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King of the Hill appreciation thread

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Hylian7 said:
Alright, this thread got me thinking. I may seriously work on a King of the Hill themed Left 4 Dead 2 campaign. For it to be effective and actually give you that feeling of KotH, I think it would need one major thing: voiced characters.

Obviously getting the original VA's probably would never happen. However I've been told I can imitate some of the characters' voices pretty well. Obviously I would have to find other people who can do the other characters.

For survivors I was thinking this:

Luanne/Boomhauer: I originally thought Boomhauer should go here. However, given how important it is that you understand the what the characters are saying in this game, it would present a problem. 90% of the time, you may not be able to understand Boomhauer. Luanne would fit well because she would actually bring more comedy to the cast, and players would be able to understand what she is saying. I can understand why people would want Boomhauer though, so if I end up making this thing, I'll probably do two versions of it: One with Boomhauer, and the other with Luanne.

Here's just a few lines I thought of for the characters:

"Bwuuuuuuhhhhhhhh! Taaaaaaank! Not of propane tank either!"

"Shh shh you hear that man I think thats some girl I slept with man no wait that's a dang 'ol witch. Turn them damn flashlights off man, shh shh."

"Lenore? No wait, that's another witch. Do you think she was single before she became a zombie, Hank?" Hank: "Shut up Bill, and turn your god dang flashlight off."

Who knows if I'll actually end up making this. It was just a little idea that's been sitting on my head. I'd seen it suggested on the internet multiple times, yet no one has bothered to make one.

There's a reason people in the mod community use the phrase "getting foxed."


Watched "Suite Smell of Excess" today. this episode is great! They get to the football game and realize that Dale bought fake tickets from Octavio. Hank is so determined to have Bobby see a football game so he buys tickets from a scalper. Hilarity ensues




Return to La Grunta is great episode too.




HANK: Luanne, you and I have a secret which we must take to our graves.


LUANNE: Are you threatening to kill me, uncle Hank?


HANK: (long pause) Of course not.


Lionel Mandrake said:
KotH had enough great side characters to give The Simpsons a run for its money.

John Redcorn
Buck Strickland
Joe Jack
Jimmy Whichard
Monsignor Martinez
Chuck Mangione
MF Thatherton
Lane Pratley
Coach Kleehammer

Principle Carl Moss is fantastic.

PRINCIPAL MOSS: We don't have money for all these fancy teaching aids, like wood.
HANK: You know, the Carl Moss I knew wouldn't --
PRINCIPAL MOSS: Give it a rest, Hank. All parents care about these days is zero-tolerance drug policies and literacy. "Why can't Johnny read? Why can't Johnny read?" God, that gets old.
HANK: But Carl, shop is the foundation of all learning. And I tell you what, a youngster with a tool in both hands has no hands left to do drugs.
PRINCIPAL MOSS: They can put the tools down if they want to do the drugs bad enough.

PRINCIPAL MOSS: According to the school board's zero-tolerance policy, anything that can be used as a weapon is a weapon.
HANK: Well, that's just asinine!
PRINCIPAL MOSS: Hey, my hands are tied. If I showed even a little bit of tolerance, we couldn't call it zero-tolerance.


Fun with Jane and Jane. Silly episode but so good.


Peggy: It's you and me tonight Bobby.

You wanna hit the air hockey table, You got what it takes ?

I can't tonight.


Joseph and I are having guys night out.

The last time you came it was kinda weird.


Hank: I want to thank you guys for giving up time with your family and loved ones to help me kill these emu.


Dale: No problem. As a professional exterminator, I'm a killer for hire. And even though I'm a killer for hire I'm doing this pro bono.

That means I get the bones. I know a Chinese guy who uses them to get erections.


Hank: Its eating out of my hand.
Bill: (giggles) It tickles. Hank, I can't kill something that's tickled me.


DALE: Cowards! Move away from the emu.




...I can't do it!

Yes, I can.

No, I can't. It's too damn majestic!

Wait, I found the strength.

Oh, who am I kidding?!

Hey, is that one laughing at me?

No, he's still being majestic.

Or is he?


CiSTM said:
Return to La Grunta is great episode too.


