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ive done f*cked up :\

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Fail out bailed
Pinko Marx said:
Yes, it is bragging.
"Yeah, even though this thread has nothing to do with me, let me tell you about the time I made my wife CUM TEN TIMES."
Does making your wife cum count for anything?:lol
Ignignort said:
Sex life or not. You have not won anything

I'm just posting this cause it FEELS necessary right now, despite not really knowing why. Call it a spider sense...or withdrawal. I dunno.


Staccat0 said:
Because I said my wife enjoys having sex with me? You guys bum me the fuck out:lol
If this shit counts as bragging I'd hate to see what you guys consider humble:lol
Anyway, lets be real...
I have a more interesting sex life than most of gaf.
I have a strong posting history of this.
I also had a fungus on my balls.
You win some and lose some. If it makes you feel any better I'm losing my hair and I have a little dick :/

Cause the statement wasn't necessary to arrive at your point. It was merely there to pat yourself on the back. What you as well as the the OP did are equivalent to driving about in a gas-chugging behemoth of a truck; it's an attempt to flaunt your manliness/ cover up insecurities. But no worries, I'm just having a bit of fun in a silly, unneeded thread. :D


Contains Sucralose
That's why I don't have sex. I don't want a baby mama. Although I have the names of my kids picked out already, if I ever have a family.


cnizzle06 said:
Cause the statement wasn't necessary to arrive at your point. It was merely there to pat yourself on the back. What you as well as the the OP did are equivalent to driving about in a gas-chugging behemoth of a truck; it's an attempt to flaunt your manliness/ cover up insecurities. But no worries, I'm just having a bit of fun in a silly, unneeded thread. :D

I have a feeling we'll lose some members in this thread. Maybe even our own.


Staccat0 said:
Because I said my wife enjoys having sex with me? You guys bum me the fuck out:lol
If this shit counts as bragging I'd hate to see what you guys consider humble:lol
Anyway, lets be real...
I have a more interesting sex life than most of gaf.
I have a strong posting history of this.
I also had a fungus on my balls.
You win some and lose some. If it makes you feel any better I'm losing my hair and I have a little dick :/

don't let GAF get to you, remember: I am the one who is seething with unreasonable anger at self-congratulatory bullshit threads!
Seanspeed said:
Help, GAF.

I swalled a piece of gum.

Am I going to live?

OMG! I'm about to call up a specialist and get it surgically removed from my stomach ASAP.

Doing it wrong. More like.

Joke_Poster said:

I was totally raging on this girl last night. Like 10" deep in that cooch, you know I'm saying? I boned that chick for like an hour, full force, YOU KNOW I"M SAYING!

Anyways, afterwards (of the hot amazing sex I just had), I swallowed a piece of gum.

What should I do GAF!?


Smokey said:
I've let full on blasts go and I'm child free!:lol

I wouldn't worry about it too much!

Stop freakin out the chances of her getting pregnant off of pre-cum are low.

but still possible !

+1 :lol
Staccat0 said:
Anyway, lets be real...
I have a more interesting sex life than most of gaf.

even if that could be proven it's still kind of a jerky thing to say

like, you wouldn't go around your work telling people you make more money than them

just saying brah


Contains Sucralose
Seanspeed said:
I hear ya.

I stopped leaving my house years ago because I heard you can get skin cancer from being 'out there'.
I always wear a long sleeve and hat. I also put on 100spf sunscreen. I'm always protected. :)


shuri said:
So yesterday afternoon, my girlfriend came over, we played a bit of Halo Reach, then she mentionned she was tired and wanted to take a nap. We go to bed, try to sleep for like 4 minutes, until she asks.. "Do you really wanna sleep?", one thing leads to another, and we're off to an epic bout of 60 minutes (wtf) of non-stop penetration, with a few 30 secs break so she can rest and catch her breath. Phone rang, it was her daughter,
You seem closer to 15 than 28. I remember freaking out when the first girl I slept with was a day or so late on!

