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Killzone 3 Beta Details (Starts 10/25, requires PS+, only 10k spots open)


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
makingmusic476 said:
I still enjoy it quite a bit, despite its issues (except for when I get put in a 5 v 1 game >_>). New class system + brutal melees + Operations is all good.

I'm just concerned now that the many smaller issues I assumed would be improved/fixed for launch may not get touched at all. The more I read on the beta forums, the more I believe this, and they're running out of time either way.

But who knows, maybe this really is just an incredibly old build, and they simply refuse to update for us testers. Maybe all these issues are already much better and/or fixed. Maybe.

itsnervedamage said:
It is pretty different from KZ2, but I've been enjoying it overall. It's still pretty Killzoney to me but I would try to wait for a demo or something to form your own opinion. It seems like some of the different part will be pretty divisive for series fans, but of the group of people that I played KZ2 with...overall opinion is pretty positive.

Some things are pretty broken, like spot & mark but that is supposedly getting fixed (hearsay...). I don't think I see more complaining here than I remember seeing in the 2 thread about bad spawns rockets and framerate, so I would say GAF community response is about the same?

Thanks guys, it's sensible, respectful posts like these that I stick around on the forum for. I am hoping they are working around the clock to fix the valid issues people are bringing up. Who knows, the game might even be delayed. If it's released on its current due date, it will be barely 2 years since KZ2 released. That's a pretty short development cycle and all the videos I've seen look very impressive.


IronFistedChampion said:
Anyone know what class this is?


Do you have a link to the post with the rest of the screens taken like this one?
CrushDance said:
There's a KZ3 chatroom. There's a general gaming one we all hang out in as well. I can't add you, friends list is full :(
Huh?? You mean my friendlist or yours...If mines I will delete someone...:D
friend request sent
B1gg_Randall said:
Huh?? You mean my friendlist or yours...If mines I will delete someone...:D
friend request sent
I guess I had an extra slot after all lol. :D Welcome to the club!

Just had some great games with, Dave, Rick, Joe, in KZ2, complete cluster fuck matches, but still fun! Especially Dave's 6 kill rocket on Radec was simply gorgeous to behold :lol


From the Killzone twitter:

We've decided to expand the beta trial! 5,000 additional Plus-subscribers from SCEA and SCEE will automatically receive invites through PSN.

Can someone give me one?? pleaseeee


slow morning at work, been checking the beta forums and there's a lot of criticism towards the S&M skill, spawn areas, medics, EXOs and other stuff that worries me. On the other hand lag, framerate, team work, camping, weapon balance and unlock system are not discussed enough. Also, it's shocking seeing just a few beta players giving feedback when we have near 20k players already. Language barrier? unawareness of the beta forums? maybe GG should include some MOTD everytime you join a game "don't forget to leave your feedback on the beta forums @ beta.killzone.com". We should consider the language barrier as well, 2011 is almost here come on I can't believe how a big studio doesn't employ a couple of translators working on some hypothetical "international" section of the forum.

edit: some interesting thread on the beta forums for leaving your "final" feedback as a lot of people stopped playing



good news regarding the spawn areas:

AcidCatFish said:
We are playing around with adding some more TSP's to the levels.

We'll roadtest it internally to see if this helps with the base camping.

Also, we've drastically reduced the amount of time it takes for a Tact to neutralise a TSP, it's now shorter than the respawn timer so you can clear a TSP of enemies and then neutralise it before the enemies respawn.

I don't know why they're keeping that for internal testing though


bish gets all the credit :)
They need to increase the spawn time to 8-10 seconds as well. Add more of those indestructible bots near the base (on Corinth, just put one on either side of the map near each spawn) and it will kill the base camping (at least for people on foot).
Lince said:
good news regarding the spawn areas:

I don't know why they're keeping that for internal testing though

Those sound like good changes, but I would have preferred to see re-spawn time increased a little too. I like that tactical spawns turn into little secondary battles since they are usually key to an objective, quick neutralization contributes to the amount of teamwork it will take to take and hold the area.

I was really hoping for the S&M fix to comment more on the boards, since things get pretty stupid when both teams S&M a bunch and then everyone is sitting still trying to figure out how to bust through a doorway.


Lince said:
slow morning at work, been checking the beta forums and there's a lot of criticism towards the S&M skill, spawn areas, medics, EXOs and other stuff that worries me. On the other hand lag, framerate, team work, camping, weapon balance and unlock system are not discussed enough. Also, it's shocking seeing just a few beta players giving feedback when we have near 20k players already. Language barrier? unawareness of the beta forums? maybe GG should include some MOTD everytime you join a game "don't forget to leave your feedback on the beta forums @ beta.killzone.com". We should consider the language barrier as well, 2011 is almost here come on I can't believe how a big studio doesn't employ a couple of translators working on some hypothetical "international" section of the forum.

edit: some interesting thread on the beta forums for leaving your "final" feedback as a lot of people stopped playing


I just don't get the point of posting in those forums. When people still think Killzone 2 had dedicated servers what is the point. The Killzone community is the dumbest community I have ever seen. When people actually post problems idiots jump into the threads and ruin them. That is why I don't post any feedback.


