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In celebration of Final Fantasy's 30th anniversary, GAF Plays: Final Fantasy games


lol I was going off of the DS jobs. Time to reroll the second job.


Knight. I'll take it.

So I now have Red Mage/Knight/Bard/Ninja


Kswiston, you're making me want to replay Final Fantasy Tactics. I got close to the end as a kid (within a stage or two iirc), and got caught up in trying to steal the Genji Gear when I played it as an adult.

I love how the game looks and sounds so much, and then SRPG has always been my thing. Thing is I'm going home and I have Tactics Ogre, Mystery of the Emblem, and Thracia 776 to play...but FFT was so so good.


Second crystal down.



So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?


So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?
2 or 3. I like FF8, but the others are better.


Going to try and play all of them in 2017.

Going to do IX & VI because I haven't done either in awhile, then do the rest in order. Hopefully the XII remaster is out by the time I get to it. Also hoping by the time I get back around to XV it will be near the end of the patch/DLC roadmap.


Kswiston, you're making me want to replay Final Fantasy Tactics. I got close to the end as a kid (within a stage or two iirc), and got caught up in trying to steal the Genji Gear when I played it as an adult.

I love how the game looks and sounds so much, and then SRPG has always been my thing. Thing is I'm going home and I have Tactics Ogre, Mystery of the Emblem, and Thracia 776 to play...but FFT was so so good.

Haha. Ya, the Genji gear can be a pain to get, which is why I will be skipping it. There's nothing that requires it to beat in the game.


So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?



Is it overkill that i am seriously considering buying an iPad so i can purchase FF9 on iOS?

is there another solution?


Started up my FFX save again from about 6-8 months ago and this is really nice. After FFXV it's feels so good to be playing a Final Fantasy that feels more like a Final Fantasy. My save was in the desert area and I feel like getting through that I already used more spells, abilities, and strategies than all of FFXV.

I also bought FFX's HD remaster for the 3rd time... Really should have got it on Vita to begin with. I bought it on PS3, then PS4 when there was a sale and now Vita. Probably going to mostly continue on Vita.


So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

My heart says VIII, I just love that game so much. But if you haven't played IX at all, you need to get on that right away. It's such a good game, I never get tired of Steiner's armour clanking when he runs.

JC Lately

So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

FF IX. VIII is great, and V is plenty of fun, but IX is something special.


So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

Play VIII, then IX. Skip V

Started up my FFX save again from about 6-8 months ago and this is really nice. After FFXV it's feels so good to be playing a Final Fantasy that feels more like a Final Fantasy. My save was in the desert area and I feel like getting through that I already used more spells, abilities, and strategies than all of FFXV.

I also bought FFX's HD remaster for the 3rd time... Really should have got it on Vita to begin with. I bought it on PS3, then PS4 when there was a sale and now Vita. Probably going to mostly continue on Vita.

It has cross save so you can switch between them. I played a lot of it on vita but switched to the ps 3 version for my favourite parts of the game, Macalania Woods, Mt Gagazet etc
So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

I say IX. Playing a completely new FF fresh around the holidays is a rare pleasure. IX is really charming too.
So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

While 9 is actually fairly low in my personal rankings (sorry GAF, but I just don't understand why 9 is as beloved as it is), I'd say play that since you haven't before.


It has cross save so you can switch between them. I played a lot of it on vita but switched to the ps 3 version for my favourite parts of the game, Macalania Woods, Mt Gagazet etc

Yup, I know that. I used the cross save feature to move from PS3 to 4 and now onto Vita. Pretty nice.


So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

FFV is the best one of those three and one of the finest in the series. You could wait for the GAF Four Job Fiesta to join in with the fun (around June?) :)

Otherwise, I recommend FFIX.


FFV is the best one of those three and one of the finest in the series. You could wait for the GAF Four Job Fiesta to join in with the fun (around June?) :)

Otherwise, I recommend FFIX.

I'm not sure really playing FFV for the first time should be during a fiesta. You get more out of FFV by experimenting with all the jobs and cutting that off the first time you try and beat it would kind of suck.
So I'm itching to dip back into the FF catalogue after FFXV and I have a few options. In the esteemed opinion of the threadgoers, should I:

1. Restart and finally finish FFVIII,
2. Restart and finally finish FFV,
or 3. Play FFIX for the first time?

IX is not only the best game in the series, it is without a question the best game of all time. I find it hard to even imagine something besting it. It did things for me that no other thing in this world has done. Go with that first. Well actually, maybe saving the best for last is actually better. Let it savor.


While 9 is actually fairly low in my personal rankings (sorry GAF, but I just don't understand why 9 is as beloved as it is), I'd say play that since you haven't before.

Characters and setting for me, I've never been massively into the twist of
Zidane basically being an Alien
. I've gotten used to it on subsequent play throughs but I don't love it. And the final boss is whatever, everything else is super charming.


I'm not sure really playing FFV for the first time should be during a fiesta. You get more out of FFV by experimenting with all the jobs and cutting that off the first time you try and beat it would kind of suck.

Yeah, that's a fair point. I do recall some folks choosing to participate in that as first-time FF5 players and enjoying it though.



As a member of a clan, the pub is a very important place as it is where they accept missions, and some of them advance the story so it's mandatory to come here. This place also has the option to read some rumors.


The rumors have som gossip, tutorials and hints at future missions. A nice way to expand the lore that fits right in this world.


The barkeeper not only earns money by serving drinks as he also charges a fee each time you accept a mission for being the middle man. At a first glance, the first mission is a very simple one, picking some herb. No experience required is a very, very rare sentence in today's world.


