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Killzone 3 Beta Details (Starts 10/25, requires PS+, only 10k spots open)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
First Halo got Dutied with the Cr system that levels you up just for killing people (or in a lot cases, parking in a playlist and not even playing :( ) and now this. Is every shooter doomed to turn into people camping for the sake of their K/D ratio? The fucking bots do a better job paying attention to objectives. :lol

What I loved about KZ2 was the focus on winning matches and playing objectives. So far this is "camp near the ammo stash." It's a beta so I'll wait to see what the word is on the final product but my hype level has plummeted.


Wait spot and mark has been like this the entire beta?


Someone please tell me spot and mark is not going to be like this in the final game.

Early beta impressions:



TacticalFox88 said:
Sony would be wise to delay this game. Otherwise, they may have an utter disaster on their hands.

I am really curious to know how old this build is and how many balancing tweaks have been made. Otherwise, yes, I agree. Total disaster. This is definitely a case where the GAF criticism was totally warranted. If its any consolation, I like the frozen dam map and the controls are not as jarring as people made them out to be. Hip-fire is still very useful. I rarely ever use iron sights and I'm perfectly able to get kills.

I think that a lot of the early beta user videos were a little misleading in that everyone was using ADS, which is NOT necessary in order to get kills. In fact, ADS feels like a bit of an afterthought to me. You are able to snap to ADS with far too much speed and precision. It has no finesse at all. It feels "slidey" and actually much worse than Call of Duty. I am quite surprised that the guns in BLOPS actually have more feedback than these. There are also a lot more weapons worth using in that game.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
JB1981 said:
I am really curious to know how old this build is and how many balancing tweaks have been made. Otherwise, yes, I agree. Total disaster. This is definitely a case where the GAF criticism was totally warranted. If its any consolation, I like the frozen dam map and the controls are not as jarring as people made them out to be. Hip-fire is still very useful. I rarely ever use iron sights and I'm perfectly able to get kills.

Were people actually playing Warzone the way they did in KZ2 when the beta started? As of right now, fixing balance issues or how effective certain weapons are isn't even the main issue to me. Stuff like that can and does get addressed, even after the game is out. What is killing me is how the multiplayer is drifting into "just shoot people" territory.


Just played a match on the map w/ mechs. Thanks, but no thanks. Just as I feared. It was a clusterf*ck of death. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. The guy on the other team was going 41 and 1 or something like that.

And the framerate was utter crap to boot.

So it looks like Frozen Dam w/ 6 v 6 is my ideal KZ3 MP experience.


:lol Honestly, all this game did was make me appreciate KZ2 more. My main gripe with KZ2 is the fucking rocket-fest spawn camping.

I played a little more of KZ3 last night and my newest gripe is the stupid screen blood splatter when you get shot. You are effectively dead because you cannot see shit, blood takes up the whole screen and it goes black and white. I like Frozen Dam (though its too big), hate Corinth Highway and haven't played enough of the EMP map to have an opinion on it but the KZ2 maps are better than these ones.

The only actual improvements I see from KZ2 are the controls, jetpacks, and the sniper rifle having more than 1 bullet.

Those thinking this game will fail, it won't. It's going to sell at least 2million based on gfx and reviews alone.


erotic butter maelstrom
2real4tv said:
I like the new look but want the 32p matches back....yes I like the chaos

I never ever, ever want to see that after playing 32p matches at Blood Gracht...clusterfuck doesn't even begin to describe it. That was KZ2 at it's worst. I loved smaller matches with just a couple tight squads on each team, that's when the game shined.

Anyways, just got my beta last night. The negativity in this thread is a major bummer, KZ2 was THE MP game for me this gen and I have high hopes for this one. Here's hoping I like it more than most of you dudes!
Sniper is kinda the most useless class. You start with the probably most shitty weapon in the game (well, it's shitty because LMG users can snipe YOU and it takes quite a few body shots to take someone down) and compared to the disguise of the saboteur the cloak is useless.

oh and I started into a 5 vs 0 Warzone match today. Another player joined the match later... and then it was 6 vs. 0 :lol

another random thing: at the start of a TDM a single enemy player spawned in the middle of our whole team, he was probably not happy about that :lol


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
This game needs tacticians with brains.

Other than that it's much much better than KZ2.

I need one point more and then I don't need other tacticians at all.

3 hours passed just like that.


erotic butter maelstrom
What exactly did they do to Tactician this time? That was my go-to class in KZ2, unlike 99% of players I was awesome at laying spawns. I even had them pointing in the right direction!

