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Killzone 3 Beta Details (Starts 10/25, requires PS+, only 10k spots open)

So do brutal melees trigger when the victim can't see you? Sometimes it seems like you should be in their field of view when it is triggered. They are a bit long though so you don't want to get stuck in one during a fire fight (as Invidious' video shows).

Starting to feel a bit anxious about how quickly the sights come up in this game. Even when no ribbons are active getting in and out of sights seems close to CoD speed.
Yeah, I wonder how many goes down exactly.

I dont want to be sucked into a drawn out animation. I at least hope its not a ton of people using melee > guns.

Same time I hope I hope they refine the guns a bit more, at this point hey seem liek they go from pin point badass or theyre SMG god like. Guns look and sound good they just need teaks to recoil, dmg, hip fire acc, etc...

All i hope is that the rocket spam is fixed, that was my one and only gripe..besides the party functions..
Balance out the guns and melee, throw in a great party/match making function, and curb the explosives spam and KZ3 will, for me, be amazing.
the_prime_mover said:
Starting to feel a bit anxious about how quickly the sights come up in this game. Even when no ribbons are active getting in and out of sights seems close to CoD speed.
why is that a problem? i want sights to come up fast.


Christ, I'll find out for myself how ridiculous it really is on Monday, but I'm not seeing a very large difference between aiming down the sights and hipfire right now, accuracy still seems high no matter what. Also, the reload on the shotgun pistol (FF7 Vincent's Cerberus anyone?) is INSANELY fast. I'm sure it'll be fixed, but damn...


Yoboman said:
Is it just me or do the bots look really bad now?
Bad how? As in they are really easy to kill now? That's probably because you've seen a video or two with 'easy' bots. There are different settings you can put them on and I know a couple of videos have them on easy. There is at least one video up that has 'elite' bots and they are pretty much headshot machines. You come into view of the bot and he locks right onto you.

I haven't actually played either (just going off videos), but I'd say they look to be on par or better than KZ2 bots.


Darkatomz said:
Christ, I'll find out for myself how ridiculous it really is on Monday, but I'm not seeing a very large difference between aiming down the sights and hipfire right now, accuracy still seems high no matter what. Also, the reload on the shotgun pistol (FF7 Vincent's Cerberus anyone?) is INSANELY fast. I'm sure it'll be fixed, but damn...
It was fast I think because he had the fast reload ribbon earned.
Yoboman said:
Do you guys expect any more "vehicles"besides the jetpack and mech we've seen so far?

What would you like to see?
As far as I can tell (not in the actual beta yet grrrr >:[) the Jet pack would fill the void for the light-weight vehicles and the mech fills the heavy vehicle void. So perhaps if they could get a vehicle that's kinda in between light and heavy? Perhaps a ground-transport that can carry multiple team mates?


DevilWillcry said:
As far as I can tell (not in the actual beta yet grrrr >:[) the Jet pack would fill the void for the light-weight vehicles and the mech fills the heavy vehicle void. So perhaps if they could get a vehicle that's kinda in between light and heavy? Perhaps a ground-transport that can carry multiple team mates?

Maybe jet bikes

I'd like to see them try larger maps with vehicles.


ohhthegore said:
mechs are a bitch when the other team is kicking your ass, but jetpacks are awesome

One person in your team needs to unlock the rocket. Then Mechs are not a problem.

But they should limit the Mechs areas. They shouldnt be able to spawn camp at the other team base. Atleast in the start when not lot of people have rockets unlock.
Always-honest said:
why is that a problem? i want sights to come up fast.

I guess I just feel that there should be a trade off between hip fire and sights. Sights are for ranged combat and a slower pace. Hip fire is for the fast, in close situations. Bringing the sights up fast in a close quarters situation seems to provide a distinct advanatage at the current speed which means that almost all gunplay will now be iron sights. Add to this that it seems you can aim very fast while looking down the irons and you have just changed the pace markedly from KZ2.

It is a different style of gunplay, and one which a lot of people obviously like. I would just like the gunplay to be a bit slower.

On a different note though, with the increased aiming speed/precision, it seems that the shotgun is going to be even more usefull than in KZ2. Some of the kills I am seeing in these videos wouldn't be kills in KZ2, and on maps like that winter one, where there are a lot of confined spaces, this may be an issue.

How is Increased Armor differentiated from Increased Health?

