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Light Gun Games Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns coming to Wii

TunaLover said:
You mean VC Arcade? I don't think they have released so big sized games for VC Arcade yet. Heck, we should be lucky enough if they release more game for it in US.

uhm no, I meant Virtual Cop


Oh Fuck Me!

Model 2 Gunblade NY and Model 3 LA Machineguns.

Holy Fuck.

Now bring us Scud Race aka Sega Super GT and Daytona USA 2.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh nice ! LA Machineguns! I always would get my nips rubbed raw when I would play, damn gun was always getting to be...chest...height...

I dunno. Anyway, yeah! Maybe this is why SEGA stock went up a tiny bit. Print a little moneys.


Arcade versions:

GunBlade NY




LA Machineguns





butthurt Heat fan
brain_stew said:
So too was the recent Daytona USA remake. May mean SEGA have a decent Model2 emulator these days.
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty confident that the code for Sega Racing Classic was redone from scratch.
Kulock said:
Fuck, yes. Too bad they can't replicate the huge, rattling machinegun rig with booming bass that left you feeling the buzz minutes after you've walked away from the game. :D

Yeah, I used to love playing these games with that machinegun. Honestly, I could probably never play it again without it. It was just one of those games you needed to experience in the arcades.
I wonder as a last minute release for Wii at the end of its life cycle, they'll do a SEGA Light Gun compilation and put all of their Wii light gun ports on one disc? Surely they can all fit on one disc?

Well maybe Ghost Squad and HOD3 might take up too much space for that... unless they use a dual-layered disc.
I will buy a Wii for this.

I've dreamed of ports for these games since the Sega Saturn days. I haven't played either game in over a decade.

The ports have to be arcade perfect though. I'm not sure Wii can handle Model 3.2 and I'm not kidding.
Arpharmd B said:
Can the Wii do a Model 3.2 game though? Serious question.

I haven't played L.A. Machineguns in over a decade, but I do have Daytona USA 2 machines around here and that's the only Model 3 game I have to go on, I'd say the Wii would be hard pressed to do a perfect Daytona 2 port.

Yes. Jeez man. Go play Super Mario Galaxy and ask yourself that question again. Just because few developers do jack shit with the hardware, it doesn't mean the hardware can do jack shit.
Shame it's not coming out on the VC. Yeah I know the file size is probably too big, would've been a perfect fit :(

Ahh well, at least it's still coming (Now, how's about a Panzer Dragoon collection SEGA?)


This'll just be another generic lightgun game without the arcade experience of those GIANT machine guns.

I remember when I paid two bucks to dual weld both of them.

For those five brief minutes, I was fucking Rambo.
Segata Sanshiro said:

Yes. Jeez man. Go play Super Mario Galaxy and ask yourself that question again. Just because few developers do jack shit with the hardware, it doesn't mean the hardware can do jack shit.

Daytona USA 2 looks a lot more impressive to me than Mario Galaxy. It's probably throwing as much or more geometry, better detailed textures, and it's 60FPS.

Mr. Pointy said:
Model 3.2 was weaker than the Dreamcast.

Simply not true.

In some ways maybe, Naomi/DC had it's advantages, but the best Model 3 visuals are not being replicated on Dreamcast or PS2, no way. The PS2 could maybe match the fill rate, but it can't touch the texture detail. DC could get close to that detail, but it would cut polygons and draw distance. Neither machine is doing a perfect Model 3.2 port, nope.

The Xbox... maybe. I still have my doubts about that.

If the Wii port is up to snuff I will buy the console and game.


listen to the mad man
Arpharmd B said:
Daytona USA 2 looks a lot more impressive to me than Mario Galaxy. It's probably throwing as much or more geometry, better detailed textures, and it's 60FPS.

mario galaxy is also 60fps of course you would have to play the game to know that
Arpharmd B said:
Daytona USA 2 looks a lot more impressive to me than Mario Galaxy. It's probably throwing as much or more geometry, better detailed textures, and it's 60FPS.

I don't know what to tell you. On paper, the Wii easily surpasses any version of Model 3. In practice, I doubt you'd find many who would agree with your technical assessment of Daytona 2 vs Mario Galaxy.

The Dreamcast could chuck as much geometry as the original Model 3. The Wii can manage, I'm dead certain of it.


Oh man, I never thought these games would get console ports! :D

But like so many others, I long for a Virtua Cop pack on the Wii.

Virtua Cop 1 is still my favourite lightgun game, and it pains me that I can only play it on the bedroom tv, which is on it's last legs. :(
Stumpokapow said:
mario galaxy is also 60fps of course you would have to play the game to know that

I have and it's not.

Listen, I'm done arguing!

I'm making one point and it's true whether ya'll want to accept it or not: Daytona USA 2 looks better than any and every console game from last gen. Period.

I don't know what's in that Model 3.2 that on paper makes it weaker than a Dreamcast, but believe me there's a magical blast processor or something cause it's smoking all racers on Dreamcast. As is Scud Race, and that's Model 3.0.


Arpharmd B said:
The ports have to be arcade perfect though. I'm not sure Wii can handle Model 3.2 and I'm not kidding.
Model 3.21 used a 166MHz PowerPC603ev (Wii: 729MHz PPC750), had just 8MB RAM (Wii: 88MB), and used GPUs introduced 1996 that pushed 750,000 polygons per second (Wii: more than 12 million).
Arpharmd B said:
I have and it's not.

Listen, I'm done arguing!

I'm making one point and it's true whether ya'll want to accept it or not: Daytona USA 2 looks better than any and every console game from last gen. Period.

