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Hummer is dead.

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twinturbo2 said:
This. I can tell that they're going to dictate what cars they want us to drive, and I can't get my muscle car because of that. :-(


To be fair, Hummers weren't as bad for the environment as people might think. A lot of the environmental cost comes from the component used to make the car, and Hummers last a long time. In fact, Hummers are better for the environment than a Prius, which wears out fairly quickly and uses components that are a nightmare for the environment in its comstruction (foamed nickel in the battery being one example).

Not trying to justify the existence of Hummers, which are still pretty wasteful cars, just saying that the situation isn't black and white. To be honest, no one really gives enough of a shit about the environment to really make much of a difference. If people really cared, they'd be vegetarian, stop having so many kids, take public transit, live in an apartment, not buy tons of high tech toys, never buy from a developing country and demand that the government plow money into green power. Even that would just be a start, if everyone did it.


Bad gas mileage is only one component of why we hate Hummers. Stick an electric motor in a H2 and it's still an oversized eyesore that is driven poorly by drivers who feel invincible behind the wheel.


Tobor said:
Bad gas mileage is only one component of why we hate Hummers.
Thats fine, whatever floats your boat. If someone can afford it, let them. No reason to be a judgemental asshole.

Stick an electric motor in a H2 and it's still an oversized eyesore that is driven poorly by drivers who feel invincible behind the wheel.

Completely subjective, some people like how they look. Not me personally, but some people. Some people also like how Alfa Romeos look, not me personally, but some people.

Shitty drivers drive all makes and models of vehicles. You just notice the people in Hummers because they stand out and don't look like every other run of the mill vehicle.


chaostrophy said:
Good riddance. Maybe the brand had a reason to exist when the H1 was still in production. But cutting down on the rebadged crap will be good for GM in the long term. It seems like they had all these brands based on touchy-feely BS and image, that kept them from focusing on making one vehicle per class that could actually compete with everyone else's.

This was the problem I think, a h2 was just a tahoe with a different body on top of it. At least with that one not too many people could tell unless someone told them or they looked it up, the Pontiac's and the Chevy's were the exact same cars, they didn't even try to change anything on them to make them appear different, and they wondered why their sales dropped.

Also didn't you previously get a HUGE tax break if you purchased a hummer, or if you were small business owner and got it for a company car, I remember hearing they ended up almost being free, then $4 a gallon gas came lol


daw840 said:
Thats fine, whatever floats your boat. If someone can afford it, let them. No reason to be a judgemental asshole.

Completely subjective, some people like how they look. Not me personally, but some people. Some people also like how Alfa Romeos look, not me personally, but some people.

Shitty drivers drive all makes and models of vehicles. You just notice the people in Hummers because they stand out and don't look like every other run of the mill vehicle.

Sorry, but "do whatever you want because you can afford it" is not an acceptable answer in a civilized society. If it were, some rich guy would be driving an M1 Abrahams tank to work.

A shitty driver behind the wheel of a Hummer is more dangerous than the same driver behind the wheel of an Alfa Romeo. That's indisputable.

I'm not asking for the banning of large vehicles, mind you, but I do think vehicles of that size should require an advanced license, just like motorcycles and commercial vehicles.


neorej said:
Yeh you're right...

picture of defunct H1

has nothing to do with

real humvee


what was I thinking...




yeah, you're completely and utterly wrong, but continue if you must. The H1 was the only one that was ever "based" on the humvee. The H2, which is the one everyone is bitching about and is the most sold was a tahoe.
Tobor said:
I'm not asking for the banning of large vehicles, mind you, but I do think vehicles of that size should require an advanced license, just like motorcycles and commercial vehicles.

Actually, this makes a lot of sense but would be difficult due to logistics. Like, if I bought a super-sized vehicle, would my wife have to get an advanced license, too? But it does make sense to ensure that operators of vehicles this size can prove that they can operate it safely.


Tobor said:
Sorry, but "do whatever you want because you can afford it" is not an acceptable answer in a civilized society.

Yes, yes it does actually. Because if it doesn't, then we would only be able to have exactly what we "need." I don't need a house as big as I have, I don't need a big TV and a bunch of video games, I don't need to eat at that nice restaraunt, I don't need to <insert anything more than the bare necessities>

If that's how you want to live, and want everyone else to live I am very happy that you don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
A shitty driver behind the wheel of a Hummer is more dangerous than the same driver behind the wheel of an Alfa Romeo. That's indisputable.

Fair enough, but it's a fairly minor difference. I worked in auto claims as a damage appraiser, I have seen the aftermath of thousands of accidents.