Extra primary could be good, but is it limited to primary weapons within your chosen class?

Are we no longer able to change secondary badges to those of a different class?


in all these videos i see, people keep bringing up the iron sights for every little encounter. ave they toned down the hipfire accuracy or something? Rarely used iron sights in Kz2, and if i did, it was for cross-map kills.
I'm also worried about the iron sight, especially for Move controls. From the pointer FPS I've played, Iron Sight is always a problem, and it shouldn't in CQC. Using iron thing in CQC is stupid anyway.


Add me to the list of people "worried". I will have to wait until I play myself to judge but as of now it seems Lightning Fast ADS and No Recoil are the top 2 issues I am having with KZ3. Everything else, awesome.


I'm not worried about the iron sights or some other things that ppl are worried about. To me, it just seems like KZ3 MP is supporting more playstyles just like the SP is. Maybe all of the KZ2 vets will just run over all of the new "run and gunners". I think it's pretty cool...as long as KZ2 vets aren't forced into a playstyle that they dont want (and it doesnt seem like that's the case). It'll be a fresh/different challenge to go up against people with new playstyles. Just my opinion.


I'm disappointed at the complete lack of recoil. The quick aiming reminds me a lot of Call Of Duty. It seems to 'snap on' the targets.


subversus said:
as was hip-firing on KZ2
Not as much. It was a lot more subtle. When you seem to ADS, there is a pretty noticeable snap on. At least when you were hip firing you still had to do 95% of the work yourself.


bish gets all the credit :)
Friendly Fire.

They need to do it like Uncharted 2. FF on for any explosive, FF off for guns. Eliminated the clusterfucks and raging against teammates.


thought i'd chime in to help those who are worrying.

the jetpack needs a few seconds before being able to boost upwards, and only has 2 boost forwards before having to wait again. the machine gun on it has a good amount of recoil, and takes longer to kill with than most weapons (except maybe pistols).

the exo looks powerful but can be taken down by 2 VC9 missiles, or a whole shotgun round at close range. it does have infinite ammo, but again there is a few second reload wait between being able to fire missiles. having a whole team firing at you can take you down pretty quickly. and you can also be killed through the glass front, i got a headshot on a guy with a revolver. you only get 2 exo's on each team (4 in whole map), and they only respawn again after one is destroyed. sometimes it takes even longer. you'll never have 4+ exos at any one time.

the only problem i had with the exo was if 2 enemy exo's made it to your spawn on coronith highway, stood outside the building and fired missiles into your spawn. the bots cant see them. they can just destroy your own team's exos that spawn right in front of them. this might only be a problem now as most people dont have better weapons unlocked like the VC9, but i guess when everyone catches up they should be able to take these things down easily.

the recoil on guns is kinda absent, apart from the jetpacks machine gun. it is there of course but its really manageable, it really is like call of duty. the only 2 guns i felt i had recoil with was the jetpack gun, and the sniper after each shot, everything else was kinda easy to use.

most of my videos i have perks earned such as extra bullet damage, faster reload, faster aim down sights so stuff may seem quicker, but even without em it is a tiny biy quicker to kill people, especially with bodyshots. not omg its call of duty, but its like a midway between kz2 and call of duty.

the controller lag has been fixed and everything feels smooth, it still has that killzone heavy feel to it, but overall it feels much more responsive.

i actually prefer everything they've done, might be because i like call of duty i don't know. but doing this is the logical step to take to appeal to a larger audience like call of duty does.
at its roots its all killzone, but with a transparent layer of call of duty added.


bish gets all the credit :)

good show GG. Taking what was unique from your game and eliminating it.

I will bitch more after I've actually played it.
Can't wait to get into the Beta forums and post my views.

Things I'll be definitely commenting on:

  • Please reduce the speed of the iron sights
  • Add more recoil.
  • Have server lists as an entry route to ranked games.
  • Sort out the Higg's commander's voice.

More will come to be when I play the Beta.


alr1ghtstart said:

good show GG. Taking what was unique from your game and eliminating it.

I will bitch more after I've actually played it.
ya. all impressions sound like they've simply catered this game to the call of duty fans.

i'm planning to get black ops for what it is, and was hoping to get killzone 3 for being it's own game too. now if it's going to be an exact clone of call of duty, what is the point in me buying kz3? i'm a HUGE fan of KZ2 - it's the best FPS i've played on any console. but all these impressions sound crap to me. at least they removed the controller lag, but, autoaim? no recoil? perks? heh.


