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In celebration of Final Fantasy's 30th anniversary, GAF Plays: Final Fantasy games


Dot Hacked

Suuuurree. Now ya all speak up! I'm thinking What isn't the only crazy person in the group but that they all are.


They're making you stop trying to assault Look again, duh.


Woah woah woah. High quality character FMV? We've not seen this in a loooong time. The budget for this scene is big! However it lack subtitles... uh and voice acting to. So I'll try an interpret this bit of it!

What: "Sup Look. I totally wasn't just about to murder you."
Look: "Off course you weren't! After all, Mr Meows said our futures together are looking up!"


I told ya those stairs weren't safe! Sephiroths fallen right off them! And in the process somehow lost his gloves?


And landed in the perfect spot to skewer Look ;_;


btw let the records show that he now has his gloves on.


Sephiroth you motherfucker. You have zero right to look so smug right now. As he did with President Shinra, he's only able to kill people by stabbing 'em in the back while they're complete defenseless. Thats the kind of villian he is.


Incidentally her useless White Materia comes loose an bounces away down into the watery depths, leaving the party with nothing to remember her by.


Its all really sad an really true.


Also thank you! Don't let villians ramble on with monologues, just shut 'em down!


She'll never get ta use her hax limit breaks anymore either!!


What's soul is crying out right now and yet Sephiroth is being a dick about it. Of course What has feelings! Doesn't he remember What lashing out at him in anger and sorrow 5 years ago?


Sephiroth flies away an leaves 'em a Jenova-Life to fight. Life? Thats ironic. Speaking of irony this Jenova is red yet it uses water based attacks. Did ya get the devs hints and equip the Water Ring to one party member and the Aurora Armlet to another? This boss can also cast Reflect which uhhh... slipped Whats mind as he used Fire 3 on her only to have it bounced right back in his face. I blame Sephiroths influence for his lack of attention/memory >.>;; With the boys being morons its This who takes action and crushes this version of Jenova!


Now how comes Jenova is finishing a sentence Sephiroth began? And didn't Jenova just die, again? Maybe its her dying words.


Now its sinking in what their inaction kinda caused.


Press F ta pay respect an all that.


Group meeting time. Lets start from the top again! Here to kick Sephiroths butt, we know. Heard this all before.


Oh really? Dealing with multiple personalities here? Would ya call this other person an id or coward by any chance?


Naturally the partys gonna stick together even after all thats gone down! An even if they can't do whatever Look was doing, its all good if they get that materia back an stop the big bad!


Well thats strange timing! Ya would think it'd come right after Look is laid to rest and that Disc 2 would start out with Whats recap. An whats with that time?! 30 hours?? I coulda beat the game twice in that amount of time! This runs soooo not a new PB for me.


Dot Hacked

The party is finally gonna let themselves go down the road they'd previously been avoiding! Time to head north!


After heading south to fend off more Shinra baddies! The prize this time was 3 Elixirs which is some good stuff. Since the party is rich now they donate a ton of money to the war fund to be charitable and all that.


Eh? Lil late there fortune machine. We're well past the turning point! We know somethings seriously wrong with What, Sephiroths endgame, and that Look is fucking dead.


Once back on track theres lotsa climbing to be done to collect great items like a Magic Plus materia and a Slav... I mean Hypnocrown. This handy accessory increases the success rate of Manipulate! You know, that materia which lets ya control enemies minds!


Heading north through the snowy fields, seeing Chocobo tracks and leaving tracks of our own leads to a town out here?!


Icicle Inn is a qauint lil town filled with snow... and backstory! Looks real mom Ifalna and Professor Gast were apparently on good terms!


Around 2000 years ago something came crashing into the planet in these snowy lands which wounded the planet big time. A crapload of Cetra tried cultivating the land to help heal it but then the thing that had crashed approached 'em an practically wiped 'em out.


Can we go back in time 5 years and show this stuff to Sephiroth? Cause he was way misinformed. That aside the planet made a pretty big blunder. It used a crapton of spirit energy to create a living weapon which went unused since the few remaining Cetra managed ta confine Jenova. And after all this time the place still hasn't fully recovered!


10 days after Look was born she still hadn't been named! She was an oddball at times an now we know thats inherited!


20 days after Look was born the doting continued! And a much younger Hojo came a knockin'. Look was 22 meaning that even over 20 years ago Hojo was an insufferable asshole.


"I need all of you." *proceeds to have Gast shot & killed* Look... Look had a hard life. Right from the very start.


Back in the present this lady is still carrying a torch for her husband who "left to go mountain climbing" 20 years ago. Suuuure. Never stop believing! What helps himself to her map and items and books it outta there.


Hey its these people! They'd left Costa del Sol forever ago yet we've somehow caught up to 'em? Seems they can't get in any skiing or snowboarding since the hill outside of town is off limits right now. Seeing as how they're still dressed for hot weather its prolly for the best.


The party picks up on a couple more rumors before heading back outside ta see about getting down that hill themselves!


One of the villagers kindly explains how to snowboard and points out trouble brewing!


Elena! The Turks are still out to get What and the rest??


Maybe not! This is personal! She thinks What attacked Tseng and won't take his denials as being any kind of truthful.