The barkeeper warns us that certain missions require specific items to be started, but obviously this isn't one of them. Those kind of missions can be a pain in the ass because some items have limited stock and adding salt to injury, the number of mission items that the clan can stock at once is limited, meaning that sometimes you have to throw some away. This system is poo, like the laws.


Montblanc is confident that they can do the mission. One never knows, maybe the herbs are cannibal.


After a quick trip to the mission site, the "engagement" begins!


Things are never that easy in Final Fantasy, as there are monsters in every single field.


Before the mission starts you choose the clan members which will participate in battle and their positions. The melee fighters go in the front row and the ranged characters behind because they have an easier time reaching their targets. Too bad Montblanc has to be in the front row because he definitely doesn't belong there.


By pressing select in the preparation phase we can read what kind of crazy laws have the politicians though of today. Nothing too difficult to obey. Each law has a recommended action attached, meaning that if a character performs that action he will get an extra judge point.


Today's mission is a simple "KILL EVERYTHING!" one. It should be easy!


The archer has this handy ability if you can't attack anyone in his turn. Too bad he has a good range and he can just destroy a monster instead. This would have been good with a melee character like the monk, who is just sitting there looking at the sky because he couldn't get to the monsters. Maybe we should put this skill in a melee unit thanks to the job system! Not really, because there are better sets of skills later but who knows.

Too bad, that arrow missed.


Here we can see the effect of trying to attack enemies that are facing towards the character, a bad 50% accuracy. In the end the fire only cleansed one of the monsters.


The judge recommends using poison in this battle and per chance the fencer of the group has a skill that causes it. Time to put it in practice then! It does less damage than a normal attack but the extra judge point and damage from the status effect itself are worth it.


Looks like a slaughter took place here.


It seems the herb they had to pick grows everywhere. I wonder why they needed a group of six people to pick them, maybe it's "everywhere with monsters".


After the mission we get some spoils and because it was a story mission we can place the next location in the map.


Placing a location causes the adjacent ones to activate the Trasure Hunt option. I think it can give interesting items like equipment but this time it was an ordinary Holy Water. At least you can sell it for 1000 gil.
Characters and setting for me, I've never been massively into the twist of
Zidane basically being an Alien
. I've gotten used to it on subsequent play throughs but I don't love it. And the final boss is whatever, everything else is super charming.

Fair enough. I personally can't stand Zidane or Kuja, and the twist just made it worse. I admit I enjoy the Steiner & Vivi relationship though.

But hey, maybe when I get around to a 9 replay in 2017, I'll soften on it. I'm currently doing my 13 replay, and I'm somehow softening on that dumpster fire
it's now just a garbage fire
, so anything is possible


I wanted to start this with FFXV or WoFF. Sadly, I shelved XV due to waiting for content/patches/DLC. Then I see that WoFF is kinda a blurry mess that won't be fixed till Jan 12th

Sooo... Not sure what to start now.
After feeling absolutely underwhelmed with how FF3 DS looked, I decided to give the NES version a shot, and I'm liking it a lot more.


Oh no


It's been a while since I played a game where I had to save before entering absolutely any town or castle, so I may have restarted way more than I'd like. But this game is charming so it's good.


So far so good, I just found the airship after dying in the castle so I'm gonna try it again to get that white sword.


Yes! More people need to play the NES version so they can see how awesome it is. It's so regrettable that the DS version is all most English speakers have played.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Just got to Chapter 10 in XIII, gonna try to beat a chapter a day and finish this game before Christmas.

Very doable. The chapters get longer as you go but you could pull it off with ease.

I'm at Chapter 11 on my replay. Doing a bunch of side stuff though since I didn't do that the first time I played.


Back to FF1 (PSP) and I plowed my way through both Kraken and Tiamat. The game's encounter rate is so high and the battles so easy that it just feels like a relentless slog.

This isn't the version I'm most familiar with. I was 10 when FF1 came out on the NES and I remember going through it steadily with a friend. I didn't actually own the game so I either rented it (often losing all my progress when others would save over my file) or would play it at said friend's house. I'm pretty sure if it had been one of the games I was lucky to get as a gift, I would have beaten it (like Dragon Quest 3 NES) but it never was. Dammit, mom!

Replaying it now, what is particularly striking is the complete lack of direction. You're told to go out, restore the four crystals and good luck! The game doesn't give you a lot else, aside from occasional hints from townspeople. This was commonplace over two decades ago but somewhat frustrating now and because I'm not gigantically enjoying myself, I've chosen to look over a FAQ to make things more clear.

Fortunately, we're almost at the end! I stopped this evening at the final dungeon. While the game has been generally easy so far (even the bosses), I've heard that Chaos puts up much more of a fight in the PSP version. We'll see. Once this is over, I'll turn to FF2 (PSX).
Im one trophy away from the platinum in xv and its fucking fishing. Just beatn
took me about an hour at level 69


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Fortunately, we're almost at the end! I stopped this evening at the final dungeon. While the game has been generally easy so far (even the bosses), I've heard that Chaos puts up much more of a fight in the PSP version. We'll see. Once this is over, I'll turn to FF2 (PSX).

That's an understatement. Pardon the language but Chaos can be a straight up cunt. I think in PSP version you can save anywhere though so I can't imagine it will be THAT frustrating.


I'm already over 20 hours on Final Fantasy VIII and I'm still on disc 1
Irvine joined the party and we're going to start the "Kill Edea" plan
I loved XV (my GOTY), but it's so great to play a Final Fantasy where you can talk to all the NPCs,go to a bunch of cities and have 100% focus on the story instead of doing a bunch of fetch quests
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