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iOS Gaming August 2015 | Last chance to play your favorites before iOS9 breaks them

Never played a FF game (never really got into JRPGs), maybe I'll check out VII.


New screenshots of Lara Croft GO, confirmed to be $4.99


Anyone know the install size of Galactic Keep?

Despite my earlier post, I don't know if I can resist FF VII. Thinking it and Galactic Keep tonight. And putting Dungeon of the Endless on the back burner.

I know it's a cliche to say, but FF VII still remains my favorite JRPG of all time. And to have it on the go...just..can't..resist.

It's a big statement that the only RPG ports I have bought from SE are Final Fantasy Tactics and The World Ends With You.

The Dragon Quest and other Final Fantasy games, I was happy enough to play elsewhere.

This one, however, has too much nostalgia for me. It was actually the first JRPG I ever played.


Maybe in screenshots, but trust me, the game is insanely polished presentation-wise. The sound design really brings the game to life. Everything down to each monster's individual attacks is described in detailed text.

Oh I believe it's polished. It's just not my cup of tea. Too abstract/board like to me.


I'm really really REALLY sad to inform you all that Galactic Keep won't be out tonight.
Maybe in a couple of days.

The dev found a really small issue just now and have decided to pull the game.
Patch has been already submitted and a fast processing was requested.

I admire the dev for his total integrity but considering how small was the issue (a potential crash when using a particular weapon plus a critical) I would have published the game nonetheless and maybe enjoyed an apple feature.

This was posted by the dev on TA forums:

That Thresher!
We found an issue in the new build. It's small and will probably not happen to everyone who plays but it causes a crash...and we've worked on this game far too long to release it with an issue like this.

To be specific, if you use the Side Handled Thresher weapon on a beast and you get a crit hit that disables their attack, the game crashes. If you continue, it'll crash. It's a very random thing to have happen but it *could* happen easily enough that we're considering it 'critical'.

We have a request in to Apple to expedite approval of the fixed build but we haven't heard back as of yet so we're planning on pulling the approved build completely and resubmitting the fixed one. We really regret that this happened and were VERY excited to get the game out into the world but, as hard as this is for me to write, it might take a couple more days.


I'm really really REALLY sad to inform you all that Galactic Keep won't be out tonight.
Maybe in a couple of days.

The dev found a really small issue just now and have decided to pull the game.
Patch has been already submitted and a fast processing was requested.

I admire the dev for his total integrity but considering how small was the issue (a potential crash when using a particular weapon plus a critical) I would have published the game nonetheless and maybe enjoyed an apple feature.

This was posted by the dev on TA forums:

Boo!!! Makes that promo code miss all the more painful. Just kidding...

Does show how much pride the Dev has in the game to possibly sacrifice bigger exposure from the normal release window and/or an Apple feature (hope he can still get the latter).


Boo!!! Makes that promo code miss all the more painful. Just kidding...

Does show how much pride the Dev has in the game to possibly sacrifice bigger exposure from the normal release window and/or an Apple feature (hope he can still get the latter).

To be honest people may or may like the game, but one thing it's clear...it's a labor of love and I can testify the game in alpha state last year was MUCH more polished than a LOT of praised games in the AppStore.
Actually I think during the whole beta I had just 2-3 crashes.
It must have been a really tough decision...but it shows that this is his baby and nothing could even scratch it.


Urghh. Still kind of on the fence with FF VII. The UI sounds like it isn't very good. Kind of looks like the overlay you'd use with an emulator.

Sure it has MFi support if you want it. But if I'm going to use a controller I might as well just play the PS1 version on my PSTV. Defeats the purpose of having it for on the go.

I can emulate it on my Shield Tablet if I really wanted to.
Been playing some Dungeon of the Endless. It plays flawlessly on touch, so that's good

And it's hard as fuck. Your goal is to travel through 12 floors, roguelike style, and so far I haven't been able to reach the second

You have a lot of things to juggle
- Four different resources, for powering rooms, leveling up, building modules (think towers), etc
- Your heroes, each with different stats and abilities
- Choosing which rooms to power and which modules to build

The gameplay is divided into two phases. The first has you exploring the floor, searching for exit. The game is pseudo-turn based, each "turn" occurring when you open a door. Each time you open a door, it's rife with tension, because you don't know what lies beyond. So you better be prepared beforehand

Then once you find the exit, you need to transport your power crystal to the exit, as hordes of enemies pour in. This is where the rooms you powered and the modules you've placed really matter.


Very tempted by FFVII. I feel like I'll be more likely to finish the game by playing it on my phone, but I don't know... I'm pretty far on my PS3 file, so to do all of that all over again for the... fifth time? I just... don't know.

I want it, but I don't want it.


The appstore description of FFVII says you can opt for analog stick or dpad. I wonder if this means they implemented analog movement in the game. Probably not but...

edit: just saw on TA that there's no touch screen commands, it's all through virtual buttons. LOL, I'll pass.


The appstore description of FFVII says you can opt for analog stick or dpad. I wonder if this means they implemented analog movement in the game. Probably not but...

edit: just saw on TA that there's no touch screen commands, it's all through virtual buttons. LOL, I'll pass.

Exactly why I may pass. With them also doing a PC to PS4 port (aside from the remake), I thought the very least they would have done was a v-stick for movement. Surely they won't make the PS4 version use the directional buttons? Or will they?

It just seems lazy overall.

I'll wait to hear more impressions but it's a tough call because I still would be nice to have it on my iPad.

Edit: Just read that the virtual controls do have an option for using a floating stick. I guess still only eight way movement, but a stick is still an improvement in that regard. I don't know why but I always hate d-pads for movement. I'm strange that way.

