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Konami Sues Viacom Over `Rock Band' Music Video Game


MassiveAttack said:
And this is where life becomes very difficult for Viacom. Activision is going to enjoy this show immensely.

I doubt activision cares, and viacom will pay $$ and license the patents and that will be the end of it

john tv

Nice. Konami blows a huge opportunity thanks to a total lack of foresight and now they're suing Viacom over it? God bless America. :p


MassiveAttack said:
And this is where life becomes very difficult for Viacom. Activision is going to enjoy this show immensely.

It'll probably just be settled out of court with Viacom agreeing to pay for use of the patents, just like Activision apparently does. I doubt much will come of this.


Zeenbor said:
Pathetic. I just lost tons of respect for Konami.
So they shouldn't defend themself? And EVERYONE waits to sue, including Viacom the defendant. Not to mention that building a solid case takes time too.

truly101 said:
SO when you snooze, you lose, a lawsuit is the best solution? How douchey of Konami. Hope they lose.
God help us if any of you ever get into big business. If they do nothing then everyone will walk all over them.

I can't believe people are actually defending VIACOM, the one who wants all your personal information through their suit of YouTube that guess what, THEY WAITED UNTIL IT WAS POPULAR and purchased by GOOGLE of all companies to sue. Doesn't that sound exactly like this case, except with huge bill of rights violations? Frig people, frig.


rollin' in the gutter
Kunan said:
So they shouldn't defend themself? And EVERYONE waits to sue, including Viacom the defendant. Not to mention that building a solid case takes time too.

God help us if any of you ever get into big business. If they do nothing then everyone will walk all over them.

I can't believe people are actually defending VIACOM, the one who wants all your personal information through their suit of YouTube that guess what, THEY WAITED UNTIL IT WAS POPULAR and purchased by GOOGLE of all companies to sue. Doesn't that sound exactly like this case, except with huge bill of rights violations? Frig people, frig.

The suit is directed at Harmonix, which is owned by MTV Games, which is owned by Viacom. This has nothing to do with Youtube. Konami is struggling and trying to get anything they can from the success of Rock Band. I think it's hard to believe that Harmonix didn't create any patents when making Rock Band. If they didn't they obviously weren't looking far enough ahead to see Konami and others trying to get handouts from RB's success.


Kunan said:
So they shouldn't defend themself? And EVERYONE waits to sue, including Viacom the defendant. Not to mention that building a solid case takes time too.

Building a solid case? They waited until the franchise was popular and development on a huge sequel was practically done. They want a settlement.

Thats the tactic used in all these cases, right or wrong just don't call it anything but that.


biggkidd32 said:
Respect minus one for konami. I hate Viacom, but patent trolls are the worse.

How are they patent trolls if they've actually produced things with their patents?


robochimp said:
Building a solid case? They waited until the franchise was popular and development on a huge sequel was practically done. They want a settlement.

Thats the tactic used in all these cases, right or wrong just don't call it anything but that.
Well yea, I did mention that in the sentence right before that line. That was just a supplementary argument, not the main one.

Zoe said:
How are they patent trolls if they've actually produced things with their patents?
Yea I'm confused by people's reasonings here too.
sneaky77 said:
We cannot compete and we did not have the foresight to invest into the idea when we were first to market with it... therefore now we are gonna sue


Just eat crow Konami, other devs have you sure should.

Mr Jared

Kunan said:
Yea I'm confused by people's reasonings here too.

Because Konami, in all their infinite wisdom, completely squandered their patents and games based upon said patents for years. I've been playing rhythm games for 10 years now, particularly Konami's own.

I remember, ten years ago, eight years ago, six years ago and so on, practically begging Konami, along with hundreds, thousands of other players, for them to bring these games to the states. Here's their history.

"You want Guitar Freaks? Here's a machine with 10 songs, zero options and no reason to touch it. Oh, it failed? That means America hates music games."

"You want Dance Dance Revolution? Here's a machine with 11 songs to go alongside your machines with dozens. Oh, it failed? That means America hates music games."

[Years later, Konami finally makes DDR a hit in the home. America no longer hates music games. The Japanese no longer care.]

"You want Beatmania? Here's a dumbed down version with missing content and songs you don't want. Oh, it failed? That means America hates music games."

[Guitar Hero becomes a pop culture icon on a scale much larger than DDR.]

"Uhhhhh..... Hmmmmm ...."

[Years pass and the music genre is huge in the Western world.]

"Hey guys, we've heard this whole rhythm gaming thing is pretty big. Especially that guitar game. Don't we have something like that? We're not sure."


"Announcing, Rock Revolution!"


"What? Everyone hates it? You want to play funny images? Here is a funny image for you."


"Go fuck yourself."


jett said:
If Viacom/Harmonix didn't pay for the right to rip-off Konami then they deserve to get sued.

This. Some people in here needs to learn Business 101 before opening their piehole. Maybe if your invention/design is used by others without permission you'll understand this better.


rollin' in the gutter
Kohler's article shows that Harmonix has their own patents for Rock Band. No way Konami is winning this.
Replicant said:
This. Some people in here needs to learn Business 101 before opening their piehole. Maybe if your invention/design is used by others without permission you'll understand this better.
You mean patent law 101 not business 101. :p

Besides, why did Konami take so long to act? GH is not a new game and I'm sure there would be no lawsuit if the Harmonix games were not successful. Konami was stubborn and they don't deserve any compensation for that.
sakuragi said:
^ They were too busy making MGS4 the best game ever?
What does their legal department have to do with Kojima Productions? I'm sure their lawyers were hard at work creating those lifelike character models.
A few weeks they have their reps saying how Rock Band isn't up to Konami's level, the next minute they're in court filing complaints against the same peripherals they just finished dogging. Ironic, isn't it?
Hopefully this doesn't end up like the whole ITG saga where the vastly superior product/IP ends up being owned by Konami who proceeds to kill it dead so they can continue releasing inferior shit, rather than using the IP they just gained to further their business and keep players happy.