A QTE without button prompts? That means its lenient as heck. Just button mash and Elena's undodgeable punch will be dodged! And send her rolling off... sorry Elena!


Can't leave town ta go save or backtrack or anything which angers What. But think of the children!! What stands down and for playing nice the soldiers let him know something bigs happening further north and that even Rufus is there! Since they can't leave town through the front they gotta hit the slopes after borrowing a snowboard from a local kid!


Heck yeah! Trails of Cold Steel II only wishes its snowboarding minigame was this good! Got a variety of obstacles, sweet jumps, branching paths, and lotsa pain for What when he smashes into stuff!


The final jump sent 'em really far, shame they didn't exactly nail the landing! Oh an Goddamn T needs ta stop acting like an old man. He's younger than You ya know!






Next... time...?


Tower of Zot, oh god... IDK how I could forget that regular encounters can obliterate you party without you even making a move...
Hopefully I won't get this unlucky often, because that's a pain redoing it.


Dot Hacked

Okies lets no longer back down from the imposing challenge of the largest dungeon of the game! The helpy hand is being deployed an used to full effect since practically every screen has at least 2 exits!


I wasn't kidding about the exits. Now who went and left a Potion in a place like this? Dunno but I do know its a special potion! After picking it up you can still move around despite the dialogue box being up. If you keep it up and go to another screen and come back the potion will be ripe for the picking again! But ya know, if we're gonna start cheating I think we can do better than mere potions at this point in the game.


Up ahead Whats faced with a jumping puzzle! Its one of those where the blocks next to the one ya land on either go up or down. For making it across ya find a nice cave in the middle of the lake and a free accessory!


Part of the reason this place is so big is because that they reuse 4 different screens between landmarks. Forest path as shown her, icy path, snowy path, and sloped path. This makes is real easy to lose your way questioning if you'd been down this path or not before!


This actual forest screen has a well hidden item! Oh an if ya run into these "Shred" baddies and are in need of free healing, manipulate 'em into casting Cure 3 on the whole party! Better they use it on you then on themselves!


Couple more landmark screens. The first one I always mistake for the one with a hot spring! But no there is no hot here. Everythings cold an terrible. The second one is one of the four places your snowboard can land ya, and its the furthest north of 'em all which makes it the best for immediate progress.


This place uses the ultimate dick move: 1 way paths!!!!! The top and top left exits lead to different paths but ultimately to the same room. Its cruel cause theres a place north of this screen and taking the bottom path from that place will have ya entering this screen from the top exit! Taking the upmost exit is the best idea btw since it'll lead to a really hard to spot new materia! Ever feel like using Sense is a waste of a turn? Pair it up with this one and get a free attack to go with the sense!


The golems from the Cosmo Canyon area have been miniaturized and imbued with the power of ice! They're tiny and pack a punch especially if you're not keeping up on those elemental defenses!


Another slightly tricky place! Both top exits lead to the same paths, while both right exits lead to the same paths! More importantly the cave in the center of it has free unlimited Elixirs! Same trick applies! See I knew we could do better than Potion!


Couple more notable places! Not because they have items, cause they don't, but cause they're not the same reused paths we've become accustomed ta passing through by now.


Here's the hot spring! Its a must-visit if ya wanna get a brand new summon materia later!


I'm not sure if this place counts as a screen or a slice of the world map? The menu says this is "Icicle Area" same as any other time you're on the world map on the northern continent. Ya can't save or PHS here and the camera rotates on its own. Plus you can drop markers to help keep from getting lost. To the north of this cave is the Great Glaciers exit. To the east however is the way to a goodie!


Got the other half of the 1 way path scam here! Take the bottom exit and you'll have ta cycle all the way back around to get here! Turns out the barkeeps rumor was a reality and not a myth! Why this "Snow" enemy gets the boss fight theme idk cause its the same as any other "Snow" ya encounter in the glacier. Beating this one gets you the Alexander summon! Hurrah!


Now that we've seen an done all there is to do here What and the others can pack it in and call it a life as they freeze to death. Wait, noooooo!!


Okay that lady wasn't wrong, her husband has been living here for 20 years. Mr. Holzolfs been continuing trying ta climb the big old mountain up ahead of his shack here and helping out people passing through the glacier all this time!


He informs 'em the upcoming mountain climbs not gonna be an ordinary one! Another gimmick after all we just went through? This game never lets up! Oh yeah! This is free sleep place #5 was it? I really should add these to the OP.


Naaahh. The planets totally on your side! You're fighting for its sake after all!


SHOCKING NEWS: Being severely underdressed in the arctic north means you're gonna be cold!
I still need to play one of these before the year is up.

Same here. I did say I was gonna go through 1-5 but summer's halfway done and I'd rather play new games instead, not much time for gaming in general after the summer...

I might just play FF1 again and call it a year lol.

Edit: wait what am I even saying, I just started FFXV on PS4 and I haven't played this one before. At least I will probably finish that


listen to the mad man
(FFX obviously) Currently grinding Dark Matter to be able to fight Dark Magus Sisters and Penance, my last two challenges of the game. I have Tidus, Rikku, and Wakka with complete sphere grids, all stats 255 except agility (200, but with auto-haste this is maxed) and luck (~120). I have two Ribbons and my third character does not have any status protection. HP around 28,000 for everyone.

