm sure it's not even exhaustive by any means, but... the same? Seriously?


I think how she coughed up the huge phlegm ball into the water and then drank the water is pretty gross. It's like the Ted Cruz bugger thing.


But if she had no other way to dispose of the flegm the. It was a pretty clever way to hide it instead of spitting it on the floor.
Ok, that's nasty, but definitely a clever way to hide it. From now on no more transparent glasses!
Just like how people made John McCain's supposedly imminent death an issue in the 2000 primary and 2008 general (and look, he's still alive and fitfully serving in congress), let's just stop with all of this. If we made the perception of personal health a public issue, we'd have to disqualify Abraham Lincoln (likely suffered from an endocrine or autoimmune deficiency, perhaps Marfan syndrome), Franklin Roosevelt (Polio), John Kennedy (Addison's Disease), and 2nd term Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer's disease). If you land anywhere on the political spectrum, then I'd imagine that at least one of those president's appeals to you and you wouldn't want them disqualified from being president.

Eight US Presidents died in office (Harrison, Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, FDR and Kennedy), one resigned (Nixon), and 12 others survived some form of assassination attempt. It's a very dangerous job that puts a target on someone's back; 20% of all people elected to the Presidency did not complete their term. With that in mind, you have to consider who assumes responsibility if the President should die. Most of the time, it's not a concern; Mike Pence or Tim Kaine are both career politicians who are pretty even keel. Even someone like Dick Cheney seems like he'd be competent, if not evil. But Sarah Palin? Why would anyone feel comfortable with a 20% chance of her ascending to the Presidency? That was the concern with McCain potentially dying or being forced to resign for health reasons; you're giving the keys to someone wildly unqualified to assume the role.

That's actually why I don't understand the "concern" being raised by conservatives around Hillary's health. Because even if it ends up being an issue, the duties would fall to Kaine, and he's still a vastly superior candidate than Trump (at least with the demographics supporting Hillary, which is most of them). What's the angle here? "She might die, so abandon all your principles and vote for the guy who shares none of her positions"? It's a wildly illogical argument.
If I was shaking my head as hard as I should at these kind of posts, I probably would snap my own neck.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some people in this country?

On one hand, you have a woman with a lifetime of public service which has the following negatives:
- Allegations surrounding the Whitewater scandal, which were never substantiated and were involving Bill Clinton (she was named as a witness)
- Allegations of bullying (by her) surrounding the Lewinsky scandal where she actually was the -victim- of extra marital affair(s) from her husband
- Allegations of incompetence and cover up surrounding the Benghazi attack, which $9m or so and several committees later resulted in no wrongdoing done whatsoever. If anything it was revealed during it that Republicans blocked funds to increase security in ambassies around the globe.
- Allegations of criminal activity surrounding the posession of a private email server and the handling of Secret and Top Secret materials. After a lenghty review by both the State Department and the FBI, no criminal intent was found, although Hillary Clinton did apologize for missuing the technology and said she regretted it.
- Allegations of being on the payroll of big business due to her highly paid gigs. Like every celebrity speaker out there really...
- Allegations of having rigged the primary vs Bernie Sanders (email leak did prove that he criend of the Clinton, then head of the Dems Debbie Wassman Schultz, did show undue favoritism)
- Allegations of corruption through the Clinton Foundation and leaked emails. So far, nothing has been proven and there is not even a smoking gun, but it is ongoing.

The biggest point being: 25 years of being a Clinton, and a woman on top of that, with a big Target on her back for all conservatives.

Now let's look at Trump shall we?

- Proof that the man is a racist biggot. We have tons, from judge Curiel to "my black guy"
- Proof that he has broken the law on immigration and has multiple accounts of Fraud investigations, from the Polish workers to Russian top models, to Trump U and failed casinos/ real estate
- Proof that he has ties to Russian financial interests, from his declarations about Putin to letting our allies down in Eastern Europe to his own son
- Proof that he does not have the temperment or knowledge or even basic curiosity to be President, from attacking a Gold Star family to McCain not being a hero, making fun of a native american journalist and a disabled one, saying that Russia is "not going into Ukraine", joking about having Russian hackers into our system to get emails...etc.
- Refuses to release his taxes with bogus excuses, with what we know honting that he is both much less rich than he says (pathological liar) and likely using loopholes to pay no taxes
- Allegations of Mysogyny and even 3 counts of Rape...

I mean, I'm sure it's not even exhaustive by any means, but... the same? Seriously?

this is some good shiiii*
Clinton coughs for four minutes on stage.
Coughs for four minutes on stage.
On stage for four minutes coughing.
Stage four coughing.
Stage four cancer.

Trump was right!
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