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Is Anyone Actually Single?

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I'd hazard a guess guys do it far more than women do, due to the simple nature that there's far, far more men on these websites than women and thus to stand out from the pack (as when given options people tend to be more picky) put themselves in the best possible light or straight up lie.

Yeah I think women tend to do the whole MySpace angles/elaborate makeup/filters shit more, but it's still a picture of them. They're not really lying, but rather distorting or deliberately leaving things out. OK I guess that sort of counts as lying but...

It seems like men are more prone to just straight up lying about themselves in their profiles. For a lot of guys height is a huge one. I've read so many stories where women show up, and the dude is like 5'8" despite putting 6' in their profile. Height is the dumbest thing to lie about since they are 100% going to find out. Another is what they do for a living, or how much they make. Oh, and dick size if that ever comes up.

I had a friend back in the day who lied about his HOUSE. Dude was looking after one of my friend's cats while he was away, and brought some girl he met online over there and told her it was his place lol.


If I am going to be spending $40-$60 on a date, then I want to know what you really look like.

Women are also human beings and not objects for you to purchase control of. Additionally, the idea that makeup or a photo is deception means you're thinking everyone is out to "trick" you. Starting off on that foot, why are you even dating?


Women are also human beings and not objects for you to purchase control of. Additionally, the idea that makeup or a photo is deception means you're thinking everyone is out to "trick" you. Starting off on that foot, why are you even dating?

I can see that we have another person who has failed to read this thread. Seriously, this should be a requirement before cherry-picking comments and twisting them to fit your view point or agenda. And I don't know how you get "thinking everyone is out to trick you" out of saying that people should be honest and not lie.

And what's really funny, is that you somehow equate me wanting to spend my time and money on a woman who is honest as wanting to "control women". It is completely ridiculous.
I can see that we have another person who has failed to read this thread. Seriously, this should be a requirement before cherry-picking comments and twisting them to fit your view point or agenda. And I don't know how you get "thinking everyone is out to trick you" out of saying that people should be honest and not lie.

And what's really funny, is that you somehow equate me wanting to spend my time and money on a woman who is honest as wanting to "control women". It is completely ridiculous.

I still maintain you bringing money into the equation is inappropriate, it's the notion of "I spent X amount so I DESERVE something." However, I backed off because this is not my argument to enter. I have never online dated and I haven't been single for over a decade. And anyone I have been with I've met in person before any romance happened.


I still maintain you bringing money into the equation is inappropriate, it's the notion of "I spent X amount so I DESERVE something." However, I backed off because this is not my argument to enter. I have never online dated and I haven't been single for over a decade. And anyone I have been with I've met in person before any romance happened.

"Can you believe that guy? He thinks just because he spent money, I should have actually been honest. The nerve of him." Do you realize how you sound right now?
Women are also human beings and not objects for you to purchase control of. Additionally, the idea that makeup or a photo is deception means you're thinking everyone is out to "trick" you. Starting off on that foot, why are you even dating?

Good thing you have womankind's back.

Yeah I think women tend to do the whole MySpace angles/elaborate makeup/filters shit more, but it's still a picture of them. They're not really lying, but rather distorting or deliberately leaving things out. OK I guess that sort of counts as lying but...

It seems like men are more prone to just straight up lying about themselves in their profiles. For a lot of guys height is a huge one. I've read so many stories where women show up, and the dude is like 5'8" despite putting 6' in their profile. Height is the dumbest thing to lie about since they are 100% going to find out. Another is what they do for a living, or how much they make. Oh, and dick size if that ever comes up.

I had a friend back in the day who lied about his HOUSE. Dude was looking after one of my friend's cats while he was away, and brought some girl he met online over there and told her it was his place lol.

Not sure how men doing it invalidates any point made in this thread. It's shitty all around.
"Can you believe that guy? He thinks just because he spent money, I should have actually been honest. The nerve of him." Do you realize how you sound right now?

If you met up with someone who clearly lied in their profile, why did you go through with the date enough to spend money on them?
"Can you believe that guy? He thinks just because he spent money, I should have actually been honest. The nerve of him." Do you realize how you sound right now?

She is 100% spot on. The fact that you spent money on a date means absolutely nothing, you're not entitled to shit.