Lince said:
good news regarding the spawn areas:

I don't know why they're keeping that for internal testing though
Wait...that's kind of stupid if the respawn times are still 3 secs long. So it takes less than 3 seconds to capture a point? So basically a tactician just has to run by a spawn point to neutralize it? Surely they cant be that dumb. How are you supposed to defend the spawn points then? I'm guessing/hoping that they upped the respawn time.

I dont get why they're keeping a lot of the changes for internal changes. We're probably just going to end up in the same situation that KZ2 faced when it launched (They made the changes TOO drastic). They should have made the changes easier to implement so they can actually test these "fixes" and get feedback on them. Allow ppl to tell them if they went too far with the change or didnt change it enough...then the devs can go back and tweak again and then get more feedback.

It seems like it's going to be like what they did with the invulnerability when you spawn "fix" where they applied invulnerability to ALL spawns instead of just having it at your base (which is what most ppl stated during the KZ2 beta).

Feedback: "Add some invulnerability to base spawns so we wont get base camped"
GG: "We'll add it on ALL spawns and eff up the balance of the game"
*commence back and forth patching after release*


Lince said:
good news regarding the spawn areas:

I don't know why they're keeping that for internal testing though

You didn't highlight the best part!

We are playing around with adding some more TSP's to the levels.

They're listening!

edit: ^^ So basically when a Tactician gets to a spawn point unopposed by enemy Tacticians it's almost guarenteed to become neutralised unless he get's killed pretty quickly by turret defenses, air drones, C4 or other enemies. Then when it's neutral (after they add the spawns to everyone HUD) the team can see it's being captured and rush to kill the enemy Tactician before he can fully capture it, their Tactician then has to arrive to re-capture it from neutral. This has more leeway than simply stopping anyone from spawning when a Tactician is capturing. At least you have a few seconds that people can spawn there to stop him. They do need to up the respawn time across the board tho. More so on Operations than anything.
alr1ghtstart said:
They need to increase the spawn time to 8-10 seconds as well. Add more of those indestructible bots near the base (on Corinth, just put one on either side of the map near each spawn) and it will kill the base camping (at least for people on foot).

I was wondering, do bots attack EXOs? And can EXOs be repaired?


mr_nothin said:
Wait...that's kind of stupid if the respawn times are still 3 secs long. So it takes less than 3 seconds to capture a point? So basically a tactician just has to run by a spawn point to neutralize it? Surely they cant be that dumb. How are you supposed to defend the spawn points then? I'm guessing/hoping that they upped the respawn time.

it's Guerrilla Games we're talking here :p

on a serious note I believe they're toying around with both neutralization/respawning times and they won't patch anything until they find the solution somewhat satisfactory

KZObsessed said:
They're listening!

but are they obeying???? :lol


An blind dancing ho
Lince said:
slow morning at work, been checking the beta forums and there's a lot of criticism towards the S&M skill, spawn areas, medics, EXOs and other stuff that worries me. On the other hand lag, framerate, team work, camping, weapon balance and unlock system are not discussed enough. Also, it's shocking seeing just a few beta players giving feedback when we have near 20k players already. Language barrier? unawareness of the beta forums? maybe GG should include some MOTD everytime you join a game "don't forget to leave your feedback on the beta forums @ beta.killzone.com". We should consider the language barrier as well, 2011 is almost here come on I can't believe how a big studio doesn't employ a couple of translators working on some hypothetical "international" section of the forum.

not only here , I believe it's a thing will most of the console betas , people thinks of them as free early games not as beta testing and don't know they are actually beta testers ,so yeah I think the majority don't care about giving feedback to the devs.


bish gets all the credit :)
The beta forum being a unorganized, sluggish POS that logs you out every 5 minutes doesn't help. Neither do some of the posters there.


if they sort out player health, crazy weapon accuracy and all players, except usain bolt infiltrator, having the stamina of a legless obese man, i'd be interested.


Facism said:
if they sort out player health, crazy weapon accuracy and all players, except usain bolt infiltrator, having the stamina of a legless obese man, i'd be interested.
i think the sabo should not run faster at all, but instead show up friendly when carrying the speaker in capture for 10 secs, then 20 for the 2nd rank. his primary abilities are fine though
Lince said:
good news regarding the spawn areas:

I don't know why they're keeping that for internal testing though
Excellent news!

But to be honest, I never had too many issues capturing spawn points once I unlocked the Tact's last secondary ability.


the beta can go on forever but if they don't patch the latest changes in I don't know what else are we supposed to test?


I really would like a beta code!
I just picked up COD Black Ops and it's really more of the same and I need some Killzone in my life.
Im sitting here watching Killzone Twittter for a code, but I seem to be sleep whenever they do post any. Ugh. Man I just got my PS3 and really want to try this out.
Just got my beta invite via PSN message.

Setup a game with bots to test it out.