The internet recommends farming the first four fights of Dark Yojimbo and then warping out and back. The alternative is to farm Sleep Spore or whatever from Monster Arena and hope for the rare drop (1/8th chance).

It takes 5 minutes 15 seconds to do a loop of Dark Yojimbo. That's the time from warping from Airship to Mt. Gagazet -> run down to Cavern of Stolen Fayth -> warp to the back -> clear the first four fights mashing A on Quick Hit, only going to the save sphere for the free heal if someone is dead or near-death, with the 4X speed multiplier turned on. I timed this three times and it was +- 10 seconds. Then when the four fights are over run back to the back-of-cave Save Sphere and warp back to the Airship. This gets you on average 7.5 Dark Matter. You also need to remember not to kill the 5th Yojimbo fight.

Number of Dark Matter I got in the same time period farming Sleep Spore in Monster Arena:

So I would say that Dark Yojimbo is slightly faster but also substantially more work. Thoughts? Also interested in what to do about Perfect Sphere Master when it comes to Luck spheres. I was thinking about Clear Sphering away all the Luck Spheres and then just putting junk spheres in all the blanks.


listen to the mad man
I'd say Yojimbo, for now at least, to also try getting a 4-slotted armor with Ribbon for your third character along with the Dark Matters you're farming.

At this point I only need another 50 Dark Matters so it'd probably take longer to grid Break HP Limit / Auto-Haste / Auto-Protect if I got the armour. I'll probably try to grind the Triple AP Triple Overdrive Overdrive -> AP armour for powerlevelling Kimahri's useless ass for Perfect Sphere Grid.


Dot Hacked

Just like the old man said, ya gotta keep warm! Otherwise ya pass out an end up back at his place.


Course the temperature thing doesn't apply inside the mountain. Nor do the rules of fair game design! Want another Ribbon? Discover this fake wall ya can pass through! Keep an eye out for "Stilva" cause they know Magic Breath which is just about the strongest enemy skill in the game, assuming a baddie doesn't absorb fire/ice/lightning!


The next climbing part introduces dead ends! Pick the right path or have some of your time wasted.


There are a couple paths outside of the mountain that don't require climbing or keeping the heat up. Its in those places you'll find "Malboro"! They've got the enemy skill Bad Breath and aren't afraid ta use it!


Alil ways up ya can fight icicles to create platforms in a room below and find the Last Elixir! Why the party jumps down into the room several floors below insted of to that path on the left I'll never know.


After another freezing climb the party finds a nice lil rest area with free healing even! In the room beyond they come across one of the black-caped men getting killed off...


...by a hard boss! One of the harder bosses in the game if you're not properly geared up for it! Sapping both heads MP eases things a good deal to! Otherwise you're dealing with fire, ice, and earth damage! When a head dies it throws out one last revenge attack for good measure.


An at the very top, the partys final destination is at long last within sight!


While the climb was tough, just casually strolling down into the craters no biggie. Get ta say farewell to another cape guy and hello to a Gigas! Its signature attack is called MOON WARS. Which is... a punch. Lunar battles are settled with fisticuffs in this world!


This takes a moment to stop everyone an remind 'em theres bad blood between Sephiroth and herself incase they'd forgotten. What then stops everyone to act surprised even though he'd been told they were here.


Aww nuts. Shinra found the Promised Land. Years an years ago they were prepped ta go into space but apparently they'd never flown up north before. I mean this place is kinda hard to miss don't ya think? Whys Hojo there by the way? Thought he resigned.


Thats one more cape guy dead. We're up to 3 now. 4 if we're counting the one at the Temple of the Ancients.


Which brings this scene into question cause theres at least 11 of 'em here. >.>?


An then there are "Sculptures". They look like batteries to me! The games supply of strange monsters never ends!


Finally catch up to maybe Sephiroth? His dialogue boxes never state his name so who knows. He kills a couple cape guys then vanishes and drops down on the party from behind like he did to Look!!


Which as usual tosses 'em into another battle. Jenova-Death this time! This one bring out fire based attacks and eh... whatevs. Its dead to Whats Meteorain limit. The more important thing ta check out here is testing out "Fixed" battle camera angles. No more camera panning and swooping around! Its just like traditional FF kinda sorta. Bleh. I dun care for it.


Sweet! Black Materia reclaimed! Dunno why Jenova had it though. Since the real Sephiroth is up ahead, This very wisely tells What to have someone who's staying behind hold onto it. Since You is the former group leader What dumps it off on him!


And right up ahead is Nibelheim. Or an illusionary one made by Sephiroth. Who's the SOLDIER dude with the wild hair?! If you thought Whats was spikey, well he's got nothing on this guy!! This is acting concerned of the stuff being shown here but Whats just like man this is SO dumb.


And again Sephiroth subs this fake guy into one of Whats scenes. The heck is his angle anyway?


Oh, Whats figured it out and it sure is a dumb angle. Ya don't forget the kinda trauma he went through easily so I'm on team Sephiroths a big dumb liar!