Matt Frost

Well I am not getting FVII either, but due to space issues. I need to finish Transistor first and the Sorcery! series as well before getting into this one for the second time. Oh well, the things of having a 16gb iPhone... not doing that mistake again lol


Exactly why I may pass. With them also doing a PC to PS4 port (aside from the remake), I thought the very least they would have done was a v-stick for movement. Surely they won't make the PS4 version use the directional buttons? Or will they?

It just seems lazy overall.

I'll wait to hear more impressions but it's a tough call because I still would be nice to have it on my iPad.

Edit: Just read that the virtual controls do have an option for using a floating stick. I guess still only eight way movement, but a stick is still an improvement in that regard. I don't know why but I always hate d-pads for movement. I'm strange that way.

I hate dpads for movement too. I was hoping that a virtual analog stick would mean analog movement, but that's not the case. And no touch command for menus and battle is criminal when every FF before had that.


Apparently in Apple someone really wanted to play Galactic Keep....

It was granted a fast review and it's already in review...so it might be on the AppStore tonight after all.


Actually it's out worldwide. Available on the US store too

And...I have another promo code to share. Preferably someone who hasn't played it before :p

would it be incredibly rude for me to ask for it?

somebody recommended it to me earlier in the thread and I'd love to give it a try


To everyone that bought or will buy Galactic Keep....a personal advice.

Put your best headphones in your ears, close the lights, and sink in Galactic Keep weird world and get lost between temporal malfunctions and the Coalition.

Chances are you won't be disappointed.
Cross-posting, my thoughts on Galactic Keep:
Here are my impressions:

Gameplay in Galactic Keep revolves around exploration and combat, and it's all driven by rolling dice. The numbers you roll each turn indicates how many spaces you can move, the strength of your attack, and so on.

But that doesn't mean Galactic Keep is reliant on luck. You have four tactical options: attack, block, special, and items. Smart use of your skills and equipment is needed to survive as well. The combat is turn-based and there's an incredible amount of depth due to all the different weapons, items, and skills

Your human assassin may be able to disable robot enemies or pull off critical strikes that compound in damage with each attack. A machine class can have a bionic arm that boosts damage for X turns or a kinetic shield. A pirate can pickpocket and steal an item from an enemy. And so on

You can modify weapons, wield a vast array of grenades, guns, and melee weapons, use buffs and modifiers, and gain experience

Enemies have AI based on line of sight and other factors, so abilities like a pirate's cloaking suit can be useful out of combat as well

It's just brimming with atmosphere and fantastic writing. The environments, the exotic creatures and weapons, the items, every attack is brought to life with vivid descriptions and hand-drawn art. Excellent sound design only add to the immersion, with individual enemies, attacks, abilities, and weapons all having unique sound effects.


Think I've settled on not getting FF VII. Just sounds too much like a half-assed port, which is kind of sad when other iOS Final Fantasy ports had more effort put into them.

Almost as if they figured it would sell on recognition alone so who cares about adapting it properly for touch screen.

Anyway, I know we're all excited about Galactic Keep but on the opposite side of the spectrum, has anyone looked at Ace Maverick?

Looks like good arcadey helicopter fun and uses Metal.


Along with the huge releases tonight, there's some sales worthy of mentioning:

Gentlemen! $4.99 ---> $1.99
Piloteer $2.99 ---> $.99
The Nightmare Cooperative $3.99 ---> $.99
Pivvot $2.99 ---> $.99
Polymer $2.99 ---> $.99
David. $1.99 ---> Free


All this talk of FF7 made me boot up my PS3 for the first time in... I don't even know how long just to play it.

Thanks, everyone. Thanks a lot.


Really excited for Horizon Chase tonight. Been looking forward to it for some time.

Anyone planning on making a thread for it? If not, I may do it as I feel like it might go under the radar and it's something GAF would probably enjoy.
Along with the huge releases tonight, there's some sales worthy of mentioning:

Gentlemen! $4.99 ---> $1.99
Piloteer $2.99 ---> $.99
The Nightmare Cooperative $3.99 ---> $.99
Pivvot $2.99 ---> $.99
Polymer $2.99 ---> $.99
David. $1.99 ---> Free
Nightmare Cooperative is so good. A shame that the devs are no longer making games

David. should have new content coming soon

And Piloteer is what Backflip Madness could have been with more structure, and is from the dev of Pivvot


And Piloteer is what Backflip Madness could have been with more structure, and is from the dev of Pivvot

I finally picked up Piloteer and, wow, do I suck. Cool game but going to take me some time to get used to the controls.

Grabbed Galactic Keep, but am waiting for the wife and kids to go to bed so I can play it in peace and quiet.

Thinking about Dungeon of the Endless, Ace Maverick and Horizon Chase. May end up keeping Dungeon of the Endless on my wish list. I have a lot of deep games on my plate so some short play, mindless arcade style games would be good to balance things out a bit. With work, kids going back to school and the wife, I don't always want to have to use my brain. :)
What an amazing month so far:
- Galactic Keep
- Dungeon of the Endless
- Final Fantasy VII
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
- Pixel Dungeon
- Loot & Legends
- Spider 2
- Five Nights at Freddys 4


The Pac-Man meets Crossy Road game "Pac-Man 256" is out now on iOS:
Super, super fun game. Posted in the OT(?) about my experience:
Loving the hell out of this game. Thought I'd support it by buying the coin doubler for $6.50AU until I realised there's an option to buy an infinitely more useful infinite credit option for $10... but you only get that option when you run out of credits (so I didn't know it was possible). Bit bummed, but it's still a great game so I'm happy to support it.
So yeah, other than that, really enjoying it. Super polised and great fun.
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