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Kanye booed at Thanksgiving Day Parade

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tagged by Blackace
Shake Appeal said:
He is not a smart guy. He has been known to say incredibly ignorant, ill-informed, and misguided things. He is often inarticulate. He expresses himself poorly through written communication, and he has a shallow and selfish understanding of many, many things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater, at all; MBDTF is top three or four of the year for me. I think he's probably the most interesting mainstream pop musician of the last decade.

But he's also kinda a moron.
He does articulate some things in a very unpopular and uninformed way at times, but that is not equal to him being dumb as a person. When dude is passionate about something he knows all about it. Music, art, fashion, whatever it may be. Contrary to popular belief Kanye never really comments on things going on outside of music, and well recently, slavery, but that's all in his music.

I'd label him "inarticulate" over anything else you said there. Step yo goblet game up, son.
Jenga said:
haha oh wow


Maybe there was some context I'm missing, but that's a pretty bold move that's bound to get some backlash.
All right, I guess 'dumb' was unfair, but he is inarticulate, and wilfully ignorant. He is also horribly, horribly shallow and self-absorbed, which is what exposes him more often than not.

But he's gone through some awful shit, no question. I don't know how healthy I'd be mentally if my mother died during cosmetic surgery.


Tkawsome said:

Maybe there was some context I'm missing, but that's a pretty bold move that's bound to get some backlash.
He probably figured if the Beatles could get away with a throwaway comment he could get away with this :lol


SpeedingUptoStop said:
I'd say Em's caught more heat for homophobic slurs than he has for ragging on Carson Daly.
That's Kanye's own fault. I don't think the issue is so much what he said as it is how he said it. he interrupted a live, televised event (something he'd done before) to espouse his own opinion. If anyone (other than a pro wrestler) did something similar they'd catch ton of flak for it.

enzo_gt said:
I'd label him "inarticulate" over anything else you said there. Step yo goblet game up, son.
Lunchbox said:
cause he made some blondie skank that no one will remember in 2 years cry?

kanye is a legend, mid western soccer moms should get over it

No one will remember his music, just all the stupid shit hes said and done in the years to come.


captmcblack said:
Eminem insults Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and countless other teen starlets on record and on stage - even while at the same awards shows they're at. Eminem is cool.

Kanye West harmlessly interrupts Taylor Swift. Kanye West should be destroyed.


Michael Vick kills animals, goes to jail, wins football games - all is forgiven, and he gets TV shows following his "redemption".

Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift, apologizes, records epic album and gives away tons of his music for free. Kanye West should be destroyed.


Jay-Z calls himself God on records, like every rapper who ever lived; we throw the diamond up.

Kanye West brags on records. Kanye West is the most arrogant douche ever.


Equus Bellator Apex said:
You're acting like it was his idea.

Doesn't matter whose idea it was, he went through with it. You think the people at home are thinking "I don't like the statement that picture is making, but Kanye didn't think it up so I guess it's fine".

FYI: I'm not one of the people who got offended. Just saying.


enzo_gt said:
He does articulate some things in a very unpopular and uninformed way at times, but that is not equal to him being dumb as a person. When dude is passionate about something he knows all about it. Music, art, fashion, whatever it may be. Contrary to popular belief Kanye never really comments on things going on outside of music, and well recently, slavery, but that's all in his music.
I'd label him "inarticulate" over anything else you said there. Step yo goblet game up, son.

agree. when it comes to making music the guy is off the charts and it shows.

BattleMonkey said:
No one will remember his music, just all the stupid shit hes said and done in the years to come.



enzo_gt said:
I'm glad a Kanye hater went into that speech and didn't even listen to it and decided to retain the same mentality you had going in.
I'm not a "hater", I really don't care for his music nor do I care about him, same taylor swift. I can still say he does douchebag stuff. Stop with the drama.

He did the apology, but every single time he did it, he said he felt just in what he was saying, but said it the wrong way.
Right, thats one way to put that you didn't really mean what you were saying.

And if you'd have listened, (which you clearly didn't) he was relating himself to how he's put himself in George Bush's position of being the most hated, and how on the Today Show they were only using excerpts of his interview and they pressured him to answer questions in a certain way.

Yes, boo hoo. I get that, he and you may think he's talking really deep shit but its not. This is all given, media distorts truth and takes things out of context, wow, what a surprise. Yes, people like a villain. If you don't like that position stop putting yourself out there. Unless of course you really like being the villain/victim for your persona....