Still more lies! Hojo constructed What piece by piece after Nibelheim burned? Explain Hojo not recognizing What when they met in the Shinra HQ then! No? Nothing? Didn't think so!


While What is chill about all the wild crap being said, This is getting taken in by the lies. C'mon don't be like that!


Its kinda messed up to rely on someones words to believe you are who you are. Especially if that person ever decides to start backpedaling on those words. Also Mr Meows standing next to a dead body all this time is really making these scenes extra amazing!


Sephiroth gives a rundown of Jenova's power an continues making less sense than ever. Like how do ya make someone outta someone elses memories?


The picture? Man he's really reaching now.


This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time. Oh and those shoulderpads are legit ridiculous fyi!


Dot Hacked

What knows the photos a sham cause he remembers all the stuff he'd done in Nibelheim 5 years ago. Like seeing his mom, playing This's piano, and of course that letter. A letters contents are an awfully specific thing to remember ya know. He also remembers being pumped up for his first big mission as a 1st Class SOLDIER!


He may remember a ton of little things but achieving one of his life goals? Not so much.


Materia and Mako everywhere! And WEAPON, which Hojo never told anyone about. Why's he still alive again? At least Rufus burned him by calling him a second rate scientist!


So much for You staying put no matter what!


An that was the that power of Jenova at work! The power to sucker gullible people! Ask your doctor to find out if Jenova Cells are right for you.


What, This, and Mr Meows teleport in as the Shinra crew were about to return to their ship. How an when did they learn to teleport??


Seems like This has been globally muted cause neither What not anyone else seems ta hear her pleas.

And You?

He's just being a damn fool.

The hecks with that blank gap between his lines anyway?


Ohh dear. Whats gone and given up believing in who he is.


Its always the failed experiments which make it the furthest! Hojo really is a crappy scientist if he doesn't know that much. Poor What though. He took that rejection so hard he floated away!


What was certainly being manipulated! His whole thing about Sephiroth being the true crisis for planet did ring strange to me way back at Shinra HQ and even after the Nibelheim flashbacks. Sure that turned out ta be true but it seemed more like an excuse ta go chase after him more than anything.


The real Sephiroth appears at long last! "Finally meet again"? "FINALLY"? Sounds like they haven't seen one another in a long time. Say maybe 5 years? I just knew he'd been lying!


ffs somebody please execute this madman. If the worlds ending he's gonna die anyway so just freaking do it already! Rufus at least gets how fucked things are an offers the party a free ride outta here on his airship!


Whats gone and done it again! Except this time he's given it to the real Sephiroth who's in a position to use it right away.


Planets officially in danger again which means its time for all the WEAPONs to come outta hibernation! Did ya think the name WEAPON implied there was only one of 'em?


As a bonus we get FMV Mr Meows and Goddamn T for the first time! An with one of those huge monsters zooming right by the airship (why are you fools on the deck?!) This straight up checks out.


Despite all the crap going on everybody makes it out in one piece and the airships none the worse for wear! Where are all them WEAPONs going though? Shouldn't they be tearing Sephiroth a new one?


Because this game loves flashbacks heres another! Taking place just a super short time before the very start of the game! This discovers What who's sorta outta it at the Sector 7 Station.


She questions him an finds some things not adding up. Instead of calling him out on it, This instead says "hey, wanna be a terrorist?" and bring him onboard the AVALANCHE train!


Turns out This was in a coma for a whole week and in that time Sephiroth put up a barrier around the crater, while WEAPON is running around wreaking havoc. Shinras actually been fighting back against WEAPON which is good since the partys been out of commision! Oh and Whats missing. Prolly buried up at the crater after all the crazy stuff that happened there. As for Meteor...


Pretty sure that big flaming rock in the sky wasn't there before!


Noooo don't give up! Surely something outta this can be salvaged so don't just kick back and watch the world end!


Guess they dun gotta worry about the end of the world! Screw you Rufus!


So I started to play OG FF Tactics on my Vita for the millionth time after reading duckroll's recent thread, and thanks to some nice advice from other people in it this time I actually made it past more than two battles! Now I'm on chapter 3 (just finished the library battles) and I'm having so much fun! The story is very intriguing, the general tone of the game is refreshing and the gameplay + job system are addictive as hell, this is seriously shaping up to be one of my favorite games ever.

I thought monk Ramza was too good and then I unlocked the ninja job and discovered the blessing that is martial arts ninja lmao. I'm rolling three of them Ramza included and sure they're glass cannons but dealing 280+ damage consistently is simply too good... Actually my only struggle with the game is the increasing number of story characters becoming available to me because I love my generics :(

I guess I'll start taking more pictures now to share, I kinda missed this thread but there are so many good games this year I had to take a break from FF. I think so far the only pictures I've taken are from hilarious dialogue including good ol' Teta... Why did they call her that.

But yeah, I love my kids (still trying to get used to casters outside of time mages... Too slow for my liking)


Well, I finally started FF II. Dawn of Souls port because I'll need the portability if I want to actually finish it in a reasonable time frame. Let's see if it's as bad as people say or not.

After finishing II, the only mainline title left for me will be III. (not counting MMOs or numbered sequels)


the piano man
quick question about FFX, please somebody help me.

how should I go about the empty nodes in the grid?