Visually its quite impressive... I was surprised the mech was in there. I have no idea how this game balances itself out if people are allowed in vehicles like that.

I noticed the controls have a more tight feeling compared to Killzone 2. I don't know if its assisted or not but it felt reasonably comfortable aiming.

This just reminds me of how screwed up the Tactician grenade mechanic was in Killzone 2.
I look forward to examining the changes.
UntoldDreams said:
Just got my beta invite via PSN message.

Setup a game with bots to test it out.

Visually its quite impressive... I was surprised the mech was in there. I have no idea how this game balances itself out if people are allowed in vehicles like that.

I noticed the controls have a more tight feeling compared to Killzone 2. I don't know if its assisted or not but it felt reasonably comfortable aiming.

This just reminds me of how screwed up the Tactician grenade mechanic was in Killzone 2.
I look forward to examining the changes.

I like the idea of spawn grenades better, since it allows the tactician to be, well, more tactical. You get to decide exactly where your team spawns, and whichever side has the more clever tacts will win. The only problem I had was with the unnecessary smoke that makes concealing a spawn point so much more difficult. It should have just been a small flashing light similar to those air support things. But as it is, the other team can usually see the giant plume of smoke from half way across the map. And then comes the spawn camping.

With TSP, GG has chosen the spawn areas and all tactician's job is to get to them as fast as possible and try to hold off the enemy from taking over. There doesn't seem to be anything tactical about that. No real thinking required. It's really just a game of capture and hold that is constantly going on.
H_Prestige said:
I like the idea of spawn grenades better, since it allows the tactician to be, well, more tactical. You get to decide exactly where your team spawns, and whichever side has the more clever tacts will win. The only problem I had was with the unnecessary smoke that makes concealing a spawn point so much more difficult. It should have just been a small flashing light similar to those air support things. But as it is, the other team can usually see the giant plume of smoke from half way across the map. And then comes the spawn camping.

With TSP, GG has chosen the spawn areas and all tactician's job is to get to them as fast as possible and try to hold off the enemy from taking over. There doesn't seem to be anything tactical about that. No real thinking required. It's really just a game of capture and hold that is constantly going on.

I understand what you are saying about providing team value by being a good tactician "grenade dropper". However I think its still a poor mechanic.

There was nothing good about having opposing teams have spawn grenades right next to each other at an objective. Its just silly to even allow that situation.

We could say those are "stupid tacticians" but the problem is the game mechanic lets "anyone do it" and even wreck the team gameplay by having inexperienced tacticians.

I just don't particularly think Spawn Grenades were the right mechanic.

I was totally okay with the "Squad Leader is a portable spawn point" as a mechanic though. Heck that mechanic forced teamplay and rewarded you for doing it right.

EDIT: If the Tactician was capable of team speak with all squad leaders that in my opinion would work excellent. Far better than Spawn Grenades.
Also give the Tactician "Metal Gear Solid SOLITON RADAR". Make him a super radar device so he can coordinate teams.
UntoldDreams said:
I understand what you are saying about providing team value by being a good tactician "grenade dropper". However I think its still a poor mechanic.

There was nothing good about having opposing teams have spawn grenades right next to each other at an objective. Its just silly to even allow that situation.

We could say those are "stupid tacticians" but the problem is the game mechanic lets "anyone do it" and even wreck the team gameplay by having inexperienced tacticians.

I just don't particularly think Spawn Grenades were the right mechanic.

I was totally okay with the "Squad Leader is a portable spawn point" as a mechanic though. Heck that mechanic forced teamplay and rewarded you for doing it right.

EDIT: If the Tactician was capable of team speak with all squad leaders that in my opinion would work excellent. Far better than Spawn Grenades.
Also give the Tactician "Metal Gear Solid SOLITON RADAR". Make him a super radar device so he can coordinate teams.

I think careful's spawn pod idea was good: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=24155493#post24155493
Preventing the spawn pods/grenades from being set up within a certain vicinity of objectives, other pods and spawn bases would have cleared up a lot of the clusterfucks. I just wish that GG had tried to fix the spawn grenades instead of getting rid of them altogether. If they had supported KZ2 more they could have tested fixes and see how they were accepted by the community instead of starting with a new system with new issues. KZ2 had problems with balanced map design in several maps that obviously couldn't be fixed after launch but tying the spawn system in KZ3 in with the core map design could just make it a bigger issue.

Doesn't Spot and Mark in its current state pretty much act as a suped up soliton radar? Anyway, I was thinking that S&M needs to be given back to the marksman so they actually have a support role. The tactician should be given a spot and mark ability that applies to enemy equipment like bots and proximity mines. This would allow the tactician to warn team-mates about the location of these threats and also give them the ability to see what defenses the enemy has set up in a spawn point before they enter and try to take it.
got a code from Sony via email. I guess in the second wave they included the people who downloaded the theme "too early"? :p
better late than never I guess


Junior Butler
Got in via a code via the KZ3 Twitter page.

I redeemed it online from my PC so I assume it will be in my download history on my PS3?
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