Also let's stop with this bullshit of calling girls who put up a flattering picture deceitful. Everyone puts up their best looking photos on dating sites and only shares the best details about themselves. I haven't seen anyone make a legitimate argument differentiating that from what everyone else is doing.

No one shares thir negative traits and everyone tries to minimise the less attractive parts of their body. It's only when a fat girl had the nerve to try and make herself look as good as possible that suddenly there is an issue.

If they are photoshopping themselves that's one thing but otherwise the picture they provide is actually them, no matter how much you try and spin that. Maybe base your choice of dates on more than one or 2 selfies posted on a dating website and you won't have such an issue.


If you met up with someone who clearly lied in their profile, why did you go through with the date enough to spend money on them?

Because I am not an asshole about it. If I invite someone out on a date, then I am going to go through with it. Unless a girl attempts to pay, I pay for all first dates.

She is 100% spot on. The fact that you spent money on a date means absolutely nothing, you're not entitled to shit.

Also let's stop with this bullshit of calling girls who put up a flattering picture deceitful. Everyone puts up their best looking photos on dating sites and only shares the best details about themselves. I haven't seen anyone make a legitimate argument differentiating that from what everyone else is doing.

No one shares thir negative traits and everyone tries to minimise the less attractive parts of their body. It's only when a fat girl had the nerve to try and make herself look as good as possible that suddenly there is an issue.

If they are photoshopping themselves that's one thing but otherwise the picture they provide is actually them, no matter how much you try and spin that. Maybe base your choice of dates on more than one or 2 selfies posted on a dating website and you won't have such an issue.

When people try to "minimize" 90% of their body, then that is a problem. And enough talk about my money. I can clearly see that this is an attempt to go down the strawman path.
Because I am not an asshole about it. If I invite someone out on a date, then I am going to go through with it. Unless a girl attempts to pay, I pay for all first dates.

"I'm not an asshole about it, I just expect the girl I invite out to actually be as beautiful and slender as I imagined her 3 profile images to be!"

When people try to "minimize" 90% of their body, then that is a problem. And enough talk about my money. I can clearly see that this is an attempt to go down the strawman path.

Now, this is the real divide in my positioning I recognized. I don't know the level at which people lie about their own appearances? Was your experience the person in question had only posted cute looking headshots with flattering makeup, or are we talking full on liquefy tool in Photoshop from a picture that was clearly 10 years old?

I recently broke up with my partner, after a few years, and I've been trying to get back into dating.
However, it turns out that literally everyone I speak to is in a relationship, or married. TV has lied to me. There aren't a bunch of single twenty-thirty somethings. They're all content in relationships.

I've had to resort to online dating, my god, it's awful. It took me 3 dates to figure out that pictures don't reflect reality. Seriously people, post honest images, you're just wasting everyone's time if you don't.

Don't use free sites...


If you are worried, just don't go on any dates with girls without a full body picture, problem solved

I actually have been out on at least two dates with women who had full body shots that looked nothing like they did at the time. These girls clearly had used old photos, which have also been discussed in this thread.

"I'm not an asshole about it, I just expect the girl I invite out to actually be as beautiful and slender as I imagined her 3 profile images to be!"

Now, this is the real divide in my positioning I recognized. I don't know the level at which people lie about their own appearances? Was your experience the person in question had only posted cute looking headshots with flattering makeup, or are we talking full on liquefy tool in Photoshop from a picture that was clearly 10 years old?

As mentioned earlier, not wanting to date heavy women =/= wanting to only date slim models. There are plenty of women inbetween. Also, I have ran into women that used all kinds of techniques, fortunately, the woman that I have been seeing has been 100% honest with me.
"I'm not an asshole about it, I just expect the girl I invite out to actually be as beautiful and slender as I imagined her 3 profile images to be!"

Now, this is the real divide in my positioning I recognized. I don't know the level at which people lie about their own appearances? Was your experience the person in question had only posted cute looking headshots with flattering makeup, or are we talking full on liquefy tool in Photoshop from a picture that was clearly 10 years old?


Why does everyone on your side keep doing this argument ad absurdum? No one is expecting a beauty queen. We just want a responable facsimile of what's depicted in the photos. That's really too much to ask, and to ask it makes a person an asshole?
Why does everyone on your side keep doing this argument ad absurdum? No one is expecting a beauty queen. We just want a responable facsimile of what's depicted in the photos. That's really too much to ask, and to ask it makes a person an asshole?