The key douchebag thing I take away from his rant (besides ranting and trying to play a victim) is the "Taylor didn't come to my defense" What the fuck, when is the victims duty to come to the aggressors defense? And if you "apoligize" and they don't come out in your defense everywhere they go now YOU are the victim? That is some seriously fucked up thinking and just shows how arrogant and selfish a human being you are.

He does what he does though and I know thats his persona. Alot of people are actually alot like that, but won't admit. Again I don't know him personally so I don't hate him, but I can certaintly think hes a douchebag and pity him. I mean jesus, you sit there for 2 minutes talking about your sales and self-fellating yourself, thats a severe ego and/or self-conscience problem there.

"If your a real artist, say what the fuck you want, do what you want, make what you want."

Yea, the problem with that is when you start making that judgement call for everyone else, kind of like interrupting someones acceptance speech to tell them they didn't deserve it. People can claim to do a lot of asshatery in the name of being an "artist" when it comes off more like being a petulant 8 year old child. And also don't say something like that then say who cares then continually go on and on with these rants and trying to prove you are the greatest. Obviously you DO care so stop with the act.

You can't be serious. Swift has a huge following, but Kanye is on another level, he attained superstar status way back, and still has it, even if you consider him famous or infamous.

And Taylor Swift may not play music you like, that would be why they have these things called music genre's for different styles. It's bad enough they have to be compared being totally different styles but again, you don't have to knock one down to say the other is good. It's just fanboy shit draped in different clothing. It's an entertaining read here and there and he's just feeding the machine in the role he was setup to play yet for all his "intellectual ranting" he can't seem to figure out he's doing EXACTLY what the media and people expect and want him to do. That's why I pity him.


tagged by Blackace
BattleMonkey said:
No one will remember his music, just all the stupid shit hes said and done in the years to come.
If you don't remember The College Dropout, or the tons of pop hits he's given us over the years, it's fair to say you weren't a fan of the craft in the first place.

Kanye is a hip-hop legend of the new generation. And will be remembered as such, whether its for the production, the songs hes made, or for the persona. If he made forgettable music, Kanye would have drowned himself out like 5 years ago. I don't even know how haters can argue this, dude will definitely be remembered regardless of whether you liked him or not. He's left his mark.


tagged by Blackace
Ponn01 said:
Right, thats one way to put that you didn't really mean what you were saying.
No, that's Kanye saying I MEANT WHAT I SAID, but I didn't say it properly or respectfully, so he apologized.

Yes, boo hoo. I get that, he and you may think he's talking really deep shit but its not. This is all given, media distorts truth and takes things out of context, wow, what a surprise. Yes, people like a villain. If you don't like that position stop putting yourself out there. Unless of course you really like being the villain/victim for your persona....

The key douchebag thing I take away from his rant (besides ranting and trying to play a victim) is the "Taylor didn't come to my defense" What the fuck, when is the victims duty to come to the aggressors defense? And if you "apoligize" and they don't come out in your defense everywhere they go now YOU are the victim? That is some seriously fucked up thinking and just shows how arrogant and selfish a human being you are.

He does what he does though and I know thats his persona. Alot of people are actually alot like that, but won't admit. Again I don't know him personally so I don't hate him, but I can certaintly think hes a douchebag and pity him. I mean jesus, you sit there for 2 minutes talking about your sales and self-fellating yourself, thats a severe ego and/or self-conscience problem there.
Where's the deep shit? Kanye is telling it like it is. Yes he did something wrong, yes he took the heat for it, but society and the media have perpetuated the demonic image of him, and him still doing real numbers at the end of the day. And that telling him, hey people are sticking with you for the music and not the demonic image of yourself in the media.

He's pissed the fuck off because Taylor DID say she came to his defense everywhere "at grocery stores and stuff.". When she never did, nor publicly addressed the matter. She only owned up to this when she met Kanye face to face for the first time these past VMAs. And Kanye victimizing himself? Perhaps a bit, but you make it sound like Kanye is standing there for 10 minutes saying "feel bad for me, sympathize for me," when he's really standing there like "I've been through this and let this be a god damn example of how the media fucks with you." He said he rode the high waves wrongly during the Bush incident the same way Taylor Swift did, and he's at equal fault for that shit now that he's been put in the same situation Bush was.