CharlieDigital said:
Actually, this makes a lot of sense but would be difficult due to logistics. Like, if I bought a super-sized vehicle, would my wife have to get an advanced license, too? But it does make sense to ensure that operators of vehicles this size can prove that they can operate it safely.

Absolutely. If you owned a tractor trailer, your wife couldn't operate that without her own license, for example.

daw840 said:
Yes, yes it does actually. Because if it doesn't, then we would only be able to have exactly what we "need." I don't need a house as big as I have, I don't need a big TV and a bunch of video games, I don't need to eat at that nice restaraunt, I don't need to <insert anything more than the bare necessities>

If that's how you want to live, and want everyone else to live I am very happy that you don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Fair enough, but it's a fairly minor difference. I worked in auto claims as a damage appraiser, I have seen the aftermath of thousands of accidents.

That is the way you live. There are plenty of vehicles you aren't allowed to own and operate right now, either because you don't have the necessary training/license, or they are a public hazard, or they can cause damage to public roadways through operation.


daw840 said:
Yes, yes it does actually. Because if it doesn't, then we would only be able to have exactly what we "need." I don't need a house as big as I have, I don't need a big TV and a bunch of video games, I don't need to eat at that nice restaraunt, I don't need to <insert anything more than the bare necessities>

If that's how you want to live, and want everyone else to live I am very happy that you don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah! Fuck laws, I want to do whatever I want.


Tobor said:
That is the way you live. There are plenty of vehicles you aren't allowed to own and operate right now, either because you don't have the necessary training/license, or they are a public hazard, or they can cause damage to public roadways through operation.

That's fine, a H2/Tahoe/GX 470/Expedition/Tundra/F150/QX56/Land Cruiser/Etc do not fall under that category unfortunately. They don't do any more damage to the roads, or are any more of a public hazard, than a Crown Victoria/Impala/LS400/STS/Etc.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
daw840 said:
That's fine, a H2/Tahoe/GX 470/Expedition/Tundra/F150/QX56/Land Cruiser/Etc do not fall under that category unfortunately. They don't do any more damage to the roads, or are any more of a public hazard, than a Crown Victoria/Impala/LS400/STS/Etc.

A crown victoria has no difficulty with parking spaces nor does it block my view.


daw840 said:
That's fine, a H2/Tahoe/GX 470/Expedition/Tundra/F150/QX56/Land Cruiser/Etc do not fall under that category unfortunately. They don't do any more damage to the roads, or are any more of a public hazard, than a Crown Victoria/Impala/LS400/STS/Etc.

Actually, many residential neighborhoods have weight restrictions to limit road damage, and some of the vehicles you mentioned violate them. It's just not enforced, unfortunately. I read a great article about this a few years ago, but I'd have to try and find it.

Ideally, like I said, I'd like to see that class of vehicle get an advanced license restriction, so at least the owners will receive some training.


Tobor said:
Actually, many residential neighborhoods have weight restrictions to limit road damage, and some of the vehicles you mentioned violate them. It's just not enforced, unfortunately. I read a great article about this a few years ago, but I'd have to try and find it.

Ideally, like I said, I'd like to see that class of vehicle get an advanced license restriction, so at least the owners will receive some training.

I really don't have a problem with that, I had to get an M class license to ride my motorcycle. My contention is that they don't pose a significantly larger hazard than any other car on the road. With the obvious exceptions of course.

Funky Papa

daw840 said:
That's fine, a H2/Tahoe/GX 470/Expedition/Tundra/F150/QX56/Land Cruiser/Etc do not fall under that category unfortunately. They don't do any more damage to the roads, or are any more of a public hazard, than a Crown Victoria/Impala/LS400/STS/Etc.
An H2 is about as obtrusive as a fucking 18 wheeler unless you are driving another high riding car/truck.

Here's my point: roads are public spaces. If you act like you own them, your are a complete asshole, not unlike the Bluetooth tooting cunt that screams for his frappuccino at the top of his lungs while giving everyone else the stink eye.


Funky Papa said:
An H2 is about as obstrusive as a fucking 18 wheeler unless you are driving another high riding car/truck.
WTF? Are you high or something? An 18 wheeler is 60 feet long and 20 feet tall!!!

Here's my point: roads are public spaces. If you act like you own them, your are a complete asshole, not unlike the Bluetooth tooting cunt that screams for his frappuccino out of his lungs while giving everyone else the stink eye.

No argument here, but simply driving a vehicle that is large is not "acting like I own the road."


Funky Papa said:
That's the idea. You can't see shit driving behind one of those.