Does it make me an asshole if I expect the person I met up with to make as much money as they claim in their profile? Should I ask about it right up front? Does that make me an asshole if I ask how much money they make?

Expecting superficial things does make you a bit of an asshole.
Lying also makes you an asshole, not arguing there.
My point in all this is I don't believe online dating really works. I feel it takes the human element out of meeting people and sets up everyone for disappointment. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions where people are happily married after meeting online, but in my personal observation I've never known any friends that made it work. Sorry to derail your thread OP, but I really wish you the best in meeting people. My best advice would be focus on yourself. Really go out and try to pursue a hobby you love. Work on yourself at the gym and I believe meeting a single person you connect with will happen naturally.


Online dating works if you bring a good deal to the shopper. The higher quality meat you bring, the more likely the customer is to be interested in purchasing you. Of course, it is a one sided market and always will be. Bring that meat, men.
Maybe you should be asking them if they work out and the such, just like you, rather than looking at a few pics and deciding to date based upon that?

No wait what am I kidding, of course you wouldn't do that lmao. That makes too much sense. Honestly it's like none of you guys complaining about photos actually talk to the women you're about to meet up with.
Well if I did ask that, I might get some normal weight women offended or something, especially the ones who are self conscious. Plus I don't bother with smalltalk much, that's best left for the date for me.


Single for like 6 months, still recovering from my breakup, but it's not completely terrible. Got more freedom to do what I want

Two Words

This argument that "you're an asshole for caring that somebody lied about their appearance" is so absurd. Guess what. Having your first impression with somebody be that they deceived you is not a great first impression. This isn't hard.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Dating is expensive as FUCK. My savings is pretty much depleted from it. Though last night, she paid for the dinner, which was around $35 tighter, but I ended up paying for drinks after hopping to two bars.

I thought you admitted that you were done with dating because of the expenses, and would rather just masturbate?

I was going to ask how its going.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Never been on a date. At this point I doubt I will even find anyone who would remotely see me as attractive


I've had to resort to online dating, my god, it's awful. It took me 3 dates to figure out that pictures don't reflect reality. Seriously people, post honest images, you're just wasting everyone's time if you don't.

this is why you ask for live pictures before going on a date. also, after i did the tinder thing for a few months i realized that the average girls in pictures turned out to be the pretty ones in reality. most of the time they don't take the effort to put in good pictures , and just throw whatever on there.

the pictures that are like WOW SHE'S SO HOT WHY IS SHE ON HERE pictures are always bullshit.
Does it make me an asshole if I expect the person I met up with to make as much money as they claim in their profile? Should I ask about it right up front? Does that make me an asshole if I ask how much money they make?

Expecting superficial things does make you a bit of an asshole.
Lying also makes you an asshole, not arguing there.
My point in all this is I don't believe online dating really works. I feel it takes the human element out of meeting people and sets up everyone for disappointment. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions where people are happily married after meeting online, but in my personal observation I've never known any friends that made it work. Sorry to derail your thread OP, but I really wish you the best in meeting people. My best advice would be focus on yourself. Really go out and try to pursue a hobby you love. Work on yourself at the gym and I believe meeting a single person you connect with will happen naturally.

I don't advocate lying in any way, shape, or form in one's dating profile. Again, where did that come from? Where has someone said that it's okay to do any of that stuff?

Not sure why you think online dating doesn't work. I've been successfully online dating for years. It most certainly works, and works well. If you can avoid the deceptive nonsense out there and find people that you are attracted to and match well with. It's absolutely possible.


Well if I did ask that, I might get some normal weight women offended or something, especially the ones who are self conscious. Plus I don't bother with smalltalk much, that's best left for the date for me.
So like, what do you do before even going on a potential date with someone? Just look at their pic?

Weird. I would have thought people were putting more effort pre-date.

Why does everyone on your side keep doing this argument ad absurdum? No one is expecting a beauty queen. We just want a responable facsimile of what's depicted in the photos. That's really too much to ask, and to ask it makes a person an asshole?

I looked at the pics you uploded to your site and like, you said you were "a bit chubby" but I can't tell that from your photos at all. They're also all nicely angled shots. Kind of confused me as to why you're so offended that others do similar to you. It's just people highlighting their good aspects and not trying to intentionally deceive you (most of the time, I'd assume) just as you're not deceiving anyone with your appearence on your website.