Can any classes start with the M82? I've heard Tact's don't start with them, which is unforgivable. I need my M82... :(

I really hope this turns out good. It's really the only MP game I plan on playing in the near future, and it has a lot to live up to.


H_Prestige said:
Wow, KZ2 is so refreshing after playing this crap. It's like, everything people want from KZ3 is already in KZ2.
bro i am totally in agreement. i was kind of excited to come back home and play KZ2 again since the KZ3b was so bad. i really wish GG would have just stuck with the mechanics already in place. the gunplay was so good in 2, and unlike any other shooter. i fell in love with the way the game was played. online winning a firefight was almost always decided completely by skill; your ability to out-aim, out-strafe, and ultimately outsmart your opponent, and this was what i loved. sans the oft-mentioned lag issues, i was almost never saying 'wtf?!, how did he kill me?' like i find myself thinking so often without online shooters. after mastering a weapon's idiosyncrasies (needing to crouch shot with the sta-14, firing in bursts with the m82, the amount to lead shots with sniper/revolver, etc) you could always defeat someone of a lesser skill. there was no bullshit. if you were better, you'd win, and that's what i loved. games like call of duty, halo, etc depend too much on these extraneous forces to kill people, which is stupid. i play the game to play the game, and if i'm killing people without doing anything i might as well not be doing it. i can't even say how much i love killzone 2. i hope the community never dies, because i could literally play this forever.

anyone wanting to play, hit me up: turn-


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
-viper- said:
It's funny how KZ3 is trying to emulate Call Of Duty so much, yet, Black Ops shits all over this game. KZ3 even has less health than the aforementioned. And BO has more recoil than KZ3.

so much bullshit in this post that it drips from my monitor.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
2real4tv said:
I like the new look but want the 32p matches back....yes I like the chaos

That's the only way GG could easily and quickly hide all the mess KZ3 currently is. Some paint of good old clusterfuck all over it.


subversus said:
so much bullshit in this post that it drips from my monitor.

load KZ3 beta and fire whatever weapon using ADS, notice the (lack of) recoil, then come back to this thread and apologize to Viper.
Lince said:
load KZ3 beta and fire whatever weapon using ADS, notice the (lack of) recoil, then come back to this thread and apologize to Viper.

It really was shocking when I first shot with the SMG and realized I could just hold down R1. I was used to timing the bursts. Even the ISA rifle doesn't feel much different than the SMG now, whereas in KZ2 they were completely different.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Snuggler said:
What exactly did they do to Tactician this time? That was my go-to class in KZ2, unlike 99% of players I was awesome at laying spawns. I even had them pointing in the right direction!

Can any classes start with the M82? I've heard Tact's don't start with them, which is unforgivable. I need my M82... :(

I really hope this turns out good. It's really the only MP game I plan on playing in the near future, and it has a lot to live up to.

Only the Medic can use the M82. But you have to unlock it first. One of the many amazing decisions that make KZ3 what it is.


seriously. what was the idea behind making the fucking smg the default?
i thought GG was a competent developer when KZ2 came out. now...


TTP said:
Only the Medic can use the M82. But you have to unlock it first. One of the many amazing decisions that make KZ3 what it is.

but only after unlocking the shotgun, even if you don't want to waste the points on the damn shotgun you are forced to unlock it before the M82... seriously this beta is the worst mp fps I've ever played. KZ2 wipes the floor with this shit.


erotic butter maelstrom
TTP said:
Only the Medic can use the M82. But you have to unlock it first. One of the many amazing decisions that make KZ3 what it is.

Damn. Is it a permanent unlock or do you just unlock it for your current match? I can deal with grinding a little XP to unlock it, but unless they added some sweet new weapons that can match the versatility of the M82, I'll be disappointed.

I like playing as Medic but I don't know how I'll feel about having a bot follow me everywhere I go.

oh well, I guess I'll be able to form my own opinion if and when I get a chance to play this


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Lince said:
load KZ3 beta and fire whatever weapon using ADS, notice the (lack of) recoil, then come back to this thread and apologize to Viper.

I've just played it for 3 hours. There's a lot of recoil compared to BLOPS. People don't die too quick. Mechs are wonderful. No more grenade launcher clusterucks and spawnpoint whoring. Sniper is very useful.

I know you guys hardcore and all but all drawbacks just need a different type of playing.

-don't like that you're killed constantly on the spawnpoint? DON'T SPAWN THERE/CAPTURE ANOTHER ONE

-can't hit shit from the hip? USE ADS


-you can't see snipers? UNLOCK SPOT AND MARK OPTIONS

-you're killed too fast? UNLOCK HEALING BOT.