I am at the part where Rikku joins the party after moonflow and I am advancing in the grid with everyone but since there are so few of the nodes that fill empty spaces, I am just passing them by and leaving them empty...

if I want one complete grid, though, will I have to go aaaall the road of the grid again just to fill the spaces later on when those rare nodes are more common?


listen to the mad man
quick question about FFX, please somebody help me.

how should I go about the empty nodes in the grid?

I am at the part where Rikku joins the party after moonflow and I am advancing in the grid with everyone but since there are so few of the nodes that fill empty spaces, I am just passing them by and leaving them empty...

The spheres for empty nodes never become common; but they are farmable off of high end post-game enemies in the Monster Arena. If you aren't planning on doing a 100% run, you'll never use them. I would say the game takes around 30-40 hours, and you hit about the 70 hour mark before you fill in empty nodes.

if I want one complete grid, though, will I have to go aaaall the road of the grid again just to fill the spaces later on when those rare nodes are more common?

Yes, but you'll also have teleport spheres and be able to gain 99 sphere levels in one battle and movement on parts of the sphere grid you've already unlocked is 4 spaces per sphere level, so it's not as difficult as you might think.


the piano man
The spheres for empty nodes never become common; but they are farmable off of high end post-game enemies in the Monster Arena. If you aren't planning on doing a 100% run, you'll never use them. I would say the game takes around 30-40 hours, and you hit about the 70 hour mark before you fill in empty nodes.

Yes, but you'll also have teleport spheres and be able to gain 99 sphere levels in one battle and movement on parts of the sphere grid you've already unlocked is 4 spaces per sphere level, so it's not as difficult as you might think.

thanks for this answer.

ok, so for the time being, I should just continue ignoring the empty nodes since I won't have enough of those rare space-filling spheres to upgrade anyone/anything in a meaningful way until they become farmable with those post.game enemies, right?


listen to the mad man
ok, so for the time being, I should just continue ignoring the empty nodes since I won't have enough of those rare space-filling spheres to upgrade anyone/anything in a meaningful way until they become farmable with those post.game enemies, right?

Yep, ignore for now.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
if I want one complete grid, though, will I have to go aaaall the road of the grid again just to fill the spaces later on when those rare nodes are more common?

Yes. However, during the end game when you are grinding AP, you get it insanely fast. You can get 99 AP in a single couple minute long battle against Don Tonberry with the right setup. Even with less involved setups, you'll be getting around 33 per battle. So getting around the grid takes hardly any time at all. You'll get more AP than the entire combined game up to that point in 10 minutes. You can also farm spheres at a ridiculous rate too.

Unfortunately, despite this, the grid is so huge, it STILL takes a good 20 hours to fill it out with everybody. Longer if you want a lot of fortune spheres too.
Decided that I'd like to attempt the platinum trophy for all FF games that have one.
I've got X and XV so far. Working through VII on PS4 now. Just started WoFF on Vita.
Not sure if I want to attempt to plat FFXIV though, I imagine it's an enormous grind.

I got 4 trophies away from plat on FFXIII many years ago, so going to go back to it but worried that I may have missed something for the Treasure Hunter trophy and will have no way of knowing.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Decided that I'd like to attempt the platinum trophy for all FF games that have one.
I've got X and XV so far. Working through VII on PS4 now. Just started WoFF on Vita.
Not sure if I want to attempt to plat FFXIV though, I imagine it's an enormous grind.

I got 4 trophies away from plat on FFXIII many years ago, so going to go back to it but worried that I may have missed something for the Treasure Hunter trophy and will have no way of knowing.

Yeah. I'm slowly chipping away at the XIV one. Just have a few 1000 craft/gather ones and the 1000 leve one. The crafting ones, while tedious, don't actually take that long when you just sit down and do it. You can just spam level 1 crafts at a rate of about 1 every 5 seconds or so, and get the trophies in a couple hours each. FATEs and Leves are definitely the most time consuming. Luckily, I got FATEs naturally back when they were the go to way to grind. Leves, you can just do your 99 allowance once every 3 weeks or so. I never seem to get around to it though. Still need 750 more.

I'll be playing for years, so I'm not in a hurry to get it all done like the other games. Just got X-2 and XII left.


draw attack and counter augment combo is amazing.
I'm about 90% sure they changed Dr. Lugae in this version, because I don't remember him being this nasty, and more over this fast.

This made me chuckle:


Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked already but I got FF8 for steam and the music is... different.

There's a way to replace the music files, right?
If that is correct, where can I get the original music with decent quality?


Dot Hacked

If nothing else Scarlet sure doesn't mince words!


This is chosen to be executed first with You next in line. FF XIII and Goddamn T are nowhere to be found for some reason?


Feels like Scarlet has something against This cause she's taking great enjoyment in punching and slapping the crap outta her. C'mon Scarlet, leave some left of her for the gas!


This is kinda screwed an so is everyone else since WEAPON starts attacking! All the news people run off which gives Mr Meows time to stick it to Scarlet and help You get free!


Course Shinras not going down without a fight! An naturally they go straight for the big gun and its big boom!


