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Katawa Shoujo |OT| (VN, Free, Waifus, etc)

In the end, it's revealed that the girls are just figments of the MC's imagination. But then where did the baby come from???
That was the twist for Mentaru Shoujo remember? Now we have their writers scrambling for plan B. Though, a better twist would be that MC was a serial killer and all of the girls routes were the moments before he seduced and killed them. It'd be like falling for Aeris all over again... 8}

yeah i think we'd have to round up a bunch of us and brainstorm some ideas and concepts together in a skype group chat or something if we're gonna be serious about this whole thing.
Yeah, there's obviously no other way to coordinate such an effort. I'm Zazen_Incidents on skype, signed on pretty much all the time.

You can definitely make something out of this, there's a pattern that this idea would slot right into. You just need to add a target, like for example suppose it was going to be an entry for some fictional (or real, if there is one) visual novel competition, and then there are any amount of movies or anime you can take inspiration from.
I've never seen Genshiken, Comic Party or Otaku no Video, but in my mind they are something like this.

I played this game the same way, usually taking a week or so between routes.
I also have this really weird habit with games where if I really like a game I'll usually stop playing when I get to the end and either never finish the game or take ages to do that last part because I don't want the game to be over, so I still haven't finished this even though I did the scene where Lilly (who I picked to be my last route)
went to the airport in Act 4
like a week ago. I should really just buckle down and finish it.

Someone in the thread ages ago suggested a VN about dudebro space marines. Not just a western VN, but the most western VN. That would be a pretty great hook.

This was all part of his master plan, get banned so it shocks the thread into thinking about their future.

If this is actually a real thing I'd be down to help if I have time.
That was either me, or Jintor I think. The only bald space marine shooter I've ever played was the one hour of Bulletstorm I got under my belt a week ago. The idea of Marcus Fenix decked out in full body car armor romancing animu girls is pretty amazing. Especially if you account for the great disparity in artstyles.

This post coupled with your avatar got a laugh out of me

yes, there should be some kinda inception like touch to it, if you're going for the messege board idea.
I like the idea of a twist, but it's going to take awhile to arrive at an interesting one. We should try to settle for a theme at the onset.

Femmeworth - just noticed your post after I posted from my laptop, (on phone now, so no multiquote ability) yeah, that would be much more feasible than writing two separate scripts from two distinct viewpoints.


I'm downloading the Ren'Py SDK. D:

Doing it as well.

I can contribute writing and some meager programming, I have a friend that can do programming as well, though my Python is really shaky (better with Java/C).

EDIT: Don't worry Jintor, we're here for you babe. I've got a spot all warmed up for ya
Doing it as well.

I can contribute writing and some meager programming, I have a friend that can do programming as well, though my Python is really shaky (better with Java/C).

EDIT: Don't worry Jintor, we're here for you babe. I've got a spot all warmed up for ya
I've never worked with Python, only Java and C++.
I played this game the same way, usually taking a week or so between routes.
I also have this really weird habit with games where if I really like a game I'll usually stop playing when I get to the end and either never finish the game or take ages to do that last part because I don't want the game to be over, so I still haven't finished this even though I did the scene where Lilly (who I picked to be my last route)
went to the airport in Act 4
like a week ago. I should really just buckle down and finish it.

Someone in the thread ages ago suggested a VN about dudebro space marines. Not just a western VN, but the most western VN. That would be a pretty great hook.

This was all part of his master plan, get banned so it shocks the thread into thinking about their future.

If this is actually a real thing I'd be down to help if I have time.

Was going to suggest something like that to but then I was like, yeah no way taht would fly. But maybe it can, Hell I'm down for that.

Well as for the inception type thing, I had an Idea. What if at the end of it all it was just a dream or simulation about the MCs memories. Kinda like how they did it in Assassins Creed or inception, but the MC is the only one alive since the world has been devastated by some unknown crisis or so he or she thinks. But the story is the MC during the days before it happened while in high school while pursuing his or hers love interest. if done right, it could make for some wicked feels, but I have a feeling that since I've thought about it, it might already be done in one form or another.
Was going to suggest something like that to but then I was like, yeah no way taht would fly. But maybe it can, Hell I'm down for that.