And I don't have a problem with him fellating himself on stage for 2 minutes if he spent those 2 minutes thanking everyone (magazines, blogs, everyone) a second chance and allowing him to do almost 600 thousand the first week, as an indication of still having fans that will stand by his ass through all the shit he's been through, from his mother passing, to a breakup, to being the most hated man alive a year ago.

Igo said:
This man is not dumb.

Kayne is certainly prone to act a fool on occasion but what I like about him is that never never comes across as anything but genuine. I can't hate this guy.
It's Kanye, but some of my plaques still say Kayne.

But yeah, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, he's one of the few artists left with balls to say what they actually feel, uncensored. And that is why I respect the man. Kanye is self aware of this shit and people act like he isn't.

What more could you ask for?
The International asshole
Who complains about what he is owed?
And throw a tantrum like he is, 3 years old?
You got to love it though, somebody still speak from his soul.


That's a shame, but *shrug.jpg* can't please everyone, I suppose.

I was there with family (ended up @ 46th/broadway) and I didn't hear anyone around me booing him, and I certainly wasn't (quite the opposite), so not everyone hates him. :lol

Anyway, in the end, it isn't that serious. If anything, just more fuel for him to create more great music.
siddx said:
I'd be booing him for hyping up MDTF like it was going to be the next coming of Hip Hop, only to deliver a ridiculous clusterfuck of songs that go on 50% longer than they should and sound like he got drunk one night and shoved every body he knows into a recording booth and told them "just say something...anything...and i'll add like a synth here that goes on for like 3 minutes and then get fergie and elton john on this right here..why? Cause I'm jesus man, and I'm a genius. Oh and I already released half the album for free. So let's add some more bullshit on the end of those songs. Whats that? People are going to notice I just added 2 mintues of nonsense to the end of the songs they already heard, all in an effort to make it sound new and fresh when in reality it's like adding a weird third asscheek to a perfectly average set of buttocks? Naw it's cool. Kanye stans would suck the sweat out of my foreskin. They will love this."

Thats two strikes you fucking psycho. One more bullshit album and i'm out.

I'm going to tattoo this post on my ass, I love it so much.

I still fucks with My Beautiful Needlessly Long Album Title. Its an ok album.


tagged by Blackace
Brinbe said:
That's a shame, but *shrug.jpg* can't please everyone, I suppose.

I was there with family (ended up @ 46th/broadway) and I didn't hear anyone around me booing him, and I certainly wasn't (quite the opposite), so not everyone hates him. :lol

Anyway, in the end, it isn't that serious. If anything, just more fuel for him to create more great music.
Yep, if anything, this whole useless mess has had produced one hell of an inspired and amazing album, despite what siddx and ShinobiFist think :lol
butter_stick said:
Most people don't care about the personalities of musicians.

Well, unless they're Taylor Swift's target audience.

Some personalities are so disgustingly egomaniacal though. that force you to waste your time hating on the douchebag in question.


WOW Kanye fans are certainly defensive!

I honestly don't know anything about his music, or much about him, but judging by that horrendous Rolling Stone cover, the media has just as much to do with cultivating this super-ego persona as what Kanye himself does. And that's probably what it all is, a persona, no different to what any other famous artist/actor does.

Oh, and did someone really compare Kanye to Hemingway...like for real?


tagged by Blackace
Lionel Mandrake said:
This is why people don't like Kanye

And his fans don't help. "Kanye loves this! Only haters don't like him! Musical genius. You all must be Taylor Swift fans! Lol!" This is YouTube comment level fandom... No offense.
"Everybody wants to know what I'd do if I didn't win...

...I guess we'll never know!" *toast to douchebags*

FUCKING BOSS :lol :lol :lol

Though really the beginning of that video has genuine asshole parts, and from then on whoever made the video didn't realize Kanye was just trolling the media from then on...

...for the past 3 years.

EDIT: Okay the Toronto moment was pretty assholish there too, there's no Kanye stan explanation for that. But man that video is hilarious. :lol


Junior Member
Kanye is an asshole. He is a douchebag, scumbag, and jerkoff. He celebrates this fact. Booing this motherfucker is exactly the right thing to do to people like that. I hope he lives a long life of obscurity after his 15 minutes of fame are up.

