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Introductory Posting - Chris from Microsoft!

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Welcome, Chris. It's refreshing to see someone come right out and say what they are in their first post. Don't let these wack jobs get to you- they only want attention (though don't we all). As for me, I just got my first 360 today, so I guess we have fresh starts together. Hope you guys have some good stuff planned for TGS and X06- Blue Dragon (or Lost Odyssey) demo FTW (your choice)!

EDIT: You know, we should really have a thread where all industry insiders are outed for who they really are- in a loving, caring environment, of course.

*explodes with laughter*

Never mind.


Console Market Analyst
big thanks to Goreomedy for helping fight the good fight- being bored[/QUOTE]

Now it is a work of art. If only we could have animated GIFs as Xbox Live Gamerpics.


Man I feel like a celeb walking in this thread 8), all this Christopher love <3

but seriously Chris, it takes guts to come out like this to GAF.


If a Nintendo rep outed themselves, it would be a pretty fun day at GAF. Lot's of 'Zelda with waggle? WHY?' i'm betting :lol.


Jeez, am I the only one that appreciates the fact that MS makes efforts to engage non-japanese gamers? Good luck getting a poster from Sony or Nintendo to answer any of your questions or even pretend to care.

I'm not saying don't lay in to the guy, but at least make him feel a little welcome.
RSLAEV said:
Jeez, am I the only one that appreciates the fact that MS makes efforts to engage non-japanese gamers? Good luck getting a poster from Sony or Nintendo to answer any of your questions or even pretend to care.

I'm not saying don't lay in to the guy, but at least make him feel a little welcome.

I agree with your point on MS doing this. But its pretty obvious why. I can assure you the same thing happens with Club Nintendo on the Japanese side of things, and whatever else Sony does. Microsoft is still a "kid" in the industry and their trying to make a solid impression. Its starting off slow but who knows where it'll go.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
KyanMehwulfe said:
Generally whenever I see official industry presence it results in a massive amout of sucking up and general b.s. .

LOL. Yes, GAF is always sucking up to people.


I hear Dennis Dyack stopped posting because he got sick of all the ass kissing he received

P.S - how come we get 'stuck' with community reps when avsforum gets a corporate vp spinning for hd-dvd all day?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
sangreal said:
I hear Dennis Dyack stopped posting because he got sick of all the ass kissing he received

Derek Smart left the entire internets because there was, and I quote, "an overabundance of naked love"


RSLAEV said:
Jeez, am I the only one that appreciates the fact that MS makes efforts to engage non-japanese gamers? Good luck getting a poster from Sony or Nintendo to answer any of your questions or even pretend to care.

I'm not saying don't lay in to the guy, but at least make him feel a little welcome.

The problem is the average gaffer is way too informed for these community reps. Anything they know that people actually want to know they can't talk about. What they can talk about is already known or no one cares about. People want to know how many polygons Master Chief's face is made out of, not when the Master Chief faceplate is coming out.


This is not to say that I don't appreciate having a rep on the board, but to wade into the arguement (there is an arguement right? :D ). With the way GAF works, what sort or exclusive info could GAF get from a rep that hasn't been found elsewhere and already posted from a GAF regular? The reps can't divulge anything concrete, can't respond to attacks or question that may have flamatory significance, can't do anything other than shrug their shoulders and join in some positive talking about their personal experience with the flavor(game) of the week. The only questions that can be answered are the ones where someone is too lazy to go to EBgames for a release date or 1up/IGN/Gamespot for the latest PR spin.

BTW, Welcome chris.
Questions for Chris

How much does this job pay?

Can you work from home?


this is great... I'm willing to be Sony's bitch... if the pay is good :)

Oh yeah Welcome to GAF :lol I feel bad for you already


Safe Bet said:
I've got a question actually...

Why does Microsoft care so much about the Next-Gen Format War?

You should ask amirm on avsforum (corporate vp of media group), but its obvious: HD-DVD uses more MS patents than Blu-ray so they make more money from it. Hurting the PS3 and Java are added benefits. Also, its important for them to get studios to use VC-1 because it will help in the proliferation of VC-1 into other areas like digital television. HD-DVD studios have been more welcoming to vc-1


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kangu said:
People want to know how many polygons Master Chief's face is made out of, not when the Master Chief faceplate is coming out.

We are not prepared to comment on whether or not the Master Chief's face even exists at this time, let alone the number of polygons it comprises.

We are pleased to announce that the hip new extreme Master Chief faceplate will be blasting its way to retail shelves this Holiday season at an affordable MSRP, just in time for the gift giving season.


Stinkles said:
We are not prepared to comment on whether or not the Master Chief's face even exists at this time, let alone the number of polygons it comprises.

We are pleased to announce that the hip new extreme Master Chief faceplate will be blasting its way to retail shelves this Holiday season at an affordable MSRP, just in time for the gift giving season.

Holy shit Halo 3 Wiixclusive!!!11one11!!om!g!!1
So, we're now at 5 Microsoft, our 1 Nintendo Europe guy seems to have died and their magazine guy really won't want to come back again.