The shooting mechanics have clearly changed. GG needs to decide if this is going to be a scope game or a hip-firing game. They can't have it both ways. I watched inVidious' footage of M82 and there was virtually no bullet spread at all when firing from the hip. The cursor didn't fluctuate at all, even when spraying. It is like insta headshots all day. I am actually glad to see that iron sight aiming is more precise (it was only useful in the original at very long distances), but they seem to be confused about its place in this game. I think these videos prove - without question - that they have taken a page from the COD school of MP, but even COD doesn't reward you for shooting from the hip.

I went back to playing Bad Company 2 this weekend and the multiplayer in that game is just a masterpiece. The aural theater of war is second to none. KZ needs more battlefield chatter and context-specific dialog from the soldiers on the field. How awesome would it be to hear the Higs talking to their brothers in arms on the battlefield? The game needs more of its own unique identity in that way IMO.

edit: wow didnt realize he had increased accuracy and fast aim perks enabled ...... my bad.


Man said:
FF should always be on, 100% damage to F.
Automatic clean up of matches right there and more involving.
Any bitching on the beta forums regarding this? This is probably the #1 reason for the messy clusterfucks, especially in S&D mode. It makes the whole game less tactical. *misses FF-on KZ2 beta*
GG needs to put back the recoil.

Not sure how I feel about this perk business. The faster aim and faster reload look ridiculous. Killzone is supposed to be SLOW.


Maybe the new controls are for the best, I dunno it seems like that Killzone feel is still there in the controls from the videos I've wathced. Wish I could try them out for myself.

One thing's for sure though, people need to STFU about what GG should do or not do to the controls, either way. That ruined KZ2 for me, the constant change. Just let them do their shit.


Galvanise_ said:
Can't wait to get into the Beta forums and post my views.

Things I'll be definitely commenting on:

  • Please reduce the speed of the iron sights
  • Add more recoil.
  • Have server lists as an entry route to ranked games.
  • Sort out the Higg's commander's voice.

More will come to be when I play the Beta.

Pretty sure the Announcer voices for ISA/HGH are placeholder .. would be very surprised if they weren't.

Other than that - your top 2 points are all I'm going to be interested about. Server lists is close behind though.


Even if it's slightly more CoD'ish, it's still seeming like a much better product than any current CoD offering. Just go watch a BO video or play MW2 after watching these KZ3 beta videos and the difference is massive. Visuals, sound, polish, gunplay, animation... Killzone is leagues ahead.

If they can improve accessibility and the control issues it's only for the best because I personally found KZ2 to be ridiculously hard to get into. I would like a bit more recoil though, I don't think recoil holds back any shooter
X-Frame said:
Pretty sure the Announcer voices for ISA/HGH are placeholder .. would be very surprised if they weren't.

Other than that - your top 2 points are all I'm going to be interested about. Server lists is close behind though.

I think they are placeholder too, but what I am worried about is if they just needed placeholders, why not just use the same ones from KZ2? AFAIK, the announcers are still saying the same exact lines as in KZ2.


-viper- said:
Not as much. It was a lot more subtle. When you seem to ADS, there is a pretty noticeable snap on. At least when you were hip firing you still had to do 95% of the work yourself.
The auto-aim for hip firing in KZ2 was anything BUT subtle.


Yoboman said:
Even if it's slightly more CoD'ish, it's still seeming like a much better product than any current CoD offering. Just go watch a BO video or play MW2 after watching these KZ3 beta videos and the difference is massive. Visuals, sound, polish, gunplay, animation... Killzone is leagues ahead.

If they can improve accessibility and the control issues it's only for the best because I personally found KZ2 to be ridiculously hard to get into. I would like a bit more recoil though, I don't think recoil holds back any shooter

I agree completely. One thing I also wanted to mention was the one-hit kill melees. They are retarded IMO. One rifle butt to the head = kill? Seems a little overpowered. People are just going to be sprinting and swiping w/ the melee all day. Noobish.

Also even though the aiming is snappier, the heavy turn speed is still there...... its kind of disorienting, particularly in tight quarters. I still run into walls in KZ2 because of it .. must be something w/ the limited field of view and the heavy turn speed ....
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