That's right gaf I had sex, with a girl. I boinked her!


Ah, the good old pregnancy scare. I wouldnt worry to much, seeing as how you described it. And if its nothing, then your relation will restore to its natural self, no worries.

If she is pregnant, I have no advice, except for make the best of it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pre-cum doesn't actually contain semen, it comes from a completely different gland.

Pre-cum only gets girls pregnant if you came within the last few hours and still had swimmers in your tubes that the pre-cum collected upon entering your girlfriend.

Even then the number of swimmers would be small, so odds are on your side.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Iv fucked my ex gf for 2 years, never used a condom. She did get preg but had a Miscarriage . Now that we are done and over, im glad I dodged that bullet. Ever since then, iv used a condom with any girl I engaged sex with. But i highly doubt she will get preg dude. Youre 28 and worried for what? Nothing will happen.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I've been gone for lord knows how long.. I come back... and shuri is still posting threads like this... wtf....
Jea Song said:
Iv fucked my ex gf for 2 years, never used a condom. She did get preg but had a Miscarriage . Now that we are done and over, im glad I dodged that bullet. Ever since then, iv used a condom with any girl I engaged sex with. But i highly doubt she will get preg dude. Youre 28 and worried for what? Nothing will happen.
You win.


She said many many times that she didnt want any kids anymore because the first one was so painful and insane, and it even led to tensions in the past because she felt selfish because I told her I wanted tons of kids later on and she didn't want any.
Okay, sounds like the of you agreed on this tricky subject.

.. I cant believe how fucked up the situation is. We are started to freak out a bit. Ugh. A kid together was not in our plans at all. She also discarded the idea of the morning after pill because she gets sick to death from oral contraceptives.
... I don't like where this is going.
We had 'THE' discussion.. She asked me what I wanted to do if the tests were positives.. I told her it would not be a good time to have a kid, and she was like.. "you are right, but are you sure?" i said.. "yeah, 100% sure".. she then wrote back something like.. "It does hurts my heart that you are so sure, but dont worry, i dont want another kid neither"
What in the flying fuck does she smoke?!
You've agreed on not getting children yet, you reassures her that you haven't irrationally changed your mind just because an accident might have happened and she has the gall to say that it hurts her heart that you're sure?

Jesus fucking christ, bail out of this relationship as soon as you can man.


Staccat0 said:
Because I said my wife enjoys having sex with me? You guys bum me the fuck out:lol
If this shit counts as bragging I'd hate to see what you guys consider humble:lol
Anyway, lets be real...
I have a more interesting sex life than most of gaf.
I have a strong posting history of this.
I also had a fungus on my balls.
You win some and lose some. If it makes you feel any better I'm losing my hair and I have a little dick :/

I do feel a little better. Thanks.

Frankly, I'm still a little shocked by the fact that Shuri's a dude. And also some sort of sex demigod, by the looks of it.


hey good job on lasting 60 minutes. I once lasted 60 minutes in a girl and spent hours afterwards questioning my sexuality if I couldn't cum. I'm glad you're not worrying about that deep down. It'd suck to be in that position to have to worry about your sexuality and being a baby daddy.


First and most importantly stay calm. Even if the worst happens, which there is pretty much less than %3 chance, you'll be fine.

It only gets risky if you go in after ejaculating but having not taken a piss. There could be left over sperm from the previous ejaculation in your shaft and the pre-cum might carry it out even if you don't finish off inside of her the second time.

If the above is not the case, then you have an infinitely small chance of getting her pregnant. We're talking at most 1 to 3 percent.

I've been in this situation before and it's not easy on my mind.

Everything is going to be fine. Don't go into a nervous break down. Be calm and realize that it's going to be OK.


well things are back to normal.. we're talking and everything is good. We'll do a test just in case next week or so.

All is good so far


are you dumb?

a 30 year old single mother... let's think about this. she's fucking with your head (but she probably does want the kid as a way to pin you down).
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