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Killing Floor 2 |OT| You've got red on you.

Van Bur3n

Which maps are more open like the original Killing Floor? 5 maps in a row and they're mostly made up of 1000 corridors and one or two semi open areas.

Black Forest is rather open, similar to the Wyre map of the first Killing Floor. There are still some narrow areas with all of the rocks and trees, but its probably the most open map.

I wish there were some more open maps myself. Surprised we haven't gotten a remake of the London map which was a community favorite. Nuked brings back some similar vibes to it, but its not the same.


Gold Member
Some of you likely browses Reddit and might have seen the "tips for new players" topic. Most of it is sound advice, but the first advice made me think it was satire: buying Kevlar first.

No matter what, there is NO scenario where you should rush a Kevlar. You waste money buying it, you delay guns that you need to take down bigger threats, you lose money your teammates can gain from healing you, and you'll probably feel compelled to keep repairing it every wave.

There's also always the off-chance you'll find an armor pick-up on the map in later rounds. I generally don't buy Kevlar until at least Scrakes show up. Before then, you should be able to manage by sticking together and using self-heal and/or having a Medic.

I wish there were some more open maps myself. Surprised we haven't gotten a remake of the London map which was a community favorite. Nuked brings back some similar vibes to it, but its not the same.

I miss KF-Farm most of all. Sharpshooter was a blast on that map. Farmhouse feels so incredibly tiny in comparison.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm assuming by open like the original KF, you mean like two maps in the original KF, IE Mountain Pass and Farm. I hope we get some more proper, as others have said the closest is Black Forest. I also personally would say some maps are fairly open and interconnected even if they have corridors and such in them, IE ZED Landing (the tropical island level) and I'd argue Burning Paris.

Though keep in mind Mountain Pass wasn't in KF originally, it was a map that came post-release. And KF2 still probably will get active support and new maps for the next few years going by Red Orchestra's track-record. I feel we'll get a bigger map later, and if on PC there's similar custom maps.

I miss KF-Farm most of all. Sharpshooter was a blast on that map. Farmhouse feels so incredibly tiny in comparison.

I find it funny how Farm in the original is maybe the biggest KF map, while Farmhouse in KF2 is maybe the smallest map the series ever had (though I actually do like Farmhouse still).
Open in what way? Like Mountainpass, Farm, etc.?

Black Forest is probably the closest one.

Black Forest is rather open, similar to the Wyre map of the first Killing Floor. There are still some narrow areas with all of the rocks and trees, but its probably the most open map.

I wish there were some more open maps myself. Surprised we haven't gotten a remake of the London map which was a community favorite. Nuked brings back some similar vibes to it, but its not the same.

There aren't any, some are more open-ish like Black Forest, but still pretty small when compared to og KF.

I believe Farm was the map. Just tried Black Forest and it's a bit better, but I wish there was a cornfield map or something. Thanks for the suggestion!
It's shitting the bed again. They need to figure their server shit out. A weekend of this and all my friends will be done with this game altogether.

It got so bad we were just chatting and waiting for 45 minutes before we decided to just start an invite only game with the 4 of us.

It's an absolute joke.
Man, I just started playing the Grenadier today... holy crap this is fun! It actually took me until close to level 10 before I really got the flow of it, but it's now easily my favorite Perk. It feels super satisfying to wreck Fleshpounds and Scrakes with my RPG!

Man, trying out new Perks can really make the game crazy fun when you find one you really click with.

EDIT: People shouldn't be able to join matchmaking on Hard when they're very new with their level 3 Perks. It's incredibly frustrating to have them enrage things like Scrakes while the rest of the team is busy fighting the mobs and trying to deal with Sirens first.


Saint Nic
Sometimes I feel completely inadequate. Some enemies are so damn spongey!

In particular, doing a Hard run last night with a full group. Boss was just not dying. And the worst part is that it feels like there is zero way to outrun him. If you turn to fire, you're already dead.

Also, doing a solo Hard last night, a suit of Body armor turned into a weapon drop after the boss fight started. That was uncool.


EDIT: People shouldn't be able to join matchmaking on Hard when they're very new with their level 3 Perks. It's incredibly frustrating to have them enrage things like Scrakes while the rest of the team is busy fighting the mobs and trying to deal with Sirens first.

well, I'd be fine with that if the game would actually connect to a game to begin with on normal.


Can't find a match again now... very much enjoy the game- when it works. Just such a shame it doesn't work a lot of the time :(


Neo Member
got my medic to 15, quite like this game, just wish it had more bosses. It'd be cool to have stage-specific bosses. One rising out of the lava in that volcano stage would be awesome.

Also, the loot drop/crate system for this game is the most early steam thing ever. I remember Dota 2 having this system.


He touched the black heart of a mod
If anyone didn't know, you can cancel a dual-weapon reload animation by meleeing (or switching weapons) after only reloading one gun, and you'll still get the full reload. Just keep an eye on the ammo count and watch for it to refill.