And a big old miss! Gun that large takes time ta reload so Rufus says to fire off everything else they've got!


Which doesn't slow it even a bit. WEAPON rams itself right into Junon causing untold amounts of damage and other issues I'd assume.


Incidentally thats exactly when the gas chamber activates! The rooms lock can't be opened from there so This has ta hang tight!


Ack! Now the press room door is locked!! This had better be able to hold her breath for a crazy long time cause Mr Meows secret plan is leading 'em far away from this place!


Along the way to the airport they bump into 2nd Class SOLDIER! Which Mr Meows utterly demolishes! Gotta love Slots! Unlike its owner, Slots could never go rogue and betray us!


Ahem. Mr Meows this is purely a goof up on your part, right?


Mini-challenge at a time like this?? Good thing only her wrists were tied down and that she's athletic and flexible enough to get that conveniently dropped key!


WEAPONs not really seeming all that powerful here. Cool maybe but its initial beam attack only barely scratched the buildings wall. It began charing up another beam but...


We'll never know how that woulda went since a point blank huge cannon shot to the face blows its head off an sends its corpse to the bottom of the sea. Thats one planetary defender down!


This free'd herself and is planning her escape through the conveniently placed hole WEAPON had made!


Course when Scarlet and her goons come chasing, This kinda pulls a What and by just letting go and falling like head first all the way down onto the cannon barrel! Sister Ray? Thats a strange name for a huge but otherwise ordinary cannon.


Sheesh! Scarlet is hardcore about the killing thing! However she's no match for This even after all the crap she's just been through! Scarlet gets slapped down onto her ass in no time!


This almost plummets into the sea below but manages ta grab the rope to freedom an safety! Ha ha! Get wrecked, Scarlet!


That tough girl had her mind broken having ta face up to the reality of "What". Was in a coma for 7 days. After which she was drug off to a gas chamber where she had to hold her breath for who knows how long. Then had to climb outta there, endure a huge fall, get slapped around and then almost fall to her death again! Maaaayyybeee go easy on her for a moment dude?


Is FF XIII suggesting What could've ended up at the bottom of the sea? Thats no good if so!


The ships pilot here is still pretty much a newb, but Goddamn T is such a good captain that he levels him up real fast!


In any case, the airship Highwind is now theirs... where the heck did my beloved Buggy & Tiny Bronco go?!


Quote from half-demon man punched to death:
"What are you gonna do, punch me?"


(Admittedly he did kick my ass a couple of times because I was being too cautious. Turns out all I had to do was send Ramza to attack him immediately after he transforms, since I could act two turns in a row thanks to buffing myself with Yell like crazy while baiting his monk attack when he's still a human.)


the piano man
told you!

I'd heard about that challenge for years an when I finally reached that point, gave it a couple minutes then bailed. Good luck!

yeah seems hard...

well, I have the official guide and they give a couple of tips. one is to use a "no encounter" ability wich prevents getting into fights, even so.... 200 times,

I can't imagine the frustration of getting to rep. 187 and then fuckig up lol

will give it a couple of tries post end-game


Dot Hacked

Yup, we're without What. And that makes This the new team leader for some reason. Does she have it in her? Gotta find out!! The only clue to go on right now is Lifestream. Where they find that, they may find What? Sounds farfetch'd to me! Time to scour the world in search of leads, and get reactions to that thing in the sky!


How nice! The first person she speaks to is abit helpful! Gonna add southern islands and doctor the clue list!


Got a true believer in Shinra here. They did stop a Weapon but who say they've got anything else in store? The plane full of weapons sounds like it'd be a nice place ta raid, but its at the bottom of the sea an theres nothing they can do about that. Dunno the basis for Midgar being a safe place to evacuate to. If Meteor crashed somewhere nearby the impact shock'd prolly cause the plate supports to crumble killing who knows how many people in the slums, and screwing up if not also killing people on the upper sections.


Some old guys gonna go on a prayer journey for his dead friends but not until someone brings him these items. I smell a fetch quest! Lets hope its not obtuse! An does biggest artillery mean that giant cannon? They're seriously gonna move that thing?


Choco Bill says he think it'll be healthy for This and the others to raise Chocobos but he's really just in it for the money as his stables are no longer being rented out! Chloe on the other hand is just nice and gives 'em some info!


They're STILL at it?! Seems that while the party was plot-blocked up north and in Junon, there were more raids on this place! Luckily the team had given 'em a load of funds beforehand an so they were able to hold down the fort! For good measure, This handles the latest battle like a pro! Thats another 3 Elixir reward which is still pretty sweet.


Suppose it wouldn't hurt ta take a look around inside the Highwind. Goddamn T - warmhearted? Whaaaa??? Man thanks for helping steal the ship and all but I got no idea what ya see in the captain! In just as unexpected news, they can bring a chocobo onboard! Also inside the ship is free rest point #6!


Now thats a nice round number! The sleeping guy may not have anything to say about current events but he does give out another Mythril!


No buts here please! 20% of the Weapon danger being gone just a week after they woke up is sooo good! An its always about the fish an sea with the old guy here. I don't think Meteors gonna trash a whole ocean even if it landed in one!


Priscilla's got nothing ta say. Heck she doesn't even recognize This. Kids forget things so easily!