AstroLad said:
Funny thing is they would have never sued if Rock Band wasn't such a great game and a huge hit. So yeah, what does that tell you about their motivations here?

They sued Andamiro over Pump It Up.

Which was NEVER a huge hit.


daegan said:
They sued Andamiro over Pump It Up.

Which was NEVER a huge hit.

Yep. Konami will sue anyone that makes a 'clone' game, you can count on that. If you guys know your history, they sued everyone in the Japanese arcade industry when other companies released 'clones' when music games were popular. No company likes Konami now, and I can see why.

But, I can't blame Konami either. They've been burned in the past too.


Wow I just noticed how similar the world tour drums are to the beatmania ones, cymbols and all! Konami really missed the boat here.


What's funny is, Konami were working on Rock Revolution before Rock Band was in development, they took far too long. They should concentrate on the arcade games, they've missed any opportunity they had with the home market.
Kunan said:
I can't believe people are actually defending VIACOM, the one who wants all your personal information through their suit of YouTube that guess what, THEY WAITED UNTIL IT WAS POPULAR and purchased by GOOGLE of all companies to sue. Doesn't that sound exactly like this case, except with huge bill of rights violations? Frig people, frig.

Erm, they are actually happy to anonymise the data. All they want is for people to stop ripping off their stuff. Google is getting rich off stealing other people's content effectively.

As for this case, who knows who will win. Depends how strong the patent is.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Alpha_eX said:
What's funny is, Konami were working on Rock Revolution before Rock Band was in development, they took far too long. They should concentrate on the arcade games, they've missed any opportunity they had with the home market.

Aren't Zoe Mode developing that?
this is a tricky one. Rock Band is awesome but we know Konami started this stuff. they legitimately were first to market with this kind of idea and if their patents are good, whether or not they realised the idea to its full potential is kind of besides the point.

on the other hand it does look like Konami are just trying to get a slice of the pie.

Rock Revolution doesn't stand a chance even if it's the best thing ever. Guitar Hero and Rock Band already have us by the peripherals... and stuff like this is only going to piss those of us that might pick up the game off even more.

legally and morally i don't think Konami are doing anything wrong here...

but i do think they're doing something stupid and destroying any small chance their own game had at being a success.


Kunan said:
Wow I just noticed how similar the world tour drums are to the beatmania ones, cymbols and all! Konami really missed the boat here.

Someone posted a link that Activision paid Konami to use the patents.
plagiarize said:
this is a tricky one. Rock Band is awesome but we know Konami started this stuff. they legitimately were first to market with this kind of idea and if their patents are good, whether or not they realised the idea to its full potential is kind of besides the point.
Nope, if you don't step up there's bound to be other people to offer a better product, it's just how the market works. Konami screwed up.
Prime crotch said:
Nope, if you don't step up there's bound to be other people to offer a better product, it's just how the market works. Konami screwed up.
that's not the case. not legally speaking anyway. sure there are more consumer friendly ways to go, and i'll always celebrate them... but you can't just take someone elses patent and improve it a bit and call it your own.


plagiarize said:
that's not the case. not legally speaking anyway. sure there are more consumer friendly ways to go, and i'll always celebrate them... but you can't just take someone elses patent and improve it a bit and call it your own.

Listen to what this man says.
plagiarize said:
that's not the case. not legally speaking anyway. sure there are more consumer friendly ways to go, and i'll always celebrate them... but you can't just take someone elses patent and improve it a bit and call it your own.
Depends on the patent and the laws, not to mention this isn't the only case where a rival company makes a similar or better product and can come out free of any legal charges.
But Viacom will probably just pay up Konami since it's probably cheaper than going to court.
Prime crotch said:
Viacom will probably just pay up Konami since it's probably cheaper than going to court.

Viacom are very stubborn in regards to legal issues, but if the patent is clearly in favour of Konami a settlement out of court will be much cheaper.


I love threads where legal issues are discussed. The strong opinions crack me up; as if any of us have any idea whether or not patents were or were not infringed. Time will tell, people...


Hail to the KING baby
lawblob said:
I love threads where legal issues are discussed. The strong opinions crack me up; as if any of us have any idea whether or not patents were or were not infringed. Time will tell, people...

Patent threads are the best. Involving Nintendo--Fun x2.
I'm sure that Harmonix were assured by the publishers that such issues were taken care of. I'd be highly surprised if Harmonix themselves were knowingly infringing on anything.
Zoe said:
How are they patent trolls if they've actually produced things with their patents?
The idea of patenting "press the blue button when you see the blue symbol" is kind of.... retarded. And I hope it fails, miserably.
Sage00 said:
Didn't Harmonix just reuse Konami's internally developed engine they made for the Japanese Karaoke Revolution games?

I actually don't believe this is true. I haven't played the Japanese KR game, but I've heard that they have a completely different engine. They're more just like karaoke machines, with lyrics scrolling across the screen, but they don't actually measure the pitch of your voice.
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