-you suck/your team suck? TEAM UP WITH YOUR FRIEND.


bish gets all the credit :)
subversus said:
I've just played it for 3 hours. There's a lot of recoil compared to BLOPS. People don't die too quick. Mechs are wonderful. No more grenade launcher clusterucks and spawnpoint whoring. Sniper is very useful.

I guess it is Opposite Day.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Massa said:
So what really ruins this game is the new spawn system. Ruins it.
It's because people don't know what to do with them and how they are important. Two good tacticians can turn the tide of the battle pretty easily.


subversus said:
I've just played it for 3 hours. There's a lot of recoil compared to BLOPS. People don't die too quick. Mechs are wonderful. No more grenade launcher clusterucks and spawnpoint whoring. Sniper is very useful.

I know you guys hardcore and all but all drawbacks just need a different type of playing.

-don't like that you're killed constantly on the spawnpoint? DON'T SPAWN THERE/CAPTURE ANOTHER ONE - there's no way to spawn outside the base if the other team controls both tactical spawns, no more spawn nades remember?

-can't hit shit from the hip? USE ADS - yeah like every other fps in the market, no skill involved anymore, check Facism's post about this

-Mechs kill you? HIDE FROM THEM/UNLOCK ROCKET LAUNCHER/USE YOUR OWN MECH - mechs have infinite ammo and rockets, they heal themselves and a team can take control of every mech including the ones spawning in your base

-you can't see snipers? UNLOCK SPOT AND MARK OPTIONS - snipers have an skill to remain invisible even from S&M... seriously are we playing the same game?

-you're killed too fast? UNLOCK HEALING BOT. - it doesn't work

-you suck/your team suck? TEAM UP WITH YOUR FRIEND. - it doesn't work half of the time either lol, also you can't respawn on the SL

there you go, fixed for you. Really, the beta is such a messy mess there's almost nothing remotely positive about it, maybe the new controls and the GFX but the atrocious framerate & lag kill both of them so...


Alright, Sony. You win. After missing several oppurtunities, I guess all that's left is to be a Plus subscriber again. Just hand over the beta and my Plus symbol.

The beta better not end tomorrow. :lol
:lol I forgot about the silly "squad" system. What exactly is the difference between a "squad" member and a regular teammate if you can't spawn next to either of them? Is it just to have someone to talk to?


H_Prestige said:
:lol I forgot about the silly "squad" system. What exactly is the difference between a "squad" member and a regular teammate if you can't spawn next to either of them? Is it just to have someone to talk to?

well if one of your squad mates is a Tactician using the S&M skill you get free wall hack too, awesome isn't it ?? ...


I believe SCEE sent Guerrilla the funds for Move & 3D and forgot about multiplayer, KZ3 mp should have never happened.

I would have payed full price for an update to KZ2 mp including new maps from the designer of Salamun Market, dedicated servers / improving netcode, matchmaking with custom filters (no rockets/boost, small games) and other minor tweaks.


bish gets all the credit :)
subversus said:
It's because people don't know what to do with them and how they are important. Two good tacticians can turn the tide of the battle pretty easily.

Well whomever caps the 2 spawn points first pretty much always controls them.


erotic butter maelstrom
Majine said:
Alright, Sony. You win. After missing several oppurtunities, I guess all that's left is to be a Plus subscriber again. Just hand over the beta and my Plus symbol.

The beta better not end tomorrow. :lol

Wait, hasn't that ship already sailed? Maybe it's different outside of the US, but here you could only get in on the 25th before all the spots ran out.

us newcomers only got in because of the glitch @ the Indian PSN store .
Snuggler said:
Wait, hasn't that ship already sailed? Maybe it's different outside of the US, but here you could only get in on the 25th before all the spots ran out.

us newcomers only got in because of the glitch @ the Indian PSN store .

The beta's availlable for all EU PS+ subscribers now.


Lince said:
I would have payed full price for an update to KZ2 mp including new maps from the designer of Salamun Market, dedicated servers / improving netcode, matchmaking with custom filters (no rockets/boost, small games) and other minor tweaks.
i've said this numerous times


alr1ghtstart said:
Well whomever caps the 2 spawn points first pretty much always controls them.

That's exactly what happens. People capture a spawn point and camp there instead of doing the objectives.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
-don't like that you're killed constantly on the spawnpoint? DON'T SPAWN THERE/CAPTURE ANOTHER ONE - there's no way to spawn outside the base if the other team controls both tactical spawns, no more spawn nades remember?