Yay! Somebody still remembers! Priscilla might know something about Lifestream? How? An why didn't she say nothing about it before?


Because talking to the guy triggers an event flag for her to give up the juicy info goods! Apparently the Lifestream is Mr. Dolphin's playground. Is she one of those peeps who're able ta speak with animals? Three-taloned island, got it. That's another clue obtained! Umm and Priscilla? Please don't get hung up over the "first kiss" thing. Kissing and CPR are not one in the same!


Its finally come to this. Gotta pay this guy 10 Gil to take the elevator up cause either What held onto the dolphin whistle personally, Mr. Dolphin fled far away due to Weapon, or both. Sigh... ya finally win bribe man.


If ya miss it so much, ever think about joining up with us o.o? Mutinys not such a bad deal!


Good ta see that some peeps are taking the current situation in stride!


In the on-going saga of this soldier boy, he's still getting drilled! An cause of that he missed out on the battle against Weapon. idk I'd consider myself lucky if I were him. Oh an apparently This has no right to enter the Respectable Inn o_O


Dunno what this ladys problem is, seems all nervous for some reason. I like this guy here who goes on like "hey so have ya heard about the navy's classified info?" then goes on to hype up some new submarine in development using Shinra's top tech!


This bars closing down for like one of the most depressing reasons ever! When this game goes serious tone it doesn't hold back! On the flipside...


...it can also do a fine mixture of silly & serious! This guy. This freaking guy. He'll never learn!


..................... *silently an slowly turns an walks away* Let us never speak of this shop again.


They seriously are moving that cannon. Holy crap! An the fate of the manager here was to do this assignment an then get laid off afterwards. Poor guy. In brighter news, this shops finally got properly restocked! In fact like all of the shops in Junon have been updated, yes even the unspeakable one. Remember the Superball? Prize for winning a war? Yeah you can just buy it now.


Uhhh thanks for letting us know? Anyhow this is the dock sans the Cargo Ship. Place has a nice view when its not being covered up by a big old ship!


Hopefully I won't see Sylph dungeon again, those spirit teams of 5 with sleep and silence spamming.... that's like real torture here.
So I'm playing VIII for the 4th time tonight and I was on the study panel and found info regarding magic. I know a lot of you probably already knew this, but I didn't check out most of the stuff on there. The magic in the game is artificially created. Sorceresses use actual magic and the para-magic that's used in VIII is weaker than conventional weapons which explains why people are using guns and swords and shit.




I think this is the only 100% lighthearted scene I've seen in 28 hours of game, I laughed so hard. RIP Mustard Minion boy.

Also, there she is

Finally got Orlandu too. I've heard a lot about this guy, so I was excited to try him, and let's just say his test battle was revealing.

"Surely, nothing could ever have more raw power than Ninja/Monk Ramza"
*Tries random offensive skill with Orlandu*
"Yeah, okay, fine"

Cheesing the fight with repeated casts of Yell is the way to go, brother, don't be ashamed.

Haha, trust me, after having that bastard hit me with his Cyclops summon a couple times I had no intention of playing fair. I had heard a lot about a certain boss you had to fight by yourself and that he was basically the reason people keep two save files, so I knew I'd have to cheese someone with yell at one point. Really cool battle though!


the piano man
I am playing through FFX for the first time, (which means please no story spoilers!) and I have to say,

this story is dark as hell, at times it feels very much like silent hill but in a more colorful enviroment. (I spoiltag my comments in case others haven't played the game)

you don't know who's alive, who's dead, what is present, what is past and why is that giant whale called Sin killing people left and right.

Yuna dancing to send those souls into the farplane? that's so dark and grim

I know FF stories are always tragic and all but at times everythings seems a bit too unsettling, a bit esoteric with all the souls and death themes.

things I can't wait to discover as the story progresses

.- Why does Auron know everything? I wonder if he is actually dead and that is why he didn't want to go into the Farplane (please don't answer this question) it really feels like the big twist is going to be him and Tidus being in some sort of soul limbo, or maybe even dead, I mean, they just came from Zanarkand and in Spira that era is long gone.

.- Will Yuna be the ultimate Hero all Guardians think she will be? I guess she will but I want to see how!

I plan on finishing Malacania in the next days. I hope the world opens up soon cause so far is ridiculously straight forward,


listen to the mad man
Without discussing too much because you're clearly enjoying it, I agree. I think the world of Spira is really depressing. Death is the only constant, so much of their culture is built around it. And the way the game keeps you in the dark about what's going on with the main characters is a little disorienting. You're starting to get to the point where you get more answers and fewer questions, though. Hope you enjoy the back part of the game.


the piano man
yeah I am finding the main cast very likeable, I don't feel like I want to skip dialogues or anything.

the game made me even laugh out loud .
when Kimari speaks for the first time, Tidus is messing around with him and says "prove to Yuna you are happy by smiling! come on show me a smile!" then kimari makes that stupid face and Tidus responds "eehh, Sad", that was very goofy and funny.

one thing I don't like though... Lulu seems mandatory at almost every turn in fights, there's always some elemental overpowered asshole in the enemy lines where I need her spells.


listen to the mad man
one thing I don't like though... Lulu seems mandatory at almost every turn in fights, there's always some elemental overpowered asshole in the enemy lines where I need her spells.