Then don't follow so close?

I don't really understand what the hell people's problem is with seeing around bigger vehicles. Hang back a little and you can see around them just fine. The only time it's ever a problem is if your waiting to turn left, and a truck is waiting to turn left opposite you, thereby blocking your view of oncoming traffic. In that case, just wait until they move. This isn't a very frequent problem really.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
daw840 said:
Then don't follow so close?

I don't really understand what the hell people's problem is with seeing around bigger vehicles. Hang back a little and you can see around them just fine. The only time it's ever a problem is if your waiting to turn left, and a truck is waiting to turn left opposite you, thereby blocking your view of oncoming traffic. In that case, just wait until they move. This isn't a very frequent problem really.

In my case, it's turning right and it happens every morning. See I'm going right but MR. F250 is going straight or left (who cares) I can't see incoming traffic because of the truck so I have to wait till their light turns green. That's precious time wasted every morning!


otake said:
In my case, it's turning right and it happens every morning. See I'm going right but MR. F250 is going straight or left (who cares) I can't see incoming traffic because of the truck so I have to wait till their light turns green. That's precious time wasted every morning!

Yeah, that's got more to do with assholes that pull up too far than it does with the specific vehicle. Really though, how much time are we talking here? 30 seconds? Do you leave yourself with margins so razor thin that 30 seconds really makes a difference? You gotta calm down man, this shits not worth having a heart attack over.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
daw840 said:
Yeah, that's got more to do with assholes that pull up too far than it does with the specific vehicle. Really though, how much time are we talking here? 30 seconds? Do you leave yourself with margins so razor thin that 30 seconds really makes a difference? You gotta calm down man, this shits not worth having a heart attack over.


I am surprised there are still some Hummer defenders. I am just going to do the Nelson "Ha-ha" as a reply. Karma is a bitch.


There's a lot of hate for Hummers here. Sure, the guys who drive them are usually douchebags, but you shouldn't need a 'special license' for a car whose safety record is not drastically different from any others'.


Good, maybe this will start a trend. Hummers are
lolz were
some of the most unnecessary cars on the road.


FlightOfHeaven said:
This whole "Hummer drivers don't affect you, so whatever!" is a perfect illustration of the Tragedy of the Commons

Yeah, it's pretty sad how many people (especially here in the US) don't consider their actions' effects on the environment or how they add up when everyone acts the same way. :(
Also, I don't get what's so laughable about the Prius (which is at this point is a stand-in for hybrids and electrics). It's a more efficient car with excellent build quality (drive pedals not withstanding, of course).

Then there's the other cars. The Volt, the Leaf, Audi's E-Tron, Fisker's Karma, and Tesla's Roadster and Model S.

Some of these are family oriented, for hippies, hipsters, and college students, and some are just plain badass. They are faster and more efficient than other cars. What's not to like here? They also vary aetheatisally, so it's not like there's not a range to choose from, and same goes for price.

And we're just getting started!

So I don't see what's so funny about "lol prius!" It just reveals a hatred based on ideology and not a thought through stance.
FlightOfHeaven said:
So I don't see what's so funny about "lol prius!" It just reveals a hatred based on ideology and not a thought through stance.

One view of this is that it's word association that is embedded in the minds of some via media figures who simply equate "Prius" and "Conservation" with ideologies/groups like "Liberals" and "Hippies". In reality, we should all be for fuel conservation, simply because that money is basically fueling the Middle East.

The other view of this is that, as would be expected of Conservatives, they are afraid of anything new and technologies that they don't understand. Hybrid engines? Electric cars? It's change and it's disruptive to a mindset that wants everything to stay the status quo.


Junior Member
Yep pretty much this.

Not exactly. The H3 was a turd. The general consensus in the auto press was that the only vehicle more capable than the H2 was the H1. There are forums full of Jeep and Rover enthusiasts in denial over that, but it's the truth.


FlightOfHeaven said:
So I don't see what's so funny about "lol prius!" It just reveals a hatred based on ideology and not a thought through stance.

Like one poster mentioned, some people believe Prii (I think that's the plural) aren't actually helping the environment because of the environmental footprint for the material in the batteries. I don't know if any of it is true, though.


neorej said:
I like this. The only good Hummer is a totaled Hummer anyway.

"Fade to a twisted memory, Hummer. The world will not mourn your passing"
Anyone who gets that reference is cool in my book.
A valid concern, but folks who make this claim also often (but not always) voice that Priuses aren't as environmentally friendly because of the carbon emitted during the production processes.