I really want to see what kind of photos you use for online dating now.


Never been on a date. At this point I doubt I will even find anyone who would remotely see me as attractive

Come on man, have some confidence in yourself. What can help is, instead of focusing on how unattractive you feel, focus on making others feel attractive.

Not sure where I read it, but treating someone as if they were attractive regardless of whether they actually are will massively boost their self-esteem and by proxy their actual attractiveness. It's all about confidence. And I'd imagine it reciprocates.


Come on man, have some confidence in yourself. What can help is, instead of focusing on how unattractive you feel, focus on making others feel attractive.

Not sure where I read it, but treating someone as if they were attractive regardless of whether they actually are will massively boost their self-esteem and by proxy their actual attractiveness. It's all about confidence. And I'd imagine it reciprocates.


I used to feel like that way, it's only been in the last few years where I've changed that mentality, for the better.

I'm currently dating the most amazing, wonderful incredible woman. Going on 8 months now and I'm the happiest I've been in a long, long time.

You're only unattractive if you think are. It's a self fulfilling cycle. Once you break it, the world gets considerably better.


All you people complaining about how disappointed you'd be by your date not being physically attractive must be shining examples yourselves.

Come on, not this shit again. No one is saying that people have to be perfect, or that they themselves are perfect. I know all I want is people to be honest. My criteria for someone I find attractive aren't that high, mainly just not fat.
I do have a type, but that's something I've learned from successful relationships.

So like, what do you do before even going on a potential date with someone? Just look at their pic?

Weird. I would have thought people were putting more effort pre-date.

I always spend a good couple of days sending online messages to see if there's conversation, then I ask to have their phone number to ensure that conversation flows on there too. That's usually a good indication of how the date will go.
Some women have refused to give me their phone number though, understandably, but I just call it off then because I don't want to sit through a hour or more of awkward silences. I'd rather go on one date with someone who lied about their looks than 1 date with someone who I can't talk to.


I always spend a good couple of days sending online messages to see if there's conversation, then I ask to have their phone number to ensure that conversation flows on there too. That's usually a good indication of how the date will go.
Some women have refused to give me their phone number though, understandably, but I just call it off then because I don't want to sit through a hour or more of awkward silences. I'd rather go on one date with someone who lied about their looks than 1 date with someone who I can't talk to.

I would have thought Skype chat would be pretty popular these days, rather than just going right for the phone number. Before my partner and I were at the "dating" phase we often Skype video chatted.


I would have thought Skype chat would be pretty popular these days, rather than just going right for the phone number. Before my partner and I were at the "dating" phase we often Skype video chatted.

Never thought about Skype to be honest. I only ever use Skype to talk to one friend, but that sounds like a good idea.


Junior Member
Hey that is your right, we all know what we like and don't like. I myself am attracted to women who are on the slimmer side as well. While i do agree that our society has become very lazy and obese, that does not mean that we have to be a dick to people who are overweight. There could be a number of reasons why, like a medical issue, but you cant call someone weak just because they don't attend a gym. Frankly its because of people like you that more people don't attend gyms because of the looks and comments people like you give them when they go to a gym. I've heard a lot of nasty shit directed at overweight people at the gym during my workouts and THAT my good sir is what is actually "a damn shame."
I actually don't believe in vilifying people. I think it's absolutely terrible to treat someone differently based on their weight. Indeed, that is a damn shame.

My point is that we have a retarded wave of feminism which believes in incredibly stupid shit such as accepting the notion of obesity, avoiding personal grooming and hygiene etc.

So my problem is with not with individuals who may or may not be overweight - or what kind of lifestyle they choose to live, but rather, the larger 'viewpoint' regarding this whole issue. Personally I think societal pressure to conform to a healthy lifestyle is better than to simply proclaim 'you should be completely happy and satisfied with your own (destructive) lifestyle choices'.

tl;dr don't hate the playa, hate the game.
Not sure why you think online dating doesn't work. I've been successfully online dating for years. It most certainly works, and works well. If you can avoid the deceptive nonsense out there and find people that you are attracted to and match well with. It's absolutely possible.

Well, see, if you've been online dating for years then clearly it's not working. I mean, if you're looking for something long term that is.


I haven't had a normal, healthy relationship for nearly 8 years.