For most of the main game, your party is going to be something like Tidus, Auron, and Lulu. Yuna is needed for healing and barriers but she's basically a swap-in swap-out person. Wakka is almost never needed. It's pretty difficult with the default Sphere Grid for Kimahri to be useful at all.

Then for all the content after you beat the final boss, you will eventually have to migrate to use Tidus, Wakka, and


the piano man
For most of the main game, your party is going to be something like Tidus, Auron, and Lulu. Yuna is needed for healing and barriers but she's basically a swap-in swap-out person. Wakka is almost never needed. It's pretty difficult with the default Sphere Grid for Kimahri to be useful at all.

Then for all the content after you beat the final boss, you will eventually have to migrate to use Tidus, Wakka, and

that's interesting.

After Lulu, I would have thought wakka would be most needed. I mean if you take lulu ouf of the party, all those aerial enemies are pain in the arse to kill without wakka. Tidus and Auron seem to miss way to often, that probably gets better as they egt accuracy or seom other atribute. The most useless right now is Kimahri for me... maybe I need to learn how to use him. Also I just got Rikku and she's underleveled but fun to use steal with

and about her, a friend told me to go into rikku's area of the grid with Kimahri as soon as possible because later on I will have a one-on-one battle where I have to steal something and it's a one. chance thing. did I understand that correctly? story details aside, I don't mind having that particular event spoiled.

Joey Ravn

I didn't know this thing was going on. I am, coincidentally, playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time ever. What a strange, confusing game. It's certainly a product of its time.
that's interesting.

After Lulu, I would have thought wakka would be most needed. I mean if you take lulu ouf of the party, all those aerial enemies are pain in the arse to kill without wakka. Tidus and Auron seem to miss way to often, that probably gets better as they egt accuracy or seom other atribute. The most useless right now is Kimahri for me... maybe I need to learn how to use him. Also I just got Rikku and she's underleveled but fun to use steal with

and about her, a friend told me to go into rikku's area of the grid with Kimahri as soon as possible because later on I will have a one-on-one battle where I have to steal something and it's a one. chance thing. did I understand that correctly? story details aside, I don't mind having that particular event spoiled.

Uncertain about Stealing during his solo fight on
Mount Gagazet
, but you can learn multiple blue magics, so make heavy use of Lancet during it.

I do usually put him on Rikku's path though, just to have a Thief a little earlier.


filling bestiary is taking so long, probably I never bothered with it at all times I've played FF4 before.

I didn't know this thing was going on. I am, coincidentally, playing Final Fantasy VII for the first time ever. What a strange, confusing game. It's certainly a product of its time.

FF7 is great, I wouldn't call it a game of its time though, it was not like games of that time.


I had no clue this thread was a thing. I think I'll start up FF1 later tonight.

that's interesting.

After Lulu, I would have thought wakka would be most needed. I mean if you take lulu ouf of the party, all those aerial enemies are pain in the arse to kill without wakka. Tidus and Auron seem to miss way to often, that probably gets better as they egt accuracy or seom other atribute. The most useless right now is Kimahri for me... maybe I need to learn how to use him. Also I just got Rikku and she's underleveled but fun to use steal with

and about her, a friend told me to go into rikku's area of the grid with Kimahri as soon as possible because later on I will have a one-on-one battle where I have to steal something and it's a one. chance thing. did I understand that correctly? story details aside, I don't mind having that particular event spoiled.

The items you can steal from that boss are items that can be easily be farmed from an enemy a few areas later.

Wakka is honestly not that great unless you play enough blitzball to get his attack reels overdrive. If you do then he becomes a powerhouse.


For most of the main game, your party is going to be something like Tidus, Auron, and Lulu. Yuna is needed for healing and barriers but she's basically a swap-in swap-out person. Wakka is almost never needed. It's pretty difficult with the default Sphere Grid for Kimahri to be useful at all.

Then for all the content after you beat the final boss, you will eventually have to migrate to use Tidus, Wakka, and

I only found this true for about half the game. At that point, Yuna becomes OP and her spells do two times the damage of Lulu, making Lulu pretty useless.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
a friend told me to go into rikku's area of the grid with Kimahri as soon as possible because later on I will have a one-on-one battle where I have to steal something and it's a one. chance thing. did I understand that correctly? story details aside, I don't mind having that particular event spoiled.

Naw. That battle scales to Khimari's stats, so, it's not bad at all even if you've barely used him. I don't remember anything particularly important to steal either, unless you absolutely want every item in the game. There's better stuff out there.

What you do want to do is learn the Ronso Rages each of them have using Khimari's Lancet. Mighty Guard and White Wind. Both are very good and that's the earliest and easiest place to get them.


listen to the mad man
The big thing for the Kimahri solo battle is that you can get 3 or 4 decent rages and you can steal level 3 key spheres, I believe, but ultimately you don't need them to beat the game and you'll soon be able to farm them in the post game, so *shrug*


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Yeah. I only needed a few more key spheres other than level 4s (which you need a ton of) to max out the grid. You can get them really fast too.
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