It's lovely that people like his music. Lots of people liked O.J. Simpson's football career before it came out that he was an abusive psychopath. Bullying little girls, and talking shit about the president on TV is a gateway drug for ego-maniacs. When this guy goes off the deep end, it will be glorious.

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
siddx said:
I'd be booing him for hyping up MDTF like it was going to be the next coming of Hip Hop,...
It's had been years since Kanye's last rap album and his fans and the media were dripping with anticipation. I don't know were your getting the "next coming of hip hop bullshit from." I think your seething hate is clouding your memory.

siddx said:
...only to deliver a ridiculous clusterfuck of songs that go on 50% longer than they should and sound like he got drunk one night and shoved every body he knows into a recording booth and told them "just say something...anything...and i'll add like a synth here that goes on for like 3 minutes and then get fergie and elton john on this right here..why? Cause I'm jesus man, and I'm a genius.
Again your doing this thing were you insert this image of what you think he is. That's a really immature thing for you to do.

There actually so really cool articles detailing the behind the scenes of the album, but I don't think you'll read them because they may come into conflict with the image of Kanye that you're holding onto so tightly.


siddx said:
Oh and I already released half the album for free. So let's add some more bullshit on the end of those songs. Whats that? People are going to notice I just added 2 mintues of nonsense to the end of the songs they already heard, all in an effort to make it sound new and fresh when in reality it's like adding a weird third asscheek to a perfectly average set of buttocks? Naw it's cool. Kanye stans would suck the sweat out of my foreskin. They will love this."

Let's restate that he released half of his album for FREE. Why are you twisting that into a bad thing.

And again with the bullshit. You should write fan-fiction because you seem really good at it.
siddx said:
Thats two strikes you fucking psycho. One more bullshit album and i'm out.

u mad? Are you angry?

AVclub said:
Kanye is an asshole. He is a douchebag, scumbag, and jerkoff. He celebrates this fact. Booing this motherfucker is exactly the right thing to do to people like that. I hope he lives a long life of obscurity after his 15 minutes of fame are up.

It's lovely that people like his music. Lots of people liked O.J. Simpson's football career before it came out that he was an abusive psychopath. Bullying little girls, and talking shit about the president on TV is a gateway drug for ego-maniacs. When this guy goes off the deep end, it will be glorious.

lulz @ 15 minutes....do you know how long Ye has been around? Act like you didn't only hear about him because of some media blow ups.

and you speak about this guy like you know him so intimately. this guy has always gotten way more shit than he deserves...especially having already apologized a bunch of times.
AVclub said:
Kanye is an asshole. He is a douchebag, scumbag, and jerkoff. He celebrates this fact. Booing this motherfucker is exactly the right thing to do to people like that. I hope he lives a long life of obscurity after his 15 minutes of fame are up.

It's lovely that people like his music. Lots of people liked O.J. Simpson's football career before it came out that he was an abusive psychopath. Bullying little girls, and talking shit about the president on TV is a gateway drug for ego-maniacs. When this guy goes off the deep end, it will be glorious.
:lol :lol :lol Delicious.


AVclub said:
Kanye is an asshole. He is a douchebag, scumbag, and jerkoff. He celebrates this fact. Booing this motherfucker is exactly the right thing to do to people like that. I hope he lives a long life of obscurity after his 15 minutes of fame are up.

It's lovely that people like his music. Lots of people liked O.J. Simpson's football career before it came out that he was an abusive psychopath. Bullying little girls, and talking shit about the president on TV is a gateway drug for ego-maniacs. When this guy goes off the deep end, it will be glorious.
why you hate black people bruh?


sparkle this bitch
I can tell you that Kayne is not a Commie. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star!

Equus Bellator Apex

Junior Member
AVclub said:
Kanye is an asshole. He is a douchebag, scumbag, and jerkoff. He celebrates this fact. Booing this motherfucker is exactly the right thing to do to people like that. I hope he lives a long life of obscurity after his 15 minutes of fame are up.

It's lovely that people like his music. Lots of people liked O.J. Simpson's football career before it came out that he was an abusive psychopath. Bullying little girls, and talking shit about the president on TV is a gateway drug for ego-maniacs. When this guy goes off the deep end, it will be glorious.

You're so fucking pathetic. :lol :lol

There is so much hate in your post.

I really don't know where to start...
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