Pretty sure I'm broken. I think I tell myself everyone is taken, just to avoid it. On the flip side, I can be so lonely, and seeing ex-girlfriends get married, when it could have been me, fucking hurts.

Fuck knows what the "scene" will be like if I actually dived back in. Horrendous, I'd imagine.


Well, see, if you've been online dating for years then clearly it's not working. I mean, if you're looking for something long term that is.

You could say the same for people who don't use online dating if they are single. Online dating is amazing, as it allows you to meet people you wouldn't otherwise meet in real life. The types of women that I hit it off with don't typically go out to nightclubs. They are usually super busy with their careers and only go out to nightclubs and bars on special occasions. They also have a tendency to stick with their group of friends that they've known for years, so we'd basically have almost no chance of randomly meeting in real life.
Because I am not an asshole about it. If I invite someone out on a date, then I am going to go through with it. Unless a girl attempts to pay, I pay for all first dates.

When people try to "minimize" 90% of their body, then that is a problem. And enough talk about my money. I can clearly see that this is an attempt to go down the strawman path.

So who decides when it is or isnt a problem? Like I said everyone including you pick the best pictures of themselves, I don't see what specifically makes the girls in question worse than anyone else. If you're that adamant about not dating a fat girl and their photo is hiding 90% of their body maybe you either need to ask for another photo or find someone else.

Also no one is trying to go down a straw man path. You brought up the money in the first place when it's simply irrelevant to this discussion. It doesn't matter whether you pay for the first date or not, it entitles you to nothing.

For everyone talking about looks I don't really care about that. I don't think you should have to date fat people and having high expectations is fine. If you get to a date and you don't find yourself attracted to someone or you feel their photos were misleading then I have no problem with you just moving on. Unless the photos have been tampered with or the person has changed significantly since the photo was taken (like its a really old photo) than I don't really see the problem.


So who decides when it is or isnt a problem? Like I said everyone including you pick the best pictures of themselves, I don't see what specifically makes the girls in question worse than anyone else. If you're that adamant about not dating a fat girl and their photo is hiding 90% of their body maybe you either need to ask for another photo or find someone else.

Also no one is trying to go down a straw man path. You brought up the money in the first place when it's simply irrelevant to this discussion. It doesn't matter whether you pay for the first date or not, it entitles you to nothing.

For everyone talking about looks I don't really care about that. I don't think you should have to date fat people and having high expectations is fine. If you get to a date and you don't find yourself attracted to someone or you feel their photos were misleading then I have no problem with you just moving on. Unless the photos have been tampered with or the person has changed significantly since the photo was taken (like its a really old photo) than I don't really see the problem.

As others have already pointed out, it is not as simple as you're trying to make it out to be. A lot of women would be offended if you started asking for pictures of different angles, yes, even the ones who aren't fat, especially if they catch on to you wanting them because you think they are fat or are lying. If it was that simple, most men would be doing it by now.

And this is not about what my money entitles me to. It is about me spending my hard earned money on a woman who has lied to me. Liars do not deserve to be treated. You're trying to spin it into some type of twisted wanting to control women argument, when it isn't, and it's about not wanting to spend money on someone who has obviously lied.


Saint Titanfall
Are we still arguing abou someone going on the internet and telling lies (even white lies to make them feel better about themselves). I mean can you believe someone would do that. It's a short sighted and stupid thing to do on their if they actually in any plan to meet the person, but I can't understand why someone would continue to be angry or just annoyed at this sort of. It's like trolls on the internet, they happen.
As others have already pointed out, it is not as simple as you're trying to make it out to be. A lot of women would be offended if you started asking for pictures of different angles, yes, even the ones who aren't fat, especially if they catch on to you wanting them because you think they are fat or are lying. If it was that simple, most men would be doing it by now.

And this is not about what my money entitles me to. It is about me spending my hard earned money on a woman who has lied to me. Liars do not deserve to be treated. You're trying to spin it into some type of twisted wanting to control women argument, when it isn't, and it's about not wanting to spend money on someone who has obviously lied.

My point was that if looks are that important than perhaps you shouldn't go out on dates with people where you can only see their face at a specific angle and nothing else. Either try someone else or ask for another photo, don't get upset because they didn't turn out exactly how you expected.

