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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 7

Sol Mori

Fox trying to be UoL of NA with that Camile support. Good job knocking down Fly before they become old IMT levels of ppl think they are unbeatable

eh, I don't think anyone really thought FlyQuest was going to be spring split 2016 IMT dominate. Even if Fox lost and FlyQuest went 4-0 I don't think anyone would honestly expect FQ to go 17-1. While they did do better than most people thought they would, their strength is still considered to be Hai's shotcalling because their laners aren't that strong. I think the real surprise with FlyQuest is that Moon is doing much better than anyone thought he would do. When they announced that they picked up Moon I honestly thought they wouldn't do well, because Moon wasn't that great on NRG and TL brought back toxic Dardoch because Moon wasn't doing well there either.

Now actual C9 might pull off a split like IMT spring 16 or TSM/IMT summer 16 since their competition seems to be not too hot right now. TSM is kinda lost without liftlift, CLG is CLG, and IMT lost 4/5ths of their roster and the current one just appears bad.

Hopefully teams will actually work on their mistakes and fix them and team synergy should improve as we get further into the split.
Keith underperforms but sometimes he is alright. Gate is the real issue on their roster.

Not any more than Keith is an issue, based on the last 4 series. It's either been Keith getting wrecked or the bot lane as a whole getting wrecked. Gate hasn't been the reason they've lost a game yet as far as I can remember.
Both Ekko Fox and Liquid have fairly crappy botlanes.

This is true. Echo Fox bot lane can hold their own though sometimes. TL botlane hasn't really done that well this split.

While I'm thinking about it, I'm glad that NA junglers at least are looking pretty good this season. NA bot lanes have looked super underwhelming, but homegrown NA JG talent has actually looked good. How well that translates to international success isn't obvious, but it at least gives hope.


Neo Member
That Kat pick seems really important against a team that pretty much only has a jhin w to lock her down. Exileh is probably going to go big in teamfights.
The thing that makes Kat hard to play against Splyce is they took double exhaust.

Xerxe's re-engage under the T2 mid turret was so confusing.

.................................... Hylissang just stole baron with glitter lance lmao.

Also, no that baron steal does not take it. The best baron steal still goes to the Dignitas support stealing a baron in S2 or S3 with a level 1 Janna tornado.
Always credit to teams not just letting themselves die slowly in base.


Viral Marketing for RE7 in the middle of P&B phase between FNC and MSF??? It looked like I was watching a VHS tape for a second.
I like to see Zed (and it makes sense after the Lethality buffs) but I wonder if he won't have major issues into double exhaust and Tahm Kench.

Oh wow I thought that PoE chase was so stupid, but he ended up getting the double kill. Guess I was wrong.

Amazing is not looking good this series.
Zed picked up by Vitality in G2 of VIT vs H2K. No tanks, but he is being run into double exhaust. Zed picks are usually fun to watch (playing against them is a different story), so I'm excited.

I really enjoy the Quickshot & Deficio chemistry when casting.

Deficio is absolutely right, buying QSS before any damage items is not good. Not that it's not understandable, but he's going to be soooo behind.

Update: Good lord H2K funneled into a tunnel of death holy shit.

Cabochard given camille. I don't think Cabochard is that bad of a laner or player, I wonder why H2K gave it up.


Nobody was around for EULCS today so I'll start talking about NALCS. What the fuck are they doing picking nami second round for adrian? Did they really think someone would ban it out?
I really don't understand why NA is not picking Ivern. Champ is crazy strong. Both NV and TL would be better served with Ivern than Rek'Sai or Olaf.


Riot needs to shake up things soon. Game is gravitating too much towards Poke + Maokai which is always the most boring state of pro lol
Not nearly as bad as how poke comps used to play out imo. But maybe I just don't remember those games well enough. Maybe when Riot reworks the tank itemization it'll make things better.
Yeah, nowadays poke leads into hard engage and flanks so its more exciting to see, before it was just "throw shit until it hits the ADC or midlaner, take tower or dragon, rinse and repeat"

That said, seeing "Maokai doesn't die!" plays is getting really fucking old.


So what's with the sudden popularity of Varus? Is it just to counter initiate Ashe?

Actually, why is Ashe popular all of a sudden?
Due to the rise of burst jugglers it is now smarter to play an arc who has some form of cc before they are deleted by a kha or rengar.

Varus, Jihn, and Ashe are the best picks right now.
Varus is also popular this patch because Lethality got buffed. The two most popular ADCs in competitive this patch so far are Jhin and Varus because they bring some amount of CC but also scale really well with Lethality.


I really dislike C9, but again I like rooting for outsiders.

EDIT: watching LCK and Afreemo Rox match, Spirit is such a shit jungler. There was a moment where the team was being dived under turret and he came from behind with a Rangar and started farming the minions. I was like WTF?
Well, he asked for the hot teams and the currently loss-less C9 definitely fits that category. Honestly I've more just been pleasantly surprised by the performance of P1 and Echo Fox this split. P1 is doing way better than anyone would guess and Echo Fox is not that garbage tier monstrosity they were last season. Also FlyQuest actually plays interesting drafts and fun aggression, so I can totally ignore their stupid name.


MSI in Brazil, and finals here in Rio, i never could go at a League event so i am super hyped for this.
And Worlds' finals are in the Bird's Nest, it should be crazy.
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