Well as for the inception type thing, I had an Idea. What if at the end of it all it was just a dream or simulation about the MCs memories. Kinda like how they did it in Assassins Creed or inception, but the MC is the only one alive since the world has been devastated by some unknown crisis or so he or she thinks. But the story is the MC during the days before it happened while in high school while pursuing his or hers love interest. if done right, it could make for some wicked feels, but I have a feeling that since I've thought about it, it might already be done in one form or another.

Indeed. I believe that was the plot of Source Code... actually, with the post apocalyptic survivor scenario, it reads like AI and Source Code mashed into one another

I was just thinking about Quantic Dream's Kara demo and how strong the reaction to that was, how many members expressed interest in seeing her story play out, now that David Cage has confirmed that Kara is not their next project. It's not wholly original by any means (Bicentennial Man comes to mind), but there are some interesting avenues to explore there in terms of what it means to be sentient.
Was going to suggest something like that to but then I was like, yeah no way taht would fly. But maybe it can, Hell I'm down for that.

Well as for the inception type thing, I had an Idea. What if at the end of it all it was just a dream or simulation about the MCs memories. Kinda like how they did it in Assassins Creed or inception, but the MC is the only one alive since the world has been devastated by some unknown crisis or so he or she thinks. But the story is the MC during the days before it happened while in high school while pursuing his or hers love interest. if done right, it could make for some wicked feels, but I have a feeling that since I've thought about it, it might already be done in one form or another.
Let's not go in that direction, especially since Cradle Song is doing something similar. I'm not against a science fiction slant though.
Let's not go in that direction, especially since Cradle Song is doing something similar. I'm not against a science fiction slant though.

My brain was tired when it came to me, that and listening to Tron Legacy soundtrack didn't help, which kinda influenced the idea.
Ohh I added you on skype Ringo.
I guess the important thing to consider at the onset is whether this will take place in a school or not. A school is obviously the simplest way to introduce all of the characters and provide a place for them all to come together and interact but... I dunno, it's so staid and played out to me. Of course that point would be rendered moot by the strength of the writing...

I added you (Spy) and Moonspeak to Skype. We should all add one another on Skype or create an IRC channel to stay in touch beyond GAF
I guess the important thing to consider at the onset is whether this will take place in a school or not. A school is obviously the simplest way to introduce all of the characters and provide a place for them all to come together and interact but... I dunno, it's so staid and played out to me. Of course that point would be rendered moot by the strength of the writing...

I added you (Spy) and Moonspeak to Skype. We should all add one another on Skype or create an IRC channel to stay in touch beyond GAF
I was looking into Google Groups. Anyone use it before?
The only idea I can come up with would be that you meet these girls on an online video game forum. With each being huge fan girls, like one is a Sony fan and another is a Nintendo fan and so on. And maybe there online persona is a lot different than there real life persona? idk...

Now that I wrote that out, I'm not sure about it anymore... I'm not really good at coming up with ideas, or at least I don't think I do...
Is that via Google+? I'm on there but hardly ever use it. Does that have a sort of forum like interface where members can drop in and out and leave messages that can be read by others at a later date when they're not on?
I'm not fully sure. I'm about to create a group and experiment.
The only idea I can come up with would be that you meet these girls on an online video game forum. With each being huge fan girls, like one is a Sony fan and another is a Nintendo fan and so on. And maybe there online persona is a lot different than there real life persona? idk...

Now that I wrote that out, I'm not sure about it anymore... I'm not really good at coming up with ideas, or at least I don't think I do...
If we went in that direction, that would certainly be something to explore.
I was actually thinking about Girl-Age today, not that that would be a template for the story (could make for an interesting idea), but I thought it was a cool name and has ties to GAF
Google Groups seems like it will fit our needs, unless someone knows of a better alternative. You basically have a little forum, and the owner(s) can assign managers, which are basically moderators.
Google Groups seems like it will fit our needs, unless someone knows of a better alternative. You basically have a little forum, and the owner(s) can assign managers, which are basically moderators.

GG it is. It would be useful to have a means for members to drop in and out and carry on discussion that others can catch up upon while they are otherwise occupied with other matters

The only idea I can come up with would be that you meet these girls on an online video game forum. With each being huge fan girls, like one is a Sony fan and another is a Nintendo fan and so on. And maybe there online persona is a lot different than there real life persona? idk...