I don't know what's in that Model 3.2 that on paper makes it weaker than a Dreamcast, but believe me there's a magical blast processor or something cause it's smoking all racers on Dreamcast. As is Scud Race, and that's Model 3.0.
I didn't say it was weaker than a Dreamcast, I said the Dreamcast could throw as much geometry.

I did say the Wii easily surpasses it and it does. But since you're acting like a weiner now (MY OPINION IS TRUE WHETHER Y'ALL HATERS CAN HANDLE IT OR NO), I agree, there's not much point arguing. You're just flat-out denying facts now.

If you want an example of a Dreamcast racer keeping up with and outdoing Scud Race and Daytona 2, go compare some videos with Metropolis Street Racer.


I really hope these games still hold up. I have really fond memories of playing both games at arcades when I was a kid, but Gunblade NY is literally over 15 years old now. Most 3D games made in 1995 have aged really badly.

If they're actually remaking the graphics then that's awesome, but I feel like Sega would consider that too much work and just go with the "quickie port" route (see HotD 2/3).


wsippel said:
Model 3.21 used a 166MHz PowerPC603ev (Wii: 729MHz PPC750), had just 8MB RAM (Wii: 88MB), and used GPUs introduced 1996 that pushed 750,000 polygons per second (Wii: more than 12 million).
That makes it sound like Wii can run model 3.21 in emulation. Also, I wonder why he got banned. It was getting interesting in here.
Whoa! Really unexpected.

It won't be quite the same without the giant guns that vibrated to the point of pain but I'm super happy this is happening.
I like light-gun games like this, but just can't get into them on the Wii. The whole cursor shooting thing just doesn't feel the same and not as fun.


riceandbeans said:
I like light-gun games like this, but just can't get into them on the Wii. The whole cursor shooting thing just doesn't feel the same and not as fun.

Haven't played many Sega light gun game collections on the Wii, have you?
just watched some vids on youtube. sadly there are no direct feed LA machine guns videos but the memories...oh man....so awesome.
I wanted to buy a LA MG arcade cabinet a few years ago but boy that fucker is expensive :(

Nimyh said:
That makes it sound like Wii can run model 3.21 in emulation. Also, I wonder why he got banned. It was getting interesting in here.

horrible trolling?

seriously, it's like someone claims the SNES can't handle a NES game or worse a gameboy game


All I know, is that this had better reach the shelves at some point in the future. I don't want to be teased by rumors only for the games not to come out. This set just shot up past everything else coming out soon on my list for the Wii! LA Machine Guns is hella fun, bring it on!!!


Dachande said:
Hey, neat. The massive chunky force-feedback mounted CANNONS will be missed though.
You just need someone to shake your hands whilst you play. I'm sure we can arrange someone!

Seriously though, these are especially good choices for Wii ports because they're all about steering the cursor around, rather than shooting a pistol.
riceandbeans said:
I like light-gun games like this, but just can't get into them on the Wii. The whole cursor shooting thing just doesn't feel the same and not as fun.
Uh these two light-gun games actually featured "cursor shooting" in the arcades. :lol

I'm there day 1 for this compilation! :D

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
I might have to get a second Zapper for this....


Meh. It's just not the same without the giant machine guns. Besides, the game takes literally 10 minutes to finish.
I've always been a fan of putting money in both slots and going akimbo in lightgun arcade games. Gunblade and LA Machineguns are pretty crazy like this. XD


Arpharmd B said:
I have and it's not.

Listen, I'm done arguing!

I'm making one point and it's true whether ya'll want to accept it or not: Daytona USA 2 looks better than any and every console game from last gen. Period.

I don't know what's in that Model 3.2 that on paper makes it weaker than a Dreamcast, but believe me there's a magical blast processor or something cause it's smoking all racers on Dreamcast. As is Scud Race, and that's Model 3.0.

It's the twin Lockheed-Martin Real3D-Pro/1000 GPUs that make Model 3 Step 2.1 somewhat better than Dreamcast in some (not all) areas of graphics.

Real3D/100 chip and Real3D-Pro/1000 image generator.


It's true that Daytona USA 2 looks better than just about any console racer of the last generation. The amount of textures thrown around is more than what we saw from most console games. Even the Xbox version of the Daytona USA 2 bonus track in OutRun2 is a downgrade from the arcade in various ways.

The Wii is more than a match for Model 3 though. The graphics in Mario Galaxy prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. You know something, the ray-surfing in Loop-De-Loop Galaxy remind me of Model 3 visuals, only better.
acidspunk said:
Meh. It's just not the same without the giant machine guns. Besides, the game takes literally 10 minutes to finish.
The point of arcade games isn't really to credit feed to the end as fast as possible though
Nice! I just played LA Machineguns for the first time a few weeks ago and was thinking it would be cool if they ported it to Wii. :D


provides useful feedback
Heh, I remember these. Of course I had to look them up on Youtube first. The graphics haven't aged well at all but the games are still tons of fun. If this is really dirt cheap I might just snap them up.

It may just be dirty cash-in ports, but the number of classic arcade shooters coming to the Wii is rather endearing.


_dementia said:
The point of arcade games isn't really to credit feed to the end as fast as possible though

The point of the arcade is to enjoy a premium experience with highly specialized hardware, like force-feedback mounted cannons.


Originally Posted by riceandbeans:
I like light-gun games like this, but just can't get into them on the Wii. The whole cursor shooting thing just doesn't feel the same and not as fun.

I agree. I like to get into them by looking down the barrel of the gun while shooting. As the pointer is not 1:1 on the screen (especially on big screen TVs, where this would be the coolest) it feels like your just moving your hand to move a target, not shooting a gun.
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