Safe Bet

sangreal said:
You should ask amirm on avsforum (corporate vp of media group), but its obvious: HD-DVD uses more MS patents than Blu-ray so they make more money from it. Hurting the PS3 and Java are added benefits. Also, its important for them to get studios to use VC-1 because it will help in the proliferation of VC-1 into other areas like digital television. HD-DVD studios have been more welcoming to vc-1
Thanks for the Info..

I'll be over at Wiki for awhile if anyone needs me. :p


Stinkles said:
We are not prepared to comment on whether or not the Master Chief's face even exists at this time, let alone the number of polygons it comprises.

We are pleased to announce that the hip new extreme Master Chief faceplate will be blasting its way to retail shelves this Holiday season at an affordable MSRP, just in time for the gift giving season.


Just what I wanted to hear Stinkles!


hehehe, this is like the boiling frog syndrome....Resistance is futile. Only Master Chief can help us now!



Tieno said:
hehehe, this is like the boiling frog syndrome....Resistance is futile. Only Master Chief can help us now!


WTF is that low poly bullshit? Quick Stinkles how many texture layers does Master Chief's kneecap have?? Make yourself useful man!


The Lumines delay only adds insult to injury. I at least hope they're using the extra time to rethink all of the microtransaction bullshit they attached to the game.



CPaladino said:
**Dropping early/limited info - I'll do what I can, but as you guys are VERY well aware, I come here all guns a-blazing trying to make pals, I get fired for spilling something I'm not privy to be spilling. My main goal is to listen to you guys, and answer questions, not necessarily tell you what the release date of Halo 3 - although if you must know, it's coming out tomorrow, in synch with the Xbox vision camera :p.
How are you going answer questions if you can't quench GAF's overwhelming thirst for new info? I understand NDAs and all, but I fully expect straight answers and a lack of PR BS from a community rep.


radjago said:

How are you going answer questions if you can't quench GAF's overwhelming thirst for new info? I understand NDAs and all, but I fully expect straight answers and a lack of PR BS from a community rep.

All you're going to get is PR bullshit. I'm talking specifically about arne and co, and not about Stinkles or chespace. PR bullshit is pretty much all they know, despite being nice guys. They're not developing anything, they're not in charge of anything. Why would they know anything? Just stuff they hear on the grapevine or maybe some games they get to see at the office... which they can't talk about.


Kangu said:
All you're going to get is PR bullshit. I'm talking specifically about arne and co, and not about Stinkles or chespace. PR bullshit is pretty much all they know, despite being nice guys. They're not developing anything, they're not in charge of anything. Why would they know anything? Just stuff they hear on the grapevine or maybe some games they get to see at the office... which they can't talk about.

not to derail the thread that's all about chris, but...

lol, unless you know what i specfically do, I wouldn't be making assumptions. especially the ones bolded.

the "I can't talk about much usually" part is true though, and that would go for chespace, stinkles or jesiatha or any of us that are privy to developments, games and future plans.

besides, I have no desire to be the ms prophet, there's already one prophet on this board, we don't need more than that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kangu said:
All you're going to get is PR bullshit. I'm talking specifically about arne and co, and not about Stinkles or chespace. PR bullshit is pretty much all they know, despite being nice guys. They're not developing anything, they're not in charge of anything. Why would they know anything? Just stuff they hear on the grapevine or maybe some games they get to see at the office... which they can't talk about.

LOL. Yeah I don't know shit about anything.


arne said:
not to derail the thread that's all about chris, but...

lol, unless you know what i specfically do, I wouldn't be making assumptions. especially the ones bolded.

the "I can't talk about much usually" part is true though, and that would go for chespace, stinkles or jesiatha or any of us that are privy to developments, games and future plans.

besides, I have no desire to be the ms prophet, there's already one prophet on this board, we don't need more than that.
I consider "I can't talk about that" to be straight talk. You're not dodging the bullet; you're just telling me to put away the gun for now.

I recall Stinkles talking about mastering walking that line. Saying "Microsoft does not comment on rumors or speculation" will get you nowhere with gamers and the enthusiast press. Meting out small details on a regular basis will keep the fanboys at bay and maintain interest in your game.


hadareud said:
is chris now also coding with you on psychonauts bc arne?

no, we drew straws.

chris got phantom dust.

chespace got advent rising

jesiatha got ootogi

stinkles got shrek super party


CPaladino said:
My name is Chris Paladino, [...] A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being hired by Microsoft as a part of our Xbox Community Team.
Good luck replacing Cesar, that's a tough act to follow :)


Who cares how much you dudes know if you arn't going to tell us? And where the hell is J Allard? why is it some secret? Why did you let dead rising through QC? Why did you lock out the DFP? Why is there no MSN messenger or IE for the 360? why am I asking these questions I know you can't answer? :lol
If God was a mod here He'd go through and add WHERES LUMINES? to every post here.

Actually, he'd probably just screw with the board so that any post chris reads is WHERES LUMINES?

Seriously, WHERES LUMINES? If DigDug is this week, and OMGSUPERNEWXBLAFRANCHISE is next, that's three damn weeks till we get a port of Trog! or some other shit that's not Lumines.
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