I like saying no games in progress at the search menu and being continually put in games just beginning a round with hundreds of enemies to go. The game is incredibly insistent on this.

It's absolutely fucking infuriating. It happens every game. Sure, I love spending ten minutes unable to play and then being broke as shit for the second round.


Love the game, only problem I have is when you're at like <20 zed left and it takes 5 minutes to find them since they dont actually come for your team and for some stupid reason they're across the map =\


Which maps are more open like the original Killing Floor? 5 maps in a row and they're mostly made up of 1000 corridors and one or two semi open areas.

If you want a really REALLY open map then Sahara is definitely it. It is a MASSIVE map which is mostly desert with a few ruins and an oasis, but ranges on this map actually exceed the range of the ballistic's engine, meaning that bullets actually disappear when firing at extreme range. Also, this map finally 100% confirmed to me that there is no bullet travel time. Another problem with the map is the fact that sometimes enemies can spawn really far away and you have to spend minutes sprinting to get in range.

Here is a video of the map


It's shitting the bed again. They need to figure their server shit out. A weekend of this and all my friends will be done with this game altogether.

Yep. I simply can't find a game probably 50% of the time I try on hard, and even when I do it's only on US Central (I'm in europe), otherwise it just searches forever; if I drop it to normal as I would prefer, I never find a game, ever. That's across all regions.

Same for my friends. Simply put, if your matchmaking doesn't work properly, all those of us who are trying it on ps+ are going to get really sour on the game really quickly. No money has changed hands so we're more likely to drop it after less effort. Less invested see, it'll just get deleted.

Fix your shit.


Yep. I simply can't find a game probably 50% of the time I try on hard, and even when I do it's only on US Central (I'm in europe), otherwise it just searches forever; if I drop it to normal as I would prefer, I never find a game, ever. That's across all regions.

Same for my friends. Simply put, if your matchmaking doesn't work properly, all those of us who are trying it on ps+ are going to get really sour on the game really quickly. No money has changed hands so we're more likely to drop it after less effort. Less invested see, it'll just get deleted.

Fix your shit.

Yeah, there's tons of stuff I love about this game. It's so much better than I expected. Unfortunately, it's also early access as hell. Two bosses, constant connection issues, poor explanation of mechanics, etc.

Huge opportunity because this is the perfect Plus game, so I hope they turn it around. There's something special about this game when you can get past the matchmaking issues and such.
Yeah, there's tons of stuff I love about this game. It's so much better than I expected. Unfortunately, it's also early access as hell. Two bosses, constant connection issues, poor explanation of mechanics, etc.

Huge opportunity because this is the perfect Plus game, so I hope they turn it around. There's something special about this game when you can get past the matchmaking issues and such.
I completely agree. I pretty much play this every free chance I get, as do my main gaming friends. But the crappy matchmaking and bugs [Such as Perks not always showing correctly next to the players in a party] really get annoying to deal with.

It's also frustrating to put in a specific map in the lobby screen, and get put into a completely different one all together.

Van Bur3n

Fastest way to level?

Play the objective specific to a particular class. Killing stalkers as a Commando, welding doors as Support (this one you'll probably have to do solo if you want to get any meaningful XP out of welding doors), healing as a Field Medic, etc. Simply killing with class specific weapons. Bigger enemies yield more XP, if you want to target them more often. You don't have to kill the target either, just assist and you get the same amount of XP for killing it. Higher difficulties mean more zeds to kill which means more XP. Higher difficulty also means more harder zeds like scrakes and FPs to kill for bigger XP rewards. Basically, just playing the game.

If you're on PC, there might be a modded map made specifically to farm for XP, but I only know that from KF1. Not sure if there are any for KF2.

Honestly, if you're just playing the game for the sake of just trying to progress as fast as possible, you're not going to have fun.


I played for a solid two hours after 3-4 failed attempts at getting into games. The game is a lot of fun. Medic and gunslinger have been my focus so far.

I haven't figured out how enraging works yet. Any tips?
I played for a solid two hours after 3-4 failed attempts at getting into games. The game is a lot of fun. Medic and gunslinger have been my focus so far.

I haven't figured out how enraging works yet. Any tips?

There are a few triggers depending on the enemy.
- Change on sight
- Chance on every hit
- Drop below HP threshold
- Remaining in sight for a short period.

For example, FPs will rage if you remain in its sight for about 10 seconds and are guaranteed to rage when shot. In comparison, FPs will remain docile until you hit it for a bit, so you can avoid shooting it until everyone gets into a better position to deal with it. Clots have a chance to sprint on sight.