I'd respond that we can't change the supply, production, and consumption line all at once. We have to change bits and pieces at a time. Eventually, more efficient batteries will be developed, and we could recycle them eventually for their components. But we have to start somewhere, at some point in the life cycle of the product.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Link1110 said:
I like this. The only good Hummer is a totaled Hummer anyway.

"Fade to a twisted memory, Hummer. The world will not mourn your passing"
Anyone who gets that reference is cool in my book.

Lunar 2, unfortunately even though I beat that game recently, I had to look the answer up :p
Conservative Ideals Drive Hummer Ownership

* By Keith Barry Email Author
* September 24, 2009 |

2004 Hummer H2

A team of researchers has found that Hummer owners say their vehicle choice is strongly related to their personal morals. Of course, those morals are guns, guts and gas guzzlers.

According to an article published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Americans who believe in rugged individualism and the frontier myth see an H2 as John Wayne on wheels. “As we studied American Hummer owners and their ideological beliefs, we found that they consider Hummer driving a highly moral consumption choice,” the authors wrote. “For Hummer owners it is possible to claim the moral high ground.”

Researchers Marius Luedicke, Craig Thompson, and Markus Giesler interviewed 20 “U.S.-born and raised” Hummer owners who said their vehicles are rolling representations of their beliefs, the same way that environmentalists might be more likely to choose a Prius or Starbucks-haters might be proud to sit at an independent coffee shop.

We’re only surprised that 20 Hummer owners answered phone calls from a European academic named Marius.

In the article, titled “Consumer Identity Work as Moral Protagonism: How Myth and Ideology Animate a Brand-Mediated Moral Conflict,” the researchers also interviewed Hummer haters. While the folks armed with digital cameras and middle fingers at FUH2.com may be more concerned about the environment than the Second Amendment, their criticism of the Hummer is similarly steeped in their own personal beliefs. Unfortunately for the Hummer haters, the moral indignation they bring to the debate may actually be driving up Hummer sales.

“Our analysis of the underlying American identity discourses revealed that being under siege by (moral) critics is an historically established feature of being an American,” the authors wrote. “The moralistic critique of their consumption choices readily inspired Hummer owners to adopt the role of the moral protagonist who defends American national ideals.”

Emboldened by the cavalcade of hate unleashed upon them by East Coast elites who’ve never even made their own gun racks, Hummer owners may be embracing the very stereotypes their vehicles confer on them in order to prove their full-blooded American-ness. Similarly, like-minded individuals may seek out Hummer ownership to prove and show off their beliefs. We wonder if they’ll feel the same way when those H2s are built by a company called Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery.

While we’re not sure of the statistical merit of such a small study, its at least a convenient explanation of why more than one dealer has tied in firearms ownership with the total Hummer experience.

Photo: General Motors. Hummer owners drive gas guzzling monstrosities because they love America.

Read More http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/09/conservative-ideology-drives-hummer-ownership/#ixzz0ga4LwJw4

Hummer is dead.

Prius sales:

Hybrid car sales:

How is that gassy guzzly thing workin' out for ya?

The free market has spoken.


Hummers are not uncommon here in Houston. I even remember seeing a blonde chick in big bug sunglasses driving around a bubblegum pink H2.


Jexhius said:
I really hope not. What is so positive about anything they represent?
They represent America. :D
I happen to like a lot of American cars. I'm not really an SUV person, but I love big old cars. Honestly I don't really care about Hummer, but I have to admit my car probably doesn't get better gas mileage than the H2.
Has this effected gas prices yet? I can see them perhaps dropping a little bit knowing the cars with the worst mileage aren't being made anymore.
speculawyer said:
According to an article published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Americans who believe in rugged individualism and the frontier myth see an H2 as John Wayne on wheels. “As we studied American Hummer owners and their ideological beliefs, we found that they consider Hummer driving a highly moral consumption choice,” the authors wrote. “For Hummer owners it is possible to claim the moral high ground.”

Researchers Marius Luedicke, Craig Thompson, and Markus Giesler interviewed 20 “U.S.-born and raised” Hummer owners who said their vehicles are rolling representations of their beliefs, the same way that environmentalists might be more likely to choose a Prius or Starbucks-haters might be proud to sit at an independent coffee shop.

Hummer is dead.

Of course, the funny part about this is their strong identification with their vehicle choice and what type of reaction they had when 1) the brand was axed by GM, 2) it was going to be possibly sold to a Chinese company, 3) now that it's finally dead. What does it say about their ideology, moral consumption choices, and belief systems and how does it affect them? How do they feel knowing they were one party of enablers of GM's downfall? That would be an interesting follow up study.
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