HANK: Luanne, you and I have a secret which we must take to our graves.


LUANNE: Are you threatening to kill me, uncle Hank?


HANK: (long pause) Of course not.

I never really liked Luanne, but this is a perfect example of how characters in this show could be funny regardless if you liked them or not.


RadioHeadAche said:
One of the best parts of that Emu episode is the end credits.

I think I laughed a good 10 minutes at that.

Also, much thanks to the replies to my question earlier. I watched a few more season 7 episodes and they're pretty good. "Dances with Dogs" in particular was rather amusing. I didn't really like the first three episodes of the season, and apparently the original creators/writers became less involved with the show from season 7 on, so I feared it was the sign of a continuous decline in quality. Seems that my fears were unfounded.


To Kill a Ladybird - Not one of my favorites but it has it's moments.

HANK: A dog's the only animal that makes sense. And I suppose a cat might work, you know, if you're a little girl or an old lady who's sick.


Dale: Survival diary update. I have been drinking dewdrops found on the forest leaves, and I have been eating mushrooms and moss.....


Mostly mushrooms. My rabies has taken a turn for the worse.

I am starting to hallucinate. When I close my eyes, I can see strange characters running around chasing colorful geometric shapes in a dark and infinite limbo. I have stopped closing my eyes....

I fear I am going mad!

(Dale's stick house collapses)


Survival reminder: need hammer and nails.


Also batteries for tape recorder.

(Dale throws his tape recorder away)

Also need new tape recorder.


DALE: I'm going to drain all the blood from your body. Then I'm going to replace my blood with your non-rabid blood, which will both cure me and give me all your knowledge of propane and propane accessories.


CiSTM said:
I am starting to hallucinate. When I close my eyes, I can see strange characters running around chasing colorful geometric shapes in a dark and infinite limbo. I have stopped closing my eyes....
Dale is hilarious in that episode.

Bobby: Don't look him in the eyes, it makes him start howling.


"SHI-SHAW! You thought you could just waltz up and kill me, well so did he!"



JOSEPH: I had the scariest dream!

DALE: Oh. How about I read you a story? Just like I used to before you got a mustache and became so frightening.


Kills Photobucket
maxxpower said:
Hank: "Mr. Big is pleased."

Favorite line from that ep is at the end.

Dale: "You know, you used to be on my list of trustables, and it was a very short list, I wasn't even on it,"


Bill: "I'm an Army barber because I couldn't do enough push-ups to be a Marine barber."

(I'm probably screwing up the quote, but Google is failing me on an exact quote and I don't remember which episode it was).

Also, the second episode from season 1, the sex ed episode, is awesome.

Peggy: "Happiness. Happ-i-ness. Ha-penis. Penis. I did it! Ovaries. Uvula. Uterus. (yelling) VAAAAAAAAGINA!"
Hank: *spit take*
Peggy: "Hey, Hank! I just said--"
Hank: "I heard you. The whole neighborhood can hear you cussin'!"

*phone rings, Hank answers*
Dale (disguised): "You don't know who I am, but I know where you live, and you better cut it out if you know what's good for you. (stops disguise) Oh, and Hank, we changed that tee-off time to 3:00."
Barrow Roll said:
People that don't find King of the Hill funny are mutants. Subscribed.

And Left 4 Dead with Hank, Dale, Boomhauer and Bill would be the best.

Playing as Boomhauer might be the funniest thing ever. Anytime anything happens, you would have to prepare for about 5-10 seconds of stuff like "holycrapmanithinkthatsabigoltankrightovertheremanwegottarunrunrun!".


kunonabi said:
I loved King of the Hill but I just couldn't stand Lucky and stopped watching the show.
If it's that big of a deal you can just skip the episodes with Lucky. He really isn't that big part of the show.
As much as I like King of the Hill, I really can't stand a lot of it past season five (though I find Lucky to be endearing). After a certain point, I find that it relies far too much on repeating the same gag over and over (this occurs to some extent in the earlier seasons, but not as badly). Bobby finds a girl he really connects with for one episode. Bill almost manages to turn his life around but not really. Basically, a lot of stuff that should have changed a character significantly, but doesn't. I mean, would it have hurt to have Laoma stay as a regular character? Does Bill have to constantly be a stupid, lazy, fat slob who gets involved in slapstick a lot? In earlier seasons, we see Bill as a dopey character, and only in relation to his divorce do we see him to be troubled. Nowadays, his plots are always about him being troubled.