-can't hit shit from the hip? USE ADS - yeah like every other fps in the market, no skill involved anymore, check Facism's post about this

-Mechs kill you? HIDE FROM THEM/UNLOCK ROCKET LAUNCHER/USE YOUR OWN MECH - mechs have infinite ammo and rockets, they heal themselves and a team can take control of every mech including the ones spawning in your base

-you can't see snipers? UNLOCK SPOT AND MARK OPTIONS - snipers have an skill to remain invisible even from S&M... seriously are we playing the same game?

-you're killed too fast? UNLOCK HEALING BOT. - it doesn't work

-you suck/your team suck? TEAM UP WITH YOUR FRIEND. - it doesn't work half of the time either lol, also you can't respawn on the SL

Sorry, but that's not true.

-yes, you need to fight for spawn positions. It actually requires tactic and teamplay now, because doing it alone isn't very effective. But if you invest in tactician points you can do it VERY FAST and therefore alone. If you don't want to invest in it team up with your friend so he can cover you. Shotgun is very good for spawn rape, also advanced engineer with an upgraded turret will do. You also need TO DEFEND spawn points by placing C4 and turrets. I've captured a lot of spawn points today.

-yes, I know that every other FPS use ADS. And I like that.

-healing bot doesn't work? you're doing it WRONG. Because my friend today got revived by it 3 times in a row. He was a fucking immortal because the other team was stupid. He planted all explosives alone, while we were distracting them. When they realized what's happening it was too late. But it saved him numerous times in other matches with less braindead opponents.

- the other team can control your mech? Well, use it then and don't leave it at your base. Also you can steal their mech for fun. And killing mech is quite easy if you have a rocket launcher and another mech/a person with a rocket launcher going after him. Again this is a team game. If your team don't use mechs and rocket launchers then change the server. It's not fun to play with dumb people.

-squad system doesn't work? IDK, check your connection, it worked perfect for us. and as you've already said you can wallhack enemies and it saved our asses quite a few times today.

I agree about snipers though. I haven't unlocked all mark and spot features but if it is like you describe it, then it needs to be fixed.

The game is fantastic.

-The enemy team was close to deliver a propaganda speaker, 4(!) people were escorting the carrier and then my friend on the mech stepped in and whiped the floor with them. All five dead. I pick up the propaganda speaker and delver it while he guards me.

-We had to plant bombs at the enemy base on the Corynth highway, But all spawn points were captured and all our attempts were blocked because you'd to run too far. Then I captured the spawn in the middle alone. I've destroyed two engineers, one medic, one turret and C4 planted in the doorway. It was very hard as my tactician wasn't upgraded. Then we had a spawn point near their base and everybody started using it. And we planted the shit. I turned the tide of the battle and felt boss.

That's the team work. And I like it.


well yeah, I thought you were referring to the Medics' ability to heal other players faster by standing close to them (while they're alive), self-revive on the other hand does indeed work.

and I'm glad you're enjoying the game, I still think it's quite broken and a huge step down from KZ2, different opinions I guess? peace


subversus said:
Sorry, but that's not true.

-yes, you need to fight for spawn positions. It actually requires tactic and teamplay now, because doing it alone isn't very effective. But if you invest in tactician points you can do it VERY FAST and therefore alone. If you don't want to invest in it team up with your friend so he can cover you. Shotgun is very good for spawn rape, also advanced engineer with an upgraded turret will do. You also need TO DEFEND spawn points by placing C4 and turrets. I've captured a lot of spawn points today.

After you kill the people protecting a spawn point they'll respawn in the exact same spot 5 seconds later, it becomes impossible to capture it.

The difficulty in taking over a well protected spawn coupled with the size of the maps means people will put too much emphasis in protecting them instead of actually doing the objectives. It absolutely ruins Warzone.


Anyone else feel like GG keeping the beta going at this point is just hurting the game's image more and more?

If they're not going to patch/update the beta code any longer than why bother with the beta? Is it strictly testing the matchmaking, lag, frame-rate, etc?


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Lince said:
well yeah, I thought you were referring to the Medics' ability to heal other players faster by standing close to them (while they're alive), self-revive on the other hand does indeed work.

and I'm glad you're enjoying the game, I still think it's quite broken and a huge step down from KZ2, different opinions I guess? peace

Well, yeah some people like it, some people hate it, that's always like that. I just wanted to explain my point of view.


Been playing this all evening and man i never thought i'd say this but it's too fast.way to fast

Even faster than CoD which is at that that nice point where you still feel in control here though
i don't know. No wonder people are camping it's easier to kill that way.

I loved KZ2 MP the pace was just right, Though saying that this is a beta though so i hope GG sorts it out before release.
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