Now that I wrote that out, I'm not sure about it anymore... I'm not really good at coming up with ideas, or at least I don't think I do...
I've been playing through Digital: A Love Story and Christine Love uses that setup (a VN taking place within the confines of a BBS forum), although her game seemingly takes place entirely on a message board. It's a really clever way to eliminate the burden of art assets as well as heighten immersion. I think Chaos;Head might have a similar leaning upon BBS chat rooms, been awhile since I've seen that, as I've only looked on while a coworker played (ironic that I gave him so much shit back then about playing "dating sims" and now I find myself potentially working on one :l ). The idea of there being a great disparity between an online persona and a person's true self was explored in the film Catfish, but I think many of us can relate to it, or have experienced it to some capacity. It's a simple idea that carries a lot of potential
Considering KS is practically the only VN I've ever played, I'm not well versed with the genre at all. So my input on the matter is rather limited...
GG it is. It would be useful to have a means for members to drop in and out and carry on discussion that others can catch up upon while they are otherwise occupied with other matters

Yeah, seems like a good idea. Everything can be archived there soo there is no problem like in IRC where what ever we talked bout is suddenly erased or not saved for people who join later. What will be the name of it though???
Considering KS is practically the only VN I've ever played, I'm not well versed with the genre at all. So my input on the matter is rather limited...

Same here. But hey, every little bit helps.
Yeah, seems like a good idea. Everything can be archived there soo there is no problem like in IRC where what ever we talked bout is suddenly erased or not saved for people who join later. What will be the name of it though???
The group I made is jokingly called NeoGAFU Shoujo.
Considering KS is practically the only VN I've ever played, I'm not well versed with the genre at all. So my input on the matter is rather limited...
KS was my first VN too, not counting the Ace Attorney series or 999. I don't think one has to have played a lot of VNs to necessarily make one.
The first VN I played was hilariously enough, Saya no Uta. I had of course played staples from the adventure game genre such as Monkey Island, Ace Attorney, Hotel Dusk etc. prior to that though. I've always enjoyed the loquacious aspect of the medium since I enjoy character driven stories in general
Mentaru Shoujo #5 eyepatch moe is up.

Also my first VN was Ever17. It made my head explode, in a good way.

I was just looking at that while chatting it up with Moonspeak. Annaliese Koell seems like waifu material. Being a headphone nerd, the mention of the Beyerdynamic T1 did it for me, and that's on top of her Neon Genesis fanaticism, interest in jazz music, and guitar prowess. I want to shake the hand of the guy who created her



Seriously, I die for three days and you guys make a visual novel? What the hell.
I would like to toss my hat in as a contributor as well. I don't know if my drawing and writing skills are up to snuff, but I'd definitely like to try, and submit drafts. I am, however, employed as a graphic designer, and can definitely lend a hand designing layouts for the interface, menus, and such, as well as logo design, if desired.

Also, I would like to second the desire for a lesbian option. A few of my friends that I got hooked on this game are lesbians, and wished they could play as a female Hisao.

Is the Google group open already?
Femmeworth needs to stop sitting on her hands and expedite the shit outta that google group already got dammit. I stayed up til 3 hoping she'd come back :l

Oh and welcome back Jintor! Yes... Things really turned upside down while you were gone haven't they?
Femmeworth needs to stop sitting on her hands and expedite the shit outta that google group already got dammit. I stayed up til 3 hoping she'd come back :l

Oh and welcome back Jintor! Yes... Things really turned upside down while you were gone haven't they?
Really? Sorry. :x I didn't think we'd use the one I made. Anyway, I have it set up so it's invite only right now. I guess people should start PMing me their email addresses.
Welcome back Jinty. Yeah, desperation lead to use starting to be productive man. Anyways, nice Magneto reference, but you forgot the bwahahah. Alright, I'll send you my email Femme.Oh does it have to be a google email, or will any suffice?


I have some programming experience and knowledge, though I would definitely want to be in on the creative side of things too. :3 Then again, I'm a very flaky person.

Stop posting what I'm going to say before I do!

At least you hate K-On or else I'd be really confused.

My programming knowledge is in C++ mainly, but I can probably manage with Python. I've used it a tiny bit before.

OMG Aero

Is the art book going to be available as a pdf on their website like the other ones? I don't want an actual book but I'd still like to look at it.
Stop posting what I'm going to say before I do!

At least you hate K-On or else I'd be really confused.

My programming knowledge is in C++ mainly, but I can probably manage with Python. I've used it a tiny bit before.
I don't hate K-On!, I've only watched like two episodes. I intend to watch more of it, eventually.
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