I know that this is an appreciation thread, but I guess you could say I'm "appreciating" half of it :v But to counter-act my negativity, I'll post a favourite quote.

DALE (into a tape recorder): 10:15, Hank picks up Hal.
BILL: What?
(Dale rewinds the tape and plays it back.)
DALE (on the tape): 10:15, Hank picks up Hal.
BILL (on the tape): What?
DALE (yelling): I said, "10:15, Hank picks up Hal!"
I love the episode where Hank sends Bobby to Bible school.

Pastor K: "Mr. Hill, don't you believe Jesus is out here with us on this half-pipe?
Hank: "I'm sure he's a lot of places he doesn't want to be."

Hank: "Don't you understand you're not making Christianity better? You're just making rock and roll worse!"


Not as deep as he thinks
In the episode where Debbie gets murdered and is found in the dumpster...after Hank finds out he smoked marijuana and is trying to sneak past the cops in the murder scene, Peggy finds him and screams, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK!" so fucking loudly that he gets seen. The way Peggy screams his name gets to me every single time. :lol
"Won't You Pimai Neighbor" is on right now. I don't consider it to be among the best, but there have already been a couple of lines that have made me chuckle.

"Heh heh.... I wish they'd move."

"The Buddhists think Bobby is a holy man. Now that's just sad."

Edit: "Hank's Bad Hair Day" is next. That's a really good episode.
Okay, there is at least one episode where the character writing is glaringly not as good as in the rest of the show, and it's the episode where they take Bobby to a Texas football game, hoping to inspire a lasting love of the sport, and they end up sitting in an unused luxury box. After they discover that they are is in the luxury box of retired Nebraska quarterback Jake Middleton and with only a few seconds left on the clock, the Nebraska coach is hurt by a tackle on the sidelines; the frantic assistant coach calls Jake Middleton's luxury box to get advice on a play, the guys answer, and Hank (believed to be Middleton) is asked for a play. Up to this point, the episode is mostly fine, a decent if a bit predictable example of the episodes where Hank tries to cultivate in Bobby an admiration for something that he (Hank) loves.

When he gets the call, he ends up deciding to give the Nebraska coach a bad play under the presumed authority of Jake Middleton, which ends up turning out to be a fluke stroke of genius; Nebraska beats Texas, and Hank is horrified, both at having betrayed his sports team and at Bobby's first football game turning out to be a loss for their team, which he fears will disappoint the boy and destroy his budding love for the game and push him away from the sport forever. However, I take issue with Hank giving the play in the first place; he loves his son, of course, but his rigid conformity to absurdly high societal standards of decency and ethics is part of what makes his character quite funny, for it does inspire him to action when he finds those petty annoyances and minor abuses of power in his day-to-day life. While Hank does love his son, I don't think he would do something to dishonest and unethical, for had he succeeded, he would have cheated his team to victory, the idea of which I think would repulse him.

In my opinion, it makes the subsequent fluke win, as well as the careful exit amid fears of getting their asses kicked by angry Texas fans, feel quite contrived. With this one, though, I guess I can at least see some reality where Hank could perform such an unethical act, as love for our family can, in some instances, stretch the boundaries of our usual behavior. As they try to sneak away from the stadium, though, another man wearing the same sort of old-school jersey as Hank is identified as the party responsible for causing Texas to lose the game - a brief glimpse had been caught of the boys on the JumboTron - and the crowd beats the misidentified man up. I'm sorry, but I don't think there's any way that Hank allows another man to be brutally assaulted - they all actually wince at what's happening to the man being beaten up - just so he can get away unscathed; the normally-written Hank Hill simply would not behave so unethically just to get Bobby to like something, I don't think.

Are there other episodes where the characters go so far beyond their usual boundaries of ethical behavior? I can't think of many.

Edit: Sorry for rambling a bit, but I was quite bored when I wrote this and just watched the episode. I'm also very tired.
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