There are several differences between each difficulty as well. I'd peg the difficulties this way: Normal is 1/10, Hard is 3/10, Suicidal is 8/10, HoE is 10/10. There is a huge difference between Hard and Suicidal. Whenever I try jumping down to a game on Hard, I find it to be such a slow game.
I'm planning on going for the Platinum Trophy and was wondering if the Demolitionist is a good class to solo Hell on Earth. He's my current favorite class, but I don't want to get him to 25 and realize that I can't get the trophy until I power level someone else to max.
I'm planning on going for the Platinum Trophy and was wondering if the Demolitionist is a good class to solo Hell on Earth. He's my current favorite class, but I don't want to get him to 25 and realize that I can't get the trophy until I power level someone else to max.

Yup, totally doable. I think Survivalist was deemed to be the hardest class to solo HoE, but not sure.

Berserker/Medic/Gunslinger are probably easier though.


Is it really too much to ask for working servers in 2017?

We live in a world where AWS exists, yet good games like this continue to become garbage because of inexcusable server issues.
It's bizarre for me to read about all of the server issues people are having. I've been playing every day and at different times of day since it went up on ps+ and it takes me less than a minute to get into a game every time. I wish I knew why it is working for me and not working for so many other people.
Is it really too much to ask for working servers in 2017?

We live in a world where AWS exists, yet good games like this continue to become garbage because of inexcusable server issues.

Lol, AWS went down for hours around 2 months ago. You couldn't even load their status page properly because... they hosted it on AWS too.

I'm guessing it's their implementation using Sony's servers. I never have issues on PC.
Not sure if it's been said, but an easy fix for people just trying to find a match quickly-

When going online, create a party first by hitting the touchpad, and then hitting X. Then go online with whatever settings you want. You will be paired up with a match with what you want in seconds.

I would sit and wait for the match making forever, and it never worked. This completely fixes it for me
Picked this up from PS+ and am really liking it despite the fact that it ruined a would-be weekend of progress in WipEout campaigns.

Surprised to see so many server issues. I pretty much never have a problem quickly finding a match, even with the option to not join games in progress selected. One thing I did find that messes it up is tabbing to other screens (Perks, Gear, etc) while matchmaking. I always got a warning when doing that and then it would never connect. But if I just searched for a game and remained on that same screen I would be in a game shortly. Also try switching servers if you are having trouble.

I dig the Commando and have been leveling it up the most, but it is a tad weak for my liking, especially against Skrakes, FPs, and bosses. Transitioning to Gunslinger and am having a great time. It was awkward getting the aiming down at first and the re-loading is slow, but after a few levels and some Perks I'm loving it. Once I get enough Dosh I roll double Desert Eagles and .500 Magnums. Can't go wrong with either.


Matchmaking broken again for me. Won't find a game in any region. Shame really, but I'm probably done, I've spent far too much time trying to play and failing.
Picked this up from PS+ and am really liking it despite the fact that it ruined a would-be weekend of progress in WipEout campaigns.

Surprised to see so many server issues. I pretty much never have a problem quickly finding a match, even with the option to not join games in progress selected. One thing I did find that messes it up is tabbing to other screens (Perks, Gear, etc) while matchmaking. I always got a warning when doing that and then it would never connect. But if I just searched for a game and remained on that same screen I would be in a game shortly. Also try switching servers if you are having trouble.

I dig the Commando and have been leveling it up the most, but it is a tad weak for my liking, especially against Skrakes, FPs, and bosses. Transitioning to Gunslinger and am having a great time. It was awkward getting the aiming down at first and the re-loading is slow, but after a few levels and some Perks I'm loving it. Once I get enough Dosh I roll double Desert Eagles and .500 Magnums. Can't go wrong with either.

Try the alternate dual aiming setting in the options


This game is so much fun. My most played plus game ever.

And it's so relaxing. Popping heads feels so good.

Last night in one of the matches my team had 3 bersekers, one swat and me as commando. By wave 4 i got a medic AR to keep those fools alive.
We made it to the boss and killed the motherfucker without casualties. And i broke my healing record.

Speaking about bosses, when it's the doctor it's almost always a wipe. The son of a bitch just won't die. He wins by sheer attrition. People run out of ammo or don't heal properly or get swarmed by thrash mobs.
The patriarch is so easier in comparison.
Try the alternate dual aiming setting in the options

Nice, thanks.

Was having a tough stretch against bosses last night (teammates would die early). On my final match I just got to Support level 10 and the 30% damage boost when Hans comes in and eventually wipes out everyone but me. With my full auto shotty gone I switched over to a backup double barrel for what I thought was a fruitless attempt at a last stand. With about 10 health left he leaps at me and I give him both barrels at the same time and he goes down. Feels good man.

As simple as it is, it makes for some fun, tense moments.


Awesome to hear. The amusement park map was one of my favorites from the original game, I look forward to playing this one.

Me thinks this means we'll be getting a Halloween event as well this year.

I desperately want my Commando Chicken costume back. Seriously the best FPS skin ever made in any video game ever.
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