I'm not trying to spin anything, i'm responding to what you're saying. Here's a tip, if you don't want to waste your money on a date when you feel you've been lied to, don't. You're not obligated to pay. I don't see the problem here.

Also again you've done nothing to show that the women in question are any more or less of a liar than you are. You, them and everyone else online dating cherry pick their best photos and only post their best and most interesting qualities online. Unless the photo has been altered or they have drastically changed since taking it they have done nothing wrong. They picked their most flattering photo just as you did.


My point was that if looks are that important than perhaps you shouldn't go out on dates with people where you can only see their face at a specific angle and nothing else. Either try someone else or ask for another photo, don't get upset because they didn't turn out exactly how you expected.

I'm not trying to spin anything, i'm responding to what you're saying. Here's a tip, if you don't want to waste your money on a date when you feel you've been lied to, don't. You're not obligated to pay. I don't see the problem here.

Also again you've done nothing to show that the women in question are any more or less of a liar than you are. You, them and everyone else online dating cherry pick their best photos and only post their best and most interesting qualities online. Unless the photo has been altered or they have drastically changed since taking it they have done nothing wrong. They picked their most flattering photo just as you did.

Although I am not looking, I have already decided not to go on dates with said women, should I ever become single again. We are not debating who I should or shouldn't go on a date with, we are debating the fact that women who post incredibly misleading pics are liars, which they are.

Also, I am not a liar, so don't attempt to associate me with people who lie in their dating profiles. I had pictures of my full body, pictures up close on my face, pictures in bad lighting, pictures in good lighting, etc. In fact, I even posted a bad picture or two of me in a social setting. I gave women as many possible scenarios of what I might look like. I'm not saying that they should, but if they are posting pictures that clearly makes their body type look drastically different than what most would believe from looking at their pictures, then yes, they are liars.


My point was that if looks are that important than perhaps you shouldn't go out on dates with people where you can only see their face at a specific angle and nothing else. Either try someone else or ask for another photo, don't get upset because they didn't turn out exactly how you expected.

I'm not trying to spin anything, i'm responding to what you're saying. Here's a tip, if you don't want to waste your money on a date when you feel you've been lied to, don't. You're not obligated to pay. I don't see the problem here.

Also again you've done nothing to show that the women in question are any more or less of a liar than you are. You, them and everyone else online dating cherry pick their best photos and only post their best and most interesting qualities online. Unless the photo has been altered or they have drastically changed since taking it they have done nothing wrong. They picked their most flattering photo just as you did.

That's the thing, it's taken me a while to figure that out. I assumed everyone posted pictures like me - I have multiple photos of me in different situations, even one of me standing on a field in my rugby kit. Ain't hiding anything in that picture, those shorts leave nothing to the imagination. I have a selfy, which I obviously cherry picked the best one, but there are others that are just me in natural settings. If people see the selfy, and like it, they can then further decide if they like me by looking at the 3 or so more pictures I have up, all of which hide nothing (except my awful fashion sense).

I've obviously learned by now that if they don't have full body pictures - it doesn't have to be them standing like a statue in their underwear, it could be a shot a friend took of them on a day out or whatever - then I don't bother contacting them. It's not really the point though, people shouldn't lie in the first place.
Well, see, if you've been online dating for years then clearly it's not working. I mean, if you're looking for something long term that is.

I've met two women that I nearly wanted to be in a long term relationship with, but I'm enjoying the single world-traveling nomad life too much. Maybe some day.
Are we still arguing abou someone going on the internet and telling lies (even white lies to make them feel better about themselves). I mean can you believe someone would do that. It's a short sighted and stupid thing to do on their if they actually in any plan to meet the person, but I can't understand why someone would continue to be angry or just annoyed at this sort of. It's like trolls on the internet, they happen.

At least people lying about their looks makes sense. It's all about their insecurities.
Are we still arguing abou someone going on the internet and telling lies (even white lies to make them feel better about themselves). I mean can you believe someone would do that. It's a short sighted and stupid thing to do on their if they actually in any plan to meet the person, but I can't understand why someone would continue to be angry or just annoyed at this sort of. It's like trolls on the internet, they happen.

Yes, but "going on the internet and telling lies" doesn't usually cross into the real world. In these cases, they're GOING to be found out as soon as they meet the person. It's a fraud in the inducement of the date! Very different than being a fake character on Neogaf.com.
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